Chapter 19

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So I woke up in Cole's bed and today is the day that we are going to come clean to our parents well I'm going to tell mom and Cole is going to tell his dad. I want to tell Cole I love him but I don't know when is the right time, I mean it is so close to the wedding that we do need to come clean and do I say it before or after the wedding. I wake up to Cole moving hair out of my face and I smile at just having his touch, we sneak back and forth between our rooms because since we got together we hate sleeping apart now. "Morning gorgeous" he says to me giving me a gentle kiss "morning" I respond and stretch, Bradley makes his presence known and I cover my nakedness up to the point his points out he has seen my tits before I don't know when but Cole isn't happy that he said that but doesn't say anything. 

Bradley leaves the room and I have to leave Cole's to shower and get ready to spend the day with mom which we haven't done much of since she got engaged and has been attending functions on the arm of Michael Morris. I enter my bathroom and turn on the shower thinking of how much I love waking up with Cole and how natural it is and we are so comfortable being with each other. I need to come clean to mom today because we both decided that we come clean to our parents about us before the wedding and he becomes my stepbrother for real. I have my shower and walk out with a towel wrapped around my nakedness and I open my bathroom door to find Cole laying on my bed dressed in jeans and a shirt looking handsome. I walk over to my underwear draw and pull out a thong and slide it up my legs under my towel, I hear Cole groan from my bed "this is so fucking hot, damm Lisa babe your making me hard and I have to face my father soon" I love making my boy hard and I smile at him dropping the towel and bending down to pick up my matching bra to match. I pull it on clasping it at the front and walking to my closet. I pull out something that is so unlike me but I have a feeling I will be pulling on and trying loads of dresses so I think a skirt and nice top is a good shout. 

I get dressed then walk out to Cole looking at his phone then he looks up at me and I watch his eyes travel up and down my body his eyes showing his true desire. "Babe you are so gorgeous... your legs, your body" Cole says getting off my bed and walking over to me running his hands up from my hips to my breasts giving them a good squeeze then smacking his lips to mine pressing his hips into mine that I can feel his jean covered hardness.  "Lisa we need to go are you ready!" My mom calls breaking our kiss "I have to go be back later text me to tell me how it goes" I say giving Cole another kiss telling him I love him without saying the words. I grab my handbag which has my lip glass and phone.  Cole doesn't follow me downstairs and I feel a little disheartened but don't think too much for it as mom comes out with excitement in her eyes and I have to be happy for her. 

Michael had organised for me and mom to arrive a 'Love Blooms' in a limo and fucking limo my first time riding in a limo and I loved it. I open to door to the bridal shop allowing my mom to walk through the door first "Ms Hudson it is a pleasure to meet you my name is Diana and I will be looking after you and your daughter" She says smiling at us "It's a pleasure to meet you too" My mom says smiling sweetly as we take a seat "Mr Morris rang in advance to say there is no budget on the dress for the bridesmaid and bride" Diana says smiling looking at me and my mom probably bouncing inside of the possible amount of money my mom will spend but I know my mom and she likes a good bargain if there is one. 

"So what we do here is for you as the bride will go along the racks and we have five hearts to give you and if you see a dress you like you place a heart on the hanger then move on, there is no-one else coming in whilst you are here as Mr Morris has hired the store out to just the two of you, what colour is the bridesmaid press needs to be as she gets to choose the style of the dress as well" Diana says handing me and mom five hearts each. "Mom why don't you go and have a look at the dresses first" I suggest and she just beams at me. I get my phone out my bag and flick through Instagram and other forms of social media then I get a text from Cole which makes me smile then quickly turns to concern and sorrow as I read the message. Shit Helen has cancer of the spine I type out a response whilst I wait for mom, one of Diana's shop assistants brings over some sandwiches and cakes for me to eat whilst I wait to see the first dress. 

"Lisa are you ready?" My mom calls from behind the curtain as I know Diana is helping her into a dress "ready" I say standing up the curtain gets pulled back and she steps out in a soft champagne colour, strapless mermaid style dress that hugged my mom figure she looked beautiful "mom let me take a picture" I ask her as she smiles tears in her eyes. I take the shot "you look beautiful mom how does this one feel?" I ask wondering if she got the feeling that this dress is the one. "It's nice but I have four to get through" she replies "do you feel the spark?" I ask her and I get a smile back giving nothing away. She goes back behind the curtain again and this carries on for a little while till she is trying the last dress, the curtain comes back at I gasp at my mom she is wearing a cream coloured off the shoulder straps dress with a sweetheart neck line with a float style dress and I knew this was the dress for my mom. "Mom" I say chocking back the emotions as I look at her she never got to marry my shit ass of my dad this is her first wedding and I am so happy. "Oh baby girl you know don't you" She says to me "that this is the dress for you of course" I say standing up and hugging her. "Well it's decided this is the dress for me" she says then to finish off the look Diana brings a tiara and veil and I just cried happy tears I can't tell mom about Helen today.

"Right we have found my dress now lets find yours" She says to me I take a photo just before she goes behind the curtain and I head towards the bridesmaid section of the store knowing mom and Michael had picked purple for the colour scheme it's mom's favourite colour so that is really sweet. I place my hearts around the shop and come back to my mom changed and into her normal clothes. "You picked your style" she asks me as she picks up her glass of champagne and takes a sip then pulls a face liked it tastes off. "Everything okay?" Diana asks us and mom nods pushing me towards the curtain whilst the shop assistant brings my dresses. I picked all floor length gowns and they were all in different shades of purple. 

I slip on the first style which was strapless, sweetheart neckline and straight down to the floor, I stepped out and felt the material against my skin. It felt gorgeous and I felt sexy in it, I look at mom's reaction and she is smiling but it's not a wow smile, "It's not the one is it mom?" I ask her as I look at myself in the mirror "it's missing something I think" she replies and I agree so I step back behind the curtain so try on the next one it's got the same neckline but it has spaghetti straps and its got a low cut at the back but not to low and I feel like a goddess and I think Cole wouldn't be able to take his eyes off me. I step out and look at my mom "that's it! that's the dress don't you agree baby girl" I smile and nod.  We have our dresses! now on to lunch at a local café because I need to tell her about me and Cole. 

"Mom there is something I need to tell you but please don't freak out on me" I state just then the waiter appears and we both order a salad and grilled chicken as I ate a few sandwiches and cake at the bridal shop so wasn't that hunger. Mom sips on her water as I lace my fingers together "what did you want to tell me darling?" Mom asks looking at me this is it! I have to tell her I take a deep breathe "mom me and Cole are dating...each other" I say looking at my hands "oh darling I know you are, you two have been together for a while haven't you" she says and I look at her there is hurt in her eyes "I am sorry we didn't tell you mom but we didn't know how you would react and now you're marrying Michael it is really confusing for us because we really like each other and actually we have both fancied one another throughout school" I say in a slight rush "hunnie I am okay with you dating Cole I mean you two are not blood related and I can see how me marrying Michael will look to everyone on the outside world but if you two are happy that is all that matters" She says as she takes my hands in hers "and as we care coming clean about things there is something I need to tell you" I look at her just then food arrives "what is it mom?" I ask placing a piece of chicken on my fork and bringing it to my mouth "I'm pregnant, you are going to become a big sister" I pause shocked by the news "the boys don't know yet I mean I only found out about four weeks ago" she says "say something darling" "shit...sorry mom I mean congratulations" I put my fork down and get out of my chair and hug my mom.  

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