Untitled Part 44

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Jiang Yi raised his head and looked at Jiang Siyu who was standing in front of her wearing a rose mask, and unconsciously asked, "Why didn't you agree?"

Why? Why can it be? Of course, I don't want her to accept Chu Ningning's confession, and I don't want her to be with others.

After hearing that confession, Jiang Sirai lost control. The body's reaction was faster than consciousness. She almost ran to Jiang Yi on high heels, uncontrollably trying to prevent her from agreeing to the other side.

Jiang Siji knew that many people liked Jiang Yi, and Chu Ningning was not the first person to confess to Jiang Yi. I have seen the appearance of Chu Ningning persistently giving Jiang Yi a gift, wanting to go further under the tree, and then walking up to Jiang Yi a little bit, Jiang Xixi cannot treat Chu Ningning as someone else.

Chu Ningning is serious about Jiang Yi's love. A serious emotion will get a heartfelt response from people like Jiang Yi.

Jiang Siji didn't want Jiang Yi to respond, so at the moment she looked at Jiang Yi who raised her head and asked, was jealous, eating away her sanity, her head was blank, and she couldn't answer anything.

Upon seeing this, Chu Ningning gathered up the courage to speak: "You let go of Jiang Yi first, I came first." Chu Ningning turned to look at Jiang Yi and asked again: "Jiang Yi, would you like to be with me? Dance?"

Jiang Yi actually didn't want to understand, she was silent and did not reply.

Jiang Siji bit her lips. I wanted to come first. It was I who grabbed Jiang Yi's hand first, and it was me who met her first.

Jiang Siyu was in a state of confusion, so he pulled Jiang Yi up and led her forward in silence.

Jiang Yi was picked up by her and staggered forward, his head stunned. At this time, Chu Ningning also chased up, grabbed Jiang Yi, and stood in a stalemate with Jiang Si Ha on the other end, with a stubborn expression: "Jiang Yi hasn't answered me yet, you can't take her away."

Jiang Siji glanced at her, and was not ready to respond to her. She turned around and dragged Jiang Yi forward.

Not to be outdone, Chu Ning stretched out two hands to hold Jiang Yi and confront Jiang Si Hao.

Jiang Yi, who was in the middle, felt that he was the line in the middle of the tug-of-war match, being pulled by the two to maintain a delicate balance in the middle.

What kind of magical scenes are these, how do they feel like a Shura field?

What's the matter with Jiang Sirai, why did he suddenly come out with such a stubborn attitude. Isn't she just being confessed? It's not a big deal...

Could it be that... Jiang Siyu actually likes her?

Jiang Yi thought of this, his heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't wait to jump away from Jiang Siyu immediately.

She quickly shook off Jiang Sihao's hand, took a step back, and stood between the two of them, and said angrily: "What are you doing? Am I the rope of a tug-of-war competition? I want to be pulled by you."

Jiang Siji suddenly lost his hand, and looked at Jiang Yi who was standing not far away, feeling flustered.

She stretched out her hand in a panic, trying to hold Jiang Yi, but rushed for nothing. The hand that stopped in the air grabbed a handful of air, and gradually clenched it a little unwillingly.

Jiang Siji looked at Jiang Yi, but Jiang Yi did not look at her. He turned to look at Chu Ningning: "Dancing with you means agreeing to your confession, right?"

Chu Ningning did not flinch at the moment, she looked directly at Jiang. Yi's eyes, nodded seriously: "Yeah."

Jiang Yi sighed and said to Chu Ningning very seriously: "Then I thank you for your kindness, I have no plans to fall in love at the moment. What's more, we are not very familiar with each other. What kind of emotional basis, even if I promise you, I will only fulfill your love unilaterally, not our love together."

Jiang Yi refused simply and neatly: "I will not like a person I am unfamiliar with and who has no emotional basis. I am. I don't even have a basic liking for you, so... please forgive my refusal."

Every time she said a word, Chu Ningning's face turned pale. Chu Ningning squeezed her hands firmly, her nails fell into her palms, and struggling to say: "Then we...can start with friends."

Jiang Yi looked very cold and ruthless at this time: "I won't do it with someone who likes me. Friends, I don't feel safe like this. If you don't like me

someday , we can get to know her from friends." Chu Ningning looked at her unwillingly, tears flickering in her eyes, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

When Jiang Yi rejected people, he appeared very cold and ruthless. Chu Ning Ning endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes, and said dullly: "You speak too much!" After she finished speaking, she turned her back to Jiang Yi, raised her hand and wiped her eyes. , Left here without looking back.

In a corner of the hustle and bustle of the banquet, only Jiang Sixi and Jiang Yi were left.

Because of the changes just now, the people around have more or less noticed here, and their eyes are on both of them.

Jiang Yi turned and looked at Jiang

Si Hao , with a cold voice: "What about you? Why did you tell me not to agree, and why did you hold me?" "Chuning Ning likes me. What are you doing?"

Jiang Yi's tone was a bit fierce in the end. Jiang Siyu thought that she had just said, "There is no way to be friends with someone who likes herself", and her heart fell to the bottom.

She couldn't explain her impulse, but she didn't have the courage to say it. Jiang Siji squeezed his palm and took a step forward: "I..."

Jiang Yi couldn't help shaking when she saw her move forward. At that moment, she suddenly smelled a secret and sweet smell, which was the smell of Jiang Si's pheromone.

Jiang Yi frowned: "You..." Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Yi suddenly smelled the fragrance coming from all directions. In addition to the sweet smell of Jiang Siyu, there are also various pheromone flavors, water lilies...lilies...gardenias and so on...

Various scents swept towards Jiang Yi, making Jiang Yi as if standing in the middle of a sea of ​​flowers in spring.

Jiang Yi's head became dumbfounded, his body started to get hot uncontrollably, and his face was suddenly dyed crimson. At that moment, she felt like she had been thrown into the stove and roasted. Every cell on her body was crackling because of the hot flame. The pain was so painful that she couldn't stand it, and she moved back. step.

This is...what's going on...In

just a few seconds, Jiang Yi's head burned into chaos, and the line of sight in front of him was hazy, distorted into various weird colors.

She staggered back, leaning against the wall, arching her waist in pain, and curling up in the corner.

Vaguely, she seemed to see Jiang Siyu walking towards her, holding her shoulders in a panic, and eagerly calling her: "Jiang Yi... Jiang Yi... What's wrong with you Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi was hot all over, his eyes flushed and he looked at Di Jiang Si Ha in front of him, and shook his head chaotically.

Jiang Siji held up her face, looked at her worriedly, and said, "Jiang Yi...Where are you uncomfortable? Where..." At

the moment when his skin touched, Jiang Yi suddenly felt that there was something in his body. Everywhere, it was knocked open suddenly. A huge cedar breath erupted around Jiang Yi like a tsunami, sweeping the entire auditorium in just a few seconds.

At that moment, everyone except Jiang Siyu smelled this breath that was even more majestic than the lofty snow-capped mountains.

The split-up students turned their heads together and looked at Jiang Yi huddled in the corner.

All the alphas in this super deterrent aura involuntarily showed a defensive posture. Omega, except for Jiang Xixi, looked at Jiang Yi uncontrollably, with a light of desire flowing in his eyes.

In just a few seconds, almost all Omegas could not control their pheromone emanating from the glands in the neck. In an instant, the entire auditorium began to be filled with all kinds of Omega pheromone flavors, and in an instant the entire venue became a sea of ​​flowers.

In the next second, Jiang Siji smelled all the smells of the same kind. She turned her head and saw those Omegas turning around uncontrollably and walking in Jiang Yi's direction.

Jiang Siji turned his head in hindsight and looked at Jiang Yi, who was curled up in the corner of the wall, holding her hand against his face, and struck a flash of lightning across his head.

She suddenly realized that the person in front of her had begun to divide.

And differentiated into a... she couldn't smell the super high-quality alpha of pheromone.

All the Omegas present except her were in estrus under Jiang Yi's influence.

Jiang Siji didn't even think about it, grabbed Jiang Yi on the ground, and dragged her to stagger forward. Jiang Yi followed her behind her in a daze, seeing all kinds of pheromones rushing towards her in a daze, making her feel flustered and frightened for no reason.

She was led by Jiang Siji to walk forward, staring blankly at the faint blue light and shadow in front of her, feeling at ease inexplicably.

After walking a few steps, a group of Omegas came around them like irrational walking corpses. The people around him were so scared that Jiang Yi stumbled forward and threw himself on Jiang Sihao.

Under the squeezing force of everyone, she hugged Jiang Siji and sniffed the scent on her body. She seemed to feel that somewhere in her body was tearing and growing... It

hurts... It hurts...

She was lying on Jiang Siyu, unconsciously low. As her situation worsened, the surrounding Omega rushed towards her more like crazy.

The scene was in chaos, Jiang Siji had no choice but to stretch out his hand backwards, put Jiang Yi half on his back, and dragged her forward.

A riot began.

The teachers present endured the deterrence of Jiang Yi's pheromone, and quickly opened the filter in the auditorium, organizing betas that were less affected by Jiang Yi to stop those Omegas who were in heat, and inject them with inhibitors.

Jiang Siji dragged Jiang Yi, and after walking out of the crowd with the help of some betas, he handed her to the teacher and asked her to inject Jiang Yi with an inhibitor.

Who knew that as soon as the inhibitor was injected, Jiang Yi's pheromone was more concentrated, and a new storm was set off, frantically sweeping indoors.

Even the beta school doctor on the side almost lost control, and couldn't help asking Jiang Yi.

Obviously in the middle of such a pheromone storm, as Omega Jiang Xixi looked like an outsider, watching all the chaos with cold eyes.

She lowered her eyes and looked at Jiang Yi, who was burning red on the stretcher, with a daze in her consciousness.

She involuntarily stretched out her hand, stroked Jiang Yi's cheek, and sighed deeply in her heart: Jiang Yi had split into alpha as she wished, but it was an alpha that couldn't let her smell the pheromone.

An alph that cannot be smelled by Omega is not strictly an alpha.

Jiang Siji looked down and watched Jiang Yi rubbing her hand unconsciously, leaving her heart desolate.

She's so jealous... so jealous of those Omegas who can get estrus due to Jiang Yi's pheromone. She also really wanted to know what Jiang Yi's pheromone tasted.



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