Chapter 27

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I wake up with Cole wrapped around me, I was so emotional after another showdown with my father yesterday. I can not believe he showed up here and Cole was amazing like always, we haven't had sex for the last few days because of the wedding, dad returning making threats, mom and Michael having a baby, me leaving home to start College but I miss having Cole in me, just thinking of his cock has started a mild throbbing in between my legs. I roll over and look at my boyfriend I run a hand down the side of his face and press a kiss to his lips "hmm this is nice" he mumbles keeping his eyes closed and giving me a kiss back we give gentle kisses to each other till he rolls us over so I under him and this is what I want. 

I smile up at him as he looks down at me, he dips his head into my neck giving it a kiss and gentle suck then he starts kissing down my body, I feel the goose bumps spread over my skin, I run my hand through his hair just watching him touch and caress my body with tender touches "Cole please" I start to beg he starts to come back up my body "what do you want Lis" he asks me "you...always you" I say grabbing his face bringing his lips to mine sneaking my hand around and giving his bum a pinch he smiles against my lips. Cole presses his hips against mine "is this what you want?" he teases me I feel the head of his cock at my entrance "Cole...please I want you to make love to me" I beg this time lifting my hips so his head slips in and I moan so does Cole. 

"Lis...I want you so much" he says then he thrusts into me and I arch my back welcoming the feel of him in me. He stays still then starts to move and I match him thrust for thrust both of us moving, lips smacking against each other tongues dancing, I love him in me. As I let my mind relax and enjoy this I feel his hand move towards my clit and I welcome the build up as he hips that spot over and over again. "Lis...I love being inside of you, you feel so good" Cole says panting I don't respond because I am in bliss my hands move up and down his back scratching him I'm sure "oh...god...Cole...just there....keep going..." I pant feeling my walls tighten just before I'm going to come "I'" I didn't get to finish that sentence as I come. Cole thrusts a couple more times with a grunt he stiffens and I can feel his cock pulse as he comes in me and I love it. Cole collapses on me and I breathe a sigh of bliss "I love you" I say smiling cheeks flushed from the amazing sex and orgasm I just had. 

"I love you Lis" Cole says besides me then leans over and presses his lips to mine, "we better get up even though I really don't want to leave this bed and you" I say just as I hear Bradley and Cassie head downstairs and turn on the tv. Cole's phone buzzes besides me as I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to empty my bladder "Lis babe we should sit with Bradley and Cassie there is something on tv we need to check out" Cole calls as he throws back the covers grabbing a t-shirt, boxers and basketball shorts. I pull on one of his t-shirts and my pyjama shorts and we head down stairs not caring I have bed hair or sex hair as I call it. 

We walk down to the lounge, Cassie and Bradley are curled up on the sofa and me and Cole go and sit on the other one. "An unknown body has been discovered washed up on the beach front" I sit there opened mouthed well we all were just as the house helped turned up with mugs of coffee for all of us. Helen bless her is recovered from her spinal surgery and is resting in hospital "Lis...are you okay?" Bradley asks me and I just look at him blinking then his phone buzzes "it's Dad Cole" Bradley says looking at who is calling. "Answer it then" Cole says pulling me into his lap even though I am sitting next to him he moves his hand up and down my back in a soothing way for when I feel stressed and it's great knowing he's supporting me through all of this. 

"Hi Dad how is the honey moon going?" Bradley asks as we all come into frame and we notice they are on the private jet "we are moving onto our next destination how is everything at home?" he asks "it's good we will go and see Helen today I think" Cole chips in "ah that is good idea she is recovering well from what I know but I was wondering if there has been any problems with you know who" Michael says and I watch Cole and Bradley exchange a look, "what is it?" Michael asks "he came here yesterday demanding the money, he made threats but we called the police and he was taken away in cuffs so hopefully that is the end of that" Cole says holding me tighter. "Good well done let me know if there is anymore interaction with him whilst I am still away" Michael says as he looks over at my mom and give her a kiss. "Can I talk to my daughter now Michael" I hear mom ask and he smiles handing me over to mom "mom you look every calm and relaxed" I say smiling at seeing how glowing mom looks. "thank you baby girl but look I'm getting a slight bump" she says showing her very small round bump nothing you would think of she's pregnant if you know what I mean. 

"Mom please do not worry everything is okay" I give her a reassuring smile "so no word from you know who" she asks me not quite believing me "no nothing mom" I say not wanting to tell them about the news. I am sure it will hit them in a few days and that will be once we know who it is that has swept up on the sea front. "love you mom we have to go and visit Helen" I say wanting to end the call "oh of course baby girl see you soon" She smiles blowing me kisses and I exit the screen. "So do want to go and see Helen then?" Cole asks me stroking my back. "Yeah I mean she has no-one except us right?" I look at the other two people in the room Bradley lifts his shoulder like not bothered one bit "I think it's a great idea shall we get some balloons and flowers" Cassie says leaning back against Bradley "yeah good shout let's do it, leave in an hour and half" Cole says shifting me off his lap and stands giving me his hand I take it and let him pull me up "join me in the shower?" and I nod giggling Bradley rolls his eyes Cassie giggles "come on Brad we need to shower too" she says standing up "we are not joining them are we? I mean when I was younger we shared baths all the time but not now I've seen my brother's cock and balls enough times thank you very much" he says standing up after her, slinging his arm over her shoulder "hey don't be jealous of what I've been given" Cole says laughing pulling me to him as we all head to the stairs at the same time. 

Me and Cole head into the direction of his bathroom "do you fancy a bath or shower?" he asks me as he pulls his t-shit over his head and I can never get tired of the view of his abs and chest. "Oh well if we are meeting in an hour then shower we can have fun standing up not much room in a bath" I say running my hand up and down Cole's bare chest, I feel him shiver so I press myself up against him feeling him take a sudden intake of breath "are you cold?" I ask batting my eye lashes at him and he smirks "no but we have too many clothes on for this shower" he says bringing his hands around my back down to my ass and slipping underneath the pyjama shorts squeezing my cheeks whilst giving me a kiss. He keeps his hands there whilst I pull his t-shirt over my head, he quickly removes his hands and pulls my shorts down so I have to step out and he then quickly steps out of his shorts and boxers, pulling me under the water "turn your back to me, hands on the tiles, bend slightly forward" Cole says with his cock in his hand I can feel the gentle throb of need wanting him in me, I do what he says "god you look so beautiful this way" he says as he stands right behind me the head of his cock at my entrance "please" I beg as I part my legs further apart, Cole pushes the head inside just an inch and I moan he pushes further in and snakes a hand round to play with my clit and whilst he does that he pushes all way in, I push my ass further back against him "keep your hands there on the wall" he whispers in my ear and I am moaning at the feel of him thrusting in an out of me whilst the hand that is playing with my clit leaves it "you may remove one hand and play with yourself whilst I am still inside you, I want to try something" Cole purrs lowering his voice with need and I do just that. 

Once is hand leaves me and replaces it with mine I feel him move his hand to my ass crack making me aware "relax you'll love it" he says and I instantly relax knowing I am in good hands. He moves his little finger up and down my crack and I shiver with anticipation he then pokes my ass hole with his little finger and I stiffen slightly "relax babe I've got you" he kisses my neck still thrusting in me and I am building to such a new high Cole does it again and I can feel myself relax, I feel so full and close "Cole...I'm...I'!!" I scream as I come and Cole continues to thrust in me removing his finger it makes me come again "shit...Lisa...I'm...!" He didn't get to finish his sentence as I feel him pulse inside me covering my walls with his cum. I feel so weak after than. "Well done babe do you think maybe I can fuck you in the ass?" I'm shattered from that last round that I just agree. 

It's over an hour later and we are all showered, dressed and heading to Cole's car so we can arrive for visiting hours to see Hele. We stop off at the gift shop for a 'get well' balloon and flowers not knowing her favourite flower we got a couple of bunches one of Lilies and one of roses. 

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