Untitled Part 93

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On the way home, Jiang Yi fainted all the way. But at least she was a trained person, so when she got home, she didn't fall asleep. Fearing that she was so drunk that Jiang Si Hao would smoke, she was still holding on to the wall, taking off her clothes and going into the bathroom.

Jiang Sirai followed her behind, afraid that she would fall, he held her nervously, and said with concern: "Be careful."

Jiang Yi waved his hand and said that he was okay, Jiang Siji was afraid that she would fall in the bathroom, so he coaxed her and said, "Jiang. Yi, it's already so late. I won't take a shower today, okay?"

Jiang Yi shook his head, squinted and smiled: "It's okay, I am dirty, I will smoke you."

"I want to hold you tonight . , So I can't make you uncomfortable."

Jiang Yi said so, and went into the bathroom on his own, took off his clothes, turned on the faucet, and started taking a bath.

Jiang Sichao couldn't help her, so he had to accompany her to wash in the bathroom. After finally washing Jiang Yi's hair, brushing her teeth, and soaking her in the bathtub, Jiang Siyu cleaned her body.

Jiang Yi lay in the bathtub, looked up at Jiang Siyu who was taking a shower not far away, and softly called her: "Jiang Siyu..."

Jiang Siyu tilted his head, revealing the beauty of his being soaked in water. His face looked at her puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yi looked at her straightforwardly, showing an illusory smile: "Thank you..."

Jiang Siyu knew what she was talking about, turned his head and smiled at her. After a while, he said: "You're welcome." After the

two of them finished washing in the bathroom, Jiang Siji helped Jiang Yi, who was dizzy, back to the bedroom, pressed her on the bed, and dried her hair.

May be drunk, Jiang Yi's behavior looks very young. After Jiang Sirai dried her hair, she fell on the bed with a whimper, and rolled around on the bed with the quilt in her arms. She was so happy that she was so happy: "I'm so happy..."

"Jiang Sirai" , I'm so happy!"

Jiang Sihao stood by the bed and blew her hair, watching Jiang Yi who was drunk on the big bed, smiled gently and softly: "Knowing that you are happy, hurry up and lie down. You will be dizzy when you roll."

Jiang Yi said, rolled around on the bed with the quilt, and then lay down on the bed and looked at Jiang Siji.

She was smoked by the warm steam for a while, and her head became more dizzy. The alcohol has been completely dissipated, and blood is flowing in every part of Jiang Yi's body, making her confused.

Jiang Yi stretched out his hand and dragged his chin, looked up at the slim woman in a silky nightdress next to the bed, tilted his head and blinked, then shouted: "Jiang Si Ha..."

Jiang Si Ha raised his eyes. Fiddled with the long hair on his side, looked down at her, smiled and asked: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yi looked at her blankly, and then said, "Why are you so good?"

Jiang Si Hae froze for a moment, put down the hair dryer, sat down by the bed, stretched out his hand to stroke Jiang Yi's cheek, and asked her with a smile, "Where am I?"

Jiang Yi held the quilt and rolled over Jiang Sixi's legs and raised his head. Seeing her eagerly said: "You are good

everywhere ." Jiang Si Hao stretched out his hand, hugged Jiang Yi on her knees, and smiled softly: "Where does it mean? Don't you say, I don't know how good I am "

Most people will easily take off their psychological defenses after drinking too much, and their psychological age seems to be reversed, and they will easily expose their vulnerability in front of their lover, and they will be confused.

After Jiang Yi knew that the person in front of him was Jiang Siyu, he also unsurprisingly embarked on the road of quilt talk.

She was not defending against Jiang Sirai. Jiang Sirai asked her what she said. After thinking about it, she replied: "That's...that's..."

"You are good-looking, capable, considerate, take care of others, and have done so many things for me..."

"I thank you so much ... You are a really good person."

"Sometimes... ...Sometimes..."

Jiang Yi thought for a while, buried his face in Jiang Sirai's abdomen, and said embarrassingly: "I think you are wronged by being with me."

Jiang Sirai was taken aback and stretched out his hand. Rubbing Jiang Yi's ears, looking down at her and asking, "Why do you say that?"

Jiang Yi raised his head, blinked at her, and said solemnly, "Because I don't think anyone in this world can be worthy of such a good one. Of you, only Jiang Siyu can be worthy of Jiang Siyu."

Jiang Siyu smiled on her lips. She leaned over, looked at Jiang Yi's eyes and said, "But Jiang Siyu doesn't want Jiang Siyu, she only needs Jiang Yi."

"No matter how good the people in the world are, they can't be as good as Jiang Yi she wants."

Jiang Yi tilted his head for a moment, and looked at her blindly: "Which Jiang Yi does Jiang Siji want? "

Jiang Sirai squeezed her face, his eyes turned into crescent moons: "What I want is this Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi was very happy, holding Jiang Sirai's hand and said: "Well, this Jiang Yi gave it to you."

She took Jiang Sixi's hand to her lips and kissed her, looked up at Jiang Sixi, her eyes were shining: "This Jiang Yi is yours, you have to keep it safe. Don't abandon her for the rest of your life."

Jiang Siji knows that her head is not sober now, maybe she would forget what she said after she woke up. Even so, she was still tempted by this sentence.

Jiang Siji looked at Jiang Yi with an innocent look lying on his lap, and only felt that the ambition of his youth was infinitely magnified at this moment.

She looked at Jiang Yi in silence, stretched out Jiang Yi's forehead, and gently said to her: "Jiang Yi, since you say you are mine, can you satisfy my wish?"

Jiang Yi nodded and patted his chest: "Say it, as long as I can do it, everything can satisfy you."

Jiang Si Hao lowered his head, put a kiss on Jiang Yi's forehead, and said softly: "I want you." The

drunk Jiang Yi was particularly shameless. When she heard Jiang Sihao's words, she frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "What I mean is, do you want to go to bed with me?"

Jiang Xi Hao squeezed her hand, nodded and said: "Yes." When

Jiang Yi heard this, he took off his pajamas without restraint, rolled into the middle of the bed smoothly, and opened his arms as if only Ren The white chicken slaughtered by people said to Jiang Siji: "Come on, I'm ready."

Jiang Siji glanced at her body, only feeling that the secret desire in his heart was awakening.

She nodded and said good. Jiang Siyu leaned over and kissed Jiang Yi's lips: "Wait for me."

Jiang Yi was a little wondering why she didn't come up directly, after all, Jiang Siyu usually likes to sit on it.

But she was very happy today, and especially wanted to hear Jiang Sihao's words, so she didn't think too much, so she said obediently: "Oh, good!"

Jiang Yi lay on the bed and waited for a long time, and suddenly heard something in her ears. There was a slight clicking sound.

Jiang Yi opened his eyes in a daze and looked at the bed, only to find that Jiang Siyu was sitting there with her back facing her and she didn't know what she was doing.

Jiang Yi asked curiously: "Didn't you say you want me? What are you doing? But if you don't want to tonight, then I'll go to bed."

Jiang Siyu glanced at her and said softly, "I want it. But there are some things that need to be dealt with, I'm afraid it will hurt you."

Jiang Yi is still a little confused, thinking about hurting her? What can Jiang Sirai use to hurt her? She thought for a while, and said to Jiang Siyu: "As long as you don't clip me, there shouldn't be any problems."

Jiang Sirai's body quickly became hot because of these words, she put down the nail clippers in her hand, and gently went to bed, pressing on Jiang Yi, her voice hoarse and said, "That's not necessarily."

Jiang Siji said. , Took the tie that I took out from the closet just now, and tied Jiang Yi's hand.

Jiang Yi didn't struggle either. He looked at her curiously: "Haila, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Sirai stuck her head down and kissed her lips, and said vaguely, "I'm afraid of you. It will hurt me harder, so I will limit it a little bit."

"Jiang Yi, will you all listen to me tonight?"

Jiang Yi can no longer be distracted and say no, because Jiang Siyu soon kissed him. Up her.

The groggy desire was awakening, and Jiang Yi felt like a flat boat bobbing in the middle of the river. It was so fluttering.

She felt that she had been bitten. It didn't hurt or even felt a little bit comfortable. Alcohol made her senses very numb, and even the pain eased a bit.

When being stabbed, Jiang Yi just frowned and groaned, but was soon brought into the abyss of desire by Jiang Sihao.

Jiang Si Hao tossed her for a long time, coaxing her to turn over, Jiang Yi obediently lay on the pillow.

There is softness pressed on the body, like rose petals, smooth and moving. But soon, the thorns of the roses came with them.

Jiang Yi frowned and snorted in dissatisfaction. She thought to herself, even if Jiang Siyu gave her flowers, why did she use thorns to pierce people.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Siyu leaned on her ear with some worry and asked gently: "Does it hurt?"

Jiang Yi shook his head, buried his face in the pillow, and didn't want to speak any more.

Jiang Siji watched her twist her body uncomfortably, held her to comfort him, and gently coaxed her and said, "

Just endure it , and endure it again." "It won't hurt if you endure it again." ."

A night of chaos and vagueness, Jiang Yi felt as if she had been pushed onto the bed by Jiang Siji. She looked up at the ceiling, and the last image that fell into her sight was Jiang Siji's beautiful face.

The next day, Jiang Yi woke up from a hangover, only to feel a splitting headache.

She sat up with her head supported, and suddenly felt a pain in her body.

Jiang Yi lowered his head, staring at the mottled marks on his body that seemed to be beaten, and he was taken aback. She turned her head and looked at Jiang Si Ha next to her, the scene of last night faintly emerged.

Jiang Yi couldn't help taking a breath, wait, can she still be suppressed by an omega with an Alpha?

No, this is also not right. When they first met again, Jiang Siyu also oppressed her.

Jiang Yi clutched his head and looked down at Jiang Si Hao beside him, so shocked that he didn't want to face life.

Under her scorching gaze, Jiang Siji rolled over and opened his eyes in a daze.

Jiang Siji raised his head, looked at Jiang Yi with sleepy eyes, smiled, and said, "Morning."

Jiang Yi's face turned pale, and he greeted her forcibly: "Morning."

Jiang Siji moved his body. , Approached her leg, stretched out her hand and rubbed her abdomen, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Does it still hurt? You kept crying last night and said it hurts, but it doesn't seem to be hurt..."

Jiang Siji raised his head and looked at Jiang. Yi asked with some concern: "I seem to be too much, do you want to give you some medicine today?"

Jiang Yi squeezed out a smile, and asked with difficulty, "What did you say?"

She was not an omega, and she didn't. During the estrus, I have been suppressed so many times, how could it be okay.

Jiang Siyu looked at her a little sorry, and said softly, "I'm sorry, it won't be this long next time."

Jiang Yi couldn't help taking a breath when he heard this. It's over, she's probably going to be pressed by Jiang Si Hao and can't turn over in her entire life.


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