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Jiang Qionghua has been on horseback for more than 20 years, and of course it is no problem to teach a small novice. In addition, Jiang Yi was also very enthusiastic. After studying for a while, he quickly got used to it, urging the big Rhubarb Deer to run forward.

She is a novice, and she doesn't know how bumpy the horse trots. Jiang Yi bumped on his horse for a while, almost didn't vomit. After a small circle, Jiang Yi turned over from the horse, his face wilted, and it looked almost like the cabbage in the field.

Jiang Qionghua smiled and comforted her: "It will be like this at the beginning, just get used to it after a while. You try it more, anyway, you haven't fallen off the back of a horse." How can you learn to ride a horse without falling a horse!

The sun is very big, Jiang Yi feels dizzy for a while, and feels stomach upset, and the interest has passed, so

she doesn't want to try again: "No, wait until the sun is not so big, I will come again." She glanced. Jiang Qionghua: "You don't need to teach me anymore. I will go to the racecourse coach when I want to learn. Go play and accompany Aunt Ning."

Jiang Qionghua was a little embarrassed: "Are you not feeling well, or I will accompany you ." You go to the lounge and sit for a while?"

Jiang Yi shook his head: "No, I will go by myself. You take the rhubarb for a walk, don't worry about me." She was afraid that Jiang Qionghua would come with me, and emphasized again: "You are also He Ning.

Aunty discusses that if you come out on a date, you can't leave her alone ." Jiang Qionghua was taken aback and paused and said: "Okay. Then if you feel unwell, remember to tell me, I will take you back first."

Jiang Yi nodded: " Hmm." After

she finished speaking, she followed the instructions of the staff on the racecourse and went to the lounge and found a spacious place by the window to sit down.

She took off her hat and untied her collar for ventilation. Feeling the air-conditioning air pouring in from the collar, she sank comfortably on the sofa.

After sitting for a long time, Jiang Yi cast his gaze out of the window and saw Jiang Qionghua driving towards Ning Wenyin from a distance. I don't know what Jiang Qionghua said. Soon the two adults started racing on the racecourse, and only two dust and smoke remained on the racecourse for a long time.

Jiang Yi appreciated it for a while, then squinted his eyes while lying on the sofa.

After a while, Jiang Yi heard a clear female voice calling her: "Hey...hey...classmate..."

Jiang Yi opened his eyes vaguely and looked up to see a girl in a pink riding outfit. , Stood in front of her pretty lively. Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, but did not react, but the girl smiled at her: "It's a coincidence that I can also meet you here. I haven't asked your name last time." The

girl smiled sweetly: "Your name is Jiang. Yi, right? I'm Qin Miaomiao from Class A, thank you for what happened last time."

Jiang Yi reacted: "Oh...you are the one from last time..." No, Qin Miaomiao? Isn't that the school flower of Class A that the small squad leader said, the girl who is known to have a crush on Jiang Si Ha!

Qin Miaomiao smiled even more when she saw that she thought of herself, "Yes, it's me. Are you here to learn how to ride a horse?"

Jiang Yi nodded, "That's it." She sat upright and patted her side. Position: "Sit

down and talk ." Qin Miaomiao happily sat down next to her, turned to look at her and said, "Ah...The injury on your face, how is it? I heard you and Song Once you had a fight in the cafeteria, are you okay?"

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