Chapter 29

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So we saw Helen yesterday and she looked well considering everything but today we are off to visit Berkeley and the apartment we are going to be living in whilst we are there. This is our first road trip for me and Cole, Bradley is going to follow us in his own car with Cassie because he doesn't want to be a third wheel to us. I pack a bag because we are staying over night in a hotel just the two of us, Bradley and Cassie are coming back here and having the house to themselves which I am very sure they are happy about it to be honest. "You ready baby" Cole asks from our bedroom door, "yeah just coming" I say smiling at him going through my mental checklist making sure I have phone charger, toothpaste the lot oh and my medication. One day maybe when older we will think about starting a family because well Cole has ruined me for anyone else, no-one is as amazing as Cole is. 

I come down the stairs with my hair in plaits, checked shirt, jean shorts and sneakers, looking like your all American girl. Cole walks over to me "wow Lis you look hot" he pulls me into his body one hand on my arse check and the other playing with one end of my plait giving me a quick kiss that makes me slightly weak at the knees I have to say. Bradley clears his throat as he is ready to lock up and set the alarm as it's the weekend the house keepers aren't needed and Helen has to stay in hospital that little bit longer another two weeks or so but if she recovers well and can walk unaided then she may come home quicker. "Let's go" I say picking up my bag and dragging Cole out with me so Bradley could lock up because we wouldn't leave as from what I can tell Cole would drag me back upstairs for another round of sex which I wouldn't mind one bit. 

"Lis you in charge of music for our road trip okay" Cole says as he places our bags in the trunk of his car and then walks round and opens the passenger door letting me get in then walks back to the drivers side and gets in turning on the air con as it is a hot one today. Bradley has the same exact car as Cole but his is black not blue that is the only different between the two cars. I close my eyes and let my mind relax then my phone buzzes with a text message from mom "hey big baby girl we thought that we would give you an update on things we found out the gender of the baby today and it's a girl! 💗. Michael has just got called up to help with a big case so we will be coming home early. I know you have already left to go and visit Berkeley with in mind the apartment we have sorted out for you. Enjoy your road trip and see you in a couple of days xx" I read the message a few times "what does it say?" Cole asks me and I look at him "they're having a girl we are getting a half sister. Plus they are coming home earlier than expected due to your dad needing to go in and help with an important case" I say looking at Cole's side profile. 

"That's fine be nice to have them back really" he says eyes on the road as we head out of the neighbourhood Bradley following behind us the gate closes and Sat Nav is set and we have Bluetooth set up so we can call Bradley incase we loose them along the way. Cole removes his hand from the wheel and holds mine entwining our fingers we drive through town and out onto the highway. Cole checks the mirrors and glances checking Bradley is following "all good?" I ask him "yeah all good just checking that Bradley is following "shall we get some food at a service station half way to Berkeley?" I ask Cole he lifts our hands bringing mine to his lips "sounds good want to call Brad and Cass and find out if they want to join us?" he asks me and I smile "call Bradley" I say to the Bluetooth in the car and it connects the call "yo Lisa you wanting to switch cars already?" Bradley laugher fills out the car "nice try bro she's with the better twin remember sorry Cass but my heart belongs to Lisa" Cole says laughing back "none taken, just glad my best friend is getting treated like a princess" she says and I look at Cole and smile. 

"The reason we are phoning is we were thinking of pulling into a service station to get some food and wondering if you guys agree?" Cole asks not taking his eyes off the road "yeah that sounds good to us and I am sure we are all hungry, as we all like to be busy at night time" I blush "Bradley you can't say stuff like that" I hear Cassie say I'm sure she hits Bradley on the arm "oh come on babe we know that those two can't keep their hands off one another" Bradley says back to her and me and Cole share a look then he goes back to looking at the road "Bradley is that a yes or no to service station?" I ask "it's a yes Lis" Cassie says "okay wicked" I say then press end call button. "So that's done, I created a playlist for today" I say syncing my phone with the car system and the car fills with music "born to run" starts to play and I can't help but sing along. 

It's been a few hours and the service station is coming up and Cole flicks the indicator and we take it I look behind and see that Bradley has followed us "what do you fancy my love?" I ask as we find a parking space and Bradley pulls into the space next to us "stay" Cole says undoing his seat belt and opening his door stretching slightly then walking round to open mine and I slide out smiling at him. "Just so you two are aware Sally and Dad are coming home early due to Dad being summoned to work on some important case plus we are getting a baby sister" Cole tells Bradley. "Oh my god congratulations guys" Cassie says hugging Bradley then Cole then me "your getting a baby sister" she says linking her arm through mine as we head into the service station "we good on petrol or diesel?" I ask not sure which the cars are using. "yeah babe we are good there is another service station not too far from our destination" Cole says looking at me and I nod "so it looks like there is a Subway, McDonalds, KFC take your pick plus there is a mini Target/Walmart" Cole says looking around and Bradley follows suit "do you two think the same thing at the same time?" Cassie asks I am kind of interested on that answer too "on three one...two...three" Bradley says "Subway" they both same smiling and throwing their arm around one another. 

"creepy" Cassie whispers to me and I laugh out loud, both guys pull the same expression and that me laugh harder "your facial must be like looking in the mirror" I say trying to calm my laughing. "Babe come on you know we are twins" Cole says walking towards me and pulling me to him by my hips so we are chest to chest and leans down to give me a sweet kiss. "Always kissing" Bradley comments "can't help it that I haven't kissed my girl for a little while" Cole response back but pulls back to hold my hand and I always feel happy and buzzed when Cole takes my hand. We all head to Subway and I lean my head on Cole's shoulder as we wait in line to place our orders my stomach growls at knowing food is coming. "So you going for six inch or footlong?" Cole asks me as we move forward "always a footlong" I reply and Cole smirks "next" the lady calls out and we step forward "can I have chicken teriyaki footlong on Italian herb and cheese please" I say then move along as Cole orders his "toasted?" the person asks me "yes please" I reply then wait for the timer "what salads?" "can I have lettuce, mixed peppers, cucumber, red onion with light mayo please" I say as I watch them make our sandwiches. 

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