Untitled Part 60

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Jiang Yi held the bed sheet and quilt, and glanced at Jiang Siyu a little speechlessly: "Yes, yes, you know that you are a young boy, and you will never forget her."

Jiang Yi shook the quilt and said, "Get up, hurry up. I'll make a bed for you."

Jiang Siyu said, got up obediently from the bed, and stood barefoot under the bed.

Taking advantage of this gap when she was not on the bed, Jiang Yi quickly put a roll of sheets and duvets and changed the bed to a brand new one.

Standing barefoot on the bed, Jiang Siji looked at her serious side face intently, unconsciously holding her left arm with her right hand, sliding from her elbow to her wrist, and bit her lips uncomfortably.

She thought that years still left traces on Jiang Yi, such as her serious and good-looking appearance, she didn't know how many people had been fascinated for so many years.

The day she recognized Jiang Yi, she set about asking people to investigate Jiang Yi's past experience. I don't know if I dare not face it, Jiang Siji deliberately didn't let people investigate Jiang Yi's emotional experience.

Jiang Yi doesn't remember her anymore.

In the summer when she was about to turn eighteen, the two lost contact in this world. They have missed six years. In these six years, Jiang Yi's life trajectory is blank for her.

She didn't know what kind of people Jiang Yi met, whether he had such vague feelings with others in such an ambiguous youth, and even more so, whether Jiang Yi had already been received.

How is she? Is anyone comforting her when she is sad?

The incomplete memory leaves Jiang Yi not much in the past, and even makes her feel that she is not a person in this world. Is it lonely to live alone?

Has anyone comforted her loneliness?

Jiang Sixi's mind was full of these messy things, her mind was in a mess. She thought about Jiang Yi's vague answer during those few days, and confirmed that for so many years, no one was actually close to Jiang Yi. , A little distressed, but also a little lucky.

Fortunately, it will not be too late. Fortunately, Jiang Yi still belongs to her.

Jiang Siji looked at her infatuatedly for a long time. After Jiang Yi hurriedly made the bed, he turned to meet Jiang Siji's obsessive eyes, and his heart beat hard.

Even if she knew clearly in her heart that Jiang Siyu's love was not her, Jiang Yi still couldn't help his heartbeat when faced with such a look.

She raised her hand and scratched her face in a concealed manner, and said, "Go up, when you have basically not slept for a few days, you should sleep for a while. I'm going to work on something."

Jiang Siji walked barefoot to the river. In front of Yi, he looked up at her a little, his eyes gentle: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi stood up straight, looked down at her, and responded softly, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Siyu raised his hand, fingertips. Passing her eyebrows, which were more mature than when she was a teenager, down the bridge of her nose, pressing her fingertips on Jiang Yi's chin.

Jiang Siyu rubbed the small invisible scar on Jiang Yi's chin with his fingertips, and said to her obsessively: "Did you agree to the things you discussed this morning?"

Jiang Yi was taken aback. This morning? Does it mean raising her?

Jiang Yi felt that it didn't matter. She didn't hate Jiang Siyu, and it was not impossible to comfort each other if they needed each other.

Jiang Yi allowed her to outline her own face, as if she had been indulging in Jiang Sihao over the past few days, and straightened her back and replied: "You mean to let me be your inhibitor?

" It's not impossible. As long as the contract is reasonable, we can do this. As for what you said to support me, it's impossible."

Jiang Yi tilted his head and thought for a while, and continued: "I don't lack money, and I don't want to get anything from you. As far as equal transactions are concerned, you need my body, and I need your body. This is the most suitable one. "

Jiang Yi actually thought very much, anyway, she spread everything out to Jiang Siji, not to mention that they have not been in bed for so long without shame. As long as people break through their bottom line and become thick-skinned, they feel a little indifferent.

Jiang Siji bit her lip lightly and looked at her with incredible surprise in her eyes. Jiang Siji's hand stopped on her face, her lips trembled, and he said to Jiang Yi: "I'm not referring to this, it's marrying you."

When I was sober, I heard someone Jiang Yi was still a little shy about proposing to himself. Even if he knew that the proposal was made to his own body, Jiang Yi still couldn't help his face flushed.

She squeezed her ears, and said with some embarrassment to Jiang Siyu: "Oh... you said this, I still can't agree."

"Even if you say that the body belongs to your lover, I am now this body. Master, I can't give myself to repay the grace of rebirth. As for what you said you want to have children, and you want someone to be your inhibitor, in fact, I can provide this service."

"Only marriage is not good, marriage is One thing that is not necessary, but there is something sacred in my heart. Even if I know that the object you want to marry is my body, I will still unconsciously bring you that you want to marry me. Jiang Siyu , It's not fair to you and me." But in

fact, Jiang Siyu just wanted to marry her. No one else, but herself.

Jiang Siji thinks that whether she has amnesia or not, she is an elm head. Her own likes are so obvious, she can always make mistakes again and again.

Jiang Siji put his hand on Jiang Yi's shoulder, squinted a little, and looked at her dangerously: "Then you mean, you want me to support you."

Jiang Yi scratched his face: " Yes. There is no need for that. You can make a contract, and the two parties agree on their respective obligations. Of course, the matter of having six children is forgotten."

"If you want a child with this body, I can give you a child who

grew up outside of the mother's body through the outside of the body." Jiang Yi's implication is that she doesn't want Jiang Siyu to become pregnant. If she really wants a child, then she Only through the embryo separation technology, Jiang Siyu can get a child who grew up outside the mother's body.

Jiang Siji didn't know why she was so determined on this matter. She looked at Jiang Yi with some doubts: "Is there any difference between this matter and making me pregnant? The difference is that we have a common child? Is it?"

Jiang Yi smiled and said softly to Jiang Siyu: "Although your presence always reminds me that this body cannot be completely mine, and even the children born to others may not be mine. . But for me, I have lived alone in this world for six years, and I have already recognized everything about myself."

"Whether it is waking up after falling into the water or my military career, it is a rare experience in my life. I recognize it. My identity, because I have long understood that I am a dove occupying a magpie's nest, so there will be no psychological burden."

"Under such circumstances, a child who is connected to me has a special meaning to me. If it were me My own child, I get the child I want through traditional means and an omega or a beta. That must be because I want this child to come into this world."

"It's different outside the body. At least I can comfort me ." I just donated an essence myself. What does that child have to do with me is actually not that important."

Jiang Yi paused and continued: "Jiang Siyu, it is impossible for me to raise myself with someone who doesn't like me. Descendants."

Jiang Sihai's eyes were sharp for an instant, her fingertips slipped, and she gently stroked Jiang Yi's throat, her expression dangerously said: "But you know, I like you."

Jiang Yi was a little helpless: " I know, you are referring to the body that once dressed Jiang Yi's soul. But it's not me, Jiang Siyu."

Jiang Siyu put his hands on her shoulders, gently pushed her on the bed, and leaned over to look at her. "Does it make any difference Jiang Yi? If you like your body, don't you just like you?"

Jiang Siyu said, kneeling on the bed and straddling Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi was fine, lying on the bed comfortably with his arm, and looked at her crookedly: "Of course. Do you know me? Do you know my concept of being a human being? Know my views on things. Do you know my code of conduct?"

"In other words, have you ever understood the soul of this body?"

Jiang Yi looked up at her and said quietly: "Jiang Siyu, the body can be given to you, but the soul is watching with cold eyes. I am not your Jiang Yi after all, and we can't talk about what we like, so we can only make deals on □□."

Jiang Yi's remarks made Jiang Siji a little moved. She focused on keeping Jiang Yi by her side, but actually ignored Jiang Yi's spiritual needs on a deeper level.

Perhaps she has been unwilling to accept it subconsciously. Jiang Yi might not like her, love her, or even have another lover.

Although her body is attracting her now, what about the soul? After six years, even if they have complemented each other's experiences, they have experienced so much Jiang Yi, changes have already been made, and why is she not like that?

Many thoughts flashed in Jiang Siyu's mind, but the last thought remained: she still wanted to catch Jiang Yi without hesitation, keep her, and make her fall in love with herself again.

What she could do six years ago with such an immature, she couldn't do it without reason.

She had long understood that even if she lost her life and everything she had in this life, she couldn't lose Jiang Yi.

She once prayed so fiercely that if Jiang Yi was alive and returned to her, she could do anything.

What kind of reservedness and forbearance are not important when facing the person you like.

Jiang Siji leaned forward, put his breath on Jiang Yi's lips, and looked straight at her.

The two breathed together, their breaths were very close. Jiang Yi sniffed the pheromone taste uploaded from her, and distinguished what Jiang Si Ha meant, the white flag that was originally raised was raised higher.

I like you like you like you...In the

cramped room, there are confessions from Jiang Sirai everywhere. Jiang Yi raised his head and looked at the ceiling, feeling a little arrogant about his weak body that likes to compromise.

God, why is Alpha such a lowly creature that makes her ashamed every day.

Jiang Siji noticed her reaction in an instant, the smile on her face enlarged, and she leaned forward and put a kiss on her lips: "I accepted your proposal. But when do you want to fulfill this agreement?"

Jiang Yi raised his hand, grabbed her waist, and replied vaguely: "Until both sides have someone you like."

Jiang Si Hao opened his mouth and gently bit Jiang Yi's lips, refusing to say: "No. Jiang Yi...The ownership of this body has always been mine. Until I put it down, you can't like others." In

this way, whether Jiang Yi will like her or not, she can always dominate Jiang Yi for the rest of her life. It just doesn't matter if you like her body, she can also give herself.

She will never let go, never let go, never stop loving Jiang Yi.


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