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It was another weekend, and Jiang Siyu, who had already ushered in the exam week, and Jiang Yi suddenly explored each other's secrets in the dark and damp quilt in a closed home with curtains.

On the eve of her birthday, Jiang Qionghua unexpectedly called, urging her to go home quickly and celebrate her birthday. When receiving the call, Jiang Yi still stayed in the gentle village reluctantly.

She put her arms around Jiang Sixi who was messing around on her lap, and calmly rejected Jiang Qionghua: "Chen Wanzhou and I have made an appointment to go skiing on New Year's Day, and Jiang Sixi will also go there together...hiss...Anyway, they I will celebrate my birthday."

Jiang Yi is a typical "I have a daughter-in-law and forget my mother ." Jiang Qionghua was suffocated, but he didn't have much to say, but after hanging up the phone, he missed Ning Wenyin again. G.

This Jiang Yi hung up the phone, leaned on the bedside with his arms around Jiang Sirai's waist and looked at her, somewhat helplessly said: "Why are you so...not afraid at all?"

Jiang Sirai was wrapped in a quilt. In her arms, after covering her from top to bottom, she lay down on her shoulder and let out a sigh of heat: "Because you look more worried than me."

Jiang Yi tilted his head and looked at her with a "bullying look" "You make me very excited" expression, pinched her waist with both hands and said fiercely: "You wait, you should worry about yourself after a while!"

Jiang Siyu subconsciously got up and wanted to run, but in the next second, Being held by Jiang Yi, she couldn't go anywhere except Jiang Yi's embrace.

On a cold winter day, the two were wrapped in a soft quilt and hugged wetly in a heated room. The strong pheromone scent is like a flower that is crushed everywhere in the spring season, and it smashes and radiates, making the originally cold winter day as bright as a spring day.

The young body embraced tirelessly, entangled, and torn, blooming at the right age, blooming like a flower.

When I stopped again, it was already evening. Jiang Yi leaned against the bed, watching the sunset outside the window sink along the cold sky into the steel forest, and stretched out his hand to rub Jiang's long black hair.

Jiang Siyu lay on her lap, and her scattered black hair covered Jiang Yi's lap in a mess, and on her own back. The occasionally revealed skin is whiter than snow.

Jiang Yi watched the sunset for a long time, then turned his gaze on Jiang Si Hao. She stretched out Jiang Siji's long hair scattered on her shoulders, leaned over to make a kiss on her neck, and asked her softly, "Are you going to get up for dinner?"

Jiang Siji shook her head, she reached out and grabbed Jiang. Yi's hand was a little dumb: "Don't look, lie down with me for a while."

Jiang Yi laughed, rubbed her hair and said, "You can't lie down anymore, today will pass."

Since that day, , The two of them seemed to have opened a Pandora's Box. As long as Jiang Siji had no class, they would hide in their exclusive house and do some happy things day and night.

Juvenile greedy, even Jiang Yi, who feels that he is not keen on this kind of communication, can't resist the temptation of taboo fruit. Not to mention Jiang Si Hao, who is very greedy for the embrace and warmth of his lover.

She is really a good inducer, and Jiang Yi will fall if she doesn't pay attention.

It happened that the two of them were in perfect harmony, and the magical pheromone made the two of them hardly feel very tired in this matter. Coupled with the physical fitness there, it is not estrus better than estrus.

From last night to now, they have ordered a takeaway meal, and after dealing with breakfast and lunch, they have been lying in bed.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi couldn't help sighing, leaned over and kissed the top of Jiang Si Ha's hair and said: "Okay, get up quickly. After dinner, I will accompany you to the study room. You are about to take the final exam. What should I do if I fail a subject?" But

Jiang Xixi is a schoolmaster, so I don't have to worry about this problem at all. She turned her face and lay on Jiang Yi's lap comfortably, and said lazily: "Don't worry about the final exam. I usually learn the content of the exam very well, so I don't need to review it."

After Jiang Siyu finished speaking, he stood up a little, looked up at Jiang Yi, circled her legs with fingers, and said with a smile, "Jiang Yi, I think you should know my learning ability. How come the last few days, Are you always letting me study?"

Jiang Yi was tickled by her, and quickly reached out and held her hand, defending: "I'm just worried about your study, OK, if you think there is no problem, then I I won't say anything any more."

Jiang Sicha put his chin on, and said, "Worry about my study?" She squinted slightly, watching Jiang Yi ridiculed and said, "I can't think about it... Jiang Yi, you are No... can't bear it?" The

eighteen or nine-year-old girl is the tail of the rebellious adolescence, and of course she can't stand the provocation of her lover. She stretched out her hand, hugged Jiang Si Hao, put it on her lap, wrapped her in a quilt and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it. Can I do it, don't you know?"

Jiang Si Hao felt her at once. She smiled and lay on her shoulders, bit her ears with her: "Okay, I know you are all right. Then..."

She lowered her voice, and whispered two words in Jiang Yi's ear.

Jiang Yi was shocked: "Are you still here? There is no such thing in the house..."

Jiang Siyu acted like a baby with her: "Anyway, it's still early to eat dinner. It's okay. I've already had one before. Take medicine. That's it."

Jiang Yi didn't agree with this thing very much: "No, hurt your body."

She pulled the quilt and wrapped Jiang Siyu, got up and hugged her to the bathroom: "Let's take a shower first, and I will ask you to take a shower. Go out for dinner. Let's go on a date, Jiang Siyu."

Jiang Siyu didn't struggle, so she let her go to the bathroom obediently. She actually didn't have that plan, just wanted to tease Jiang Yi, and wanted to see how she would protect herself involuntarily.

Jiang Siji lay on her shoulders, squeezed her ears, and asked her in a low voice, "Okay, what are you going to do Jiang Yi?"

Did Jiang Yi hug her into the bathroom, put her down, turned and threw the quilt back on the bed, and while closing the bathroom door, he said to Jiang Siji: "Just do something that ordinary couples would do. Watch the movie. , Go to the amusement park, sit on the Ferris wheel and the like."

Jiang Yi unscrewed the shower and sprinkled the warm water. She greeted Jiang Siji, and after dampening her hair with a spray nozzle, she applied shampoo, and while washing her hair, she said, "Don't you think that after we dated, we didn't seem to have done it seriously. What should be done to normal couples?"

Jiang Sisha squinted his eyes and enjoyed her service comfortably, and replied with a smile in the patter of water, "Is there? I think we still do a lot. "

Jiang Sicha raised his head and opened his eyes to see Jiang Yi: "On the bed..."

Jiang Yi lowered his head, seeing the traces on her body, the deer in his heart began to jump around again. She licked her lips unconvinced, and calmed down for a while before she said: "I didn't mean this, just some daily contacts..."

"None of us went out alone to play a few times...and we didn't make appointments. ! ...... feel we fall in love, is not normal "

river like sleet think also, she smiled, and Jiang Yi said:." Well, then we went out to play today, "

the rich body wash After the pheromone scent, the two dried their hair, put on down jackets, and went out together. When he went downstairs, Jiang Yi was still looking for interesting places in the capital, choosing to go, and finally picked a nearby playground.

Jiang Sirai had no opinion on this, but was a little hungry anyway, so the two of them took a taxi to have a hot pot, and then took a taxi to the playground.

Today is Saturday, and the playground is really lively. Even on a cold winter day, young couples holding hands can be seen everywhere, or a family traveling with children.

Jiang Yi took two tickets and led Jiang Sihao into the amusement park. Like all ordinary couples, he visited the nearest place and rushed to the venue before the Ferris wheel was closed and boarded the Ferris wheel.

Jiang Yi was actually a little afraid of heights. When she first sat on it, Jiang Siyu noticed that her expression was a little nervous. Next, she observed Jiang Yi for half a minute, and found that as the Ferris wheel rose, her anxiety became more obvious, and she secretly smiled in her heart.

Ah, this person who seems to be fearless and fearless, actually has his own weaknesses.

Jiang Sihai felt that she was so cute, and took her hand and squeezed slightly, and called her: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi didn't want to embarrass her in front of her, so he calmed down and asked her: "Why... ..." In the

dark night sky, above the lights of thousands of families, Jiang Siji, who seemed to be facing the sea of ​​stars, smiled at her: "Look at me." As he

said, Jiang Siji leaned forward and held Jiang Yi's face gently. Kissed over.

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, and hugged Jiang Siji unconsciously. Jiang Sirai sat on her lap, resting her head with one hand, and kissing her deeply.

When the Ferris wheel was about to rise to the highest point, Jiang Siji let go of Jiang Yi. She turned her head, glanced at the flashing sea of ​​lights in the dark city behind her, and gently said to Jiang Yi: "Open your eyes and see, it's really beautiful, Jiang Yi..." Jiang Yi, who

had calmed down, hugged her. Waist, Yiyan opened his eyes. Looking around, she saw the twinkling lights in the distance, and the endless river of lights under her feet. She was so amazed that she couldn't speak for a while.

It's really... it's so beautiful...

Jiang Si Hao lowered her eyes, watching the lights of the city reflected in Jiang Yi's eyes, gleaming with moving light. She stretched out her hand, stroked Jiang Yi's face, and smiled softly at her: "Isn't it pretty? Seeing this kind of scenery, you won't think of anything scared, right." The

Ferris wheel is still slowly As they rise, the distance between the scenery on the ground and them is getting a little bit farther. Jiang Yi heard Jiang Sihao's voice raising his eyes, and looked up at her.

At this moment, the city lights refracted on Jiang Siyu, haunting her hazily like a dream.

For a moment, Jiang Yi felt in a daze that Jiang Siji in front of him was not a real existence.

Maybe this situation is not true.

Jiang Yi was a little sad for no reason. She raised her hand and hugged Jiang Siyu until she truly held her in her arms before she could confirm the existence of herself and the other party.

She buried her face on Jiang Siyu's shoulder, her voice was a little dull: "Jiang Siyu, promise me, no matter what happens in the future, you will never leave me."

"Also, don't forget me."

Jiang Sicha was startled, wondering where her emotions came from. She was infected by Jiang Yi's sadness. She raised her hand and gently stroked her head to comfort her and said: "Of course I will not leave you, let alone forget you."

"I love you so dearly, Jiang Anecdotes."


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