Chapter 16

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Wow what a weekend it's been so far, Me and  Lisa have had sex, blow job in the shower which was hot but her giving me a hand job finishing off as a blow job whilst I fingered her on the couch was super hot just thinking about it makes me hard actually thinking about Lisa in general makes me really hard and I just want her. After the couch hotness Sally and Dad walk through the door to bring us news that they have indeed found a venue and have a date in mind for the wedding. Sally did ask whilst I was here so I made up some excuse I am organising a bowling trip which now I want to do. 

"So shall we invite Cassie and Bradley?" Lisa asks me bringing me out of my thoughts "huh? oh no I was thinking it could be just us two you know as like a date maybe" I say whispering the last part because I don't know exactly what me and Lisa are yet plus we don't know how are parents are going to react when we do eventually tell them. "Sounds good let me go and get changed into something more interesting that what I have on" Lisa says getting up I wanted to kiss her but I had to fight the urge as dad and Sally were still in the room. "It's so nice seeing you and Lisa getting close son" Dad says smiling at me, I nod not giving away how close we have actually been. "Yes I was always worried about Lisa when she started school you know" Sally states and I lift a brow "what do you mean she went to the same as Bradley and Cole" Dad says looking at Sally wanting to know what she meant and actually so did I. "Oh I use to hear her cry, I knew she was getting bullied by some girl called Britney or Sydney I'm not sure but she didn't have many friends then she joined the drama club and started to shine but still never wanted to perform and she has an amazing voice but won't show it off the bullying really knocked her confidence" Sally says looking chest fallen "also her dad leaving her without a word upset her too and we still don't know where he is or if he is alive or dead" She continued. I kept my face neutral because I didn't want to give anything away I knew Lisa was getting bullied and I knew Britney was behind it all. I tried to stick up for Lisa but it was all in my head Bradley knew I liked her but called me a coward for not acting on it. Lisa re-appears changed into a plain shirt dress, leggings and high top vans. 

"Ready" I say hopping we can go home so I can freshen up and then we can head to the bowling alley. "Yeah I am" Lisa says saying goodbye to her mom and my dad "I need to go home and change hope that is okay" I say as we head out to my car. I hand Lisa my phone to be in charge of music then I put the car into reverse and drive back to mine. Helen opens the door to us "Hi Helen how are you feeling?" Lisa asks concern shining in her eyes. "I feel my better but I do get tired more quickly" Helen replies "well I can always help have you had your blood tests back?" I look at Helen's facial expression I know we are waiting on them so to see the fear on her face is horrible. "No not yet but as soon as I do I will let you know for sure" Helen says giving us a small smile. "I'll be right back okay" I whisper in to Lisa's ear giving her head a quick kiss then head to my room. I spray some aftershave on, change my boxers, jeans to Levi's 501 then pull on a white-shirt and checked shirt on top. I head down stairs to hear Lisa's voice travel through the house she's talking to who sounds like Brad and Cassie. "There you are" I say wrapping my arms around Lisa's waist pulling her back to me so her back is to my chest. "It's so nice to see you happy bro" Bradley says with a smirk and I give him the middle finger and laugh "you've got the same look as me" I respond "Lisa you have a glow about you has something happened?" Cassie says lifting a brow looking at us too "maybe" is only Lisa's response "ready to go bowling then we can come back here and chill by the pool" I say "fancy a chilled afternoon by the pool babe?" Bradley asks Cassie "I don't have a bikini" Cassie says frowning "We could always go shopping and pick one up whilst these two go bowling maybe pick one up for Lisa too" Bradley says I am shocked me and Bradley hate shopping so when has this changed but then again Bradley has never had a girlfriend before. 

We drop Bradley and Cassie at the mall then park at the bowling alley, I lean across the console and lightly press my lips to Lisa's she lets a little moan and I want to deepen the kiss but we have to bowl and I need to stop before I am so hard I am uncomfortable. "Come on we have to go" I say against her lips she sighs then opens the door and slips out and I follow suit, it is so nice to feel I can hold her hand and no-one knows that we are soon to be step-siblings.  I open the door and let Lisa step through as we make our way to the check in desk. "Hi there welcome to Hollywood Bowling have you pre-booked" The check in desk girl asks making it completely obvious she is checking me out, I look at Lisa and I notice she is pouting then shakes her head and places on a smile "yes my boyfriend booked a lane for us" Lisa says placing her hand on my chest showing the girl he's mine and to be honest I absolutely the fact that she said boyfriend as that is what I want to be. "Oh sorry yes you are lane nine and trainers are fine" The girl is completely embarrassed "thank you" Lisa says sweetly and we walk to our lane. 

We play two games of bowling and watching Lisa bend over so many times picking up a bowling ball and scoring a couple of strikes was the hottest thing ever I have never noticed how bowling could be such a turn on. As the last bowl is bowled Lisa is crowned winner of the second game before I was so lost in just watching her bend that I think she knew she was distracting me and I couldn't wait to get her alone again so I could just kiss her till we are both breathless. We leaving the bowling alley and as we approach the car I push Lisa's back to it so she is facing me and I smash my lips to hers my fingers running through her hair then I am kissing her neck like I can not get enough. "Cole...oh Cole" Lisa says making her neck more available for me to kiss, suck. 

"I want to get you home now" I say breathless pushing my hips forward so she can feel just how hard I am for her bringing my lips back to hers "don't forget we promised Bradley and Cassie we will spend time in the pool" Lisa says pulling away slightly looking at me in the eyes I inwardly grown "don't you want to see me in a bikini?" Lisa says giving me a wink and I grown again then unlock the car. We arrive back at mine well dad's house to find dear dad, Sally, Bradley and Cassie all enjoying spending time around the pool "Lisa!!" Cassie squeals as she gets up from the sun lounger and walks over to us "I've got your bikini in the guest room and I want to see it on you before you reveal to the family" Cassie says giving us a wink then whispering in my ear "you are going to love it" I don't know what to say really Cassie links her arm with Lisa and turns her around and heads inside. "Hey son why don't you go and get changed then help me with the grill so we can have a family BBQ" Dad says and I smile "We have to include Helen she is family too" I say "oh what a lovely idea Cole that is sweet of you" Sally says lifting her sunglasses off her face. 

I head back inside and upstairs to my room walking pass where Lisa and Cassie are talking in whispers "you and Cole did it didn't you? how was it? was it painful? good? he can't take his eyes off you and when he sees you in this hun he will be lost for words that is why I bought it for you" Cassie says I smile and walk away not wanting to hear Lisa's comments and we still haven't addressed the label she used earlier today at the bowling alley. I enter my room and Bradley enters moments later "so you and Lisa finally did it? you deflowered our sister" Bradley says with a smirk "don't call her that she is not our sister till dad gets married but I don't see her as that and yeah we did and it was fucking amazing the best I've ever had like we were made for each other you know" I say going to my walk in closet picking out my dark blue swim shorts. "yeah sorry bro shouldn't have said the s word I guess I am just protected of her I mean I saw her get bullied by your ex on countless occasions inside jokes, pranks put on her" Bradley says and I am shocked to find all this out. "Fuck I didn't know about all that, I won't hurt her I am falling in love with her" I say seeing the shocked expression on my brother was that he didn't realise my feelings were that strong and I didn't want to tell my brother first I wanted Lisa to be the first one to know but I guess not everything goes your way.   

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