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That night, Jiang Qionghua did not go home. Jiang Yi, who lives alone in the big villa, feels unparalleled happiness.

Of course, even if Jiang Yi did not go home, Grandma Xu Lan, who was cooking for the Jiang family, still prepared a super sumptuous dinner.

After eating a full meal, Jiang Yi went to the gym as usual to exercise for two hours.

Perhaps the girl today bit too hard, she sweated after exercise, and the wounds stimulated by the sweat hurt so much. Jiang Yi felt that the pain was really unbearable, and took a shower in the bathroom. After coming out, he wanted to ask Xu Lan if he had band-aids at home.

When she came down the stairs, she happened to see Xu Lan holding a food box to Jiang Qionghua's assistant, and then stopped.

After watching the assistant leave with the food box, Jiang Yi walked down the stairs and met Xu Lan, who was walking slowly back: "Grandma Xu, do you have band-aids at home?"

Xu Lan looked at her when she asked this. Suddenly I became nervous: "Band-mouth tape? Some, some...Where is Xiao Yi injured? If it is serious or not, let my grandma see it first..."

Seeing the nervous look of the old man, Jiang Yi smiled indifferently: "It's not serious, it's not serious... it's just being bitten by someone."

Xu Lan's voice instantly rose: "It was bitten! Did someone bully you at school?"

Jiang Yi saw that she wanted to be crooked, and quickly turned today. The thing is briefly said again.

After Xu Lan heard it, she came out with the medicine box and muttered: "Xiaoyi is really a good boy. I said that you are such a good boy that no one will be bullied."

"Come on, grandma. You post it."

Jiang Yi was a little embarrassed, and quickly rejected the other party: "No need for grandma, I'll just do it myself."

Xu Lan grabbed her. That dry and thin hand looked like a pair of pliers, full of strength, and pulled Jiang Yi to the sofa: "You can't see it yourself, grandma will help you post it."

Jiang Yi is a respectable elder. The child-loving person had to squat obediently in front of Xu Lan and let her put band-aids on herself.

Xu Lan faded Jiang Yi's clothes to her shoulders, and saw a bruise on her right shoulder. She felt a little distressed: "Why did that baby bite so hard, it's bleeding and breaking." The

old man took apart the bandage and felt distressed. sigh.

Jiang Yi was most afraid of the care shown by these grandma-level elders, and quickly said: "It doesn't hurt that much, my skin is thick."

She quickly changed the subject: "By the way, grandma, I just saw me...my mother's. Assistant, did she come over for supper? My mother worked overtime again today?"

Jiang Yi has lived in this house for about ten days, but Jiang Qionghua works overtime almost every day.

Xu Lan squinted his eyes and applied band-aids to Jiang Yi: "It's not for your mother, but for Hao..." At

this point, Xu Lan paused, seeming to say something that shouldn't be said, and stopped talking.

Ha ha? Ning Wenyin's daughter is about to live in the same house with her "peer"?

Jiang Yi has a certain degree of curiosity about this "peer", but Jiang Qionghua never talks to her much. At this moment, taking advantage of the opportunity, Jiang Yi asks while the iron is hot: "Is Auntie Ning's daughter? What is she? Is it?"

Jiang Yi pretended to be a young man who was very curious about her peers, and asked desperately: "I heard my mother mentioned her many times, but I only know that her nickname is Ha Ha, so what is her name? Has grandma met her? What kind of person is

she ?" She asked a lot of questions in a row, and Xu Lan couldn't help but answer her. Xu Lan put the last band-aid on Jiang Yi, sighed and said, "Hao... the name is Jiang Sixi, she... hey... is a child with a hard life just like you."

Jiang Si Hao? Hearing this name, Jiang Yi twisted his eyebrows, feeling a little familiar inexplicably.

Jiang Yi

didn't know, so she turned to look at Xu Lan: "Fate?" Xu Lan sighed. Seeing Jiang Yi was really curious, she simply said as if she was pouring beans: "She's just like you, she grew up with her mother. She grew up with her mother. Mom...that is, your Aunt Ning. When Chai was five years old, she divorced your Uncle Jiang."

"Your Uncle Jiang and Aunt Ning are baby relatives. The two are very good, but... your Uncle Jiang is this. People... really go too far. They have illegitimate children outside indiscriminately, and have to take the illegitimate children home."

"He did it so ridiculously that your Aunt Ning divorced him. It was just a bitter. , There is such a ridiculous father who grew up with his mother. He was pointed out at a young age and heard a lot of gossip." At

this point, Xu Lan glanced at Jiang Yi and said as if explaining: "Your mother... Miss Qionghua has a good relationship with your Aunt Ning, so she always feels distressed about Hao."

"Of course, Xiaoyi, it was Missy who didn't know about your existence before, and now Missy takes you home, and it is for you too. Very important."

Jiang Yi nodded, and didn't care what Xu Lan said.

In fact, she didn't expect Jiang Qionghua, a cheap mother at all. She returned to Jiang's house only because she agreed that her deceased mother would be Jiang Qionghua's guardian before the age of twenty.

Between her mother and Jiang Qionghua, there is no love, only a night of passion.

Between her and Jiang Qionghua, there is only a blood bond, and there is no superfluous feelings.

Xu Lan once again gave birth to the feeling of "the child has been living outside for many years, and it was very bitter." Jiang Yi continued to ask: "Then... how about this person? Does grandma like her very much?"

Grandma Xu smiled: "She He is a very good child, as good as you. If she moves over, you will have an extra partner, and you will surely become good friends."

Whether you can become good friends depends on fate. Jiang Yi, who regards the Jiang family as a host family, has no expectations for this relationship.

But if you live together, it would be better if you can get along.

Jiang Yi only hopes that Jiang Siyu is a person who can get along well with her.

After inquiring about Jiang Sixi's news from Xu Lan, Jiang Yi thanked her and turned upstairs to rest.

It was a good dream. When I got up the next morning, Jiang Yi saw Jiang Qionghua at the dining table for an unprecedented time.

Jiang Qionghua seemed to have just taken a shower, wearing a dark purple nightdress, with long damp hair draped over his shoulders, sitting at the other end of the table, drinking shredded mushrooms and chicken porridge.

Jiang Yi said hello to her: "Morning."

She didn't call Jiang Qionghua, Jiang Qionghua also coldly nodded.

There was nothing to say between the mother and the daughter, Jiang Yi pulled the chair away and sat down, picked up a stick of fritters, and started eating breakfast with porridge.

On the opposite side, Jiang Qionghua sipped the meat porridge with a spoon and sipped it. From time to time, he raised his head and looked at Jiang Yi's eyes.

Jiang Yi was so disturbed by her sight that he couldn't eat. He simply took a bite of the fritters and looked up at her, and asked: "Something?"

Jiang Qionghua coughed and pretended to ask casually: "Your birthday matches the date on your household registration book. Come on?"

Jiang Yi nodded: "That's right."

Jiang Qionghua was clear: "Oh...December 31?"

Jiang Yi answered .

Jiang Qionghua said to herself: "I'm only fifteen and a half years old, not yet at the age of differentiation..."

Jiang Yi didn't know what she was going to say, and it was a bit awkward to eat at the same table with her. Quickly squeeze in the entrance, finish the meal three times in half, and quickly got up and walked out the door.

Jiang Qionghua turned his head and looked at her back and shouted: "Hey..."

Jiang Yi turned and glanced at her: "What?"

Jiang Qionghua replied awkwardly: "Last night... I didn't mean to let you go. Pigeon. The dinner with your Aunt Ning can be changed to this weekend, right?"

Jiang Yi didn't care much: "It's fine if you decide." After

she finished speaking, she went to the hallway and changed her shoes.

Behind her, Jiang Qionghua's lips trembled slightly, and he hesitated to exhort: "Be careful on the road, go home after school, and don't play outside."

Jiang Yi replied, and went out the door.

On the second day of school, the main things I do are hold class meetings, move new books, and clean up.

As a new student, Jiang Yi received the key attention of the class leader He Qing—no matter what the class leader did, He Qing asked the class leader to take her with her.

Jiang Yi felt like a part-time worker, following the small squad leader, moving books back and forth several times.

On the way, the small squad leader met a familiar person, said hello, "Where is your squad leader? Why is your academic committee leading the team today?" 

As he passed by, Jiang Yi heard that the classmate was mysterious He replied happily: "Our squad leader...seems to be divided..."


Jiang Yi subconsciously stopped, and heard his small squad leader ask curiously: "Differentiated? God, is it an alpha? Your squad leader is so good, it must be an alpha."

"Who knows? This one? I didn't know until I saw the squad leader. But if it weren't for alpha, many girls would be heartbroken." The

small squad leader exchanged a few words with her, followed Jiang Yi's steps, and walked towards the classroom with the book.

Jiang Yi was a little curious. He tilted his head to look at the petite monitor next to him and asked, "Is that a student from Class A just now?"

The small squad leader nodded, looked at the new classmate with a grim face beside him with some surprise, and asked curiously: "Right, do you know her?"

Jiang Yi shook his head.

She thought to herself that instead of knowing that classmate, she became curious when she heard the word "differentiation".

Speaking of which, the girl she picked up yesterday is probably the monitor of Class A.

Jiang Yi could hardly feel the gossip: "I heard you talk about the monitor of Class A, so what kind of person is she? Why do you think she is an alpha?"

Speaking of this, the small monitor was excited: "She, Super powerful. The first age, the prince of fencer, the prince of track and field... The physical fitness is super superior, and it feels much more powerful than alpha. In school, many people admire her."

"There is such a person?"

Jiang Yi was a little suspicious. He raised his eyebrows, and the other party was sitting weakly in the middle of the classroom, thinking that it is really random enough to differentiate between genders.

It doesn't matter how good your physical fitness is before the age of sixteen, what gender you differentiate after the age of sixteen, what gender you are.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi was a little melancholy. When it comes to the split day, I don't know what gender she will be. It's better to be a beta, not so good, but it won't be affected by estrus like Omega.

If this is possible, it is the best.

With such thoughts in mind, Jiang Yi started his new semester.

Two days later, Jiang Yi once again met the monitor of Class A who was carried back to the infirmary by her in the toilet.


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