Chapter 6

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Bradley gave me Lisa's number a few days ago and I haven't stopped texting her, I know Bradley is pissing himself laughing of how I can't put my phone down because I would be replying to her. "Yo Cole" Bradley calls for me as I've been swimming lengths in the pool as I look up and Bradley is standing at the shallow end "you know what today is?" He asks me as I lift myself up from the pool "dad's coming  home" I say lifting a brow "yeah and apparently he has some news" Bradley says not looking to impressed. hmm wonder what that could be "what time is he due to come back?" Wondering if I have time to shower and get dressed in time for our dads arrival. "You've got plenty of time apparently he has met someone and is quite serious about her" Bradley says this whilst pulling a face. "He hasn't been serious with anyone since mom died" I say looking confused "I know I'm just glad you are with me and we are a package deal" Bradley says slinging an arm around me ignoring my wet skin. "Hey my package deal is bigger than yours virgin boy" I smirk and Bradley rolls his eyes dropping his arm and walking back into the house "asshole" I hear him mutter and chuckle to myself.

I bend down and grab my phone wanting to text Lisa because well I went swimming this morning because I had morning wood and I didn't want to scare Helen with it and normally swimming cools me down but I kept thinking of naughty things and what Lisa would look like in a tiny bikini and that was it I was gone, hard on still in place. Fuck! I need to get in the shower before Dad gets in, so I wander through the empty the house and head upstairs to my room and shower wanting to stop the throbbing in my cock so I get a hold of the base and move my hand up and down thinking of Lisa, her long legs wearing nothing than just my football jersey and it stops midthigh and my fingers wandering up her bare legs to the top, lightly brushing her folds imagining she keeps the curls trimmed and neat just how I like it, I've been with girls who have had it all removed and it does not look good. feeling my climax coming closer to the top of my cock I let my mind carry on its fantasy. I pull her body closer to me one hand rolling and pinching her nipple and the other I suck into my mouth rolling my tongue around the bud and oh my god I come right then and I come hard, harder than I have ever done before. I am breathing hard with the water hitting my back, I run my hand through my hair and reach for the shampoo. "Cole Dad's here" Bradley shouts through my door as I finish my shower wrap a towel around my waist and open the door. 

I come down stairs in a pair of faded jeans and t-shirt, dad is sitting in the reception room with a woman next to him, her left hand on his knee "ah Cole nice for you to join us" My dad says I flick my eyes to Bradley and walk over to sit next to him "what handsome boys Michael my daughter is going to Berkeley at the end of the summer" My dad's girlfriend states "so your daughter is the same age as us and we are heading off to Berkeley too" Bradley says "I am sure my boys will keep an eye out for her what's her name?" My dad asks I thought with him being engaged to this woman he would know who his stepdaughter name is going to be. "Lisa" She replies both me and Bradley look at each other trying to puzzle all of this together. "The thing is she doesn't know about any of this, her father left when she was five and she has never seen me with a man I mean she looks after me, she cleans the house, she even cooked dinner and I left her yesterday after I got home from a business trip and when you told me you came home early I left her to be with you" She says looking at my father lovingly shit Lisa is going to be our stepsister and she has no idea. I want to text her but I need to double confirm that it is Lisa Bradley's friend and my love interested. Shit! now I can never make her mine fuck! this isn't fair Bradley gets Cassie and I get to miss out because I can now only love from a far. "so..." I clear my throat looking at my dad and Lisa's mom "when is the wedding?" I ask "we are thinking in a months time here in the back garden" My dad says taking her hand in his "are you two okay with this? I know it's not been long since your mom..." Dad couldn't finish his sentence, I look at Bradley and he looks back at me and knows we need a moment just us two. "dad as great as this is and I mean if you are happy then we will be happy for you but we need a moment plus don't you think we should include Lisa into all of this, I mean she is the only one in the dark now and that is unfair" Bradley says then stands up and walks out with me following a few moments later. 

Me and Bradley head towards the basketball court in our garden as we both need to let off some steam and Bradley's skills have really come on. "So what are we going to do? shall I text Lisa to give her a heads up?" Bradley asks me shooting the ball and it bounces off. I bounce it a few times and take aim "She's going to be our stepsister our stepsister what the fuck am I going to do I wanted to make a move on her this summer and it's all gone to shit" I say frustrated. "You know you can still make a move on her up until the wedding happens as she isn't our stepsister plus we are also going off to University the parents won't be there so you know...." Bradley says and I think about what he just said "so shall we text her and see how she is" I ask Bradley as we are worn out from the brief one on one basketball game. 

"Yeah I think so she might need some help getting use to the idea of us being family" Bradley says thinking "but maybe we should wait you know till her mom has told her" I say "yeah your right do you think we should tell Cassie" Bradley asks me looking embarrassed "look Brad I know you're seeing Cassie but it's a family matter plus she is Lisa's best friend wouldn't it be bad if Cassie told her instead of her own mom" I say pointing out the obvious. "Shit I guess you are right shall we see if they want to catch a movie maybe not tonight of course" Bradley says sitting his self down hands between his knees I copy his move "I miss mom, I wonder what she would be thinking about all this" I say looking up at the sky. "I miss mom too bro" Bradley says and we hug we feel each others pain. Dad comes out to join us "Boys are you okay?" Dad asks us and we look at him "Dad we know Lisa she's really good friends with Bradley she is a fellow theatre geek and studying theatre at Berkeley" I say "wow I didn't realise you would know her how come you have never mentioned her before Cole?" I look embarrassed "he's always known her dad but now she's going to be our stepsister Cole has been asking me questions about her because she is a good friend of mine plus I have mentioned her and Cassie to you before" Bradley says huffing it's not his fault dad has always focused on my football career during high school more but would support Bradley in any school production he decided to be in. "Boys Sally will never replace your mom, she was the love of my life and we created the two of you" Dad says placing a hand on both our shoulders we look into our dads eyes and we can still see sadness. 

Me and Bradley head into the games room to play pool and I text Lisa because I haven't contacted her all day and I miss not hearing from her. "You want a soda?" Bradley asks me as I set up the pool table "yeah thanks bro" I say then I take out my phone "hey Lisa how you been? been thinking about you actually 😉 fancy hanging out with me and Bradley sometime soon bring Cassie with you." I wait for a response whilst Bradley takes his shot pocketing two balls. "hey Cole, I've been so bored at home mom is out again don't know where so I'm all alone but sure hanging out with you and Bradley sounds fun I'll text Cassie and get back to you🤗" I smile "take it Lisa is up for hanging around with you and me" I pocket my phone and take my shot just to miss the shot and Bradley laughs then his phone rings "I'm going to take this be right back" he says walking out the room "tell Cassie I say hello" I laugh out loud. "I've lost my brother to your bestie so you owe me 😉" I text "😂 I'm not sorry for that Cole you're just going to have to live with sharing your brother" "😭" I reply back "😂*evil laugh*" Bradley wonders back in with a smile on his face. "What's got you so happy? you didn't tell Cassie did you?" I ask my dear brother "of course not was arranging with her when her and Lisa can come over and hang out, you are welcome by the way plan to serenate Lisa begins" Bradley says taking his shot again and pocketing another ball. 

We play a few more games till we can smell some cooking and we leave the games room and find Helen cooking "smells good Helen" I say as we both sit up at the bar watching her put some fajitas in the oven. Dad comes and joins us "where's Sally?" Bradley asks around a mouth full of food. "Dropped her home so I can spend sometime with you guys" He says dressed so casually in jeans and jumper.  

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