Chapter 26

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Dad and Sally are now married and on their honeymoon, me and Lisa are step-siblings but I don't care about that title the only title I like is Lisa's boyfriend for sure and I love being her boyfriend she had a rough day yesterday with her dad appearing out of nowhere demanding money to sell his rights of being her parent so he can pay off some bad people. Today we are going to forget all about that and have a chill day around the pool to clear our minds of everything and just enjoy our last summer at this house then start our new chapters in life at College. 

I'm standing at the grill with my brother as we are flipping burgers "do you think Lisa's dad will act on his threat and demand the money from us?" Bradley asks me this is the first we have brought up yesterday the girls are sipping onto mocktails on the edge of the pool deep in conversation. "I don't know but Lisa doesn't need any of this I mean who would want to give up someone so amazing as her I mean look at her" I say looking over at my girl who throws her head back and laughs. "Yeah she is amazing but I want to know how are you dealing with it all because for me I would have punched his lights out" Bradley says being protective over his friend and my girlfriend. "Bro thank you for having our backs I mean the four of us going to college together is a big thing do you think it will change anything?" I ask worried for the first time and my twin laughs in my face "brother you have nothing to worry about most of Lisa's course will have mainly gay men so you will be fine it's her that should be worried about you I mean you are most likely to try out for the football team right?" Bradley asks me I shake my head "you know what for the first time football is not what I want to focus on Lisa is my main priority" I say looking over at her then back to my shocked looking brother. " you are proper serious about her aren't you I mean I've never seen you like this about a girl before" Bradley says in awe. 

"Burgers are up!" Bradley calls out and we watch as Cassie swims over and gets out of the pool I wonder why my girl hasn't so I walk over and crouch down "hey beautiful you're going to turn into a mermaid if you stay in the water for too long" I say in a caring voice and Lisa looks up at me and I gentle touch me lips to hers. "Come on let's get you your burger" I say offering my hand instead she pushing her hands down on the counter and pushing herself up and I think I have fallen more in love with her than I ever have done for anyone. I grab her towel and wrap it around her kissing her nose and we head back to the grill picking up some burgers and buns then sit back down with her in between my legs and leans back, her back to my chest. I wrap one arm around her and eat my burger. Helen walks by pacing "hey Helen" Lisa says smiling at our house keeper "oh hi darlings how are we?" She asks "we're good but are you okay? you seem nervous" Lisa says and the rest of us nod. "Oh I'm sorry I'm good just...I've got my surgery tomorrow to remove the tumour from my spine" she breaks down and we all get up and hug her. 

The buzzer at the gate rings in the distance and one of the house staff comes out to us "Erm I am sorry to disturb you guys" the young male member of staff says shifting his weight "but we have a homeless man constantly ringing the gate buzzer wanting to talk to as I quote little brat of mine" I feel Lisa tense "where is he now?" she asks him standing up "I want to find out what he wants but I am not going down to the gate I will do it from inside the house" Lisa says and the young guy takes her, I get up too I don't want her to hear of talk to him alone. We go to the front door and watch the camera that is by the gate, her father is pacing back and forth looking like he is coming down from his latest high. Lisa presses the button "dad?" she asks in a quiet voice but it gets his attention and I watch him sneer at the camera I stand behind her wrapping my arms around her giving her my strength showing she is not alone in this. 

"ah the brat has spoken" his voice gives me the shivers I hadn't noticed that Bradley and Cassie had joined us Cassie holding Lisa's hand and Bradley places a hand on my shoulder "what do you want? haven't you said enough already? you almost ruined mom's wedding day" Lisa speaks with such confidence I am in awe of her. I lean forward and kiss her neck. "I want my money and that bitch doesn't deserve to be happy" He spits out and I can feel my blood start to boil over and I know Bradley is feeling the same but Lisa shows no response to his harsh words she turns and smiles "call the cops he needs a night in the cells" then presses the button again "well I'm done listening to whatever crap you are going to say next and if it's any use to me great but you have spent thirteen years out of my life and I don't need you I have a great boyfriend, best friend and family who will stand by me in whatever crap you will throw and if you threaten anyone I love just so you know I have the best lawyer as my stepfather so fuck you dad and you are not getting any money" she says standing proud "you shit!! you will all pay just you watch people are going to know about the relationship you are having with your stepbrother!" he screams "get over it, Mom knows Michael knows so what whose going to listen to a low life like you and you probably end up dead soon with the way your going plus we have called the cops so make yourself disappear like you did thirteen years ago" then releases the button breathing hard turns kisses me and walks away whilst me, Cassie and Bradley watch the camera "come back you shit!! you ruined my life!! I will ruin yours!! and your bitch of a mom too!!" 

In the distance we hear sirens "police what seems to be the problem" we watch the interaction so we open the door before Lisa's dad can say a bad word and we run down the steps "oh look it's the golden boys" he sneers "hey Bradley, Cole" the officers smiles at us as we recognise him as one of dads good friends "what seems to be the problem do you know this man?" he asks us and we nod giving the explanation "he's my girlfriends dad but he has been shouting abuse at all of us plus he is threatening her and her mom, he must be on something too" I say looking at Lisa's dad eyes they are so wide and wild it's horrible to even think what he could do. "We don't want him here plus dad and Sally are on honeymoon" I state and the officers nod "don't you mention that bitch you little sod" he says trying to wiggle out of the officers hold "well that is a nice in the cells for you but you won't be coming anywhere near this house or these people anytime soon because as soon as Michael hears about this you are going to be black listed" The officer says in a dark tone "plus no-one will miss you I can guarantee that" I step back slightly scared. 

"Anyone who threatens the Morris boys or anyone close to them besides a small handful of people will not see the light of day" Then they push him into the back of the police car "I will find you Lisa! you can not hide from your dad! I will get my money or I will be showing up at your college telling everyone you are a gold digging whore just like your mother!" He screams out as the door shuts in his face. "I want that man dead" I mutter "that will be done don't worry and no-one will know about it" one of the officers says giving me and Bradley a nod, Cassie stayed back with Lisa and they watch from the steps as the police that him away. I breathe a sigh of relief "fuck" Bradley mutters as we walk back towards the house "I know and those coppers gave me the creeps" I mutter and Bradley agrees. "Do you think they will go through with it?" Bradley asks but I'm not sure "in some ways I think it would be easier for them to do something then we don't have that weighing over our heads" I say and Bradley nods. 

Lisa rushes at me and throws her arms around my neck, I feel her tears "it's going to be okay Lis" I mutter stroking her back, she pulls back "I love you Cole" then kisses me before I can say it back but I feel her tears on my lips and I hurt for her. "I love you too" I say kissing her again "do you guys fancy watching a film in the cinema room or lounge?" Bradley asks "lounge we can all lay out on the couches and chill" I say and Lisa nods "do you think Helen will be okay for tomorrow? should we go with her as she has no-one" Lisa says always thinking of others "I think that is a lovely idea" I kiss her forehead and we settle into watch the classic Back to the future. 

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