Untitled Part 75

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Originally, Jiang Yi panicked and felt that Jiang Sixi was ill, but in the end she was fine, and nothing happened, which made Jiang Yi a little embarrassed and angry.

She let go of Jiang Siji, pressed her in the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt, and said, "If you are not sick, don't play me tricks. Is it fun to play me?"

"Sit down quickly, I'll take you back, don't talk to me anymore."

Jiang Yi's face didn't look good, Jiang Sisha blinked, looked down at her, and asked carefully: "Are you angry? "

Jiang Yi snappily looked up:" you say you play every day, so I do not know you I really nOT true is nOT true or false, my mind is not very good, to distinguish what you mean is hard good "??

She seemed to really mind the little joke just now. Jiang Siji bit her lip, bent over and hugged her, leaned over her ear and said softly, "Sorry, I just think...you are a little too cute. So I can't help but want to tease you."

Jiang Yi paused, feeling less resentful in his heart, but he was still too sour. She raised her head, pulled Jiang Sihao's hands down, looked at her seriously, and said, "Why did you puncture the bag? It's not a good idea. We can't have a child in this way."

"Jiang Siyu, What are you thinking about? What if you are really pregnant?"

"When the time comes, how do you let me face that child?"

Jiang Siji pursed his lips and raised his eyes to look at her, somewhat pitifully: "To At that time, we will get married."

Jiang Yi is almost going to be pissed off by her, is this a matter of marriage? This is a problem with children!

Wait... Wouldn't Jiang Siyu think that after having children, they can get married?

Would Jiang Siyu come up with such a crazy idea?

After thinking about it, Jiang Yi felt that Jiang Siyu might actually have planned this way.

She started the car, holding the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator and drove forward slowly. Jiang Yi pursed her lips, her face was ugly. It took a while before she said dumbly, "Jiang Sirai, do you want a child belonging to Jiang Yi so much?"

Jiang Siji realized that her mood was not right. , Stretched her hand and pulled her sleeves, and whispered to her: "Jiang Yi, don't be angry..."

Jiang Yi felt that Jiang Sixi might not understand the situation at all. She took a few deep breaths and pressed her emotions very much. Patiently said to Jiang Sixi: "Jiang Sixi, I promise to be your bed partner, your stand-in, and your lover...anything is fine..."

"In short, we will make an agreement at that time, you want children , I am willing to provide you with my own DNA so that you can have a child with Jiang Yi through the outside of the body."

"But what are you doing like this? Do you know that you are in breach of contract? Have you considered my feelings?"

"Do you really think that if you have my child, I will be indifferent?"

Jiang Yi's tone was as calm as possible, far from being agitated when she became angry, but Jiang Sixi felt that she was like a Tibetan now. Volcanoes under the sea will erupt at any time.

She stretched out her hand helplessly, and pulled Jiang Yi's sleeve: "Jiang Yi, I won't..."

Jiang Yi said coldly: "You won't...who knows you won't..."

"You always It's lying to me...this time it's not a question of teasing...but...you breached the contract, do you know?"

Jiang Yi was afraid that he could not control his emotions, so he simply parked the car on the side of the road. After stopping the car, she stretched out her hand and took Jiang Sixi's hand, and said to her: "Did you, you never understood what I said, and always regarded me as your Jiang Yi?"

"Even if I said it many times , You don't understand, you regard me as your teenage phantom, is Jiang Yi's stand-in right?"

Even though he was very angry, Jiang Yi didn't use too much force, but held her imaginarily, trying not to hurt her.

She took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Siji's pitiful appearance while biting her lips, and said to her word by word: "You look at me, look at me well."

"The person in this body is me now. , Not the sixteen-year-old Jiang Yi. The children you got in this way are me and you...me and you..."

Jiang Yi paused, and finally restrained himself from saying bad things. She suppressed their own, and the river like sleet, said: "! Even if DNA was her, but that was my and your children."

"I embrace you, caress you into the child what you get, not her."

"Drives It is my soul and consciousness that

hold this body, not her." Jiang Yi grabbed her hand and leaned in front of her: "Do you know whether it is good? The person you like is her, not me. You. Are you sure you want to

live with a child you don't like?" Jiang Siji looked at her restrained face, shaking all over. She pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Yi, tears falling from the corners of her eyes uncontrollably, staring at her blankly: "But you are Jiang Yi."

She couldn't tell, how could she tell? She knew from beginning to end that this was her lover, her dream when she was a teenager, and her Alpha.

From the beginning to the end, there was only one Jiang Yi, how could she tell the difference.

Jiang Yi was shocked, and she realized at this moment that she was the "Jiang Yi" in Jiang Siji's eyes. It was her lover who lost her memory, not the soul from another world.

The person she loves is always a phantom when she was sixteen. Even the gaze cast on her is nothing more than love.

Jiang Yi stared at the tears on her face, and could not say a word: "You..." When

she spoke, she realized that her voice was bitter and astringent.

She felt that she wouldn't care about it. Jiang Si Hao is very beautiful. He is an omega who fits well with her in bed. As an alpha, she has such a great lover, and she is too late to brag about it.

Even if you don't get your heart, isn't it good to have a body? Isn't it great that everyone takes what they need?

Even if it is a stand-in, it is actually a very good choice for Jiang Yi, right? Jiang Sihao is beautiful and golden, and has a good family background. If she is a shameless person, she can get a lot from her, right?

But why? Why does she feel a little bit painful, her heart is as dense as a needle stabbed.

Ah, she used to think she just liked it a little bit, but now she found out that she was completely planted.

At this moment, Jiang Yi felt that for the first time in this world, he had tasted the taste of jealousy so deeply.

It turns out that when she likes a person, she is not free and easy at all, and even becomes mad with jealousy.

On the contrary, Jiang Yi calmed down at this time. She even started to think without vain, if she really was the 16-year-old Jiang Yi.

In this case, even if she eats her own jealousy, she is considered to be confessed.

But she was afraid that she was not. If it were like this, she would live in regrets that could not be loved for the rest of her life.

Jiang Yi's chest was ups and downs violently. She grasped Jiang Siyu's hand and looked at the tears on her face. The moment her rationality returned, she actually wanted to leaned over and kissed Jiang Siyu's tears.

She thought so and did so.

When his warm lips rubbed his eyelashes and fell on Jiang Si's eyelids, Jiang Siyu held Jiang Yi's arm with both hands, tears raining down.

She seemed to be out of control, crying all the time.

Her cry was very suppressed, as if all the sadness that had been brewing for many years was poured out. Jiang Yi had to hold Jiang Siyu in his arms, and listened to her crying and saying: "Jiang Yi, I miss you so much..."

"I miss you so much..."

"Why don't you remember..."

Her cry was sad, and she was still at a loss. Obviously the season of autumn is high and refreshing, but Jiang Yi feels as if he is soaking in the winter rainy season, wet and cold all over.

She was also at a loss. She didn't know if she was that Jiang Yi or how much she could think of. The only thing that can be confirmed is that she likes Jiang Siyu.

For a moment, I felt that there was nothing wrong with being Jiang Sihao's stand-in lover.

It has nothing to do with pheromone, and it has nothing to do with gender. She is very sure that everything she does is always based on Jiang Siyu's soul, and she really likes him.

Jiang Yi hugged Jiang Sirai, listening to her crying like grievances, and later realized that Jiang Sirai's mental state might be a little abnormal.

Jiang Yi's departure has caused a great shadow to her. Even if Jiang Yi didn't know Jiang Siyu before, she should understand that Jiang Siyu's performance is not a normal mental health response.

Jiang Sidai came to the hospital, probably to see a doctor.

Jiang Yi's heart was sore and painful. She was jealous of the person Jiang Siyu loved, but she felt distressed for Jiang Siyu who was crying in her arms at this time.

Jiang Yi sighed, leaned over and kissed Jiang Siyu's tears, and kissed her while coaxing her: "Okay, okay, don't cry, my fault..."

"I won't tell you..."

"I won't mention it. It's..."

Jiang Yi patiently kissed her tears, kissed her face inch by inch, and finally landed the kiss on Jiang Siyu's lips.

Jiang Siji opened his lips to accept her, Jiang Yi deepened the kiss, reached out and hugged Jiang Siji on his lap, patted her back to soothe her ups and downs.

She held Jiang Siji for a long time, then left her lips, wiped her tears, and coaxed her to say: "Okay, don't cry, crying again will not look good."

Jiang Siji hooked her. Neck, sniffed, and asked her with tears, "Are you still angry?"

Jiang Yi coaxed her: "I'm not angry anymore, I lose my temper when you cry."

Jiang Siyu asked again: "Will you still scold me?"

Jiang Yi shook his head.

Jiang Siji kept an inch: "Will you separate from me because of this?"

Jiang Yi thought for a while and said, "Not for the time being."

Jiang Siji didn't like this answer, and looked at her a little unhappy.

Jiang Yi immediately coaxed: "If you don't separate or separate, I won't leave you." She confessed, and this time she really did.

Jiang Siji bit her lip, looked at her and asked with tears: "Jiang Yi, do you like me now?"

Jiang Yi's heart jumped and he didn't answer this question. She hugged Jiang Sirai's waist and looked at her seriously: "Before I answer this question, you should answer one of my questions."

"Jiang Sirai, did you go to see a doctor? Your mental state, Are you in an abnormal state?"

"Are you afraid of me leaving?"

Jiang Yi paused, and continued to ask: "You are afraid that I will die, right?"

She had just finished saying this, Jiang Siji Immediately leaned over to hold her, pursed her lips and trembled and said, "Don't... tell me such scary things..."

"I don't mind if you don't remember anything, I don't mind if you don't like me, and I don't mind either. You just think of me as a very casual omega..."

She hugged Jiang Yi tightly, crying and said to her: "But you can't say this word... Don't disappear Jiang Yi, don't leave me... "

I will die, Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi's heart was shocked, and his heart was sour and astringent. She hugged Jiang Siyu, and suddenly felt that if "Jiang Yi" disappeared again, Jiang Siyu might really die.

She is so jealous and jealous... The person who disappeared before the age of eighteen, the person who accompanied her when she was a teenager... Even if it could be herself, she was still jealous.


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