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Jiang Yi's birthday is coming soon. On Christmas Day, the team leader and Chen Wanzhou came over and had a meal with Jiang Yi and the others.

When the meeting ended, Jiang Yi and Jiang Sicha took a taxi back to their current home. On the way, the sky suddenly covered with snow.

When Jiang Yi and Jiang Siyu got out of the car, the snow was already heavy. The white snow fell gently like feathers, covering the street lamps, the roof of the car, and the dark stone road, reflecting a white trail in the gloomy light.

Jiang Yi has lived in Yuncheng for many years, and it is hard to see snow. At the moment, standing at the gate of the community with Jiang Sirai, looking at the feathers floating in the sky, she couldn't help reaching out to pick up the falling snowflakes, with a child-like smile on her face: "Look... Jiang Sirai , It's snow...It's snow..."

This is the first snow in the capital this year. It starts to fall in the middle of the cold Christmas night, which makes people feel very romantic inexplicably.

Jiang Sihao put her hands in the pockets of her coat, her small face poked out from her scarf, raised

her head and looked at the sky with Jiang Yi, and let out a sigh of relief: "Well, I saw it." She smiled and turned her head . Looking at Jiang Yi: "It's the first snow of this year, and it falls on your birthday. This is a good sign."

Jiang Siyu stretched out his hand, hugged Jiang Yi's arm, and looked up at her with bright eyes: "Xu Xu A wish, maybe it will be very effective."

Jiang Yi was shaken by her smile, the ghost almost nodded, and agreed to her proposal.

She folded her hands, closed her eyes, and quietly made a wish in her heart against the night sky: Please let me be with Jiang Sihao for the rest of my life.

At this moment, she hopes that there will be miracles in the world.

Jiang Siji turned his head, looked at Jiang Yi's serious look, curled his lips and smiled. At this time, the wind and snow became more fierce. Snow fell all over the sky, as if the god of miracles was announcing that he had heard her wish and was urging her to go home.

Jiang Yi was severely blown by the oncoming north wind and shook involuntarily. She realized that she might have done a very silly move just now, and quickly returned to her senses, opened her eyes and put down her hands, grabbing Jiang Siji beside her, smiling and saying to her: "Okay, the wish is over, go home Right."

Jiang Siji smiled and drilled into her arms, and the two helped to walk towards home. The north wind whizzed behind them, Jiang Yi hugged Jiang Sirai in his mouth and muttered: "It's too cold. If it snows tomorrow, we won't go out."

Jiang Sirai nodded and said hello. . Jiang Yi continued: "I'll cook a bowl of ginger soup for you when I go back. Drink it before going to bed. Don't catch a cold." "Okay, I'll listen to you all." The sound of the wind grew louder, and the voices of the two of them were gradually blown away. Behind them, a pile of soft white snow gradually piled up, covering all the footprints. When he woke up the next morning,

Jiang Yi jumped out of the bed wrapped in a jacket, opened the curtains and looked outside, and he saw a whiteness. In the distance are skyscrapers covered with snow, deciduous trees covered with thick snow, and low bushes covered with snow... A little closer, the amusement park downstairs in the community is covered with floors. Layers of snow. Jiang Yi, who hadn't seen the snow for a long time, got excited.

She jumped back on the bed and pressed on top of Jiang Siyu, shouting like an excited puppy: "Jiang Siyu... wake up... Jiang Siyu..."

Jiang Siyu was already awake when she got up. At this moment when Jiang Yi was so disturbed, Jiang Siyu had to open his eyes and looked at her with a little helplessness: "What's the matter so excited?" She just woke up, her voice was lazy and hoarse.

Jiang Yi hugged her through the quilt, his eyes full of smiles: "It's a lot of snow outside, get up quickly, let's go play together!"

Jiang Sidai raised his hand, put her arms around her neck and acted like a baby with her: "No, It's too cold... Aren't we going to go skiing on New Year's Day, when that time, we'll go snowing again.

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