Chapter 18

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Me and Lisa are officially been together properly for a little while now and its now a couple of days before my dad and her mom get married and we haven't come clean about us but I want to before she becomes off-limits because of a piece of paper. Lisa is a sleep beside me naked we have been sneaking into each others bedrooms late at night because we have been close to getting caught a couple of times by the maid as Helen is on rest and both Bradley and Cassie have told us to come clean but me and Lisa haven't found the perfect time they are off to a function or dad is on a massive case. 

I watch Lisa sleep her chest rising and falling peacefully, she doesn't realise the sheet had slipped down showing off her bare back as we were up late with her bouncing on my cock with her back to my chest, my hands playing with her breasts and it was a first for both of us moaning as we climaxed together she turns her head and our lips meet whilst I was thrusting into her. I gentle move her hair out of her face and she opens one eye "morning gorgeous girlfriend of mine" I bend my head and kiss her lips and she smiles "morning handsome" she lifts a hand to my cheek. I sit up and she flips and sits up next to me bring the sheet to her chest "what do you do want to do today?" I ask her wanting to spend the day with her in bed would be a great idea but we need to sort out talking to our parents first. "I don't know what do you want to do I do know that I have to go bridesmaid shopping with mom and you are going suit shopping because the wedding is happening next week" Lisa says linking her arms though mine head resting on my shoulder, I love waking up with her I mean we haven't said I love you yet to each other but I am really close to saying it. 

"Shit is that today? do you think we should talk to our parents about us before we officially because step-siblings because I really do want to tell them because I love being with you Lisa, you make me happier than I ever thought I could be" I say looking into her face and smiling. "I love being with you too Cole and funnily enough I was thinking of telling my mom today we are out today" She says and looking over at my clock and groans "what's wrong?" I ask kissing her shoulder "I have to get up but I don't want to, I'm too comfortable" she mumbles "I know I enjoy sharing my mornings with you" I say just as Bradley opens the door "Jeez Bradley knock" I say throwing a pillow at my brother as his timing is crazy and Lisa covers her boobs "Oh Lis I've seen your tits you don't have to cover" He says rolling his eyes and I am shocked my brother has seen my girls boobs "what! when?" I ask "that's what you pick up on" Bradley says closing the door. 

"Why are you here?" I ask pushing that the fact my brother has seen my girlfriends boobs to the back of my mind for the moment. "Well Sally is on the way to Lisa's room to wake her up to go bridesmaid shopping and dad wants us in his study in like 20 minutes then go suit shopping so I thought I would come and give you guys a warning so you can appear to not be sleeping with each other every second you can get" Bradley says crossing his arms over his chest. "Well Lisa is naked and I don't want you to see my girlfriends bare behind so please exit my room and I will meet you in dad's study plus Bradley I'm coming clean to dad today about me and Lisa will you back me up if it doesn't quite go to the plan" I ask him knowing my brother will have my back. "We told Helen already and she is super happy for us" I says Bradley nods "sure bro anytime you need me to back you I will" Bradley says "Lisa have a great day with your mom" then he turns and leaves. 

"I don't want you to go" I say as I watch Lisa dress and open my bedroom door "I know I don't want to either but the sooner I go the sooner I can get back and we have some alone time later and give you a present that you will enjoy" She says giving me a wink then closes the door and I throw the covers off me and head to the bathroom for a shower. My cock standing to attention like it always does when Lisa sleeps with me and I guess I have to take care of myself or I could turn the water to freezing cold and it would go down on it's own. I decide to go for the first one because I can close my eyes and pictures Lisa's lips around my cock and my tongue in her pussy licking up her juices enjoy the moans coming from her mouth and I come hard in my hand that didn't long. 

I finish my shower and dress in Levi's and shirt so its casual but dressy, I head down to my dads study and knock Bradley meets me outside the door we are dressed the same but different colour shirts. "You seen Helen this morning?" Bradley asks me as we wait for dad to open the study door. "Saw her last night she looks weaker I am worried about her" I say just as dad opens his study door. "Boys come in" he says in a stern voice and we follow behind him and we sit down in front of the desk. "I wanted to ask you before we head out to look at suits" He states me and Brad look at each other like what the is this about  "do you think Sally and Lisa are settling in okay I mean I know we sprung the wedding onto you and I want everyone to be happy" dad says "yeah we are really happy I think Cole more than anyone" Bradley says and I give him a look thanks for throwing me under the bus dad looks between me and Brad "is there is something I need to know about boys" dad asks 

I swallow and clear my throat "yeah there is something dad..."I start Bradley gives me a supporting nod so I continue "me and Lisa have started to see one another, we have both had a crush on one another through out school and we both wanted to see if there was a connection there before you got married to her mom and once you guys were married we would be going off to College but dad just to let you know I love her, I want to be with her all the time, she makes me smile, laugh and makes me a much better person. I have never felt so strong for someone before and I hope you are okay with me and her" I finish and look at my dad who doesn't give anything away. 

"Right and Bradley you have known about this" dad asks him and I look at my brother "yes dad and I am glad that Cole as come clean now" Bradley says and dad nods "Lisa is telling Sally today dad too we wanted to tell you before the wedding" I quickly add so dad doesn't ring Sally before Lisa has had a chance to tell her. "Okay son I am glad you have strong feelings for her and you will treat her right not hurt her in anyway? I can not stop you and Lisa from being together because you are right me and Sally are not married yet and as the wedding is approaching I am hoping you and Lisa will be happy for me and Sally" dad says linking his hands together. "Of course dad we are all happy for you Sally brings out a side of you that we lost when mom died" Bradley says and I nod agreeing with his statement. 

"Right well besides what you have told me today boys I have brought you in here to talk about Helen as I know you two are every close to her and she has looked after you since your mom and it comes with great sadness to tell you that she is sick and I mean I don't know what the outcome is for her and I want you two to be prepared for the worst, she is family but she wont be working for us we will be looking after her" dad says emotions showing I swallow and look at Bradley he is the emotional one and I am the strong one but I feel like the emotional one today. "What does she have dad?" Bradley asks placing a hand on my shoulder and I do the same back to him "Chordoma" he says and we look confused not knowing the terms "cancer of the spine" he states and we are shocked. 

Dad's phone buzzes with an alarm "right the car is here to take us to go the suit shop are you boys okay to go with me because you will be standing up there with me when I get married" dad says getting up from out of his chair and we follow not really saying anything our minds keep playing dads words "Helen has cancer of the spin, Helen has cancer of the spin"  "I need to tell Lisa" I whisper to Bradley as dad opens the front door "do it I'm going to text Cassie because I really miss her" Bradley says "yeah where is she again?" I ask him as we get in the car, dad sitting in passenger seat, me and Brad sit in the back. "oh she's gone to Florida with her family last holiday before college" Bradley says looking out the window and I get my phone out my pocket sending a text to Lisa "gorgeous, I really miss you dad is okay with us by the way it will take some time to get use to it but its okay, hopefully you and your mom are having a nice time oh and btw Helen has cancer of the spine😥I need a cuddle from you later, missing you xxx" Brad types a message to Cassie basically saying the same thing as me, I get a response back "ah Cole I am so sorry I am not with you right now as I am trying on a bridesmaid dress whilst I am typing this, glad your dad is okay with us I am going to tell mom over lunch 🤞it goes well for me 😉miss you will give you a kiss when I see you and a hug xxx" I smile she always makes the world feel better. We pull up to a suit shop called 'Sid Mashburn' "wow" both me and Bradley mutter under our breathes dad does not shop cheap there is only one Michael Morris and he has to have the best. 

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