Chapter 14

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We have had the most amazing day so far except for running into my bitchy ex Britney but she won't bring me down from this date with Lisa, we have said goodbye to Bradley and Cassie and now Lisa has just told me that her mom and my dad are spending the night away near a wedding venue they want or what my dad thinks is what Sally wants but I think she wouldn't care as long as we all get on but I don't want her to know I fancy her daughter or have sexual thoughts about Lisa. 

So now here we are at Lisa and Sally's home well to be precise we are actually now in Lisa's bedroom and it's how I thought her room would look like with theatre posters on one wall, and some photos of fancy sit on her desk. She has pink string lights above her headboard I sit down and pat the space next to me before she has been watching me as I walked around her room. Lisa joins me on her bed, I want to have my way with her but I don't want to pressure her and I tell her my concerns we need to be one hundred honest with each other. I look at Lisa in the eye and I suddenly become nervous like it's my first time all over again and I regret loosing it someone who was so toxic. "Lisa we don't need to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing okay" I say swallowing down my nerves then she completely surprises me by making this move by taking my hand and placing it on her boob over her top I give it a gentle squeeze and a roll. "Lisa" I say not really recognising my own voice so I swallow a breathe because I have been dreaming about this moment. 

 "I want this I am ready and I want it to be you" She says eyes half hooded, her breathing increasing and I move to the to other breast, I love the feel of her breasts in my hands they are the perfect weight and size. "Cole" she says my name so I drag my eyes to hers as I've been watching my fingers work her boobs to points. I realise she doesn't know what to do and now I just want to kiss her urgently, "Lisa lets lay down" I say scooting up the bed and bringing her with me so we are laying on our sides facing one another. I bring a hand around to her lower back and push her closer to me then I bring my lips to hers in a tender slow kiss to the point we are both moaning, I am incredibly hard against my jeans, I press my hips into hers so she can feel what she does to me. 

"you feel that Lisa, that's what your body, kisses and touches do to me plus whenever I dream about you or think about you I'm like this" I press my hips into hers again. She gasps as she can feel the heat from me. "Is it warm or just me" Lisa says blushing massively I smile at her and pull my t-shirt over my head and laid back down, Lisa just stares at me then her eyes travel down my torso and I love feeling her eyes on me. "Need a even playing field here Lisa" I say eyeing her traveling my eyes down her body she nods bringing her hands to the bottom of her top and pulls it slowly up and over her head, it was the hottest thing I think I have ever seen. "That was so hot" I say clearing my throat and pull her back to me rolling us so I'm on my back and she lays on top of me and my hands travel down her bare back and back up bringing her lips to mine again and then I undo the back clasp of her bra. She stops kisses me and watches me with nervousness as I slowly lower her bra straps down her arms "you want me to stop?" I ask not wanting to but don't want to push her too much. 

She removes it and I am in awe of her so we are chest to chest, I bring my hands to her hair and kiss her deeply our tounges dancing together, I roll us over so I lean over her looking down at her and she is gorgeous. I kiss behind her ear, down her neck, collarbone and then I look back at her desire shines brightly back at me giving me a small nod like she knew what I was asking and she was giving me permission. I lower my head and bring one of her nipples into my warm mouth swirling my tongue around her erect nipple she arches her back, I let it leave my mouth with a pop and move to the other one giving it the same treatment. "Cole" I hear the want in Lisa's voice "what is it Lisa" I ask her "I want you inside me Cole" Lisa asks bringing my eyes to hers so I can see the need shine through. "Take off your shorts, I need you good and ready because I don't want to hurt you" I say caring about her so much, Lisa follows my instructions and I remove my jeans so she see the outline of my erection in my Hugo Boss boxer shorts. I watch her eyes widen "it's okay Lisa, it will fit" I say with a smile, smoothing my voice so it will relax her as I know she is starting to feel anxious. I watch her lick her lips and it makes me even harder, how I don't know I have never ever been this hard for anyone before. 

I roll us back so we face one another again on our sides pressing our bodies together our hips touching I squeeze her hip rocking us forward and back both of us moaning I can not get enough of her I then stop our movement and push Lisa on to her back and I bring my lips to hers our tounges fighting each other whilst I kiss her I slide my hand down from cupping her cheek to the middle of her chest and sliding a finger under the waistband of her underwear, feeling her trimmed curls and I can feel the dampness between her thighs I slide a finger between her folds as she in takes a breath. I twist my wrist and curl a finger up she lifts her hips enjoying the feel of my hand. "God Cole it feels so good" I smile, pressing my lips to hers again I quicken the pace because I am going to blow my load in my boxers if I don't get inside her soon. "Cole...I'm going to..." I can feel her body responding and it starts to tighten around my fingers milking them. 

I let Lisa catch her breath and sit back then I peel her knickers down her long legs and remove mine too. I pick up the condom wrapper that I placed on the bedside table earlier Lisa looks me "when did you put that there?" she asks me then glances down at my cock which is standing for attention between us. "I have my ways" I say with a cheeky wink. She laughs "your unbelievable" "but I am yours though from this moment on tonight is going to change our relationship besides that of our parents upcoming marriage" I say pulling a face at the last part. "Lets not talk about our parents marriage when we are going to do this" Lisa says pointing a finger between us "yeah sorry" I say embarrassed "just kiss me Cole" I bring my lips to hers as she cups my balls giving them a gentle squeeze and I moan "take me Cole, fuck me please" I hear the need and desire so I rip the corner of the wrapper with my teeth and cover my self " I want to you to relax and breathe steady breaths it may sting at first but it will then disappear" I tell her giving her the truth because first times always hurt the girls more than us guys, I look down at her and she nods wanting this. 

I bring a hand under her knee bending her leg, her opening shining with juices from her earlier orgasm I gave her, I hold my cock in my hand and place it at the opening pushing the head of my cock in as she inhales, I stop checking on her "you okay?" I ask not moving watching her inhale and exhale she nods so I push more into her feeling her stretch accepting my cock I watch her screw her eyes shut tightly and I feel my heart squeeze for her. "I want you all in now" She says in a small voice and I look at her in awe. Lowering my body so now I am all the way in but I don't move before I want her to get use to feeling me inside her. I look into her eyes as she looks down at our bodies joined in such an intermate way and knowing no-one has ever touched her or de-flowered her is beyond me as she is gorgeous. "Cole you can move, I'm okay" She says putting a finger under my chin I smile then begin to move pulling out then thrusting back in, making her arch her back. "You're so tight princess" I cringe at the nickname but I couldn't help it it just came out "princess?" Lisa raises a brow but with a smile "I like it" she brings my head down so our lips meet as I thrust in and out of her. "You close?" I ask I can feel her body squeezing my cock and being inside her feels amazing I've never had sex like this it's heavenly, I feel her start to quiver and her lips make a perfect O as she comes then I follow through with my own orgasm filling the condom with my cum that I then collapse on top of her, staying in her. 

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