Chapter 11

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Spending the night in Cole's bed feeling his cock and how hard it was, we were kissing and touching, it all felt amazing he was so caring after we worked him he touched me what a first for me. 

I woke up and looked over at him feeling his body heat he was laying on his stomach arms under his pillow I take in his features his long eye lashes against his cheeks he slightly moves and then he opens his eyes "morning beautiful" he says to me and I smile "morning Cole" "what time do is it?" Cole asks me and I look at my phone "it's 7.30" I say just as there is a knock at the door I look at Cole "Bro come in" moments later Bradley opens up the door and slides in "I'm your guys spy" He says winking at us "what's up" Cole says sitting up and rubbing his eyes as the sheet falls into his lap bare chested and my mouth waters I blink a couple of times "wait what you mean spy?" 

"well as you slept in here and not in one of the spare room and your mom does not know that but your mom and our dad are downstairs having breakfast, I said I would wake you both up" Bradley says looking at the two of us "okay I am going to get up and get dressed" I say getting out of the covers, picking up my clothes and head into Cole's bathroom and close the door. I take a deep breathe and start getting undressed Cole then slips through the door and pulls me close "Cole I'm getting dressed!" I giggle and place my one hand on his bare chest over his heart and the other around the back of his head lifting my gaze to him and he brings his lips to mine our tongues chasing one another "we need to get downstairs" I say briefly pulling back and looking at Cole's handsome face "right I'll let you finish getting ready" Cole says kissing my nose then leaves me. 

I left the bathroom and I was alone Cole must be downstairs already, I walk down into the kitchen to find mom and Michael sitting at the kitchen bar with Cole and Bradley, I blush when I walk in. "Sorry I had the best night sleep" I say walking over to mom giving her a kiss on the cheek. "No worries darling but I won't be able to take you home me and Michael are off to look at wedding venues today" mom says with a smile with sparkle in her eyes. "Oh that's great mom" I say with a tight smile "oh don't be down Lisa Cole will drop you home won't you" Mom looks at Cole and Bradley "sure we can make a day of things" Cole replies giving me a wink behind mom's back. Mom and Michael get up and leave leaving me with Cole and Bradley "so what we going to do today then?" I ask looking at the two boys, Helen comes in looking really pale and not well "Helen are you okay?" I ask as Bradley and Cole continue eating "Oh I am fine nothing to worry about Lisa" Helen says her hands shaking she drops the plate then starts to sway "Helen you need to sit down before you fall" I say then her eyes roll and she starts to fall to the floor "Cole catch Helen" I say almost screaming "shit!" Bradley says as Cole leaps from his chair and catches Helen just before she hits her head on the floor. "We need to get her to the hospital to run blood tests and things" I say as Cole collects Helen into his arms and we head out to his car. Bradley and I follow behind. "Lisa can you sit with Helen in the back" Cole asks as we approach his care "yeah sure thing no problem" I say sliding into the back seat and Helen moans mumbling "I'm fine I don't need to go to the hospital" Helen whispers eyes closing. 

"Helen we are taking you to the hospital okay no questions" Bradley says turning round as Cole drives. I stroke Helens hair "Helen we will stay with you" I say "We are arriving soon Helen" Cole says looking at me in his mirror a look of worry in his eyes "It's going to be okay" I mouth back to him. Bradley and Cole share a look as we pull into the hospital parking lot and I wait "Helen we are at the hospital do you think you can sit up and walk?" I ask gently "sure but this is no big deal" Helen says "let me and Bradley worry about you please Helen" Cole says looking at Helen like just go with it. We walk slowly as Helen holds onto my arm.

A doctor I recognise as Cassie's dad is working in A&E "Hi Mr Beckett" I say smiling "Lisa what brings you in, you and Cassie haven't hurt yourselves have you" Mr Beckett smiles then looks at the three people with me. "No Mr Beckett we are here because of Helen" I say not knowing Helen's surname and blushing. "Well follow me then" Mr Beckett says walking towards an examination room. We all follow him "That's Cassie's father?" Bradley whispers to me and I nod "he's a sweetheart just don't break his daughters heart or let him know you are dating Cassie" I whisper back. "So please take a seat Helen please lay on the bed" Mr Beckett says in his Dr's voice. We do as we are told "so tell me what is going on?" Helen begins to sit up "it's nothing the boys are worried about nothing" She says then looks like she is going to faint again "lie back down Helen" Mr Beckett orders. "Helen has been looking after us well me and Bradley since our mom had died but recently she has started to bruise easily, looking extra tired and today is the first time she has ever fainted on us" Cole says trying to keep his emotions in check as he looks at Bradley who has tears in the corner of his eyes. Their moms death is still emotional for them to talk about. 

"Right look we need to take some blood tests Helen but first have you found anything that has caused you any worry or stress lately?" Mr Beckett whilst typing notes onto his screen. "erm yes I did but I didn't want to worry anyone" Helen says looking at Cole and Bradley with such love like they were her own children. "What did you find Helen? could you point if you don't want to say it?" Mr Beckett turns away from the computer screen. Helen moves her fingers across the front of her top pointing to her chest. Oh shit this isn't good "right okay Helen we need to do a scan to see and we will rush your blood tests so we can get the results quick" Mr Beckett says. "Go and get the blood tests done now then wait in the waiting area" He prints out the blood test request form and we get up to leave "follow the signs okay". We nod and walk down with Helen "boys I'll be fine" Helen says "but what if you're aren't fine Helen?" Bradley asks calmly "We love you Helen" Cole says and my heart breaks for them. 

"Lisa can you come with me, I'm scared of needles" Helen says looking at me with pleading eyes. "Oh sure" I say as we get seated waiting for Helen's number to be called. "I'm going to get a soda from the vending machine anyone want anything?" Bradley asks "can I have some chocolate please" I ask my stomach growls "thank you for being here Lisa it means a lot but not how I wanted to spend the day with you" Cole whispers leaning his head into my hair "you two make a cute couple" Helen says looking at the numbers being called and not at us "we aren't together Helen" I say "oh come on it Lisa I know this boy has had a major crush on you for like most of his high school life and what's wrong with a summer romance?" Helen says "but we are going to become stepsiblings in like a months time" I say again hating the fact our parents are dating. "So what it's not like you two are related, you'll be going off to University together and I know your dad has already set up an apartment near campus for all of you to live in" Helen says I sit there open mouthed "did you know about this?" I ask Cole who looks surprised as I am. "No I wanted to have the dorm lifestyle which I am sure would be sharing with my brother of course" Cole says next to me. "So Helen you would be okay if me and Lisa started something?" Cole asks nervously "oh honey I just want you to be happy that is all and I think Lisa is your happiness rather than that cheerleader you used to date" Helen of course meant Britney and I shudder. 

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