Chapter 13

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Throughout school I always wanted to come here and go to the fun fair at the end of this pier to go with friends but normally me and Cassie would stay at home to avoid this place incase I was going to bump into Cole with Britney but for once it was me who is with Cole and Cassie with Bradley. I look around at the pier at the stands, rides and big fur animal prizes "so where are we going to first?" Cole asks as we walk to the entrance, taking my hand in his I look at him as in are we doing this. "Come on Lisa let loose enjoy yourself it's summer" Cassie says, the boys pay for us "so Lisa what do you fancy going on first?" Cole asks me looking at me and I beam with excitement. 

"Roller coaster for sure" I say looking at the crazy mouse type coaster, I love spinning rides and this one fits all four of us. We wait in line, hearing the screams of laughter then a voice who I really didn't want to hear suddenly makes it known. "Oh my god Cole what are you doing with these losers and your loser twin" Britney sneers flicking her hair over her shoulder "leave them and join us you'll have more fun with me anyway" She says eyes travelling down Cole's body "actually Britney I am happy being here and don't you dare call my brother or these two losers again, I am done with your dramas, you are spoilt and selfish and I should never have dated you and if I could go back time I wouldn't have given you the time of day" Cole says looking bored at his ex finally showing her that he is done with her. The look of shock was one that I will remember for ever and we all smile as we get called up to sit in the coaster car. 

"That was amazing Cole" Cassie says "I wanted to deck her one" Cassie continues as we get belted up and leave the station and make our way up the chain climb. "Thank you Cole for standing up for us" I say smiling as I throw my hands up in the air, Bradley keeps his arms down holding onto the bar tightly, Cassie has one in the air and the other holding Bradley's hand, Cole had both hands in the air like me laughing and being carefree. We start spinning, I close my eyes letting the wind whip my hair back, I feel Cole's hand link with mine as we come back to the station "that was so much fun" I say as we exit the ride we look around and there is no sign of Britney I think that is the last we see of her now thank god. 

"Where to next?" I ask looking at the three faces Bradley looking a little pale after the ride "can we get a drink and doughnuts" Cassie says rubbing Bradley's back "of course do you not fancy some candy floss Brad?" I ask smiling at my friend but feeling bad that he didn't like the ride. "Come on Lisa I'll sort you out some candy floss and give my brother a soda so he won't be sick" Cole says placing a hand on my lower back, I love feeling his touch on me. We walk over and buy two large sodas one for me and Cole to share and the other for Bradley and Cassie, one candy floss and some doughnuts to share. "Thanks Cole" I say pulling some candy floss away popping it into my mouth. "No problem I like spending money on you" He says bringing me close pulling some candy floss and putting it in his mouth, I watch every movement he makes and he knows I am watching him. "Shall we go on the haunted house next I feel better now" Bradley says looking better. "We have to sit in pairs" Cole says "oh what a shame" I say sarcastically wanting to sit alone with Cole I mean I love Cassie to bits but I am sure she wants to sit with Bradley and maybe me and Cole can get close during the ride. Cole looks at me eye brow raised. 

We board the car behind Cassie and Bradley and watch them leave waiting for us to start "hold my hand if you get scared Lisa" Cole says taking my hand in his interlinking our fingers  we leave the station and make our way through the house I jump a couple "Lisa look at me" Cole says I look at him and he brings his head down so his lips meet mine in a tender kiss, kissing him just gets better and better we miss the ghost and monsters. Cole pulls away looking at me with desire burning in his eyes and I'm sure I have the same look. We arrive back at station Cassie and Bradley waiting for us "did you enjoy the ride?" Bradley asks holding Cassie's hand "actually I can't really remember much of it" I say blushing Cole places a hand on my hip bringing me to his side and I snuggle in not caring. 

We have been having a blast and now the sun has started to set "shall we go back to mine for pizza and movies?" I ask everyone looking at the sun kissed skin of us Cole and Bradley both showing a slight tan to the skin me slightly pink. "Sounds good Lis but me and Bradley are heading to the movies instead if you don't mind maybe a rain check" Cassie says "oh god sure thing sorry" I say embarrassed "don't be babe will call you tomorrow okay" Cassie says giving me a hug then we hug them both goodbye as they leave to head to the bus stops. "So I'll take you home we can have pizza and see where the night leads us" Cole says as we walk towards his car. Cole pushes me to the side of his car and smashing his lips to mine in a passionate kiss taking my breathe away. I think the time is now to loose my V card and I know me and Cole aren't labelling whatever we are besides the dreaded label of step-siblings, I mean the chemistry the two of us have is burning bright. 

We pull apart and he opens the passenger door so I slide in then watch him walk round to the drivers side and starts the car. I can't help but watch his movements as he opens the door and gets behind the wheel "Lisa you can choose any music you want" he says holding over his phone. My phone buzzes in pocket so I drag it out "hi darling just to let you know me and Michael are staying the night at the hotel near the country club that is most likely to hold our wedding so you have the house to yourself so no parties 😉 have Cassie over for a sleepover love you darling mom xxx" I look over at Cole who has his eyes on the road "all okay?" he asks me and I smile "yeah your dad and my mom are staying the night at some hotel near a country club" I say replying back to her "mom enjoy yourself please take photos of the wedding venue for me and don't worry about the house there will be no parties love you too xxx" we arrive at mine and Cole puts the car into park "wait" he says as he unbuckles his seatbelt and opens his door getting out and walking round opening my door as I unbuckle my seatbelt and  slide out as I stand I grab Cole's t-shirt in my hand bringing him close to me and our lips meet. I can feel his body heat wrap around me and there's a pull between my legs wanting him inside me I am ready.

We are chilling in the lounge cuddling on the sofa the empty pizza box sitting on the coffee table "so you want to watch a film or do you want to a tour of the house?" I ask him "yeah please I want to see your bedroom" Cole says raising an eyebrow and a wink "well that will be the last room and the tour wont take too long" I say feeling shy as we stand up I head out of the lounge first, Cole gives my bum a little squeeze I jump slightly and Cole laughs. "So that was the lounge, here is the kitchen, downstairs toilet, mom has the whole upstairs so she has her room and bathroom then at the end of the corridor is.." I say pointing out the different rooms "your room" Cole finishes off my sentence I open up my bedroom door and let Cole walk through he has a look round, my desk in the corner "through the door is the en-suite" I say as I watch Cole, he then goes and sits on my bed "come and sit with me" he says patting the space next to him so I do. "Lisa we do not have to do anything you don't want to do, I want to take my time with you and enjoy it but I do not want you to feel pressured and think this is what I want to happen" Cole looks at me so seriously and I can feel myself falling for him more. "I'm ready Cole and I want my first time to be with you" I say facing him taking his hand and placing it on my chest over my top giving me a gentle pinch and roll between his finger and forth finger. "Lisa" Cole whispers my name in such a husky voice it causes a throbbing between my legs. 

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