Untitled Part 38

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Jiang Siyu's good appearance is particularly well-behaved. This reminded Jiang Yi of Zhang Yantian's evaluation of her that day, and felt that she was like a cat.

Jiang Yi raised his hand, scratched his face, and said in a concealed manner: "If there is nothing wrong, I'm going to sleep, good night."

Jiang Si Hao nodded, raised his head and smiled at her: "Thank you, Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi said something, you are welcome, Jiang Siyu said goodnight to her, Jiang Yi turned around and returned to his room.

After closing the door, Jiang Yi thought of Jiang Siyu's every move just now. No matter how he thought about it, he felt a little reluctant to let go of the scene just now. When she thought of this, she couldn't help but tremble, and she shook off this absurd idea, and sat back in front of the computer to continue chatting with her friends.

After Jiang Yi briefly explained what was just now, he said about the birthday incident by the way: "By the way, what are your arrangements on Christmas Day? If there is no arrangement, I will invite you to dinner." The

small monitor agreed very much, "Okay, okay. Ah, where to go?"

Chen Wanzhou didn't have any comments: "Our family...that day parents will go to a party, so I'll have fun with you."

Several people set the time, and Jiang Yi said, "That's fine. , I'll tell you when the location is set." She didn't say it was her birthday party, but just made an appointment for a while, which was an advance notice.

In the next few days, Jiang Yi pushed Jiang Siyu to lunch as usual. Gradually, many people in the school acquiesce that they are step-sisters and their relationship is pretty good.

As the weather gradually gets colder, the students have to wrap a down jacket or coat on the outside of their uniforms. Soon, in early December, Jiang Xixi also removed the plaster. Although his feet were still a little lame, he was finally able to walk to eat by himself.

When Jiang Yi saw that she was finally healed, the whole person was relieved. After Jiang Siji removed the plaster, Jiang Yi stopped taking her to dinner. So the combination of 4A and 1 reappeared on campus.

At the beginning of December, I took the exam again every month. This time Jiang Yi caught up with the exam and performed normally. He happened to take the tenth place in the grade and shocked many people.

The learning ability is good, and the people are good. Coupled with her clarification of the relationship with Jiang Siyu before, Jiang Yi has attracted many suitors who are ready to move.

A few days ago, another girl blushed to give Jiang Yi a love letter. Jiang Yi particularly silent, refused to directly face to face, when also refused to turn iron into steel, said:. "We age, they should study hard, study hard, your grades ranked first of several ah, like I might as well enjoy learning"

because This matter, many people know, if you want to catch up with the immortal school bully in Class B, you must first study hard, and secondly...you must study hard. Don't even think about falling in love with someone if you don't have good grades.

I don't know if this is the reason. Even if everyone knows that Jiang Siyu is Jiang Yi's sister, they still can't help but kick up the CP.

Not only did the pair of CPs, she and Jiang Siyu, not strangled in the cradle, they became even more popular. This group of female high school students who were idle and okay also gave them a CP name, very simple and rude, called "Shuangjiang".

Jiang Yi was a little noisy, thinking why not just call "Li Shuangjiang"! Still an artist!

Especially the small squad leader, who knocked the big head of CP, often danced some short paragraphs on the forum to Jiang Yi, waiting to see Jiang Yi's reaction.

Those short jokes are often very large, such as Jiang Yi who lives with her sister, her sister is in estrus, holding her hand in this way, or the night of division Jiang Yi turns into a wolf and makes her sister bark in bed.

Every time Jiang Yi saw the screenshot, he wanted to beat up the small squad leader, even shaking her head to see what yellow waste was in her.

In the second week after the monthly exam, the temperature dropped sharply.

The last class on Wednesday was a self-study class for the whole school, and the small class leader was called to the student council to go to a meeting.

The discipline of self-study in Class B has always been poor. As soon as the monitor was absent, everyone began to whisper to each other for small meetings.

In the winter, Jiang Yi wore a dark blue coat with horns and buckles. He sat in the corner of the back row and talked about it with Chen Wanzhou at the front table. He was very distressed: "The scale of young people is too big now. I don't have any ethical concepts. I like these taboo loves. I always love to knock out some impossible CPs!"

Chen Wanzhou paddled the phone and smiled at her: "What's impossible, you and Jiang Siji are not. Isn't there a sister relationship? Your mother is not married, can't you think about it?"

Chen Wanzhou: "Besides, people are just hitting the CP, and they are not tossing on you. Why do you have such a big reaction. "

Chen Wanzhou said, received his phone, turned his head and lay on Jiang Yi's desk, and looked at her with a smile: "Or...you have ulterior motives? Are you guilty? Do you mind?"

Jiang Yi was stunned. Uncomfortably tidying up the collar, said to Chen Wanzhou: "Where did I come from with ulterior motives? Is it because I've been stunned by someone, so I can't be unhappy? What is good about Jiang Silai, why should I talk to her? It's up to you."

Chen Wanzhou snorted, "What's good about Jiang Siyu? Why do you worry about it so much? A few days ago, you had two meals. If the person who turned his head wasn't there, you would call something to eat. Ah."

Jiang Yi couldn't speak for a while, so he glared at Chen Wanzhou bitterly: "Just you talk a lot."

Chen Wanzhou sighed: "What is it called me talk a lot, who made you always right these days? We called to Sister Lai, Sister Lai...Since you are thinking about other people, you can go to Class A to pull her over to eat together."

Jiang Yi quickly retorted, "I'm not thinking about her, I'm used to her... It's almost natural to serve her this month. Her legs are healed, and of course I can't stay with her. Otherwise, after a long time and being domesticated by her, wouldn't I have to call her to be my sister every day from now on?"

Chen Wanzhou pushed his eyes and said with a smile: "She is not older than you, she was originally your sister. But Jiang Yi, are you sure you are habitually natural instead of thinking about others? How do I feel, how recently have you been? Tian didn't stay with Jiang Siji, it feels not quite right."

"I always think you are like a person who hasn't sucked a cat, restless, and stunned."

Chen Wanzhou 's metaphor is particularly terrible, Jiang Yi froze and didn't speak. Seeing that she was not moving, Chen Wanzhou lied in front of her and asked her mysteriously: "Speaking of Jiang Yi, a person as good as Jiang Siyu, you get along with her day and night, facing each other day and night. There really is nothing. A little tempting?"

Jiang Yi said grimly: "You have lived with your sister for so many years, do you have strange thoughts about your sister?"

Chen Wanzhou shrugged, "I don't have a sister, I don't I know. Huh... Jiang Yi, you can think about it, and you can say such taboo things. Could it be... Have you thought about it?"

Jiang Yi sneered: "I wonder if I don't know, but you are a person , It's really gossip. You and Lin Yinxi are half-sisters, right? If she is not there, you have inherited the soul of gossip."

Chen Wanzhou sighed and said with emotion, "Maybe Well, we might be soul sisters." The

two were talking about the small squad leader, and the small squad leader who ran to the meeting was killed at this time.

The small squad leader appeared at the door of the classroom with a flushed face holding a roll of poster paper. As soon as she appeared, she held up the poster and shouted loudly: "Comrades! Comrades! I have an important thing to announce! Now, stop your work at hand, stop your conversation, and set your eyes on the podium. !" After the

small squad leader finished speaking, he stepped onto the podium in three steps in two steps.

The classmates below stopped what they were doing, looked up at the small squad leader and asked: "Squad leader, what is the big deal?"

"Yeah, it's so grand."

Even Jiang Yi was a little curious and looked towards A small monitor.

The small squad leader put his hands on the table, looked at the students below, and said with excitement: "Comrades, our second-year New Year's Day project has been finalized!"

The students below cheered, "Really, what is it, what is it? !" The

small squad leader raised the poster in his hand and shouted loudly: "It's a masquerade party!" As

soon as she announced, the cheers of the classmates rang out.

Before long, there were bursts of cheers and encouragement on the third floor where the second grade was located.

As a transfer student, Jiang Yi has seen such an event in a college for the first time. She turned her head in a puzzled way, looked at Chen Wanzhou on the side, and asked in confusion: "Masquerade?"

Chen Wanzhou clapped, turned to look at Jiang Yi, and said: "The school's old traditional project is an annual event. The second-year high school students are looking forward to a masquerade. Our school has a lot of networking projects, and the school encourages self-production and sales in a certain way...you know."

Jiang Yi nodded clearly .

Compared to the excitement of other people, Jiang Yi was somewhat indifferent. But since it was announced that there will be a masquerade party for the second-year New Year's Day, the atmosphere of the entire second-year high school has become alive.

In the school, in every corner of the third floor, you can see female classmates practicing dance.

They held hands, or practiced social dance shyly or boldly. Jiang Yi was a little puzzled when he saw it: "Do high school students now fight like that? How can they even practice dancing?" The

small class leader sighed, "You don't know, right? Our school still has a tradition, every year in the second year of high school. In the masquerade party, the dance is the most exciting, and the school will award awards. Of course, awards are not important. What is important is that the name of the king of the party is so good."

Jiang Yi understood. On the day of the party, it was a group of peacocks. I'm struggling with beauty.

When they were talking about the dance, Chen Wanzhou suddenly remembered Jiang Yi's background and turned to ask: "By the way, Jiang Yi, do you have any clothes for the dance?"

Jiang Yi shook his head: "No, this is the first time I am going to participate in this kind of banquet."

Chen Wanzhou patted her on the shoulder: "It's okay, I can prepare a copy for you."

Jiang Yi refused: "That's not necessary. Now, I can prepare it myself." After all, according to Chen Wanzhou's personality, her clothes must be more gorgeous than male peacocks.

At this moment, Jin Duolai on the side remembered an important thing: "Jiang Yi, can you dance?" If she remembers correctly, Jiang Yi's previous living environment was not very good and would not have enough like them. Opportunity to cultivate your own social etiquette.

Jiang Yi was asked for a moment, and was silent for a moment and said, "This...I really don't."

Okay, something expected.

The small squad leader stretched out his hand on Jiang Yi's shoulder and sighed and said, "It's okay. We have a dancing queen here, and she can teach you." The

small squad leader pointed to Chen Wanzhou, who straightened his waist and pretended to be He gave a light cough and put on a knight's etiquette: "I am happy to serve, my princess."

Jiang Yi was trembling with her numbness, she looked suspiciously at the small squad leader: "Are you sure it's still too late to learn?"

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