Chapter 5

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Cole and Bradley have just dropped me off and I take Cole's t-shirt out of my bag and bring it to my nose then place it under my pillow knowing it's going to wear it every night. "Lisa you here honey?" My mom calls for me and I head out of my room and run to my mom giving her a hug. "would you like to shower first before I make you your coffee and put dinner on?" I ask her going to fetch her suitcase and bringing it in and close the front door. Mom is sitting down on the couch and I take her in she is gorgeous my mom blonde with hazel eyes, she's tall slender frame, she could of been a model but my dad from what I remember stopped her from getting any attention or anything. He drank any earnings she brought home and he got high when he was at work that's why we moved to here, now mom has a job in advertising she loves it and I am so proud of her. 

"So tell me about your vacation mom I want to know everything" I tell her as I sit next to her so glad she got home in one piece. "Oh honey whilst I was away I met the most handsome man he was there on business, he's a lawyer" She says with a dreamy look in her eye, she's been so focused on me getting through school and going off to University to live my dream that she has dated anyone since my dad left us. "Mom I am so happy for you" I say taking her hand in mine, she smiles at me and my phone vibrates in my room down the corridor. "You want to get that darling as I am going to go and have a shower because tomorrow my man gets back from his business trip and then maybe at the weekend you can meet him and his sons" mom says getting up and heading for the stairs to her bedroom and en-suite bathroom. I head down to my room grabbing my phone it's Bradley asking me if he can give my number to Cole. "Sure it's no problem" I respond then I get another text from an unknown number and it made me smile. "Hey Lisa, it's Cole save this number I hope you don't mind Bradley gave me your number I was too shy to ask for it myself and I want to get to know you better even though we spent the last five years together at school but not in the same circle of friends as you well know. 😊" I want to think of a response I can still hear my mom in the shower I lay down on my bed "it's fine Cole, your number is now saved as you are the only Cole I know and it makes sense when we are all going to Uni together but also I want to get to know you too. Plus thank you for dropping me home👍" the bubbles appear "it was no problem I am so glad we are going to the same Uni so we can now get to know one another over the Summer and the next four years 😉

"Lisa!" My mom calls me and I drop my phone and leave it on my bed then head out to find out what is wrong. "You okay mom?" I ask noticing tears in her eyes "yes I think I have lost something from my vacation can you help me look for it" She asks me then turns around and we head upstairs. "What are we looking for mom?" I ask as we enter her bedroom "a diamond ring Lisa the guy I'm seeing gave it to me" she's crying now "it's okay mom we will find it" I say rubbing her back thinking why would a guy give a woman a diamond ring after only meeting on holiday but I don't address my worries. My mom's phone rings and I see the name Michael flash on her screen she picks it up whilst I unpack her suitcase looking for this ring. "Hi gorgeous" I hear him say to her and she heads into her en-suite and closes the door not wanting me to hear anymore of their conversation. I unpair my mom's socks and at the toes of this pair of sock in my hand is the diamond ring and I knock on the bathroom door. "Mom I found your ring it's on your bedside table and I'm going back down stairs to start on dinner" I shout through the closed door as my stomach growls and head down to start on dinner, I plug my phone into our speaker and play my favourite playlist that gets me in to mood to cook. My phone buzzes with another message from Cole "hey good looking😉what you up too? I'm bored Bradley is boring me by making me watch some theatre show called Hamilton and I have no clue what is happening expect the rapping and music is unreal" I smile and reply whilst waiting for the water to boil "hey Cole, well my mom is on the phone to some boyfriend who bought her a diamond ring😝so I am making dinner like always" bubbles appear shortly afterwards "hey I love a girl who can cook so maybe you could cook for me over the Summer?😉" I giggled what the hell! I am going crazy for sure. Cole is driving me crazy but deep down I know I am enjoying having his attention even if it is only just for the summer before Uni starts and maybe I might meet someone who likes me for me. 

Once dinner is ready my mom has finished her phone call and joined me down stairs as I sit in front of our tv set. "Lisa don't eat in front of the television" my mom calls me out as she appears in the doorway playing with her diamond ring on her left hand, ring finger I don't address it. "Sorry mom" I get up and follow her to our dining table and place our plates down and sit opposite her. "Mom from the name that flashed on your phone I take it your new boyfriend is called Michael" I ask her wanting to find out more of what she did on her vacation but she isn't giving much away, my phone buzzes in my pocket and I take a quick glance at the name "who's texting you honey?" Mom asks bringing her folk to her mouth "it's Cassie asking if you got back here in one piece and did you bring back any gifts" I say smiling thinking of my best friend. "I am so glad you and Cassie are continuing to be close to one another especially as you are both going to Berkeley together" Mom says tears showing in her eyes but won't escape but I can hear the proudness in her voice.  "Thanks mom" I say smiling she looks down at her phone and smiles while typing away on her phone. "I've got to go and pick up a work friend from the airport are you going to be okay on your own tonight?" Mom asks me abandoning the dinner I cooked for us and she gathered her bag, keys and phone. "Oh sure mom okay I mean I haven't really seen you, I mean I know your job is important to you but I do miss spending time with you" I say as she gets up grabbing her bag, phone and keys she kisses the top of my head "I'm sorry darling" then she is out the door. 

I decide that it's a film night as I think mom will be out for the evening so I call Cassie to see what she thinks about all of this so I dial her number she picks up on the first ring "talk to me doll face" She says down the phone so I fill in the latest on my mom getting a diamond ring from a guy "but Cas she had the ring on her left hand on her ring finger" I say frustrated "maybe there is a simple explanation to all of this" Cassie says down the line. "Now she has left me alone to go a pick up some work friend" I say, "Lisa I don't think there is anything to worry about do you want me to come over to yours?" She says me "nah it's okay I am use to being on my own we will be living in dorms soon enough that you won't be without me" I say laughing down the line to her "oh god it's going to be a bad isn't it" She says laughing "hey!! I think you will be loosing the big V before I do" I say "what makes you say that hon" Cas asks me "Well I saw the kiss between you and Bradley and it was hot" I say laughing. "Oh shut up you but I think you and Cole have been making waves" She says I move my phone and look at the screen to see if she could see my phone. "How do you know?" I ask her "oh Bradley called me earlier saying Cole has been attached to his phone since he got your number and blushes when Bradley brings you up in any conversation" "oh" is all I say buzzing inside that I have Cole in knots but I guess he does have me in knots too. "Anyway Cas it's getting late so I'm going to turn in and I don't think mom is coming home anytime soon" I say "night Lisa hon" Cassie says "night hon dream of Bradley" I say laughing down the phone knowing she's rolling her eyes. I text Cole telling him I'm going to bed "night Lisa dreams of me😉" I roll my eyes but I do smile as he's been on my mind for as long as I can remember. 

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