Untitled Part 72

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Jiang Sixi is quite a promised person. Since she promised to introduce Jiang Yi's former classmates to Jiang Yi, she quickly compiled a piece of information and provided it to Jiang Yi.

That night, Jiang Yi was sitting on the bed in her nightgown, flipping through the information Jiang Sihai had given, reading with gusto. After Jiang Siyu came out of the bathroom, she lay straight in Jiang Yi's arms. Jiang Yi gave her a position so that she could lie down in his arms.

Jiang Siyu found a place in her arms to lie down comfortably, looked down at the tablet in her hand, and asked, "Where did you see it?"

Jiang Yi smiled: "It's just started."

She turned over. When I opened Chen Wanzhou's page, I found that Chen Wanzhou was in the same class with her before, and asked: "Did Jiang Yi have a good relationship with her before? How did I see many group photos taken by them in your villa? What is this? What happened at that time?"

Jiang Siji was a little unhappy when he saw that her first sentence was to ask Chen Wanzhou. She leaned on Jiang Yi's chest, pressed her jealousy and said to her: "It used to be a good relationship. She, and Lin Yinxi, Jin Duolai, and Zhang Wanwan are the four famous ALPHAs in Class B."

"Lin Yinxi is Squad leader, after Jiang Yi transferred to high school, did you know how to enter and leave with these four people? Because Jiang Yi hadn't split up at the time, the students jokingly called them a "4A drag one" scenic spot, or also called it. 'Quasi 5A Scenic Area'."

Jiang Yi vaguely remembered that there was something like this, but she couldn't help but look down, and looked at Jiang Siji in amazement: "How do you know this kind of thing so clearly? You and them A class?"

Jiang Sisha smiled, thinking that of course I have been paying attention to you silently. She replied softly: "Because these people are so eye-catching. In the first semester of high school, they almost attracted the attention of the whole school. It's hard not to know."

Jiang Yi said, "But after Jiang Yi splits up, this group of people won't become a '5A scenic spot'."

Jiang Siyu heard this and chuckled lightly and said to her: "No, because Jiang Yi dropped out of school after the split."

Jiang Yi asked why.

Jiang Siji split Jiang Yi on New Year's Day and caused a group of Omegas to come into estrus. They were hospitalized afterwards, dropped out of school and went home to live in a glass room.

Jiang Yi nodded thoughtfully: "No wonder I said, when I went back for the first time, why didn't Jiang Yi live with you." At

this point, Jiang Yi was a little curious, and turned his head to look at Jiang Sihao: "Since this is the case. , She has been trapped in the glass room, and the alpha is such a strong pheromone, how could you be kidnapped." It

may be that Jiang Sirai did not want to answer when asked about something that made Jiang Sirai unhappy. She looked up at Jiang Yi's face, blinked and said, "I don't want to answer this question for the time being, can I not answer it?"

Jiang Yi is not too difficult for others, and feels that if Jiang Siyu is unwilling, he will not answer. what is the problem. She nodded and said, "Okay, whatever you want."

After that, Jiang Yi intermittently asked Jiang Siyu some other questions.

For example, how about Lin Yinxi?

Jiang Sihai replied that it was a little slippery and weird, and now he has become one of the hosts of the latest entertainment show.

And Jindolai, that thin and small alpha, is now studying for a master's degree and has not yet graduated. As for Zhang Xiaoxi, he became a physical education teacher at the local university after graduating from the physical education university.

Jiang Yi has almost understood the situation of his former friends, and is more aware of the subsequent meetings. I don't know why, there is always a hunch in her heart, she feels that this group of people will come to the door after knowing her existence.

Sure enough, within a few days, on the way home from get off work, Jiang Siyu told Jiang Yi, Chen Wanzhou and others about the appointment.

Jiang Yi was not too surprised, so he asked her: "When?"

Jiang Siyu replied: "This Saturday, the location has been arranged. We will have a BBQ at Chen Wanzhou's villa."

Jiang Yi looked a little curiously. Jiang Siyu said, "Are you going too?"

Jiang Siyu didn't answer her, but looked at her with a faint smile: "What do you think? Should I go?"

Jiang Yi thought of Chen Wanzhou before inexplicably. Regarding her "fiancee", even though she was very sure that Jiang Siyu did not like each other, she still felt a little bit responsive.

Jiang Yi awkwardly replied: "I'll just go by myself, and you won't use it. Boss, I work for you, not for me. I have the right to ask for leave. You don't want to follow me every day. My life is troublesome."

Jiang Siji looked at her and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I sometimes feel that you don't like to tell the truth, and you really have to correct your inattention." Jiang Si has known her for

so long Hao had hardly said anything serious to her, but Jiang Yi inexplicably felt that Jiang Si Hao was really annoying her with these words today.

Jiang Yi knows her ghost temper, after all, she really doesn't like to talk about people sometimes. Jiang Yi was a little guilty. She scratched her face and said, "Why don't I speak honestly? Anyway, I ask for a day off, so you don't want to come."

Jiang Siyu felt that it was meaningless to care about this kind of thing with her. After all, Jiang Yi has always been like this since she was a child. She has been in a secret love for a long time and has become used to it. What's more, for the current Jiang Siyu, as long as Jiang Yi can do well, she is already very satisfied.

Jiang Siyu sighed, and said to Jiang Yi: "Well, I'm not going to go anyway." For some

reason, Jiang Yi always felt that Jiang Siyu would stick with her. This time it is not sticky, Jiang Yi is a little strange, and without even thinking about it, he asked: "Why?"

Jiang Siji didn't expect Jiang Yi to ask her this sentence. She looked at her in surprise, and then smiled for a while and said, "Because I didn't like the pheromone taste of other alphas. What's more, The people you meet are all alphas."

Jiang Siyu raised his hand, patted Jiang Yi's face, and said, "Just like you said, you have your own personal activities, and your boss also has your own personal activities. Yes. I made an appointment on Saturday, so you go to meet your friends, and I go to meet my friends, can you?"

Jiang Yi thought this arrangement was reasonable, but when he fell asleep that night, I didn't know why I thought of Jiang Si. Hao said that when meeting people on Saturday, he started to think about it.

I had an appointment on Saturday, who? It should not be alpha, that is beta or Omega?

What's the relationship? Why do we meet on weekends Is it a friend in their circle or a business partner?

Jiang Yi thought about it, the whole person was like a piece of meat fried in a frying pan, suffering. It may be that something in her heart cannot sleep well, and even has some insomnia with Jiang Xixi.

Jiang Xixi was tired at first, but when he lay in her arms, he heard violent heartbeats, and he realized that Jiang Yi's mood was not very stable.

And this kind of instability is actually affecting Jiang Siyu. Jiang Siji sighed, put his hand on Jiang Yi's shoulder, rubbed her chest and asked, "What's wrong? Why didn't you fall asleep after lying down for so long? Jiang Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yi didn't expect Jiang Siyu to fall asleep and was stiff. The first reaction was to say something ironically: "No." A joke, how could she let Jiang Siyu know about herself before she knew her details? So care about her.

There is a saying that the person who falls in love first is the loser. Jiang Yi, who was originally regarded as a "stand-in", has already started quite unfavorably, so he will not easily expose himself when the situation is unclear and what he has mastered is not accurate enough.

This is the winning criterion Jiang Yi has learned after spending so long in the army.

Jiang Sidai was used to her irony, and now he was holding her patiently, lying in her arms, looking up at her, and gently asking, "Are you homesick?"

Homesickness is impossible. She has been here for six years, and she has long been used to it, so she doesn't think about it.

Jiang Yi replied stiffly: "No."

Jiang Sihao was very patient, and then asked: "Miss your parents?"


"Miss your sister?"


How old is her sister, she left her parents At the time, my sister was only two or three years old, how could she miss her sister.

Jiang Siyu's question was rebutted, and he paused and asked: "Then I thought about Jiang Yi before?"

"How could it?"

"Then... you want Jiang Yi's mother?"

Jiang Yi did not speak any more. Just looking down at her quietly. Jiang Siji raised his head, looked at her eyes, and read the negative answer from her eyes. She hesitated for a while, looked up at her, and asked gently: "That's...thinking of me?"

Jiang Yi's heart jumped, feeling that he couldn't say "No". After all, when lying in bed, Jiang Yi was always honest.

She looked at Jiang Sirai quietly for a long time before saying: "I found you as a person who talks a lot sometimes. Are you so curious about me?"

Jiang Sirai did not hear her denying answer. Thinking Jiang Yi might have acquiesced in his heart. Not knowing why, she was a little happy. Even such a thought flashed in my mind, in fact, there is nothing wrong with amnesia, at least Jiang Yi's emotions are so real and obvious now.

Whether you are jealous or caring, you will behave very clearly. Unlike when he was a teenager, everything was hidden under estrangement, hidden in the polite "sisterhood", making it difficult for Jiang Siji to distinguish.

Jiang Silai did not deny it, nodded and said, "Yeah."

Jiang Yi's heart jumped, and inexplicably felt that Jiang Siyu now cared a little bit about her, not "Jiang Yi". However, she couldn't control her own mouthiness, so she said: "I remember, you like Jiang Yi, don't you. So why should you be curious about me? You won't be in love for a long time, fake dramas are true, empathy. Is it on me?"

Jiang Siyu was choked by her question, and even his breathing was a little unsmooth. She can accept that Jiang Yi can't remember anything, and has only meager love for her, but she can't bear such doubts.

Jiang Sirai calmed down for a while, then looked at her faintly, and asked softly: "I didn't empathize, so why did you ask this question? Are you worried that I will fall in love with you, or you... ...Want to be my Jiang Yi?" Jiang Yi, who

was originally wrapped in a vinegar bucket, instantly caught fire. He quickly drew his hand and turned his back to Jiang Siyu and said: "Who wants to be your Jiang Yi, I am me Myself, I just want you to understand that I am not a substitute."

The body temperature that was wrapped around her was empty, Jiang Siji also felt her heart cold, she looked up at the ceiling, sighed and said: "I know, you will always It can't be 16-year-old Jiang Yi anymore."

She has grown up, has many different experiences, and is no longer what she was when she was a teenager. But despite this, Jiang Siji still couldn't control herself and fell into the abyss of erotic desire named Jiang Yi again.

Sometimes Jiang Siji can't tell whether the person she loves is the phantom who fought for her when she was a teenager, or Jiang Yi himself. Later she discovered that this phantom was Jiang Yi himself.

No matter how many years, how many times, once I see Jiang Yi, she will still fall.

Jiang Siji felt that he didn't need to care about this person, but couldn't help but care about it. In the end, she sighed, turned around and hugged Jiang Yi's waist, and asked her gently: "Are you...Do you want to ask me what I am going to do on Saturday?"

Even if she has never been in a relationship, Jiang Yi knows A gesture of goodwill. Jiang Yi's awkwardness and discomfort disappeared miraculously in this embrace.

A trace of guilt hit his heart, Jiang Yi turned around, hugged Jiang Sixi, kissed her on the top of her hair, and said: "I don't want to ask, but on Saturday, you tell me the location and I can pick you up. "

Jiang Siyu will be fine, at least at this time, she can feel Jiang Yi's care. Her face was pressed against Jiang Yi's heart, listening to her strong heartbeat, she nodded and said "Okay."


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