Untitled Part 58

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Jiang Yi bowed his head, glanced at the file hastily, and saw the column of DNA matching, confirming that he was really Jiang Siji's step-sister who died because of the kidnapping case.

It turned out that what she possessed was not the "body" of her grandma's good grandson, but the body of the person's stepsister in front of her.

For some reason, Jiang Yi miraculously felt relieved: It's good if Jiang Siyu has made no mistakes.

No, even if Jiang Sixi is right, it has nothing to do with her. Why is she happy here?

Jiang Yi wrapped the quilt tightly and looked straight at Jiang Siyu and asked, "What are you going to talk to me?"

Jiang Siyu leaned against the bed and smiled: "Talk about your body."

Jiang Si Hao wore only a thin nightgown, and her long, black hair slipped from her shoulders, and the tail of her hair fell on the neckline as if there was no ground, faintly obscuring the spring.

Jiang Yi's body was extremely sincere, and he immediately raised the white flag of surrender.

Jiang Yi curled up, trying to conceal his allergic reaction, pretending to be okay, and coughed lightly: "What... this physical thing."

Jiang Sijiruo looked at where Jiang Yi was sitting. , She stretched out her hand, pinched out a thin contract with her long fingers, and said to her: "You said you are not Jiang Yi, you just occupy this body, and you are reborn, right?"

Jiang Yi nodded, "Yes, Didn't I say it plainly?"

Jiang Siji tilted his head and looked at her: "In that case, you occupy this body, shouldn't you do something for the family of this body?"

Jiang Yi was inexplicably guilty, and he kept saying: "I don't think..." That's not necessary! Anyway, in the eyes of "Jiang Yi"'s family, "Jiang Yi" is already dead, so there is no need to "resurrect" in front of them.

Jiang Siji looked at her hesitant expression and asked again: "You will be responsible for this body, right?"

Jiang Yi heard this and sighed: "Yes, I can do something for her family. What do you need me to do?"

Jiang Siyu said to her: "You treat yourself as Jiang Yi with amnesia, and you don't remember the past, and then meet Jiang Yi's family to let them know that Jiang Yi is still alive. "

Jiang Yi didn't really want to go, but Jiang Siyu blocked her back path: "Jiang Yi's mother...or your mother, has never given up looking for you. Until now, she still spends money to hire a private person. Detective, look for your trace."

"As long as she doesn't see your body for a day, she will never give up in her life."

This unwilling person also has Jiang Siyu. In the past six years, she hasn't stopped searching for Jiang Yi for a moment.

When Jiang Yi heard this, she couldn't help feeling distressed for the old mother of "the white-haired man sending the black-haired man", and at the same time she still had a trace of guilt.

Jiang Yi sighed: "If this is the case, I can agree. But I will not re-enter your household registration, and I am not going to be the legal child of Jiang Yi's mother again. I want to retain my current identity and be myself. "


Siji nodded and said: "Yes." Jiang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then took another look at Jiang Siji, "What else do you need me to do besides this?" Home preparation.

Jiang Siyu handed the folder that had been taken out in front of Jiang Yi, and said in a calm tone, "Marry me."

"This is a condition."

Jiang Yi looked up and looked at Jiang Siyu in shock: " Are you joking?"

"I said I'm not your Jiang Yi, why are you so persistent!"

Jiang Yi was stunned, she even wanted to pry away Jiang Sixi's head to see what's inside.

Jiang Sidai looked at her calmly, and there was even a smile in her eyes: "I know your soul is not her. I can understand what you mean, but your body is."

"Jiang Yi, I used to The owner of this body promised to give her many children, so I want to marry you...your body."

Jiang Sisha paused, and pointed to the contract document to Jiang Yi: "This is an item. Take a look at the contract of contract marriage."

Jiang Yi looked down and looked at the contract. After seeing Article 6 in a glance, his eyes widened instantly: "Party A and Party B need to have six children after marriage, and the children belong to Party A. Raise, otherwise the contract will never expire."

She raised her head to look at Jiang Siji, and her volume instantly increased: "Why do you raise the child!"

Jiang Siji smiled, "I don't mind if you raise it with me."

No, This is a question of raising children! This is a question of six children! No, this is not a problem with six children? , But...but...

Jiang Yi took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Siyu: "My body is legally a step-sister with you. We can't get married."

Jiang Siyu paused and said, "This It's okay. When I confirmed the relationship with you, neither your mother nor my mother were married. We are in free love and there is no ethical relationship."

She smiled and continued: "Now you are a stranger who has nothing to do with me in law. People, it's even more okay for us to get married."

Jiang Yi really did not expect Jiang Sirai to have thought of this step. She took a deep breath and said, "Is it too late for me to admit my relatives now?"

Jiang Sirai was silent. After a while, he said: "I think...if you want to, it's not impossible. But Jiang Yi, do you really hate marrying me so much?"

Jiang Yi's head is in confusion, does she hate it? She doesn't actually hate it, she loves Jiang Si Ha on the bed to death. But she was not her Jiang Yi, she was just... she was just...

Jiang Yi took a deep breath, poked his right hand out of the bed, and said to Jiang Sixi very seriously: "Listen, what happened in the past few days, we It can be treated as a one-night stand. But getting married, I can't understand. I have no plans to get married at the moment, nor will I ever! So don't even think about it, I won't agree to it!"

Jiang Siyu presupposed She reacted this way, but not so angry. She sighed with some regret, put on a look that looked pitiful, and

looked at Jiang Yi with tears in her tears: "But I was marked by Jiang Yi and tasted your pheromones. I can't talk to you anymore. Others spend the estrus period together. If you don't marry you, how can I survive the estrus period?"

"You don't want to marry me, what about my estrus period? Do you rely on inhibitors?"

Jiang Yi looked at her pitifully She leaned forward and put her sweet breath on her lips, looked into her eyes and said: "You know, if you are there, I don't need a suppressor."

Jiang Sihai put his hand into the quilt, his eyes deep Looking at Jiang Yi deeply: "Your body doesn't hate me, and I like your body very much. Moreover, I promised that I will have children with you."

"Only this is the case, you are willing to be my restraint ? agents do, "

Jiang Yi suck down a cold lump, she quickly his hand to the river like sleet hand, panic, and she said:" you mean, you want me to keep it "?

Jiang Yi body of the quilt Sliding down, Jiang Si Hao leaned over, dropped the kiss on her chin, and said with a sigh: "You don't want to marry me, then I can only do this."

Jiang Yi , who began to betray her beauty inexplicably, was pressed by Jiang Si Hao. On the bed, when Jiang Sirai sat on her, he asked in a panic: "Stop...stop...how much, how much do you give me a month?"

Jiang Sirai sat on her and said Long sigh. She lowered her eyes, put her hands on Jiang Yi's shoulders, and asked her with water in her eyes: "How much do you want?"

Jiang Yi pinched her waist with both hands and her head was dizzy. She said vaguely: "A month...at least thirty times..."

Jiang Siyu didn't respond at first, until she realized that Jiang Yi was there. When he said something, he subconsciously bit Jiang Yi: "What kind of condition is this?"

Jiang Yi took a cold breath: "Don't...it hurts..."

Jiang Siji leaned over her shoulder and bit. Holding her lips, she said: "I'm enduring it, and you have to endure it..."

" You will endure it too..."

Nunren... endure a hammer. Jiang Yi couldn't bear it. He pinched her waist with both hands, got up and pressed her under him, raised his eyebrows fiercely, and said to her in a vicious voice: "It's okay to raise me, but I'm not allowed to sit on me again, not as an example. !"

Jiang Sihao clasped her shoulders for an instant, nodded with tears in the corner of his eyes, and said in a dumb voice.

So Jiang Yi had another morning of drunken life and death.

When everything was over, Jiang Siyu was already asleep on her body.

She estimated that she hadn't slept well these days, and she was sleeping very heavily on Jiang Yi at the moment. Jiang Yi looked down and looked at her sleeping face, thinking that she would also have an omega in the future, although the person that the omega loves is not her. But it's okay, she was bagged anyway.

Jiang Yi thought about this, and pulled away the hair sticking to Jiang Siyu's face, and suddenly saw tears coming from the corners of her eyes.

Jiang Yi's heart tightened for a while, and he felt a tingling pain for no reason. She raised her hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of Jiang Si's eyes with her fingertips, and suddenly wanted to kiss her.

At this moment, Jiang Siyu, who was lying on her body, suddenly hugged her tightly and shouted: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi knew that the other party was not calling her, but still unconsciously responded, "Huh? "

Jiang seems sleet and hold her, said:." Do not go, stay. "

Jiang Yi was silent for a while, then raised his hand and rubbed Jiang Si's hair, coaxing her: "I won't go..."

At this moment , the tears from the corners of Jiang Si's eyes flowed across his cheeks, and a drop fell on her. To Jiang Yi's heart.

Jiang Yi only felt a chill in his heart, subconsciously stretched out his hand, touched Jiang Si Ha's tears, and his head went blank.

She thought, Jiang Siyu must love Jiang Yi very much, otherwise why can she be so nostalgic just for her body?

But Jiang Yi should also love Jiang Si Hao, otherwise he wouldn't fight for her.

Speaking of which, how can someone who worked hard for you when you were young won't let you forget it?

Jiang Yi thought of this, feeling a pity for them for no reason. She stretched out her hand, hugged Jiang Sirai in her arms tightly, dropped a kiss on her, and said softly, "Good dream, Jiang Sirai."

Although it was just a body, she also hoped that after meeting with this body, how much Heal some of the pain you left in your teenage years.

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