Untitled Part 70

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Associate? Jiang Yi looked down, glanced at the hand held by Jiang Siyu and her, frowning slightly.

Speaking of it, the more accurate relationship between her and Jiang Siyu is that Jiang Siyu needs the body of "Jiang Yi", and Jiang Yi also likes her pheromones. Should they take what they need?

Jiang Siyu also said that he would raise her, so they are the gold master and Xiao Bailian? No, she is now working for Jiang Silai, so she is the boss and subordinates? It doesn't seem to be accurate either, after all, they have been rolling around on the bed these days.

Jiang Yi thought for a while, and defined the relationship between himself and Jiang Siyu in his heart: the gold master and the substitute.

With this thought, Jiang Yi felt that his life had slipped in a more weird direction. Thinking of this, she couldn't help shivering.

Jiang Siji led her and looked at Chen Wanzhou, who was full of gossips, and asked, "Are you dating, does it have anything to do with our business today?"

Chen Wanzhou smiled: "Of course it does. If You are dating, then my plan to become your fiancee is not going to be ruined."

Chen Wanzhou said, looking at Jiang Yi from the corner of his eye, always paying attention to her reaction.

Jiang Yi's face became stiff, his brows frowned slightly, and he was somewhat dissatisfied with this statement.

fiancée? So this old classmate is still Jiang Yi's rival in love? What are the scenes where old friends fall in love with the same person and are about to turn against each other?

The complaints in Jiang Yi's heart could be poured out a car, but the surface quickly converged and returned to normal.

Jiang Siji didn't notice her momentary discomfort. When she looked up at her, Jiang Yi's expression did not change significantly. For some reason, Jiang Siji felt unhappy.

But they are now in front of Chen Wanzhou, Jiang Siyu can't show it, she smiled, and said to Chen Wanzhou: "Do you like to make jokes so much? If you don't want to talk about today's affairs, I can also find other people." Cooperator."

Jiang Siyu said, pulling Jiang Yi to leave.

Chen Wanzhou realized once again that in front of Jiang Siyu, she couldn't easily make jokes on her. Especially, there is still Jiang Yi next to her.

But Jiang Yi's reaction just now made her find it very interesting. The atmosphere between these two people is too ambiguous, and Chen Wanzhou doesn't mind being their emotional catalyst outside of work.

Chen Wanzhou laughed and stopped Jiang Siyu: "Don't, don't you have to talk about it. If you don't like jokes, I won't open it."

"Find a place to rest, let's sit down and talk . "

Jiang Sirai felt that the weather was good, and didn't want to go indoors: "Just walk on the racecourse, the weather is good, I have seen your information and we said while walking."


So Jiang Sirai pulled. Jiang Yi walked on the grass field side by side with Chen Wanzhou.

Chen Wanzhou stated the benefits of cooperation, Jiang Siyu pointed out her drawbacks, and the two refused to give up on their respective positions.

When talking about the key part, Jiang Siyu let go of Jiang Yi's hand and directly pointed out the shortcomings of Chen Wanzhou's company, somewhat mercilessly.

Chen Wanzhou smiled, didn't care about it, and gave up a little bit of interest on this issue.

Failure to agree on cooperation matters, or if both parties are very suitable, is nothing more than a problem of uneven distribution of benefits.

There are many pharmaceutical companies that want to cooperate with the patent that Jiang Siji has just obtained. Although she can eat such a big project alone, she will inevitably be spotted. At this stage, Jiang Sihao is still relatively low-key, and it is most appropriate to cooperate with the Chen family with a deep background.

The two talked fiercely, and Jiang Yi, who was standing by, couldn't understand what they were talking about, and was not too interested in their topics. Gradually, he walked behind them.

Jiang Yi walked behind, looking at the backs of the two, inexplicably thinking of the "fiancee" Chen Wanzhou said just now. Although Jiang Siyu said that Chen Wanzhou was joking, he should have liked Alpha to say this to an omega.

Jiang Yi walked in front of the two people-handsome and easy omega, enchanting and charming Alpha as gorgeous as a male peacock, after the same giants, they are all excellent, right in the family, A is only and O looks, and they are very suitable for every look.

But this kind of match made Jiang Yi a little uncomfortable.

She followed Jiang Sixi, listened to them talking on a common topic, and scratched her face unconsciously.

Seeing the two talk and talk, they walked closer, Jiang Yi even got an idea in his heart: Talk about official affairs, talk about official affairs, what are you doing so close? Are you flirting!

When this thought came out, Jiang Yi later realized that his words were full of sourness.

She is jealous?

Realizing this, Jiang Yi was taken aback.

No, where does this emotion come from? From her body, there is still jealousy from the soul.

Jiang Yi distinguished it for a while, and was a little dazed to be sure that the uncomfortable feeling belonged to him.

Why are you jealous? Or, jealous? Is it because she feels that Jiang Xixi is her omega, which is Alpha's fighting instinct when facing the omega that has been conveyed by the pheromone and being pursued by other Alpha? Or pure jealousy?

Because as far as pheromone is concerned, Jiang Yi feels that Chen Wanzhou is not at the same level as her at all.

Jiang Yi has learned in textbooks that the pheromone concentration belongs to the advanced Alpha, and she doesn't feel that an ordinary alpha will threaten her at all.

They behave quite arrogantly in some respects, and even despise other Alphas, which is often the reason why people like them will be attacked by groups.

They are also very confident about the omega, who has been tempted for a short time, and feel that the other party will not be attracted to people other than themselves. Except for opponents of the same level, they basically disdain to show their pertinence in the game.

This characteristic often causes such people to be very romantic and have many sexual partners.

Jiang Yi's biology in this area is good, and he knows a lot about it. She felt that in terms of pheromone, Chen Wanzhou's concentration would not make her jealous.

Jiang Yi thought about it, ruled out all physical possibilities, and realized that this emotion came from her heart.

She is jealous of Chen Wanzhou, jealous of her and Jiang Siji's family background, jealous of her and Jiang Siji's seemingly opposite backs, jealous that she and Jiang Siji always have the same conversation content...

etc... she is jealous Chen Wanzhou's words, a deeper explanation, is that he likes Jiang Siyu?

She likes Jiang Sirai, she actually likes Jiang Sirai?

No, she and Jiang Xixi knew each other for a week, but they were in estrus together and rolled around on the bed every day.

She didn't know enough about Jiang Siji. At most, she knew that she was very beautiful, had a good personality, liked to molest people, was well-suited in bed, and had a strong working ability. Bai Yueguang was "Jiang Yi".

Jiang Yi didn't think that Jiang Siji liked her. Although she had never liked someone before, she never thought that she would like someone who didn't like her. What's more, this person still used her as a stand-in for another person.

Although Jiang Yi still doesn't know if he is a stand-in, according to what she said to Jiang Siyu before, let's just consider it.

Jiang Yi deeply analyzed himself and felt that it was love at first sight, and he was overwhelmed at first sight, and deserved to be stolen!

When Jiang Yi thought of this, he couldn't help but feel sad, and said in his heart: She is so beautiful, I can't blame me for not being able to control it!

Jiang Yi felt that no one would dislike Jiang Siyu. She is good-looking, outstanding, and has no major flaws in her personality. As long as she is a normal person, she will fall under her pomegranate skirt. Not to mention, Jiang Yi is an Alpha.

Jiang Yi's thoughts in his head are messed up, and he can no longer care about Chen Wanzhou's jealousy. Her only thought now is, what should she do if she likes Jiang Siyu?

But she was thinking about it, and she didn't think of a reason, so she could only comfort herself to let the flow go.

Soon, the discussion between Jiang Sixi and Chen Wanzhou came to a close. Chen Wanzhou smiled and said: "The specific cooperation, I will draw up a contract and send it to you as soon as possible."

"I hope that the factory can start work as soon as possible. New medicine is available."

Jiang Siji nodded: "Well, I think so too."

Chen Wanzhou stretched out his hand to Jiang Siji: "Then, happy cooperation."

Jiang Siji didn't seem to like her a bit, but Reached out and touched her fingertips: "Happy cooperation."

Even with such a touch, Jiang Yi's eyes were crossed, and Jiang Yi was sour.

Hey, Alpha's jealousy is so terrible, Jiang Yi feels that he is going to become the kind of vinegar king he looks down on most!

After the two discussed, Chen Wanzhou looked at Jiang Siji and said, "Do you want to run two laps on the racecourse?"

Jiang Siji turned his head and looked at Jiang Yi who was "faithful" behind him. He bit his lip and refused. "No, I don't want to run with you today."

Chen Wanzhou said clearly: "Yes, I won't stay here as a light bulb." Jiang Yi finally came back, and everyone could see Jiang. Like Hao's possessiveness, Chen Wanzhou just talked about such a project from Jiang Si Hao's hands. At this moment, he doesn't want to sweep the big benefactor.

She said wittily: "Then I will go first, and I will discuss the details at the conference table later."

After Chen Wanzhou finished speaking, he turned to look at Jiang Yi, and called her: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi raised his eyes to look at her, and lazily replied: "Why?"

Since they are all rivals, don't The set is almost okay!

Chen Wanzhou smiled and stood there waiting for her to come over: "Since you are all back, whether you remember it or not, get together with your old classmates. Duolai, Yanyan, and the monitor all miss you very much. My contact information, let's make an appointment to gather together another day?"

Jiang Yi didn't say a word, looked at Jiang Siyu, as if waiting for her permission.

When Chen Wanzhou saw her eyes, the expression on her face became intriguing: "Aren't you Jiang Yi, you weren't so strict in the past! Before, Jiang Siyu listened to you!" I

don't know. Why, Jiang Yi always felt that Chen Wanzhou was pitting her because of his amnesia. Jiang Yi didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "You come here less, I didn't like her at all before!"

Whether it was Chen Wanzhou or Jiang Siyu, they were stunned when they heard her words. Especially Jiang Siji, looking at Jiang Yi, his gaze was full of mist.

Chen Wanzhou was stunned for a moment, looked at Jiang Yi's expressions that were the same as those in his youth, and asked tentatively: "Do you... remember?"

Chen Wanzhou heard Jiang Yi personally said that he didn't like Jiang Siyu. In this case, it is hard not to think that Jiang Yi's amnesia is a pretense.

I don't know why. For a moment, Jiang Yi seemed to think of this person as if dancing with Jiang Sicha.

She said angrily, "Remember a ghost, I remember you used to be a male peacock!" It's so boring!


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