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Extra Four: Sister Xu's goose farm

Jiang Yi studied animal medicine, which is a five-year major. The summer vacation of the senior year began. According to professional requirements, all of their veterinarians had to go to animal hospitals or zoo farms for internships.

This year, Jiang Xixi has already returned to Yuncheng to establish a company and won many new projects, becoming a new star in the Yuncheng business district. Jiang Yi is a family lover. During the internship, he took care of the counselor and went back to a farm in Yuncheng for an internship.

This farm was newly opened a few years ago. Previously, it was mainly engaged in poultry farming and fish farming, but after the business got bigger, it began to consider the project of raising pigs. Around May, Jiang Yi and another classmate from Yuncheng came to this farm to give the farm owner some technical support.

The farm is located in the suburbs. In addition to the breeding farm, the smart boss also set up two greenhouses to grow vegetables, closing the biological chain perfectly and achieving a self-sufficient standard of living.

Living here, apart from being away from the hustle and bustle of the city, there is water, electricity and internet, and the days are actually quite moist.

It's just that Jiang Yi is a person with a family, and he will inevitably miss his wife and children. But the days on the farm are also relatively busy, and she can't ask for leave to go home, so she has to make videos with Jiang Sirai every day to relieve the suffering of lovesickness.

That night, when Jiang Yi held the computer under the grapevine stand on the first floor and knocked on the paper, while tickling while checking the information, Jiang Sirai's video call came in.

Jiang Yi immediately connected the phone and looked at the sweetheart who appeared in the video. The corner of his mouth raised slightly and said hello: "Jiang Sirai, have you eaten yet?" In the

video, Jiang Sirai wore a white shirt with black hair. Pisan, sitting in an office chair with a very capable appearance. She raised a smiling face and said to Jiang Yi: "Of course, what about you? What did you eat tonight?"

Jiang Yi smiled and bent his eyes: "It's grilled fish. Let me tell you that the grilled fish made by Ms. Xu Feng is super delicious! She is really good at cooking!"

Sister Xu Feng is the owner of this farm. She is a retired soldier. Originally lived near Yuncheng, after leaving the army, he and his wife Yu Yu came to the outskirts of Yuncheng to open a farm. Relying on the help plan, the two people's farm business is doing well.

Jiang Siyu held his chin with one hand and looked at her with a smile: "Then you have eaten so many meals from others, have you stole the teacher a few times?"

Jiang Yi nodded, "Of course it is. It's not easy to learn. Go home and make good food for your wife."

Jiang Sicha said, "Then you will come back. If you don't come back, how can I eat delicious food. You haven't been home for a week. I'm okay." Miss you."

Jiang Yi coaxed her: "Next week, I will go back next week, I will definitely go back." The

two flirted and cursed for a while, and Jiang Yi found that the little miracle did not appear today, so he asked Jiang Siyu: "Where's the miracle? Sleeping? Still playing?"

Jiang Sichai became jealous: "How long did we talk, and you are looking for your daughter? Jiang Yi, do you particularly want to live with me in a two-person world?"

Jiang Yi smiled flatteringly: "Why, you don't know how much I want to hug you now."

Jiang Yi pressed two fingers of his right hand on his lips, and gave Jiang Sihao a kiss in the video, smiling. Coax her: "Well, don't be jealous with your daughter, you know, I love you the most."

"I just saw that she was not by your side today, so I was a little curious. How is she doing today? Is she doing well in kindergarten? "

Jiang Wei Zhou brow like sleet, and Jiang Yi said:" Oh. "

Jiang Yi to see her look wrong, quickly asked:"??? this is how bad she bully people, "her family daughter is a bully , Relying on himself to be taller than the average child, domineering in the kindergarten. Every day I either grab children's toys or pour other people's yogurt. It makes troubles all day, and makes the teacher call the parents every day.

Jiang Siji pressed her lips and said for a while, "No, this time she was bullied."

Jiang Yi's eyes widened: "Can she still be bullied?" It's strange, her daughter doesn't do bad things to her. Thank God, someone could stop her today.

Jiang Yi suddenly became excited, and said enthusiastically toward Jiang Siyu: "Quickly tell me, which brave kid restrained this great demon!"

Jiang Siyu saw her look like this, and he was a little bit dumbfounded: "Jiang Yi, It's your daughter who was bullied. Why don't you worry at all and you still look so happy."

Jiang Yiyu said earnestly: "Blame me, when I was a child, I spoiled her so much that she always domineering and domineering other children. Now she is long. When she gets older, it's also time to understand that there are people outside the sky and there are people outside the sky.

She accepted the severe beatings from the society." She spoke in a high-sounding speech, and then asked after a pause, "So how on earth was she bullied."

"Jiang Yi! "Jiang Si Ha raised the volume, seeming to be angry at Jiang Yi. But she

endured and endured , and finally couldn't hold it back. She chuckled out and said to Jiang Yi, "I told you, this fact is too funny..." Jiang Yi excitedly said, "Say quickly. ! "

Jiang smiled like sleet bend the eye, small voice and Jiang Yi Tucao his daughter:" they just recently had a class transfer over the little girl, looks neat, Jiang wanted to bully people miracles, lunch At that time, they pulled their heads."

"As a result, the girls got angry on the spot. Although they are not as tall as her, they have a fierce aura..."

Jiang Siji held back a laugh, gave a light cough, and continued: "The teacher said, The girl got up, walked to Jiang Qiqi's side, and poured a whole cup of yogurt on her head... Jiang Qiqi cried on the spot."

Jiang Yi was very surprised: "She really cried?"

Jiang Siji nodded: "Crying. When I went there, I was crying and calling for my mother, and I said that I would cut my hair."

Although Jiang Yi was very happy that her daughter was deflated, she still felt a little pain when she heard her crying. She controlled her smile, and asked in a small voice: "How is she now? Is she still sad?"

Jiang Siyu was a little helpless: "It won't be sad on the way home. When I picked her up, she wiped her tears while she came home. I cried and said that I wanted to give the other party some color. How many times did you say that she had been educated, who did she follow? How can she be so domineering..."

Jiang Yi replied thoughtfully, "I guess I followed me. I was not a good person when I was a kid."

Jiang Siyu paused and said, "But you are a hundred times more cute than her."

Jiang Yi was a little bit dumbfounded: "Wow, Jiang Siyu, did you say that about your daughter?"

Jiang She seemed helpless: "A child at this age is even a dog." She paused and looked at Jiang Yi, with a rare frustration on her face: "Jiang Yi, sometimes you are not here, I don't know how. Educate her. I'm so afraid that she will still have such a difficult temper when she grows up. I'm afraid that I... didn't teach her well."

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "No, although she is domineering in kindergarten, But every fight is a lesson. Except for a few occasions when it will provoke people for no reason, it is actually very good. Don't worry, I will talk to her well."

Jiang Sihai nodded: "Well, I know , You will." After

Jiang Yi calmed down his wife, he asked again: "Then what is she doing now? Sleeping?"

Jiang Silai sighed and said: "She is watching cartoons by herself. She is going to go in the afternoon. Cut her hair, I didn't take her, she was angry with me."

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment: "Wow, the boy is shaking the sky, she still dares to be angry with you, why does she have to cut her hair?"

Jiang Siji Some reluctantly said: "She felt that she had poured yogurt on her head and her hair was dirty, so she must cut it. I said it would be fine to wash it, but she said that if it is dirty, it is dirty. If it is not clean, it must be cut. She was angry if I didn't take her there. She also said that Mommy didn't understand me, and she's been angry since she got home."

Jiang Yi took a breath of cold air: "The sky is turning the sky and the sky is shaking. When I go back, I will teach her a lesson! Isn't it just a fight and lose to others, and she will cut her hair if she is splashed? She is too temperamental, no, I You have to educate her!"

Jiang Si Hao, who successfully filed the case, nodded, looked at Jiang Yi with a smile and said, "Okay, then you should come back to educate her soon." The

two talked about their children's education for a while, and then said Only when he was intimate, he hung up the phone reluctantly.

After another week, Jiang Yi still did not find a free day to take leave and go home. At this time, Jiang Siyu, who had just completed a project, decided to bring her daughter over to find her on the weekend.

Jiang Yi was happy at once, and quickly went to ask Sister Xu if she could let her family come to visit relatives. Xu Feng nodded and agreed on the spot: "Yes, you can let your family come over. I have good wine and food here. I will entertain them."

Jiang Yi filled Xu Feng with food and thanked him immediately. Called Jiang Siji.

On Saturday, Jiang Siji drove more than three hours to the farm.

That day, Xu Feng and Jiang Yi went to pick up people together. When they saw Jiang Sixi taking Jiang miracle out of the car, Xu sister looked at Jiang Yi with some doubts: "This is your sister and your sister?"

Jiang Yi Laughing, he replied, "No, it's my wife and children."

Xu Feng was stunned! Are young people so fierce now? Neither she nor Yu Yu have children yet, and this person so much younger than her actually has a child that old.

In Xu Feng's stunned mouth, Jiang Yi smiled and walked towards Jiang Si Hao. Jiang miracle, who had been holding Jiang Si Shi's hand, immediately let go of her hand when Jiang Yi came over, and stepped on her short legs and rushed towards Jiang Yi: "Mom!"

Jiang Yi leaned over and threw her down. She picked it up, put her arms on her hands and raised her arms high: "Oh, my miracle has grown up a bit recently, a bit heavier! Ah... how did you cut your hair so short?" It's as funny as a small bowl.

When Jiang miracle heard it, his brows danced suddenly, turned his head to look at Jiang Si Hao and pointed out his hand. He smiled and said, "Mummy cut it. Isn't it pretty?"

Jiang Yi looked sideways and looked at Jiang Si Hao, with a smile. Some people say they want to teach their daughters, but they still refuse to take their daughters to cut their hair. It turns out that they cut it secretly by themselves. Maybe they still cut it on their children's head with a bowl cover.

Thinking about this, Jiang Yi raised his hand and patted Jiang Qiqi's ass, and snorted: "Mummy cut...I heard that some people bullied their classmates in kindergarten last week, and they went home crying with mom. Mi has a temper. Jiang miracle, is this person you?"

Jiang miracle quickly covered his face and said awkwardly: "It's not me, I didn't do it."

Jiang Yi stretched out his hand and squeezed her. With a small face, he smiled and joked: "It's not you who have ghosts! I'll take care of you when I go back. Okay, come down."

Jiang Yi bent down, put Jiang Qiqi down in his arms, and stretched toward Jiang Si Hao who was approaching her. He pulled her over, held her firmly in her arms, and dropped a kiss on her hair: "Jiang Siyu, I miss you so much!"

Jiang Sisha smiled and hugged her, and kissed her sideways. Kissed her face, and said softly, "I miss you too, so I'm here to see you." The

two of them hugged without anyone else. Jiang Qiqi on the side stretched out his hand and held Jiang Yi's pants, and said grievedly: " Mom, mom, I want to hug too."

Jiang Yi looked down at her, smiled and said: "You have enough to hug your mom, I will hug your mom, and I'll talk later."

Jiang Yi said, regardless of the child. , Hugged Jiang Si Hao heavily again.

Xu Feng on the side saw these close lovers, then looked at the pitiful children beside them, shook his head, and completely dispelled the idea of ​​having children.

Forget it, she and Yu Yu are still young, they are still more than two people, the child's matter, let's think about it later.

Otherwise, it would be pitiful to give birth to a small light bulb.

Just when Xu Feng was thinking about it,

Jiang Yi let go of Jiang Siyu, leaned over and picked up Jiang Miqi with one hand: "Let's go, let's go back to eat first, the meal made by sister Xu Feng is delicious." Jiang Yi Holding Jiang Siji in one hand and Jiang Qiqi in the other, a family of three walked towards the farm in the sunshine.

Xu Feng followed them, watching the three intimate figures of the family, his thoughts were slightly shaken. For a moment, she began to feel that having children might also be a good thing.

Jiang Siji and Jiang Qiqi spent an unforgettable weekend on the farm.

Especially Jiang Qiqi, in this farm, she met her lifelong enemy-the big goose.

In her happy childhood, the only shadow was when she was in kindergarten when she was poured a large glass of yogurt. And in this sunny afternoon, she took the feed bowl and under the leadership of her mother, she entered the goose factory to feed the geese, and then was thrown away by a snow-white goose flapping its wings all afternoon.

Like a little Corgi, she ran with short legs in panic. The big goose quacked and screamed chaotically behind her, cooperating with her mother's laughter, and once became the shadow of Jiang Qiqi's childhood.

This incident led to Jiang Yi opening a pet hospital a year later and raising a goose as a pet, but Jiang Qiqi never dared to enter his own hospital during his childhood.


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