Chapter 28

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So the news has broke that a body has been found at the beach I share a look with Bradley as in do you think the police we spoke to yesterday when Richard was getting arrested that they were going to deal with this and if he is dead then that means there will be an investigation. Dad has just rung to check in with us and Sally showed us the baby bump then they went and disconnected. "Guys we should go and  see Helen she's on her own" Lisa pipes up after what this morning has been and we all agree Helen had major surgery a couple of days of go to remove the tumours from her spine.  "We should get her a gift and a balloon you know brighten up the room" Lisa says bouncing she gets so excited about helium balloons but hates normal ones. 

We get dressed in our room because Lisa lives in my room our clothes together in the closet and I watch her pull on a deep red lacy thong and matching bra and I am instantly hard watching her get dressed so as she is bent over I slide up behind her pressing my erection into her "Cole" she giggles hitting me with a t-shirt "what?" I say kissing her neck and moving my hand around in front of her stomach and sliding down under her material of her thong parting her lips feeling her dampness. I push a finger inside of her and she moans leaning against me as I flick and roll her clit between my fingers letting it get covered in her juices "god...Cole" Lisa pushes her head against my shoulder closing her eyes. 

"Lisa" I moan in her ear as her arse is wiggling against my cock and I moan "fuck Lisa I need you so bad" I mutter biting her ear then suck it gently she moans "Cole I need your cock I am so close" she says I remove my hand, turn her pushing her material to the side lifting one leg and wrapping it around my hip my cock lined up against her entrance and I feel her take me in all in her warm, hot walls. We moan at the feeling I make small movements thrusting in an out not completely leaving her "oh god Cole...I love your cock!" She moans "Lis you feel so tight so good" I mutter my balls tightening knowing I was going to come soon "Lis come for me please" I hit that spot and I feel her tighten and squeeze me coming all over my cock and I pulse inside of her making my cum hit her walls deep inside of her. Once I have soften I slip out of her and head to the bathroom to clean up wiping her juices off me and she comes in after me cleaning herself up and changing her thong again "now I won't be matching" she says patting her flushed cheeks and I smirk I give it to my girl good. "I don't care if they don't match I'll be ripping them off you later I am sure" I say slapping her arse as she leaves the bathroom pulling out a summer dress that hits her at mid thigh and then pulls on a pair of high top trainers. 

I love her style and we leave my room I am dressed in Calvin Klein jeans and t-shirt, Bradley dresses the same just different colour t-shirt, Cassie is dressed in shorts and crop top. "Lis that dress looks great on you, look at your legs" Cassie says smiling at her best friend as we head out of the door. "I hope Helen is up for visitors" Bradley says as we get to my car "yeah Helen loves us" I say smiling and get behind the wheel Lisa sitting in passenger seat I pick up her hand and kiss her palm before starting the car "jeez you two can not stop touching one another" Bradley says rolling his eyes "they are in love babe like me and you" Cassie says placing a palm against Bradley's cheek he looks at her and smile leaning over and giving her a gentle kiss. We arrive at the hospital and Cole parks in a space. We all get out and look around Cole takes my hand in his with Bradley doing the same with Cassie and we walk towards the entrance and Lisa spots the gift shop "I don't want to get a get well soon balloon I think we miss you is better" I say looking at the balloons whilst Cassie looks at the flowers. "You know she will like whatever you get her" Cassie says looking at me and Bradley. "Can we get this one blown up please" I hear Lisa ask the shop assistant "of course" she says then disappears out the back. 

We arrive at the right ward and I approach the Nurses station "we are here for Helen Narrow" I ask the nurses one giggles blushing "room 19" the older nurse says "thank you" I say and walk away taking Lisa's hand in mine and we find Helen's room and Cassie opens the door and there is Helen laying in bed with pillows propping her up "Hi Helen" I say coming into the room with Lisa holding a balloon, Cassie and Bradley following behind with the flowers. "boys!" Helen says smiling at me and Bradley opening her arms to hug us. "I'm sorry we haven't be able to come sooner" I state and Lisa nods embarrassed "don't be I am so happy you are here now" Helen says looking at me and her. "I see love is blooming amongst you four" Helen says eyes shining with unleashed tears I pull up a chair and sit besides her taking her hand in mine and Bradley does the same on the other side watching out for the IUV line "shall we leave you guys to catch up" Cassie says looking at the three of us, she is standing next to Lisa who nods. I look at my girlfriend love shining in her eyes. I get up placing my hands on either side of her face giving her a kiss "I'll text you later okay" I say and she nods then walks over to Helen giving her a hug "miss you, rest up" I hear her whisper then she waits by the door for Cassie. 

The girls leave "you two have keepers don't do anything to break those girls hearts" Helen says addressing me and Bradley "I wouldn't dream of it, Lisa and Cassie are family" Bradley states "yeah we both love our girls" I state "you love them" Helen looks at us "yeah we do plus you should see Cole and Lisa they can not keep their hands off one another" I smirk at my brothers response "it's not my fault my girlfriend is hot and I am hard all the time" I comment back and Bradley rolls his eyes "I bet them two had sex before we left to come here to see you" Bradley says to Helen and she looks at me and I shrug my shoulders "oh my god Cole" She says pushing my shoulder gently "what she was bending over and I couldn't help myself" I say and both of them roll their eyes. "Now how was the wedding? tell me everything I missed, any photos or videos" Helen  asks looking at us both "the wedding was beautiful till we had a wedding crasher" Bradley says retelling the story "yeah it was Lisa's dad he crashed the wedding then he demanded money from us for the selling his parental rights of Lisa" I say still feeling angry "oh god" Helen says handing flying to her mouth "yeah then he decided to show up at the house yesterday off his head drunk and high" Bradley says knowing he had to finish as I was too angry, I got up and paced around the room. "Poor Lisa" Helen says shaking her head "I know we had to get the police involved then this morning we saw the news of there being a dead body washed up on the beach" Bradley says looking at me to see if I had calmed down now. "I saw that no-one knows who it is" Helen says looking at Bradley, I sit back down "Cole you okay?" Helen pats my hand "yeah I just feel for Lisa you know" I state and Helen nods. "Dad does not know about any of this" Bradley says.

"Babe, visiting hours is almost up what are u up to? I really miss u, I just want to hold u xxx" I text Lisa and smile when I get a response "we have been shopping 😉 bought something for us to use later maybe 🥰 we are heading to the room now xxx" "Lisa and Cassie come back into the room and we say goodbye to Helen telling her we will visit soon. "That was hard seeing her like that" I state as we approach the car, Bradley agreeing with me "shall we have a movie night and just relax order a pizza in?" Lisa asks us all and we agree, My girl just knows what to do when it's been a real tough day. 

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