Chapter 1

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It's the last day of school and of course there is a party that all the students are whispering about as I walk down the corridor with my bestie Cassie fellow theatre geek. I never get invited to such parties as I am the one no-one really takes notice of if you know what I mean likes to hide in the shaddows, I love theatre the backstage area watching the shows come to life from the page to stage to opening night and this school is sport mad especially about their star player that is the one and only Cole Morris who I have had a major crush on since me and my mom moved into the area once my dad left us with nothing about where he is going and if he was alive or dead. 

Cole is walking down the corridor straight towards me I tilt my head down to avoid eye contact and I can feel the heat riding into my cheeks like I was embarrassed. He looks directly at me and raises an eye brow as in a cool aknowledge kind of way then walks straight pass me and high fives his mates then walks right out of the school to the playing field, laughing with the cheerleaders giggling and following behind him like they own the place.  I let out a breathe I didn't realise I was holding in "Oh. My. God." Cassie squeals beside me "what?" I whisper as I link my arm through hers and head towards the empty theatre so we can sit on stage to eat our lunch. "Cole Morris totally locked eyes with you" She squeals again and I roll my eyes "he did not, he looked right through me" I reply "he so did" She argues back to me. "I am sure he doesn't even know who I am" I say opening up my lunch bag and taking out my sandwich. My phone buzzes in my jean pocket "Hi baby girl hope you are enjoying your last day of school, can't believe my baby girl is leaving for Uni after Summer xx" Cassie looks over my shoulder reading my text from my mom. "Hope you are enjoying your vacation mom, don't worry about me enjoy yourself xx" I sigh as I have been looking after myself and my mom since my dad left over thirteen years ago when I was five years old and it's been the two of us since then. Whilst I am thinking about mom I didn't realise that an extra body had joined us on stage sitting closely next to Cassie. The two of them were talking quietly I clear my throat and the two looked over at me. I recognised the face straight away "Oh hey Bradley didn't see you there" I say giving the extra body a head nod. "Hey Lisa" He responds back with a head nod too. 

I guess I should let you know a little bit about our little group you have me (Lisa) Cassie my best friend since our two moms were friends when they had us then the third person here is Bradley whose twin brother is none other than Cole the football star but the two twins are complete opposites Bradley loves the theatre just like us and isn't interested in us in that way particular I mean I know he only sees me as really close friend but I think he sees Cassie as more and I know Cassie likes Bradley too she told me. "So are you two coming to the end of the school life party my stupid brother is throwing tonight?" Bradley asks looking at me and Cassie, I shrug my shoulders and Cassie flicks her brunette hair over her shoulder and looks to me then to Bradley. "Are you going to be there?" Cassie asks Bradley "Yeah of course I live there plus whilst my dad is on some business thing I have to keep an eye on Cole of course being the sensible twin and all" Bradley says lifting his shoulders. "We will keep you company won't we Lisa" Cassie says looking at me with question in her eyes. "Fine" I say rolling my eyes both Cassie and Bradley smile at me. The rest of the day went by we collect our year books and head out of the school doors for the last time and I am so happy I am leaving this place and start a new adventure with my bestie by my side.

** A few hours later **

Cassie came over to mine to get ready for the last party of our school life and in some ways I am happy to see the back of some people who I won't be seeing for the rest of my life, I flick through my wardrobe and throw on my bed a pair of black skinny jeans and an off the shoulder top. Cassie looks at what I threw on the bed and shakes her head "I think the top is fine but you should show off your legs, how I would love to have long legs like yours, try on this leather skirt you can wear your converses" Cassie says I look at the skirt and I'm not 100% convinced. I look at Cassie feeling my anxiety level rise of the uncertainty. I have body hang ups like any other teenager does. "It's the last night of our school lives then off to Uni we go, let's have some fine" Cassie says throwing her arm around my shoulders giving me a reassuring squeeze. She lets me go and smiles as we sip on our sodas I don't like the idea of drinking due to my dad who was a constant drunk and high on drugs so the two together do not sit well with me. 

Cassie does my make up and I do wear the skirt, top and converses and we arrive at the Morris's house and I get Cassie to text Bradley to let him know we are here. We are about to step up to the front door but the door flies open with a shirtless Cole who looks like a model with abs to die for and the deep V at the hips instead. I know I open and close my mouth a couple of times and I know I am really blushing bad then Bradley steps behind him "Lisa, Cassie so glad you could come, come in, move out of the way asshole" Bradley says shoving his brother, I notice Cole blinks a couple of times like he's confused of who we are and then slowly it hits him. "Wait bro is this who you hang out with?" Cole says closing the door letting his eyes travel down my body as if he is seeing me for the first time. I tilt my head down and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Damm Lisa you look fine" Cole says crossing his arms over his bare chest, Bradley turns around coming face to face with his brother "don't you even dare, she's a good one and too good for you, I know you will only go and break her heart and she is going to be at the same college as us so stay away from her" Bradley says drawing his eye brows into a frown. Cole looks at Bradley for a few minutes or so then turns and walks away muttering "dickhead" under his breathe. 

The three of us head upstairs and follow Bradley into the cinema room where he has set up a film for us whilst the party continues downstairs, I hear splashes and laughter as people jump into the pool, I think back to the person who answered the door shirtless and abs for days with the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Whilst I've wondered off into dream land I didn't notice Bradley and Cassie move from the bean bags to the love seat. Whilst they are busy getting close I quietly get up and leave the cinema room in hunt for the bathroom. I walk long the corridor of closed doors and hear a couple of moans coming from one and squeaking from another room so I know couples are getting busy. I am still a virgin but I am in no rush to loose such V card because I feel it is something I want to hold onto and loose to the person I am in a relationship with and I am happy with that. I am about to open a door with my hand on the handle the door flies open and Cole walks out doing up his fly looking in my eyes and smiling as I look past him and look at the girl who is doing up her buttons of her top who is none other than Britney the biggest bitch in our school and head cheerleader and of course Cole's ex. "Well well well if it isn't Laura isn't it?" Cole says smirking looking directly into my eyes and lifting a brow "It's Lisa actually" I say crossing my arms and looking directly back. "Oh hey loser Lisa" Britney says coming out smacking her lips together and kissing Cole on the cheek and walking away swaying her hips as I look at the floor embarrassed. "What you doing down here I thought my brother was keeping you away from me" Cole says lifting a perfect brow. "I think him and Cassie are getting cosy and I wanted to give them some privacy" I say looking at anywhere than at the boy I have a crush on.   

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