Chapter 12

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Waking up with Lisa is a dream come true, feeling her body coiled into mine like she belonged there "morning beautiful" I say yawning opening my eyes and looking into her beautiful face and I can not believe this is the first time we have woken up together and I never want it to end. "I better get up" Lisa says making a move but I pull her back to me before she can leave me "not without a morning kiss" I give her a wink "fine" She leans down and gives me a kiss then there's a knock at my door. "Who is that?" Lisa whispers "Bradley" I whisper back and see her relax "bro come in" moments later Bradley comes in "just to gives you a heads up your mom and our dad is up and I told them I will come and get you guys up" Bradley nodding to Lisa and me "okay I better get dressed" Lisa says getting out and I watch her hips sway as she walks over to her clothes and bends down to pick up them up then heads to the bathroom. 

I head downstairs whilst Lisa gets dressed "morning dad morning Sally" I say as I come into the kitchen seeing dad and Sally sitting together looking at broachers "morning Cole" Sally says smiling "morning son" dad says placing his hand on Sally's thigh. Helen places pancakes, bacon and eggs on my plate "Cole son is it okay to take Lisa home me and your dad are off to look at wedding venues today so we can book for it as soon as possible "sure" I say just then Lisa comes in looking super cute and adorable. Me and Bradley look at each other whilst Sally tells her daughter I'm taking her home I give her a wink. I love watching her blush at any action I take, Helen comes back into the kitchen "what would you like Lisa for breakfast?" she asks "Oh I will have the same as Cole please" Lisa says a girl after my own heart I like this, Britney would go against eating things like this and ask for a fruit smoothie. 

Dad and Sally say goodbye to us which leaves me, Lisa and Bradley in the kitchen with Helen wiping down the counter tops next thing I know Lisa screams my name and I catch Helen in my arms just before she hits the floor. "Shit we need to take her to hospital Cole she doesn't look good" Bradley says voice with concern "yeah Cole" Lisa says looking at Helen "no I'm fine please don't worry" Helen says in my arms "no Helen we are needing to get you checked out" I say as Bradley grabs my keys and phone as we head for the door, I wanted to spend the day with Lisa but Helen is priority now. "I'm sorry" I mouth at Lisa she gives me a smile back and we head to the car. 

We arrive at the hospital and Lisa recognises the doctor as Cassie's father "oh shit that's Cassie's dad" Bradley whispers to me as we walk Helen. "He doesn't know you took his daughter's V card does he" I whisper back as we follow Lisa and Dr Beckett into an examination room. The three of us listen to Dr Beckett talk and he asks us a question "we have recently noted she was looking extra tired and has lost weight rapidly I should say but today was the first time she has fainted in front of us" I say as Dr Beckett takes notes he turns back to Helen "have you found any lumps recently Helen?" I notice she points to her chest and my stomach drops. "Right blood tests need to be done today and maybe a scan just to be sure" Dr Beckett says and we all nod and leave the room. 

We walk down to the blood test area "Lisa can you come with me, I am scared of needles" Helen asks her "of course Helen" she links arms with her and takes a number ticket and we sit down "I'm going to grab a soda does anyone want anything?" Bradley asks he has never been good with hospitals after the car accident he was in and I am not a fan either but being three minutes older I have to be the strong one "can I have a soda too Bradley" Lisa says "make it two" I say putting my nose to Lisa's hair with no parents around I want to cuddle and touch her. "Number 55" a nurse calls out I look at Helen's ticket and she is number 60. "You two make a cute couple" Helen says in a weak voice "oh we are not together" Lisa says looking at Helen I so want us to be together "Lisa you and Cole are not related, you did not grow up together you will be step-siblings nothing more plus you met each other during middle school so don't worry about it bring yourself some happiness" Helen says taking her hand I take her other one linking our fingers together. 

"Number 60" a nurse calls and Helen stands with Lisa just as Bradley comes back and sits down next to me handing me a soda as we watch Helen and Lisa walk towards to nurse. I watch Lisa as I can not take my eyes off her. "Jeez Cole put your eyes back in" Bradley says nudging me "do you think Helen is going okay?" I ask looking at my best friend and we share a look of not sure. I can hear Helen squeezing Lisa's hand "Helen talk to me about bringing up the twins it will take your mind off the needle" Lisa says in a calming voice we hear Helen laugh "oh the boys were trouble from the word go, Bradley was sensible from the word go but Cole was always climbing trees, scraping knees it was only when Bradley broke his leg that Cole calmed down his ways but then he started to date that Britney girl after their mom died and she was to toxic, undermining him nasty girl nothing like you" Helen says "all done" the nurse says and we stand as they walk over. "The results will be back in a couple of days" Helen says "do we need to go back to Dr Beckett?" I ask Lisa and she shakes her head "no a letter will come in to the post for a scan appointment incase something shows up in the blood results" and she opens her soda and takes a drink. "Helen have the rest of the day off me, Bradley and Lisa will be out all day so go rest" I say as we head back to the car. 

We drop Helen back home "Cole is it okay to go to mine so I can get changed into some fresh clothes" Lisa asks me from the back seat "yeah sure" I say looking  at her "do you want to text Cassie and see if she wants to join us at the pier?" I ask Bradley thinking I don't want him to feel like a third wheel. "Oh yeah invite Cassie over to mine then we can go from there" Lisa says getting excited, I used to go to the pier with Britney so I hope to god we do not run into her. She may have already gone away I really want to enjoy my time with Lisa. 

We arrive at Lisa's home and she unlocks the front door "please make your selves comfortable whilst I'll go and change" She says leaving us in the lounge, the doorbell rings about five minutes later "that will be Cassie" Bradley says going to answer the door and smiles when he sees Cassie. "Hey Bradley, Hey Cole is Lisa getting ready?" she asks us "yeah I think so" I say and she heads down to where Lisa's bedroom must be. "So are you and Cassie going to go out for an official date?" I ask my twin trying to distract my mind from the hospital and thinking of Lisa getting undressed. "Well...this is kind of our first date" Bradley says blushing "seriously?" I raise an eyebrow "yeah I've never been good with girls that's all on you so I thought a casual first date with her best friend and mine was a good move" Bradley blushes and I feel for him "well I will be your love guru but I have to be honest my track record is not the best so maybe just go with the flow whatever feels natural to you" I say being totally honest with my twin who I know would always have my back no matter what and I would do the same for him. 

Lisa and Cassie come back ten minutes later looking like your classic all American girl and I love it she makes me incredibly hard from just one look. She is dressed in denim shorts, high top sneakers, vest top with spaghetti straps, her blonde hair straight down her back. Lisa doesn't need make-up but I notice she wears mascara, lip gloss and that is about it "Lisa you look amazing" I say completely taken back by her beauty. "Thank you Cole" She says blushing mad "so where are we going?" Cassie asks as we exit Lisa's home me and Bradley sit up front whilst the girls sit in the back talking in whispers whilst I drive and Bradley takes over the music. 

It doesn't take long for us to arrive at the Pier where there is a fun fair at the end with roller coasters, ghost house, log flume, Ferris wheel plus food stands of all sorts. "We are here" I say as I put the car into park and we all exit. Bradley takes Cassie's hand and I take Lisa's not caring who sees. "So what are we going to go on first?" 

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