Chapter 17

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I am in the guest room with Cassie trying on the bikini it's a dark blue two piece and it is flattening against my figure, I tie the two bows on my hips "the sex with Cole was amazing like out of this world then we did things in the shower and on the couch" I say blushing "no way!" Cassie says squealing "Cole is going to loose his mind when he is sees you" Cassie says looking at me I feel slightly embarrassed so I pick up a checked shirt and pulled it on slipping on my over my bikini and we head downstairs and outside. 

I watch my mom and Michael sip on cocktails, Bradley and Cole are wrestling in the pool "Lisa darling that bikini looks amazing on you" Mom calls out to me I smile back embarrassed "shit Lisa you look hot" Bradley states and I cant take my eyes of Cole who is speechless he is opening and closing his mouth, Bradley notices and splashes water in his face that cause him to cough and wipe his face. "So are you and Cassie coming to join us in the water?" Cole calls out as I place down my towel on a sun lounger "you know that's next to Coles right" Cassie whispers giving me a wink like she understands that I just want to be close to Cole. Me and Cassie head over to the shallow end I dip my toe and it's warm which I was surprised but then I think Michael can afford a heated pool. 

Me and Cassie slip into the water and the boys swim over to us and Cole wraps his arms around me under the water so no-one can see anything my mind starts to go dizzy just being this close to Cole I can feel his stiffness in his trunks Michael claps his hands snapping my mind to the here and now not just before of thinking of me under Cole naked. "It's so lovely to have a family pool party and as Cassie is an part of Lisa's life and has become very close to Bradley that she is part of the family too we wanted to let you guys know me and Sally have picked a date and it is in two weeks time at Sunset Country Club" I am shocked two weeks that is soon. "Shit" Cole says behind me I look at his expression and it is of hurt, pissed off and determination. Me and Cole have just started so I am hoping we can continue before I am falling in love with him and now he is going to be my stepbrother. 

"Congratulations mom and Michael" I say smiling I don't get our of the pool to go over to mom because Cole still has his hands on me and I don't want to move really. "Cole, Bradley can you help me with the grill please" Michael calls out Cole doesn't want to but loosens his hands on me and swims away with Bradley following just before he leaves his places a kiss on Cassie's lips and I feel a pang of jealously go through me. When the boys get out mom comes over to us in the pool in her gold bikini. "Mom congratulations on the setting a date for the wedding but are you sure this is what you want?" I ask her "Oh Lisa you always look out for me but since your father has left Michael is the first man who makes me feel loved, special and I want you to find that in someone" Mom says I flick my eyes to Cole's as he looks over at me at the same time. "Plus the other thing I want to ask you is would you be my bridesmaid I just want you up there with me" Mom says and I can not help but not disappoint her "of course mom nothing would make me happier" I give her a hug. 

I look over at Cole again and he and Bradley are discussing something with their dad, "food's ready" Michael calls out and mom gets out of the pool and walks over to him I watch him place his arm around her waist and she places a hand on his chest and I just wish me and Cole could be like all this. "Come on Lisa I'm hungry" Cassie says swimming to the steps and getting out I lay onto the my back and float for a little bit "hey water girl are you getting out?" Cole shouts out to me and I look over at him then turn and breast stroke my way to the steps and get out heading to my towel, I lay down on my towel and Cole brings over a plate for me and him trying to look the also brotherly act but I know deep down he is acting like the perfect boyfriend. 

I smile at him as he came over to me "here you go princess" he gives me a wink then laid down on his towel and picked up a burger and bit into it and I watched him as he swallowed it, I picked up the hot dog, I dropped one hand down and Cole did the same linking our hands together and the buzz runs through me, I love his touch we share a look. "Boys me and Sally have a work commitment we need to attend so please clean up after yourselves please Helen had to leave and go an appointment, I sit u so does Cole " it a doctors appointment dad?" Cole asks clearing his throat. "She didn't say son but me and Sally will be back late so please don't wait up for us okay" Michael says and we watch them head inside of the house his hand on moms lower back. 

We don't move till we hear the car leave the driveway "thank fuck they have gone" Cole says then leans over and presses his lips to mine we pull apart "I've been wanting to do that since you walked out of here in that bikini and I can not wait to taste you, undo those bows on your hips, my head between your legs" My breathing has increased as Cole tells me what he wants to do to me and I am so turned on but it that I leave my sun lounger and straddle him sitting directly onto his cock, feeling the hardness underneath me. Cole moves his hands onto my ass. I lean down not caring about Bradley and Cassie being outside with us I lean down and whisper in his ear "everything you said I want to happen I want you now please Cole" I wiggle my hips and Cole groans bringing his lips to my neck sucking and kissing gently.

I look over at Bradley and Cassie but they have long gone don't know where they went but me and Cole are happy to be alone. "Do you know where they went" I ask him "I am sure they went to Cassie's or something" Cole says "shall we move inside its getting cold but I don't to move" Cole says and I shiver "come on your cold princess" Cole says lifting me off him and we stand up I grab the towels and shirt, slipping on my flip flops. He takes my hand in his and we walk through the house. "Do you want to go and check on Helen?" I ask him "you know what no I think I will leave her be will check on her in the morning" Cole says and we walk towards the stairs up to his room. "So how do you feel about the wedding in two weeks?" Cole asks me as we enter his room. 

"I'm not sure I mean I am happy for them but I am happy with us more do you think we should tell them before they get married" I say walking over to his bed looking over my shoulder "are you going to follow through with your promise from outside?" I ask him giving him my flirty eyes and I watch him walk over to me. "You mean for me to undo these bows on your hips" he says gently pulling at the strings on one side then moving to the other then my bikini bottoms come undone and fall to the floor, I still have my bikini top on but I do not care because Cole is looking at me like I am his favourite meal. "You are beautiful Lisa" He says to me and placing a kiss on my lips then I watch him crouch down in front of me on his knees with his face just level with my most sensitive part of my body. "hmm I think I am going to enjoy this" Cole says looking at me then sticks his tongue out and licks along my slit I jump at the first but Cole is good he says sweet encouraging words to me. 

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