Chapter 23

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Why is he here of all days, he shouldn't have been here I need to know why he was here and he needs to leave. I haven't moved since the speeches have finished, "Lisa are you okay?" Bradley asks me as I haven't moved my eyes since he slipped through those doors "I need to talk to him" I mutter "talk to who?" Bradley asks looking at where my eyes are looking at. "Who is he?" he asks me "that is my father" I say then take my eyes away to look at his expression and I noticed it's shocked, Cole comes back with a drink for me and him "hey you okay?" Concern shining in his eyes I look at my boyfriend and smile but I need to tell him "no dad is here and I need to know why" I say casting my eyes around the room and back to my boyfriends face. He looks around hands curling into fists "Cole calm down, getting angry won't help this situation we need to know what he wants" Bradley says looking back and forth between mine and Cole's facial expression. 

Michael and mom are slow dancing on the dance floor and I can see the love between them, I notice my dad watching them too I think waiting for the moment to approach them unless I get to him first. "Lis do you want Bradley to talk to him?" Cole asks me taking my hand in his and getting me to stand up "yeah Bradley is more cool headed than you are no offence" I place a hand on his chest just over his heart "Okay well we will go for a dance and if he is still here then we can go and talk to him I will support you every step of the way okay babe" Cole says kissing my head and leading me to the dance floor to be close to mom as I need her strength. "Mom" I say in a quiet voice so she can just hear me over the music "yes baby girl" she says looking at me as we sway "dad's here" I say and I watch her face pale and stiffen in Michael's hold. "What you mean he's here, why is he here he hasn't been in contact for over thirteen years" "what's wrong Sally dear?" Michael asks her "Lisa's father is here and I am for sure didn't invite him and I don't know why he's here after all this time" Sally says to Michael and I watch him look around the room and see Bradley talking to a man who definitely not dressed in formal gear. 

"I'll get someone to make him leave" Michael says making a move but mom shakes her head and what she says surprises me "I think we should all sit in a room with him and find out what he really wants" I look up at Cole who is watching Bradley interact with the man and they look over at all of us and we head towards them. Cole holding my hand running his thumb along my knuckles "I'll be besides you every step of the way, there is no way I am not leaving your side" I smile up at him and amazed at how he is so supportive to me and showing he will always be there when times are hard. "Dad why are you here?" I ask him Cole standing behind me wrapping his arms around me "nice to see you too little brat" he smirks smelling of booze and I flinch slightly at his old nickname for me "Lisa is no brat but you wouldn't know that would you Richard" Mom's tone is cold "As I am sure you are well aware you have crashed our wedding" Michael states placing a hand on mom's waist showing dad he is her protector. "All I want is to talk my daughter and spend time with her" Richard says showing his dirty rotten teeth and I pale "you have never bothered before now but she is eighteen she gets to choose" mom says looking straight at Richard, I can't call him dad anymore.

"I want to hear him out but I want everyone present plus security incase anything gets out of hand" I say "fine" Michael says "follow me". We all follow I walk with mom, Cole and Bradley walk behind us Richard is walking behind Michael, I hold moms hand no-one is talking Michael moves his head to someone standing guard and walks next to Michael and they exchange whispers. The bodyguard looking person pushes open a door to a small meeting room and we all take a seat Mom one side of me, Cole the other, Richard sits opposite me, Michael and Bradley at either end of the table. No-one says anything "say something then Richard you wanted to talk so talk" Mom says patience wearing thin. "This is my wedding day a day of happiness and you being here is ruining it so unless you say something right now to our daughter I want you gone". "I owe some money to some really bad people and if you give me the money you can have to full rights to our little brat and you never hear or see me again" We all sit back shocked like we have been slapped, tears spring to my eyes and I run out of the room Cole rushes after me "you piece of shit Richard you just broke your daughters heart" mom stands hand coming down onto the table surface "I never wanted kids Sally I never loved her, you trapped me" He sits back not caring what he is saying even though I left the room I can still hear the conversation. "I really want to hit him but he made you babe and I am so grateful you are here I love you so much" Cole says bringing me to him, bringing his arms round me and I cry into his chest. "I'm ruining your shirt Cole" I say into his chest but I feel safe being in his arms "I don't care you are beautiful when you cry, laugh, smile and even more stunning when you make your orgasm face and I can not wait to make that happen later on" Cole says and I tilt my head up to look into his eyes, he lowers his head and our lips meet, I sigh happily feeling his lips on mine. 

"Do you want to go back in there?" Cole asks me using his thumb to wipe away any smudge of mascara under my eyes and I nod, giving him a quick kiss in a way of saying thank you. Cole pulls the door open and mom comes straight over to me and hugs me "you are brave baby girl" she looks at Cole "thank you" "anytime" Cole responds then takes his seat again. "Right so how much do you owe Richard?" Michael asks voice laced with boredom "two million will be enough for them to be off my back" "why do you owe them money? you had a job, then you just left one day and I want to know why I grew up not knowing where my dad had gone he was there one day gone the next, luckily I had the most amazing woman who raised me, we struggled but I will always be grateful for what mom did for me and for that I am glad you didn't see me grow up plus I have the most understanding amazing boyfriend who loves me for me" I say looking at Richard then to mom taking her hand in mine then to Cole taking his hand in mine. I smile at her and she smiles back then we look at Richard for his response he laughs "I owe them money because they were my drug dealers, I smoked weed when you were born then got made redundant from a job I was good at that made me depressed so I turned to harder drugs, I couldn't take you crying all the time and I had enough I needed to get out" Richard says no emotion showing his on his face. "Plus why is the brat dating her step-brother that is just weird" "Stop calling her brat and use her real name" Cole says getting angry on my behalf. "Cole and I started dating before mom and Michael got married" I say in a quiet voice looking down at the table. "We have nothing to be ashamed about and our families support us" Cole says looking at Richard "and your opinion doesn't matter to anyone sitting at this table" Bradley pipes up waiting for the time to speak. "Yes we are very happy that Cole and Lisa have found one another" Michael says reaching for mom's hand giving it a squeeze. 

"Well I've come for what I wanted, drop the money off to me then I am gone from your lives" Richard says starting to shake as his high is wearing off "and when and where are we meant to know when to drop this kind of money off too" Michael asks "I'll be in touch, I have been watching you all so I know where you live" and with that Richard stands and leaves the room the guard following him making him sure he leaves the premises. "I hope that bastard dies before we have to give him anything" Bradley says "Bradley!" Michael says but looks at me "Lisa are you okay, I am so sorry you had to hear all of that you are a beautiful woman my son is lucky to have you and we are lucky to have you too" Michael says giving me a smile and I give a small smile back as the tears full and start to shake. "Lisa babe he's gone, your real family is here in this room" Cole says in the smoothing voice and I look up at him with such love "lets go and re-join our guests and forget this has happened" mom says standing up and leaving the room we all follow. Mom and Michael leave the venue and are on their way to a private jet waiting for them to take them to their honeymoon destination because we don't want any stress around  mom and her pregnancy. 

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