Untitled Part 61

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Jiang Yi feels that he is a ghost. God knows that she, who has been so upright and kind in the past twenty-three years, will finally agree to Jiang Siyu's contract and sell herself without hesitation.

After everything was over, Jiang Yi sat on the bed, watching Jiang Siyu sitting on the bed in her shirt, holding her laptop and tapping the contract documents, his head was dizzy.

Damn it, Alpha really has the weakness of his own gender. After listening to a few words from the person next to the pillow on the bed, he easily gave himself up!

hateful! To be reasonable, is it necessary for her and Jiang Siji to continue this contract?

Jiang Yi is very regretful now, but she can't go back and say to Jiang Siyu: "You don't fight, we will treat it as a one-night stand, now we are done and we should get together!"

Can she do it? She can't do it at all!

It's all because of Jiang Sisha's soft body, and I'm all because I haven't tasted other people's tastes, and now I'm so dizzy by Jiang Sisha's pheromone.

Jiang Yi looked at Jiang Sihao's slender back sitting by the bed and typing documents, always feeling very attractive, and his body was very upright.

Realizing that he had a reaction again, Jiang Yi looked down at his own bane with anger, and yelled in his heart: "Bah, shameless and unbelievable. I think about it every day, and I'm completely captured!" He

Jiang As if Hao had been hanging around in bed for a few days, Jiang Yi felt that some part of his body no longer belonged to him. As long as Jiang Siyu makes a slight stroke, she will be able to rest day and night.

Coupled with the intensity of doing this, it is actually far inferior to the physical training he usually does. Jiang Yi, who is at ease, is completely immersed in joy.

Just as Jiang Yi was scolding the fire of his own desire, Jiang Siji, who had finished typing the document, turned his head and moved his computer to face Jiang Yi: "Jiang Yi, look at this clause, what else do you want to add?"

Jiang Sixi was only wearing a shirt, and the buttons on his chest were not buttoned at all. Jiang Yi looked up and looked at the spring light exposed to her, his head dizzy with the bursts of white light.

Jiang Siji noticed this, and leaned a little, showing his excellent body, and leaned in front of her and said softly: "Come, take a look, take a closer look."

Jiang Yi's eyes hesitated, and he didn't know what it was for a while. Look at the red marks on her chest, or look at the computer screen.

Even after doing so many times, Jiang Yi still felt embarrassed in the face of this situation.

She simply snatched the computer and looked at Jiang Siji line by line with her back to Jiang.

When he saw the first few articles, Jiang Yi turned his head and looked at Jiang Siji: "Do you want me to be your personal bodyguard?"

Jiang Siji nodded and said, "Because my body is affected by drugs, even after adulthood, The estrus period is still not stable, so you need to be with me at all times to make sure I don't encounter other Alphas."

Jiang Yi felt a little bit in his heart, turned his head to look at Jiang Sihai, and asked her: "Drugs, what drugs can Affect the estrus period?"

Is it a neurological hormone drug? But Jiang Siyu didn't look like there was a problem.

Jiang Siji nodded, looked at Jiang Yi and asked: "Some psychotropic drugs, but they were stable last year, would you mind?" For some

reason, Jiang Yi suddenly felt a lot of trouble in his heart. She turned her head, looked at the screen, and slid down a few more lines: "It's good to be stable, take good treatment, I don't mind this kind of thing."

Jiang Siji glanced at her profile and moved forward boldly. , Kneeling behind Jiang Yi, took her into his arms.

There is no barrier between the two of them, so they put their warm bodies together. Jiang Yi felt the softness coming from her back, and if there was a point that seemed to scratch her skin, her body tightened for a moment.

At this moment, Jiang Xixi still knew nothing. He lay on Jiang Yi, tilted his head and asked her gently: "Then you have agreed to this condition?"

Jiang Yi was heartbroken. , And then asked: "But you want to pay me a salary, and then give me a contract for a formal job, with five insurances and one housing fund, and... someday you are going to fire me, remember to tell me in advance."

Jiang Si Hao nodded: "Okay, I will let someone draw up a contract for you."

Jiang Yi nodded and said good. Jiang Siyu hugged her harder, and lay on her shoulders and asked: "I have something I want to ask you..."

Jiang Yi didn't really care: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Siyu thought for a while, and considered it. After a while, I asked: "I found out that when you retired from the army, you were injured and retired. There was a very generous bonus, enough for you to buy a resettlement house in Cloud City. But why did you only rent an apartment in Cloud City in the end? ? "

Jiang Yi paused and answered the sentence:." cloud City's prices are too high, "

Jiang like sleet Shoulong his arm, said:" but this is within range of your burden, the money you used to What did you do? Used it for investment, or did you do something else?"

Jiang Yi turned his head and glanced at Jiang Siyu: "What do you ask this for?"

Jiang Siyu looked at her with bright eyes: "I'm a little curious. , I feel that you are a more pragmatic person and a person from another world. You are helpless in this world, so I think that after you have money, you should buy a house as soon as possible and settle down so that you can make yourself. There is a home."

"When I was just downstairs, I also looked at your house and found that it is small, but it has everything, like a warm home."

"So why didn't you buy a house?"

Jiang Yi turned his head and looked at Jiang Si Hao, who was looking at her intently. He didn't know why his heart was beating.

She felt that Jiang Sirai might have studied psychology, otherwise how could she have understood her like this.

She thinks, especially, but the conditions do not allow it!

Jiang Yi sighed, and said to Jiang Siyu: "My money...I am not alone. I...cannot buy a house."

Jiang Siyu was even more curious. She looked at Jiang Yi and asked her, "Why? Your money? , You are not using it alone, what do you mean?"

Jiang Siyu narrowed his eyes and hugged Jiang Yi and asked, "Did you still raise other women? There are children to raise? Are you using it? What did this body do to sorry me?"

Jiang Yi couldn't laugh or cry, she sighed helplessly, and said, "No, I haven't done anything sorry for you with this body."

lest Jiang Sixi misunderstand him again. She, Jiang Yi had to explain: "The military discipline is very strict, and before I meet you, I am a bit disgusted with other people's pheromones and my own body stuff."

Jiang Yi paused, and continued: "I'm here. There is no such thing as differentiation in that place. Most of the people are boys or girls, and only a few people have two-level officials."

"I was a girl before, and I was not used to or liked this organ, so I wouldn't use it. More Don't say, do weird things."

Jiang Yi paused when he said that, and continued: "I told you this because I wanted you not to misunderstand. I didn't use your lover's body to do strange things. There will be no illegitimate children."

Jiang Sicha lay on her shoulders and looked at her softly, as if there was a layer of water in his eyes.

It may be that he has never told anyone about this. Jiang Yi opened the chatterbox and couldn't help it. "This world is too strange. The liking between people is not determined by the spiritual level, but by the creatures. The influence of pheromone. When the body needs it, it will release pheromone to complete the □□, just like insects or animals."

"I'm a little hard to understand."

Jiang Yi said here, looking at Jiang Siyu: "This body has marked you and remembers your pheromone, so it likes you very much. I... I feel my body is out of control. It follows the pheromone completely, so I feel a little troublesome."

Jiang Siyu looked at her quietly, and said to her: "When she liked Jiang Yi, she hadn't split up. I love her and it has nothing to do with pheromone. . " "

there, Jiang Yi never in my body □□ into pheromones, she gave me the marks are temporary ...... "

" the mark can only be maintained for six months dissipated. "

Jiang Yi somewhat shocked, So when you talked to me before, were you kidding me?

She stared at Jiang Sixi blankly, and her heart palpitated. Jiang Siji lay on her shoulders, looked at her and said faintly: "Do you know how I saw you in the banquet hall surrounded by so many people?"

Jiang Yi subconsciously answered: "Why? You saw it?"

Jiang Siji smiled, clasped her waist and said: "Maybe you didn't feel it, but at that time, you unconsciously released pheromones to me. In the presence of so many omegas, you released me "In the pheromone

I received, there is only one piece of information..."

Jiang Yi didn't notice this at all. She asked

dumbfounded : "What information?" Jiang Siji blinked at her: "Why should I tell you?"

Jiang Yi snorted a little awkwardly: "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, it doesn't matter anyway, you won't like me." Jiang Siyu is very affectionate to "her", just physically. With an acceptable appearance, the probability of empathizing and falling in love is currently invisible.

After Jiang Yi finished speaking, he realized how resentful he was with his wife, just like a male peacock who failed his courtship.

When Jiang Siyu heard this, he glanced at her in surprise, and then smiled brilliantly. She changed directions, leaned on Jiang Yi, and asked her: "Don't talk about this, let's get back to the business, who did you raise with your money?"

Jiang Yi was just rejected by her, a little awkward, so she replied weirdly: " Why should I tell you?"

Jiang Siyu lay on her shoulders, shaking her body and acting like a baby with her: "Say, I'm wondering what you will do with the money."

Jiang Yi's ears became red. , But still pretended to be calm, and said: "Oh, you are curious, do I have to tell you if you are curious?"

Jiang Sisha smiled and held Jiang Yi's earlobe: "Good guy, please tell me. , You can do anything to me tonight."

Jiang Yi trembled all over, and took a deep breath. She stretched out her hand to stop Jiang Si Hao's wandering hand, and immediately surrendered: "Don't don't, I said I said. You can eat it, I'm still worried about tossing you badly." It is

not that it is not that it is not important. It's really not like this.

Jiang Yi held Jiang Siji's hand, feeling that one day he would be squeezed dry. She turned her head, looked at Jiang Siyu, and said something that she had never said to others: "I was from the Special Forces of the Border Army..."

"When I caught the drug lord a few years ago, one of my comrades in arms died. Her family is not very wealthy. Her mother had uremia and passed away shortly after her death. The only thing left was her wife to pull her younger sister to grow up..."

"I have a good relationship with her, so I can't do anything. She helped their family from time to time. Some time ago, her sister had leukemia and had to undergo surgery, so I gave her the money."

"It's such a simple thing, friendship with teammates, nothing else."

Jiang Yi simply After the statement was finished, he found that Jiang Si Hao tilted his head and looked at her unblinkingly. Jiang Yi was a little embarrassed by her, squeezed his earlobe, and said, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Sisha smiled, suddenly let go of her hand, moved a few steps forward, straddled Jiang Yi, raised her hand and held her face and looked at her seriously and said: "I think now, This face is even more beautiful."

Jiang Yi looked up at her a little inexplicably, Jiang Siji held her face, looked straight into Jiang Yi's eyes, smiled and said to her: "You live in it, let me I feel that this body is shining." At

that moment, through his eyes, Jiang Yi felt that what Jiang Siji saw was the self wrapped in this body.

She is complimenting herself. Realizing this, Jiang Yi's heart jumped pounding uncontrollably.

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