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Jiang Yi was finally brought home by her.

As early as when Jiang Sixi and Jiang Yi met again and contacted Jiang Qionghua, Jiang Sixi had already made many presuppositions about Jiang Yi's reaction.

Jiang Yi was unwilling to return to Jiang's house, which was in her expectation.

In other words, she brought Jiang Yi back, knowing that she would not recognize Jiang Qionghua. The reason why she must let Jiang Yi come back is to make the mothers feel at ease, and the other is to show her relationship with Jiang Yi to the mothers.

She can't wait to announce to everyone that Jiang Yi is her partner, and Jiang Yi's body is full of her marks.

All this went well. Although the mothers were a little surprised, they accepted their relationship.

This simple step has been completed, and then she only needs to bring Jiang Yi back to her, away from the place that makes her feel strange.

After that, I will go to the hospital with Jiang Yi to see if there is a chance to revive her memory.

She knows how stubborn Jiang Yi is. Once she decides something, it is difficult to have any room for maneuver.

At the rare moment of reunion, Jiang Siyu didn't want to conflict with Jiang Yi because of these things. Those unpleasant exchanges should wait until they are familiar enough before proceeding.

People are mutually domesticated. Although they confirmed each other's mind six years ago, for Jiang Yi, who has lost her memory, she is just a person who has had a relationship with her briefly.

It's just her omega, nothing more.

Jiang Siji made a preset for herself in her heart, but she did not expect that the surprise that fate would bring to her would definitely be more than just reunion.

On the night when she returned to the small villa again, she was surprised to find that Jiang Yi had reacted to the past.

Those old objects seemed to arouse Jiang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness, and the turbulent emotions made her sea of ​​consciousness overwhelmed, and some memories buried deep in the water seemed to surge up.

When Jiang Sihao was deeply aware of this, it was the second time she tried to hold Jiang Yi, but she was uncharacteristically pressed under her body.

Jiang Yi, who had been suppressed by her for the past four days, was suddenly fierce like a normal alpha. He grabbed her shoulders and pressed her on the panda on the bed, shouting dumbly: "Don't move."

"Don't look at my face."

Jiang Siyu vaguely felt a anger in these words. At first, she didn't know where Jiang Yi's anger came from, she only thought it was her daily request that made Jiang Yi unbearable?

But soon, she noticed that a soft kiss fell on her shoulder, like a feather grazing.

In contrast to kisses, Jiang Yi's behavior can be described as vicious at the moment. Jiang Siyu clearly felt that the deepest part of her body had been violated, which made her feel a little uncomfortable, and she was helplessly squeezing the sheets under her body.

Jiang Yi lowered his body, leaned on her ears, pretending to be intimate, but gritted his teeth and asked her: "Ask you a question..."

Jiang Sisha paused for a while, gasping for her and asked her: "You said... ..."

Jiang Yi lowered her voice, as if she couldn't say anything, "Do you still think of Jiang Yi without looking at my face?"

This is jealous, she is jealous.

Realizing this, Jiang Siji contracted his body uncontrollably, and said the truth: "

Yes ..." "No matter what, I can remember your pheromone."

Because, You are her.

Everything that followed was faintly out of control. The one who responded to her was a more intense Jiang Yi.

In such madness, Jiang Siji faintly felt that somewhere in his heart was filled.

She is so happy, so happy...There will be one day when Jiang Yi will be jealous for her.

Once it was you, now it's also you... It's always been you...

Jiang Si Hao, who was overly happy, shed tears, she buried her face on the doll under her, and burst into tears.

This is the first time that Jiang Xixi has been truly satisfied. At this moment, she can almost confirm that Jiang Yi cares about her.

Before, I would care about being jealous. Even the current Jiang Yi, eating her previous jealousy, is enough for her to be crazy.

The response she got was too little, too little, so many hidden loves that could not be described in her youth, but she got a parting kiss.

But now, what she got was a complete Jiang Yi. Will be jealous, will show many emotions to her, will hug her and satisfy her Jiang Yi.

For a moment, Jiang Siyu even thought distortedly, even if Jiang Yi couldn't remember it all his life, it didn't matter.

Just let Jiang Yi harbor jealousy, and just keep entangled with her for a lifetime.

Isn't a jealous Jiang Yi more lovely than Jiang Yi who treats her as an insignificant person?

Jealousy is really a pitiful and cute emotion of human beings.

However, this thought only flashed through Jiang Xi's mind, and soon disappeared.

After waking up the next day, Jiang Siji decided to be like a okay person, and

after she came out of home with Jiang Yi maintaining an unspeakable life of "bodyguard" and "boss" , she lived with Jiang Yi as she wished.

They briefly passed the honeymoon period for a few days.

Jiang Yi is a very simple person, even a typical girl.

Jiang Siji has rarely seen Alphas like this. Most Alphas don't care much about one-night stands, but Jiang Yi takes it seriously. It seems that after the body is blended, Jiang Sicha faintly feels that she can get her heart.

She saw that the likes in Jiang Yi's eyes increased day by day, as thick as someone in love.

This made Jiang Siyu both happy and worried.

She was very happy. It was herself who got Jiang Yi. But occasionally I sometimes feel sad and sad, if someone else has got Jiang Yi before, then she might really miss Jiang Yi for a lifetime.

This contradictory and complicated psychology gradually deteriorated her mental state. The mood of worrying about gains and losses made her hide well, and she began to show her hideous side.

Jiang Siji knew that to make this situation better, she had to take the initiative to retrieve "Jiang Yi."

Although Jiang Yi is still very good now, Jiang Siji knew that her heart knot was the one she had always thought to stay forever. Girl at the age of eighteen.

She had to let Jiang Yi restore her memory and confirm that Jiang Yi really came back, so that she could be completely at ease.

To this end, Jiang Siji made an attempt.

On the grounds of business talks, she asked Chen Wanzhou to the racecourse she used to go to, to see how Jiang Yi would react.

Will those familiar scenes and people touch her sea of ​​consciousness again?

The result of this trial was quite astonishing. In that similar scene, Jiang Yi protected her, exactly the same as before.

In this piece of similarity, Jiang Siyu found the sense of security that he relied on to persist.

After leaving the racecourse, Jiang Siji clearly felt his heartbeat. The familiar and unfamiliar young man swallowed by jealousy hugged her from behind. They stood in front of the mirror, cuddling together like their closest lovers.

For a moment, she felt that the phantom she loved when she was young overlapped with the young man in front of her.

This is Jiang Yi, her Jiang Yi. No stranger, Jiang Yi who was regarded as a phantom stand-in by her.

It was the one, really true, Jiang Yi who she loved for many years and waited for many years.

Jiang Siji awakened from the fractured state of those six years, and finally confirmed the real existence of the person next to the pillow. After that, she didn't care much about whether Jiang Yi could recover her memory.

It's just that one morning, Jiang Siyu was awakened by a stomachache again, and when she couldn't help but retching for a long time, she suddenly remembered that she didn't have a good illness.

So while Jiang Yi went to meet her old friends, she went to the hospital.

This time, Jiang Siji changed a doctor and didn't conceal his state anymore.

Her physical condition is very bad, and there are certain problems with all the indicators. More importantly, her illness became more serious.

Obviously, Jiang Yi has been found, but her illness has worsened. When he heard the doctor's persuasion, Jiang Siyu had a huge sense of absurdity.


She will be happy if she sees it, why is she still tested?

Ah, this must be a punishment for her wanting to imprison Jiang Yi and not telling her the truth.

Jiang Yi is a human being and cannot be her possession. But Jiang Yi, who is not hers, is it possible to leave her again?

Jiang Siji thought a lot, and finally she covered her lower abdomen and asked the doctor: "So now, can I get pregnant?" The

answer is no.

She has to take medicine, which will affect her body. Don't think about such things in the past few years.

When he came out of the hospital, Jiang Siji was very depressed. But Jiang Yi rarely cared about her and even drove to pick her up home, which made her a little refreshed.

Maybe he was too happy, and worried that Jiang Yi's keenness could see through her mental state and would have bad senses for her. So when Jiang Sihao changed the subject, he made a joke.

That joke stepped on Jiang Yi's fatal point.

She should understand, no matter what. What kind of existence does the child exist for Jiang Yi.

Except for Jiang Qionghua, Jiang Yi has no blood-connected family members in this world. Having a child means that she has a family in this world and has the motivation to support each other.

But even so, she couldn't help but want to test Jiang Yi. Even if he just likes it, Jiang Yi is willing to form a family with her and have a child who is connected by blood.

But this topic is an untouchable point for Jiang Yi. Almost for an instant, all her anger was ignited.

Jiang Sirai had never seen her so angry before. She was a little at a loss and was very aggrieved.

She just wanted to have a new family with Jiang Yi and become her family. What did she do wrong?

But Jiang Yi is not wrong. She has been alone for so long, and she wants someone to form a family. But he felt that Jiang Siji would do it just for the sake of another person, the same grievances and sorrows.

Jiang Si Hao, who was hit one after another, was a little overwhelmed. She endured it for a long time, but still couldn't hold back her grievance, and cried without any promise: "But you are Jiang Yi."

You are the Jiang Yi I love and wait for.

Tears are really a very good weapon. That afternoon, Jiang Yi was in the car and hugged her pityingly for a long time.

After Jiang Siji was buried in her arms and rarely indulged in his emotions, the first thought he came up with was: It doesn't matter if you cry more in front of her in the future.

She thought, she was really hopeless. What Jiang Yi wants, she may be what kind of person.


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