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 Seeing that Jiang Yi had to continue, Jiang Siji took a step forward and ran towards Jiang Yi.

She came to Jiang Yi, grabbed Jiang Yi's hand, looked at the wailing classmates and shook her head: "Jiang Yi, don't fight! You beat them all like this..."

Beating at school, yes One very bad thing, Jiang Yi might be expelled.

Jiang Yi really did not expect that Jiang Siyu would rush to stop her. Looked at a few people still □□, the Yi River took a deep breath, endured the pain of mouth, mocking the river looked like a sleet: "how do you come to help them do?"

To see that the river seems to sleet For a moment, Jiang Yi suddenly realized that her current image is a typical bad school bully, bad boy! The first grader like Jiang Siyu, Gaolingzhihua, may not be able to understand her bullying style and hate her.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Yi began his journey of scoring negative points again.

Jiang Siyu was determined to look at her without speaking.

Jiang Yi drew his hand and took his hand out of Jiang Sihao's hand, and said boringly, "Forget it, I'll hit enough." After she finished speaking, she stared and lay on the ground crying again. The little leader said fiercely: "Next time you provoke me, I will squat at the school gate every day to put a sack on you!" When

she became fierce, the little leader was glared by her and shrank. She was a little unconvinced, and gritted her teeth and said to Jiang Yi: "You bastard..."

"Huh?" Jiang Yi narrowed his eyes and gave her a dangerous look.

The little leader glared at her: "You wait for me... I want to tell my mother... You beat me, wait to go to jail!"

Jiang Yi stood up, covered the corners of his painful mouth, and dismissed it. Gu said: "If you have the ability, let me go in! I'll beat you out!"

If she could go to jail, it might be a good thing for the current situation. Staying in there for a few years, until the age of twenty, may be able to break the fate of early death.

Jiang Yi was not scared at all. Thinking of the way the other party had just scolded her wildly, the corners of his eyes started to red again, and he raised his leg to kick her: "I can't kill you! I just squat inside if I kill you. Ten years! Who's afraid of


Jiang Siyu on the side looked terrified. Seeing Jiang Yi was going to kick people again, he dragged her back: "Jiang Yi!" Jiang Yi looked back with red eyes. She: "What are you doing! Are we familiar?"

Jiang Silai's face was a little pale, but he grabbed her tightly and shook his head: "It's not worth it for you to do this."

Jiang Yi glanced at her. He didn't kick any more, just threw her away, picked up the dinner plate and walked out.

"Let's let it!" Jiang Yi carried the dinner plate, like a lone wolf that was extremely desolate after victory, pushed aside the crowd and walked out.

Jiang Siji looked at her back, thinking about the corners of her bloody mouth, red eyes, and the bruises on her face...for a while, she couldn't say how she felt.

For this kind of people, Jiang Siji felt that he should be scared. But the person in front of her was Jiang Yi, but she didn't feel afraid.

Maybe it was... the people she hit were all students who were accustomed to domineering on weekdays? So, will she not hate her? This is somewhat double standard.

Jiang Siyu sighed, and looked at the staggering person in front of him, feeling a little uncomfortable for a while.

At this time, Tang Qing hurried over with the teacher.

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