Untitled Part 77

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This was the first true estrus period that Jiang Si Hao spent with Alpha after splitting up.

Not in a dream, not in the imagination when she was a teenager, she really embraced Jiang Yi, lying under her, lying in her arms, biting her, wrapping her, and the two were completely integrated.

Jiang Siji felt that she was terrible. He was carried to the bathroom by Jiang Yi the first night, and fell asleep wrapped in her after washing.

When she woke up early the next morning, Jiang Yi was still with her. Seeing her waking up, she reached out and probed her forehead, and asked in a low voice: "Did you have a meeting this morning, do you want me to accompany you, or have you injected an inhibitor to go to the meeting."

Jiang Sihao moved her body and cautiously Separate the two. Then he turned over, lay on Jiang Yi, leaned over and kissed her shoulder and said vaguely: "I want you..."

Jiang Yi sat on the bed with her waist, she hugged Jiang Sirai to make her Sit on your lap. Breathing intertwined, body temperature blending, Jiang Siji held Jiang Yi's face and kissed her eyebrows.

Jiang Yi leaned on the bed, reached for the mobile phone placed on the small table next to him, took it and handed it to Jiang Siyu: "Don't worry, you are not feverish, call your assistant, and cancel this morning's meeting. "

Jiang Sidai looked at her with a little dissatisfaction, bit her on the shoulder and said angrily: "Why can you think of other things at this time?"

Jiang Yi handed her the phone. While saying: "I have received professional training, okay? Sister, don't bite it, can you, I can't look at my shoulder."

Jiang Siji lowered her eyes, glanced at her shoulders with fair skin, and frowned. Said: "Is there? I don't think it's enough..."

Jiang Yi heard a black line here: "Hurry up and call, don't delay."

Jiang Siji moved his body, rubbed Jiang Yi, then cleared his throat, turned on the phone and sent a voice message to the assistant: "I have something to do today, and the meeting will be moved to next week. Any important things will be sent to my mailbox in the near future. "

Jiang Yi stared, she glanced rub the place, and lift eye look like sleet to the river, to see her face a look of calm, low voice teeth, said:"! sleet river like "

River like sleet ended the conversation , Clutching Jiang Yi's neck with both hands and asking: "Why? Don't you like it?"

She smiled, and leaned over Jiang Yi's ear and said to her: "Or, you like me better..."

"Call~Call~Talk~ "

Jiang Yi suck down a cold lump, she hugged the river like sleet waist down eye look at her:" Do you now feel no heat, so brazenly, right? "

Jiang smiled like sleet, facial features crookedly Looking at her: "I didn't say that."

Jiang Yi noticed her little movement, lifted her up, and said with a cold face: "Wait for me, when you cry."

Jiang Siyu is not afraid at all . She lied in her ear and smiled softly: "I'm waiting, it's better to make me cry more sad."

Jiang Yi faced her agitation, there was no way, so he had to press her down viciously. , Personally tell her what it takes to provoke an Alpha.

For three days in a row, Jiang Si Hao's voice became hoarse. After doing all this, the two stopped talking about the things in the car that day, and returned to the initial "boss" and "bodyguard" mode.

Days are like flowing water. Since that day when I remembered the scene I saw with Jiang Siji for the first time, Jiang Yi's memory has come back intermittently like downloading a cloud backup with a worn-out computer.

Those memories about her before the age of sixteen gathered bit by bit and pieced together the appearance of her childhood and adolescence.

These memories are all about my mother.

Many nights, she would dream that she was seven or eight years old, crawling around in the small restaurant in the crowded alley in the village, either collecting dishes and washing dishes, or collecting money for change.

In the dream, a woman with a gentle face and a somewhat similar eyebrow was standing in front of a small restaurant busy cooking. When she is busy, she occasionally glances at her, her eyes gentle and loving.

A guest praised Jiang Yi: "Boss Jiang, you really have a good boy! At this young age, you can't make quick calculations."

"People are still diligent, and every time she comes to see her busy. Your family With her, I don't think I need to look for workers anymore." The

gentle and demure boss Jiang always smiled and explained to the guests: "That is to say, she comes to help during holidays. She is still young and still has to go to school." The

guests said. Children from poor families are in charge early. In your family's situation, if the children can help, please help a little bit more.

The woman smiled and said she was still young.

At the age of school, Jiang Yi still followed the woman to the restaurant. When a woman cooks, she moves on a small bench, doing her homework and checking out the cash.

Occasionally, the client who gave money saw her neatly written workbook, and would praise her well-written sentence.

Xiao Jiang Yi would raise his chin and say proudly: "That's right, my mother taught me well!"

When the woman is busy until more than nine o'clock, women usually leave work, Jiang Yi helps her clean up the table, chair and bench. She is not tall enough, and when holding a chair and babbling inward, a woman will always reach out to help her.

The two cleaned up the restaurant together. After closing the door, the woman would rub her sore waist after a tiring day, take Jiang Yi's workbook, and check her homework.

Jiang Yi would detour around behind the woman with doglegs, beat her back with a small fist, and said with great enthusiasm: "Mom, am I very good? I have done everything right. Mom will praise me soon." The

woman checked it out. She would stretch her hand and rub her face and smile and praise her: "Xiaoyi is awesome, come and kiss her mother."

Jiang Yi would smile and bend his eyes and show his profile face so that he could get two rewarding kisses.

The days are busy and busy, day after day passes, Jiang Yi is getting better and better every day, and his grades are getting better every day, and he has been bullied more than once at school.

I don't know when she started to have scars. Until one day, I was discovered by my mother.

Mother didn't blame her, just took her hand and asked her gently if it hurts. Jiang Yi said it didn't hurt, so his mother went to get her medicine.

When applying the medicine, the woman lowered her eyes, and big tears fell on the back of Jiang Yi's hand.

Jiang Yi quickly went to hug her and asked: "What's wrong with mom?" The

woman shook her head, smiled reluctantly, and said to her: "Sometimes I would think, if you were not my child, would you have a better life? Okay."

Jiang Yi hugged her, didn't let go, and said to her: "No, I can only be happy if I am mother's child. Mother is the best gift this world gives me."

Mom Holding her, she said: "Xiaoyi is also my gift." She said, sighing, looking up at Jiang Yi, tears in her eyes: "Xiaoyi, let's learn Sanda. In the future, don't get hurt like this again.

She's gone." She would rather her child bully than her child go home with scars. Jiang Yi looked at his mother's serious eyes. Nodded and said good.

From that day on, she started practicing with the Sanda coach next door.

The child is in good health, and the height is soaring, and soon he will be a little adult. One time when a local ruffian came to the store to make trouble, Jiang Yi still held up a stool and beat people sloppyly.

From this, everyone knew that the Jiang family had a bully boy with good academic performance but a bad temper.

That day, Jiang Yi was very happy. She has been protected by her mother for thirteen years, and she can finally protect her.

She thought that she could live with her mother carefree all the time. The family that is not rich enough will gradually get better with her efforts, and the mother's waist will not have to be worn down due to fatigue.

But Jiang Yi always seemed to be unlucky, and it seemed that good luck never happened to her.

Jiang Yi vaguely remembered that day, it was a rainstorm. The teacher told her mother that she fainted in a restaurant and was admitted to the hospital. Jiang Yi ran away, got on the bus against the rain, came to the hospital soaked all over, and received a bad news shortly afterwards.

It is brain cancer, even if there is a chance for surgery, the risk is very high.

After learning the results, my mother gave up the operation plan and wanted to leave all the family money to Jiang Yi.

After Jiang Yi heard the news, he hugged his mother in the hospital and cried.

What is she talking about?

She said I want my mother, but I don't want money.

Her mother cried until she burst into tears, and gave her promise: "Xiaoyi, I won't let you be without a mother."

Jiang Yi remembers clearly that that day was Mid-Autumn Festival. When the whole family was reunited, only her home was in the midst of the storm.

Jiang Yi woke up crying in a dream. When she woke up, she raised her hand and wiped her face, and she felt tears all over her face.

She cried silently in her dream, so she didn't alarm Jiang Si Ha next to her. Jiang Yi took a deep breath, got out of bed, and walked to the bathroom.

She came to the washbasin, turned on the faucet, took a handful of water and poured it on her face.

After several times, Jiang Yi raised his head, looked at himself in the mirror with water and red eyes, and shouted in a low voice: "Jiang Yi..."

Who are you?

Was it Jiang Yi who died in a car accident at the age of eighteen, or his mother Jiang Yi?

Jiang Yi took a deep breath and patted his face. After washing, he came out of the bathroom and changed his clothes.

While wearing the shirt, the slight movement awakened Jiang Si Hao.

Jiang Siyu sat up from the bed in a dazed manner holding Bo Bibei, raised his eyes to look at the tall figure who was changing clothes beside the bed, and asked with some doubt: "Jiang Yi, why did you get up so early?"

Jiang Yi heard. Her voice turned her head, and while buttoning the buttons, she explained to her: "My former comrade-in-arms had something wrong, I will deal with it, so I asked for a leave today. I will tell

Ahquan about today's duty schedule." Jiang Yi said. , Leaned over and kissed Jiang Siji's cheek, and coaxed her and said, "Don't worry that I will come back, just go out for a morning."

In Jiang Siji's sleepy eyes, Jiang Yi put on his clothes and quickly walked out the door. As

she walked, she said to Jiang Sixi: "I will drive the car you assigned to me before. The phone is always on. You don't have to worry about finding me if you call me directly if you have something to do." She walked in a hurry, Jiang Si Hao was really curious, so she asked: "Why are you so anxious, where are you going?"

Jiang said to her, "Go where I should go."

She vaguely thought of the cemetery where her mother's cemetery was located, not knowing why. When I woke up I wanted to see it.

She felt that her mother might also miss her very much.

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※After thinking

about it, I don't know what to say.

One is that some readers feel that 1 is not worthy of 3. However, it is actually 1 spent my life and six years of youth. There is also a future in the future, in exchange for 33 unforgettable.

Another is that I blamed me for losing eight years of youth and a bright future in order to round out the plot.


Have you ever thought about Jiang Yiyi's opening setting. Although she and 33 are childhood sweethearts, they will never go to this day.

33 so love, because 1 gave it.

1 Now refuses 33. It is precisely because 33 has an unforgettable feeling for "1", so she can't occupy the magpie's nest and impost her until her identity is confirmed. She doesn't want 33 to use her as a stand-in. On the one hand, she is jealous, and on the other hand, she is unwilling to tarnish 33's emotions.

As for 33 love 1 what has been written is very clear.

1 vs. 33, she liked her tenacity when she was a teenager (Sports

adulthood is because of her deep passion and feeling that this person will not be alone when she is together.

Whether it was before or now, 1 has the bravery and kindness to protect the weak, so she has What's wrong?

Dislike her for low education, dislike her for being undecent in work? Or dislike her for eating soft food?

I don't know. But I think if 1 is the kind of person who recognizes wealthy relatives and spends other people's money for granted, you also won't I've always liked her until now.

I'm tired . I drove nine hours' drive today, and I had to write 6,000. After I had finished explaining these obvious things, I felt very tired.

Anyway, you need fate to read the article, and you can't get it. You can't get it. But I like my character very much, so I also have the right to rectify the names of the characters I write.

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