Chapter 24

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What a day the wedding has gone so quick and now we are having to deal with Lisa's dad Richard and he is coming across a real dick I want to use a stronger word but I need to be strong for Lisa. What kind of dad wants two million for their daughter who is a stunning character and gorgeous inside out, he has no idea how amazing she is. When she rushed out of the room I just knew I had to follow her and hold her close, the only chilling thing that sends chills down my spine is that Richard is coming down from a high and he knows where we live and has been watching Lisa grow from a distance but wanting to sell the rights for your daughter is just wrong if I ever become a father I couldn't imagine selling the rights to get my next fix unless it's to create another one. 

The wedding reception dies down, guests say goodbye to Sally and dad as they leave and head to the airport to the waiting private jet to take them onto their honeymoon, that means me, Lisa and Bradley have the whole house for two weeks so when they came back just before we leave to go to college to our flat dad has organised so we are all living together and I can not wait will I join a frat when I am there probably not Lisa means to much to me, I'll try out for the football team but that is it really anyway back to the wedding reception slowing dancing with Lisa is just magical "Shall we head home I am sure Cassie will want to crash with Bradley tonight and I am sure you want tell her everything tomorrow after we have had a chance to progress what was said today" I say looking down into Lisa's tired eyes as we sway to the last song and she lets out a adorable yawn behind her hand. Bradley and Cassie are slow dance next to us and as we are still under age I am going to drive us back home. "You guys ready to go?" I ask Bradley and Cassie and she nods I look at Lisa "lets go then" I say grabbing Lisa's purse off the table not caring I am carrying my girls purse. 

I unlock the car and watch as everyone gets in no-one really says anything Lisa looks out of the window, I place my hand on her knee she looks over at me and gives me a smile then goes back to looking at out of the window I am sure tonight's conversation is playing on her mind. Richard is a complete dick but tonight I will make her feel so good that she will only be thinking about her pleasure and not of the knobhead of a father. We get home and all exit the car "night Cole, Lisa" Cassie says giggling whilst Bradley cuddles her and they run upstairs not waiting for our response back. "Do you want to go to bed? watch a film in bed? grab a drink? talk for a bit?" I bombard her with questions because I hate seeing her like this, it's like our twin thing when she's hurting I'm hurting along with her. "I just want to curl up in your arms and forget about tonight not the wedding but that conversation am I really a bad daughter that he didn't want me at all?" Lisa looks up at me hurt shining in her eyes. "Lis you are an amazing daughter, how you have looked after your mom whilst she's looked after you it's a blessing and one that I am so happy you're with me" I lower my head and give her a kiss then take her hand and we head to my bedroom. 

We enter my bedroom well it's turning more into our room slowly because she spends most of her nights here and she does have a draw now for pyjamas and her underwear "I see you didn't make the bed this morning" She smiles looking at the dents in the pillows from where my head was. "I know but I doesn't matter does it you love me for me" I say cuddling her from behind kissing just behind her ear, she pushes her bum into my crotch making me hard, I was semi-hard throughout the day watching her smile, dance, the dress fitting perfect to her curves of her body and now I am rock hard for her. "You feel me Lis how hard I am for you you make me hard all the time and I fucking love it" I lower my voice trailing kisses down her neck, she moves her neck giving me better access and I gently suck on it marking her as mine I trail my lips back up her neck along her jaw to her lips, gently sucking onto her lower lip then we kiss our tongues chasing one another.

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