Chapter 15

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Cole and I have just had sex, I have lost my virginity to Cole Morris like I have always dreamed off Oh My God!! I want to call Cassie so bad but Cole is still inside me and is giving me a look awe. I don't know what to say so I just kiss him, he slowly eases out of me and goes to the bathroom to remove the condom and places it in the bin. "You may be sore for a little while" Cole tells me as he climbs back into bed bringing the covers over us pulling my body to his so we are spooning. 

"Night Cole" I say feeling my eyes close enjoying the warmth of his arms wrapping around me "night Princess you are amazing" Cole kisses my nose and we drift off to sleep. Me and Cole stay like this the whole night and sleeping in the nude with my dream guy is just off the charts amazing, I feel gorgeous and desired being in his arms. I open my eyes and glance at the bedside clock it's still early and mom isn't back yet which is good so I snuggle closer into Cole's warm embrace feeling his cock harden and twitch against my arse. "Morning princess" Cole mumbles kissing behind my ear, neck so I turn my head so he can kiss my lips "morning yourself" I say turning in his arms bringing my hand down between us cupping and massaging his balls which causes him to moan "want to go again?" I ask because I want him inside me again to be honest. 

"god yeah do you fancy being on top?" Cole asks me flipping us so he is on his back and I lay my head on his chest looking at him "okay lets try it" I say knowing I'm dripping between my legs, I lean over and open my draw bringing out a condom Cole lifts a brow taking the condom from my hand and covering him "Princess legs either side of my hips then lower yourself slowly on to my cock then start to move when you feel ready" Cole says running his hands up and down my legs, back anywhere he can touch so I do as he says he holds his cock at my opening then I slowly lower myself making an O with my lips as it feels so good having him back inside of me. He places his hands on my hips, I start to move lifting my hips slightly then back down and I can tell he's watching my tits bounce he doesn't rush me or anything and I can feel myself tightening around his cock "Cole you feel so good... I'm so close" I moan panting not caring of anything just being in the moment with him our bodies joined. I start to move quicker because I am going to come and I want him to come with me "god Princess I'm going to come" Cole says matching my movements lifting his hips making him go deeper. I let out a long moan as I come and Cole following through. I lift off him "I think we should shower" I say feeling sweaty and needing to wash my bedding as I see the evidence of my virginity on the sheets. 

I turn on the water for the shower as Cole is cuddling me from behind "I like this waking up next to you sharing a shower with you" he says kissing behind my ear his erection is evidence as we wait for the water to heat up. "hmmm" I say leaning my head back closing my eyes "come on or we are never going to get showered" Cole says stepping away and into the shower pulling me in with him. He lets me get under the water first then we switch so he's under the water whilst his head is back eyes closed, I crouch down so I am then on my knees running my hands up the backs of his legs to his arse giving it a squeeze with that he opens his eyes and looks down at me "what...what are you doing?" Cole asks me running his thumb back and forth my cheek with the other hand pushing my wet hair away from my face. "I want to make you feel good like you have done me" I say looking at him with hunger wanting to give him a blow job which I have never done before a first for me. 

I look down at the floor watching the water run down the drain "Lisa...princess what is it?" Cole crouches down in front of me "I've never..." I start to say "given head, blow job before?" Cole finishes off my sentence for me and I nod heat rushing to my cheeks "will you teach me? I want to know what you like" I state "Of course" he responds bring his lips to mine and I close my eyes enjoying the feel of his lips against mine I will never get tired of kissing this boy. Cole stands back up and I look up at him "Lisa bring you hand to my base and the other massage my balls because I like it when you do that" I start to follow his instructions I move one hand to his balls squeezing them and massaging them causing him to moan out loud with the other hand I move it up and down his rock solid cock "god Lisa that feels so bring your lips to the head making a seal around it" I do such that and my tongue flicks the underneath and I feel him shudder "do that again plus keep your hand moving" He has his eyes closes I flick then I move my tongue around the head, Cole places one of his hands at the back of my head not pushing me but keeping me in place. I want to take him deeper to the back of my throat so a quick glance to see his expression then I make him go further back I make a quick gagging sound but Cole doesn't notice "that's normal I should have warned you that that could happen but god princess if feels so good" I continue to play with his balls whilst bobbing my head, I am getting turned on by doing this to him so I quicken my tempo causing a long deep moan escape Cole's throat "I'm close Princess if you don't want me to cum in your mouth stop now" Cole is panting at this point but I'm not stopping I want to swallow his cum. I feel his balls tighten so I know he is right there and with one final flick of my tongue he comes down my throat and I swallow not giving a shit and proud of myself for not spitting it out or gagging much. Cole's cock softens and I let it fall from my mouth and stand up "wow is all I have to say except that was the best I've ever had" Cole states crashing his lips to mine, tongues fighting "I can even taste myself it's such a turn on". 

A while later we are chilling in the lounge me and Cole cuddling on the couch, touching each other, kissing his jean button and zipper undone giving him a hand job and he has his hand down my tracksuit pants fingering me, we are both thrusting our hips into each others hands making us close to release I can not get enough of his touch I am his and he is mine. "Shit Cole it feels so good...just there" I'm panting breathing hard we both are "fuck Princess I'm going to come bring your lips down to my head I don't want to cum in my jeans" Cole pants closing his eyes I wrap my lips around his head bending my body forward whilst his hand is still in me and this is making me go crazy, body tightening around his fingers as he balls draw up "Princess" Cole starts to twitch then I feel hot wetness hit the back of the throat as I come on his hand. I keep my head down till he stops then lift it looking at him as he licks this fingers clean "next time I am going to lick you clean" he says with a wink that makes me throb even though I've just climaxed all over his hand. 

We straighten our clothes just as we hear the front door open and my mom's voice travels down the corridor "Lisa we're home and I have so much to tell you" Mom says coming into the lounge My cheeks are still flushed from what we have just done on the couch we are sitting on and I put on a smile knowing mine and Cole's alone time is over for now. "Oh hi Cole" mom says noticing Cole is in the room with me "Hi Sally, Hi Dad just popped over to see if Lisa wanted to go bowling with me and Bradley later" Cole lies to cover the real reasons "that's so nice of you acting like siblings already" Sally says looking at us then to Michael who just smiles at the two of us. "Yeah they are getting close it's great" Michael says. Me and Cole look at one another knowing the lie has covered our asses for now.  

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