Chapter 8

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Lisa rang me and she found out about my dad and her mom getting married and to be honest I was surprised she rang me and not Bradley or even Cassie but we had a really good chat and with that we came clean that we both have desires for one another and we are going to start making some moves before the big wedding where we become off-limits to each other but then again we are both going to University together so maybe we could continue our relationship if there is even is one and we connect somehow. Now he we are sitting in our dinning room with Lisa in between me and Bradley and her mom Sally sitting opposite us next to our dad, I do feel like we are cheating on mom somehow but I know we aren't because it has been five years and I really miss her still. Helen brings out the food and recognises Lisa and I panic briefly because dad still doesn't know about the party or the award being broken. 

Once Helen had left the dinning room I wanted to make a start on my plan that I made with Bradley to making Lisa mine even if it just for the summer which I hope it isn't. I move my hand and place it on her knee and I hear her take in a quick glance and I see her pupils dilate. We exchange some whispers to the point my cock is throbbing so hard behind my jean buttons and I dare her to touch me then I look at her and see her eyes flick down to my cock and it gets even harder. She then surprises me then by moving her hand off the table and onto my knee. The chemistry between us burns, Bradley pipes up beside Lisa asking if Cassie can come over, dad agrees and I can not help but pipe up with a comment "we all know Cassie is more than a friend to you bro" I say smirking, Lisa hits me on the knee and I raise an eye brow eyes flicking my eyes  to her full lips then to her hazel eyes.

Dinner continues on, me and Lisa share looks but her hand doesn't move from my knee  but I want her to touch my cock real bad so I take her hand in mine I flick my eyes again to my dad and her mom then I slide her hand up my leg and over my jean covered cock and she takes a quick in take of breathe as do I because her touch feels so good, so I take my hand away and she just leaves it there. I am sure she can feel the heat from my body "he likes you" I say giving her a wink. "Cassie is coming over, she's on her way" Bradley says breaking the spell again and Lisa removes her hand blinking a few times then looks at me and I smile, a plan taking place in my head because I will get Lisa alone and we will kiss maybe more who knows. I know Lisa is a virgin that is for sure because she didn't stroke me or anything it was like she didn't know what to do and never seen or felt it before. 

Dad and Sally excused themselves and Bradley ran when the front door bell rang "just friends my arse" I say Lisa stands and starts to tidy up the dinning room, picking up plates and I sit back and watch her bend over the perfect bum lifting slight. Helen comes back in surprised to see the plates have been picked up and stacked "did you do this?" Helen asks Lisa who just gives her a shy smile "I am sorry if I over stepped the line" Lisa says stepping back "no you weren't Lisa, thank you for helping the small things mean so big" Helen says then hugs her, Lisa is a little taken back and I notice Helen is a little bit more tired than normal. "Helen are you okay?" I ask her looking more closely. She waves a hand and tells me not to worry then she lets out a yawn. "Helen go and lay down in the pool house me and Cole will tidy and wash up" Lisa says and lifts a brow to me. 

I watch Helen leave and I get a text from Britney inviting me to a party but ignore it and delete it and block her number because she is now in my past and she was a toxic past because I was using her to try and ignore my feelings for Lisa for too long. so we tidy up the dinning room and head to the kitchen to the washing up Lisa fills in the sink with soap and water, she flicks a few drops of water at me it hits my face and we laugh and I smile having fun. "I wonder where Bradley and Cassie went" Lisa says washing the plates as I dry them "who knows but I don't want to know what the two love birds are up too the last thing I want to think about is my twin getting his dick wet" I shudder at the thought and next thing I know is I get flicked with a dry tea towel so I grab Lisa and turn her in my arms and she giggles and I love that sound. 

We finish cleaning the kitchen "fancy watching some tv in my room" I ask "sure" I was surprised she agreed so easily. "Don't look so surprised Cole I want to spend time with you" Lisa places one of her hands on my chest feeling my rapid heart beat. I place my hand on her waist and bring her closer to me so there is nothing between our bodies I know we have to tread carefully because of the whole pending marriage but I can't stop thinking about kissing her lips and how they would feel against mine. I look down at her as she looks up at me and I can see the whole 'kiss me' look so I grab the chance I bring my finger under her chin and lift her gaze to mine, I bring my lips down to hers. The feel of her lips against mine it was like fireworks going off in my head, she parted her lips and my tongue danced with hers and we both moan giving into our attraction to each other, her hands grab a hold of my t-shirt and I deepen our kiss linking my hands behind her back picking her up and sitting her on the kitchen counter with me standing in between her legs our lips not leaving each others. 

God she is such an amazing kisser wonder where she learnt to kiss like this, I want to deepen the kiss but she pulls away panting breathing hard and I am the same our lips swollen from the kiss. She licks her lips and tries to speak. I place my hands on her thighs "shall we go and watch tv then?" I ask my throat bobbing wanting to kiss her again in my room, on my bed with the door locked. "Sure shall it just be us or are we inviting your brother and Cassie?" Lisa says me placing her hands behind my head stroking the ends of my hair. It was a small movement but it felt so good and I love it. I swallowed bringing out my phone sending my brother a text hoping he and Cassie are busy. "Hey bro, me and Lisa are going to watch a film in my room if you wanna join or are you up to something? 😜" I get a buzz back, me and Lisa glance down at the reply "no bro kind of busy here 😉" I pretend to gag causing Lisa to giggle. "🤮" and I pocket my phone in my back pocket "so shall we head to my room then?" I ask her and she hops off the counter "lead the way" giving me a wink and I smacked her on her bum, we headed upstairs as we stepped onto the landing we could hear moaning from one of the closed doors I knew it was my dad's room but Lisa didn't need to know that but of course she must know what her mom sounds like. I give Lisa a quick 'I'm sorry' look and we quickly walked passed the door and I opened my room. 

I was panicking inside trying to remember if I had cleaned up but then I remember Helen comes in and she has made my bed and put any clothes of mine away. Luckily as me and Bradley were kids we had different styles for sure I was all about sports basketball shorts, vests, schools football jerseys, Levi jeans, tight t-shirts, branded trainers and sport jackets whilst Bradley was all about the black skinny jeans, plain t-shirts sometimes band t-shirts and vans. I was dark haired like dad Bradley was like mom strawberry blonde. Lisa walked straight to my double bed and sat with her back against the pillows, I closed my door and followed her and sat next to her using the remote to switch on the tv to bring up the film menu of Netflix. "What do you fancy watching?" I say handing over the remote "oh Shrek the musical is on here!" She says excitedly I wanted to roll my eyes but I knew that would be rude of me, she has always loved theatre so I shouldn't contain. I pulled her down so she could cuddle into me placing head on my chest and this felt so right like she was always meant to be in my arms. I quickly glanced at her and she was mouthing along with the words. "You seen this before?" I ask, she just nods and I laugh "I shouldn't have been surprised" I say placing one hand behind my head and the other stroking her head. 

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