Chapter 30

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Well todays the day we drive to Berkley at the moment we are at a service station waiting for our subway sandwiches to be made, It's nice having a road trip me and Lisa in one car Cassie and Bradley sitting in the other, I've never mentioned it but I am glad that Bradley is coming to Berkley with and we are all living together since I go with Lisa - I have calmed down a lot I do not hang out with the old popular crowd from school and I never hear from Britney she used to text me a lot when I first got with Lisa but she is now dating some older guy her father knows who is like management she tries to rub in my face with her social media posts but I just ignore them. "Cole you ready?" Lisa pulls me out of my weird day dream "yeah lets grab a table we are on schedule" I check my watch just to make sure, Bradley does the same. "There's a table over there - grab it me and Lisa are just going to nip to the bathroom before we get back in the cars" Cassie says grabbing my girlfriends hand. 

"What was all that about?" I ask as we take a seat Bradley looks up from his sandwich "what?" "Cassie grabbing Lisa's hand looking slightly green in the face" I state "I think she's suffering from travel sickness" Bradley says going back to his sandwich. I wait for the girls to come back before I start my footlong they come back and Cassie looks better "are you okay?" I ask Cassie who is looking slightly better a little flushed. "I am thank you Cole" she blushes and sits down next to Bradley hand gently placed on her stomach which Bradley doesn't notice but I look at Lisa for some answers but she has her head down unwrapping her sandwich. I push it to the back of my mind to ask her later. I place my hand on Lisa's inner thigh because well... I just can't get enough of my girl and I feel like I haven't touched her in so long, she leans her head on my shoulder and gentle sighs "well we get to the hotel can we shower you know...together" she whispers to me "too right we will I haven't had you today and I'm getting blue balls just by sitting near you" I whisper back placing a gentle kiss on the pulse in her neck I hear her breathe hitch slightly. "How long do we have left to go?" "3 hours left" I kiss her lips then pull back to pick up my sandwich "so what are you two doing after we see the apartment?" I ask my brother "oh we may check Berkeley - from the look you are giving me you are heading to the hotel after the apartment viewing" Bradley says leaning back throwing his arm around Cassie, "yep and please don't disturb us" I proudly say whilst Lisa hits me in the chest. "We better get moving then if we want to get checked in" Lisa says standing up and placing her trash in the bin and we all follow suit. 

We get back in our cars and finish the journey in good time, the sat nav takes us to the apartment block we will be living in for our freshman year and maybe all four years we are here who knows. "At least we have two spaces for our cars" Bradley says parking next to us and we all get out, we shut the doors and lock the cars heading to the lobby of the block, "good afternoon gentlemen and ladies do you have residence here?" The security guard looks at us "oh we are the Morris twins - our father Michael Morris put down a payment for us to check out our apartment before moving here at the end of summer so if you have the keys would be very helpful" Bradley says looking at the guy. "Yes very well Mr Morris we do have your keys here two sets and a fob for the front door and parking garage can we just get copies of drivers licences and number plates please" I dig mine out and hand it over, Bradley does the same they register our cars and fob into their system "all checked - you are very happy to go and check out your new place" he then turns away and we head to the elevators and get it and I press the button for the 6th floor. 

"Who wants to do the honours?" I ask the group no-one volunteers so I place the key in the lock and turn...Lisa pushes the door open and walks in first "wow this place is gorgeous" she says turning around in a circle in the open planned lounge/kitchen. "Shall we check out the bedrooms?" I suggest lifting a brow seeing if she catches on as I walk over to her - Cassie heads looking for a bathroom again. "Is Cassie okay?" I ask her again placing my hands on her hips "yeah she's just feeling a little travel sick if it was anything she would tell Bradley" Lisa says throwing her hands behind my neck stroking it driving me crazy that I crash my lips to hers. "Ground rule one: no sex in public rooms where others can walk in at any given moment" Bradley says opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. "Is that include you and Cassie too?" I ask cheekily "no just you two unlike me and Cassie we keep our love making to the bedroom only" Bradley says smirking "where's the excitement bro" I ask "Come on lets check out the bedrooms and there's a swimming pool in the building somewhere" Lisa says grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hallway we open a door to a guest bathroom I guest then we opened a door at the end and it opens to a massive bedroom with a king bed in the middle. I grab Lisa and chuck her on the bed she bounces a few times giggling then I crawl up her body nipping her skin as I go. One of my palms goes up and under her t-shirt and gives her boob a good squeeze whilst I place a kiss behind her ear, her hips rise trying to a line herself to my bulge in my jeans. I travel my lips down her neck wanting to have my wicked way with her as it's been too long. 

"Get naked Lis - I'm going to lock the door so Bradley doesn't want on us doing reverse cowgirl, or 69 or you riding me or him getting a good look at my bare ass" I say getting off my girl which is impossible because I never want to stop touching her, I walk over to the door pushing it shut as I turn I watch my girl unclasp her bra letting it drop, I pull my t-shirt over my head and kick off my shoes undoing my jeans pulling them down my legs whilst not taking my eyes off my girl as she undoes her shorts and shimmies them down her legs leaving her in a light pink lacy thong from what I can tell. "Fuck Lisa you are so hot" I say grabbing my cock, she licks her lips and I'm sure I get harder how I didn't think I could "babe I'm not going to last at all if you look at me like you are right now" I say getting back on the bed crawling up her body stopping at her chest, lowering my head closing my lips around one of her nipples causing her to arch her back "touch yourself" I command then move my head to her other nipple "I'd rather touch you" she runs a finger down my chest then her hand disappears under the waistband of my boxers, I wish my hips forward hand feels so good on my cock, "I need to be inside you Lis" I mutter she removes her hand pushing my boxers down behind my arse as I lower her thong the wetness of her pussy showing how turned on she is. I a line my cock at her entrance and with one thrust I'm in to full tilt "Fuck...Cole" She gasps surprised but relaxes as I start to thrust in and out of her my balls slapping against her, our lips clash in a passionate kiss "I love you Cole" she says to me looking at me in the eyes "I love you too are mine forever" I say it bringing her leg to her chest so I can go deeper. "Fuck you feel so good on my cock...I'm soo close, come with me Lisa" I mutter into her neck my hand snaking down between our bodies till I find her bundle of nerves. Arching her back she lets out a moan "Cole" my name falling from her lips as her wall start to milk my cock squeezing it and I explode inside of her "Lisa" I pant still thrust I can feel her coming again - this is the hardest I have ever come. I stay buried inside my girl till I can feel myself soften "I need to get cleaned up Cole" Lisa whispers trying to sit up smiling at me giving me a kiss. 

I reluctantly pull out and head to the bathroom bring a wet cloth her and tissue for me, "that was the hottest and hardest I've ever come" I say pulling my boxers back on "well I say we definitely broke in the bed this is our room" Lisa says wiping herself then walking to the bathroom naked. "We need to go and look at the campus then check into the hotel" I say as we both get re-dressed when there is a knock on our bathroom door. "Come in" Lisa says re-doing her hair, Cassie walks in looking between us "we are heading to campus in 5 minutes - it smells like sex in here" She scrunches up her nose but gives us a wink before closing the door again. Lisa giggles walks over to me gives me a kiss then walks away opening the door and I follow. "Well the lovers are finally ready" Bradley says giving us a look "whilst you guys were busy we popped to the University shop and bought us all hoodies" Cassie says smiling handing out hoodies to me and Lisa - she pulls it on and smiles as proud as Cassie - I pull my one on too "lets take a picture" Lisa says excitedly - this has been her dream school so we all smile as she takes the selfie to send to our parents and so Cassie can send it to her mum. "Right lets get going" Bradley says opening the door and we all file out, locking it behind us "Shit wait...Lisa do we have our key?" I ask just thinking that if we aren't coming back her but knowing Lisa she has it. "Don't worry I have the key" she pats her pocket the slides her hand into my back pocket of my jeans, I kiss the top of her head. 

We walked around campus, I found the football centre, gym then we found the theatre and studios, costume department, dance studios and student canteen even if we don't personally use it because we have our apartment but it's a beautiful campus, we head back to apartment to check we haven't left anything and then we make our way to the hotel, I made sure there was a surprise for Lisa for when we checked in. I tap the room card against the door and push it open letting Lisa walk through " did all this?" she looks around the room there's rose petals on the bed and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket.  I give her a slow deep kiss one that movies normally write about and I feel her lean into me "go and run the bath I will join you" I mutter looking into her love filled eyes as she nods walking away pulling her t-shirt over her head and letting her jean shorts drop. I close my eyes, undress and follow her into the bathroom. 

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