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At the end, Jiang Yi wrapped the quilt and buried his face in it, so ashamed to think of what he had done just now, he didn't dare to look at Jiang Xi Hao.

Jiang Siji lay on her side for a while, then turned his head to look at Jiang Yi. Seeing Jiang Yi wrapped up like a silkworm, Jiang Si Hao thought for a while, poke her, and whispered to her: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi was still very shy, and stubbornly replied awkwardly in the quilt: " What's wrong... Are you still uncomfortable?"

After the intimacy, the other person's attitude is like this, which makes Jiang Siji somewhat uncomfortable. She turned and lay on Jiang Yi's side, looking at the "silkworm baby" without a trace, and hesitantly asked: "Do you... don't like this?"

"If you don't like this, I will..."

Jiang Yi The probe came out quickly and looked at Jiang Siji with blushing face: "Do you think I don't like it?"

Jiang Siji saw her face and immediately felt relieved. She raised her hand, stroked Jiang Yi's cheek and smiled softly: "I just think that you are not good at rejecting people."

Jiang Yi didn't want to be misunderstood, and she couldn't be shy anymore. She moved to Jiang Sirai's side, took the air conditioner and was covered, and hugged Jiang Sirai carefully under the quilt: "It's not...you are...how do you know everything? Also, you won't be shy. Is it?"

Jiang Siji leaned on her chest, touched her body temperature, and shook her head: "Um...no...because I like you so much, I always wanted to do something like this."

She put her hand on Jiang Yi On her waist, looked up at her and smiled: "Like this way, thinking a lot...many times..."

Jiang Yi widened his eyes and raised the volume: "Jiang Siyu, you lust for me!"

Jiang Siji nodded and said frankly, "Well, that's it."

Seeing that she was such a shameless attitude, all Jiang Yi's words got stuck in his throat, unable to say a word. Jiang Sidai leaned carefully and asked with her heart pillow: "Do you hate it then?"

Jiang Yi put his arms around her waist, heart- warming. Jiang Sisi rubbed her heart, and repeated: "Will I hate me like this, or dislike me?"

Jiang Yi replied in a small voice: "I don't hate it." If you like someone, you will naturally. There is demand on the sexual level. After all, Jiang Yi felt that she was a layman and could not reach Plato's spiritual realm.

She leaned over and dropped a kiss on Jiang Sirai's forehead: "I...sometimes like this..."

She can now understand Jiang Sirai in the book, why she would be so demanding of a substitute attack. Because...so lonely. If she really died and left Jiang Sixi alone in the world, then Jiang Sixi would definitely feel very lonely.

Because of loneliness, it is normal to pursue a certain aspect of satisfaction.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi felt both love and pity in his heart. I even felt that if she were to leave unfortunately, it seemed that it would not be difficult for Jiang Siyu to find someone to soothe her heartache.

At this time, Jiang Yi flicked Jiang Siji and took the substitute on the bed to do things like this, and suddenly he was out of anger.

Forget it, don't think about it, think about it, sooner or later you will be sour.

Jiang Yi coughed lightly, shrank down, looked at Jiang Siyu face to face, and asked her in a low voice, "Are you hungry?"

Jiang Siyu was actually hungry and sleepy, but the joy of getting a response kept her always there. Excited. At this moment Jiang Yi said that, Jiang Siji immediately felt hungry. She nodded and said: "It's kind of."

Jiang Yi said: "Then wait, I'll get the food, how about eating and sleeping?"


Jiang Yi pulled his pajama set. Go, lifted the quilt and got out of the bed, and brought the food on the small coffee table.

Jiang Siji sat up from the bed wrapped in a quilt, keeping his eyes on Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi's lower body was empty, she was embarrassed by her staring, and quickly said, "Would you like to put on your clothes?"

But Jiang Sixi's underwear and pajamas were dirty, she glanced hesitantly and threw herself at the end of the bed. His clothes: "It seems...too good to wear."

Jiang Yi obviously discovered this too. She tidied up their clothes, Tuan Hao threw it on the sofa, turned to the closet, took a nightdress and threw it on the bed:

"Put on mine." "Put it on, and eat."

Jiang Sirai Laughed, took the clothes and put them on. Jiang Yi watched his nightdress slide down from Jiang Xi's white and slim body, itchy.

After Jiang seemed to have put on his clothes, he picked up the clothes on his chest, sniffed lightly, and said with a sigh, "It smells so good, it's all your taste."

Jiang Yi didn't do it for a while.

Because Jiang Siyu is so cute!

Is it true that young people are like this, can't stop eating and knowing the taste?

Jiang Yi suppressed the screams in his heart, couldn't help but walked to the bed, leaned over and hugged Jiang Si Hao. She embraced the girl in her arms, knelt on the bed and buried her face on the side of her neck, sniffing her hair, smelling the smell of her pheromone, and saying with admiration: "You are also very fragrant. "..."

"It's very fragrant..."

Jiang Yi's lips fell on the side of her neck, and she slightly opened her clothes, sliding down her shoulders to the elbows, and finally landing on the palm of her palm, and she gave a kiss reverently.

She knelt in front of Jiang Sirai, held her hand and raised her eyes to look at her, her eyes full of affection: "I like you so much, Jiang Sirai..."

For sensual creatures, sweet words and gentle comfort, Far better than all crude and primitive actions.

Jiang Siyu shuddered in such gazes. She looked at Jiang Yi blankly, her eyes wet: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi replied: "Huh?"

Jiang Siyu approached Jiang Yi, looked at her eyes and asked seriously: "Are you still eating?"

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Siji suddenly leaned over, and put a kiss on her cheek, as if the snowflakes melted and disappeared.

She knelt up, took Jiang Yi's hand to her heart, and said softly: "Listen, if you don't eat, the beast in my heart will eat you up."

Jiang Yi looked at the girl seriously. The expression, felt the violent heartbeat under the palm, only felt that he was also infected, and the deer bumped in his heart.

She thought Jiang Sirai was so cute, so cute that even if she died on the spot, she would be willing.

If one day she will die, she must have been cut to death by Jiang Siyu!

Jiang Yi couldn't help laughing. She stretched out her hand and hugged Jiang Si Hao into her arms, dropped a kiss on her, and smiled and said to her: "It's better to eat first."

"After eating, take the beast in your heart ." Let it out and eat me."

Jiang Si smiled and bent his eyes, leaning on her shoulder and nodding.

The two reached a consensus, Jiang Yi went to bed with food, and broke the bread and Jiang Sicha.

Jiang Yi looked at Jiang Si Hao while eating. She doesn't eat much, she sips, like a chipmunk, so cute.

Jiang Yi was afraid that she would choke, so he poured a cup of yogurt for her to drink. After seeing her drinking a small half, Jiang Yi took the cup and drank it by himself.

After Jiang Yi finished drinking the cup of yogurt, he found Jiang Siji looking straight at him, and asked in a puzzled manner: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Siji pointed at the corner of Jiang Yi's lips, and said with a smile: "Here, there are milk stains."

Jiang Yi subconsciously raised his hand to wipe, Jiang Siji quickly stopped her: "Don't, let me help you."

She held Jiang Yi's hand, moved forward, and licked the corner of Jiang Yi's lips.

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment. She looked at Jiang Siyu as if nothing had happened, and said in a panic: "You, you...how can you do this?"

Jiang Siyu was a little puzzled: "Why, can't you eat it? "

But she has seen how to deal with this situation in some online forums, and she thinks this is correct.

Jiang Yi hesitated and couldn't say anything. She muttered: "It's not...this...this is embarrassing."

Jiang Silai thought she was very cute: "Jiang Yi, you are so shy."

Jiang Yi said awkwardly, "Ah, I You have a

thin face , not as courageous as you." Jiang Si smiled with her lips pressed, and whispered next to Jiang Yi: "Actually, I felt a little embarrassed just now."

This time it was Jiang Yi's turn to be surprised: "Huh? Why? "It's rare, she thought that Jiang Si Haitian was not afraid, so there was no time for embarrassment!

Jiang Siji leaned on her shoulder and said in a small voice to her, "Because I think this color and density are very similar to yours...that..."


Jiang Siji paused: "It's...liquid. "

Jiang Yi reacted at once, and the whole face blushed: "Where! Where! It doesn't look like it!" Ah, really, she won't be able to look directly at the yogurt anymore!

After the young lovers ate their food sweetly together, Jiang Yi packed everything up, hugged Jiang Sihao and fell on the bed together, and fell into a long-awaited dream.

Jiang Siji leaned in a reassuring embrace, looked at Jiang Yi face to face, stared at her for a long time, and then leaned forward and fell asleep on Jiang Yi's chest.

After experiencing such ups and downs and shocks, it is also a surprise in life to have such a receipt.

Jiang Siji took Jiang Yi's hand, and when he closed his eyes, he suddenly remembered the situation of Jiang Yi running with her last night, and secretly made up his mind: No matter what happens in the future, she will not let go of this hold. Her hand.

Soon after the two of them rested, Jiang Qionghua hurriedly returned home.

After staying up all night, she entered the house and started eagerly looking for Ning Wenyin. Ning Wenyin came down from upstairs, rubbing his temples tiredly, and when he saw Jiang Qionghua who was in the dust, he immediately lost his mind.

She leaned on the railing and looked at Jiang Qionghua with a smile: "You are back."

Jiang Qionghua immediately stepped forward and hugged her in his arms, with a choked voice: "Well, I'm back . Thanks for your hard work, sister Wen Yin. "

Jiang Qionghua's eyes flushed red, and he asked with concern: "What about the children? How are you doing now, how are you doing?"

Ning Wenyin leaned on her shoulder and said softly: "I've all come back, rest in the room, don't disturb them yet. Xiaoyi suffered some skin trauma, and the doctor has already dealt with it..."

"There is no major problem with the two children..."

Jiang Qionghua helped her walk upstairs, Ning Wenyin leaned on her shoulder and confessed to her softly. Everything was done: "The kidnapper was caught. I asked the police to come over later to make a transcript to let the children rest..."

"I have almost checked the kidnapping case. It was done by Matsuyama. Now ours. Take the police to get the evidence."

"You will be able to arrest that person soon..."

Ning Wenyin finished speaking, turned to look at Jiang Qionghua and said, "You didn't sleep all night, stay with me. The children... ..."

"They are asleep, and when they wake up, I will accompany you to watch, okay?"

Jiang Qionghua has always been obedient, and feels relieved after knowing that the two children are fine. She nodded and said yes. But she still couldn't let go of Jiang Yi, so she said to Ning Wenyin: "But I still go to Xiaoyi to see, I... always have to see with my own eyes to know how she hurts."

Ning Wenyin stretched out her hand, grabbed her wrist, and said a little forcefully: "I think you shouldn't go now."

Before she saw Jiang Sihai deliver something, she followed. It turned out that the door on the first floor was locked. She stood at the door and vaguely heard the movement from the window, which made her leave in embarrassment.

Jiang Qionghua was a little puzzled. She whispered: "I'll just go and see her, and I won't wake her. I can feel at ease when I see people."

Ning Wenyin sighed, rubbing her forehead and said: "She The door on the first floor is locked, and I say I'm going to sleep. If you don't worry, I'll go with you."

Forget it, Jiang Qionghua will know sooner or later anyway. She couldn't stop Jiang Qionghua, she could only blame the children for being careless.

Jiang Qionghua was very happy, but he still thought about Ning Wenyin's body and wanted to send her back to the bedroom first, so he said, "It's okay, I can go by myself. Sister Wen Yin, you go back and rest first."

Ning Wenyin Feeling something is wrong with herself, she pulled Jiang Qionghua and said: "It's okay, I miss Xiaoyi too, let's go, you have to go there, I will go with you." One

side is a daughter, the other is a lover. Jiang Qionghua hesitated for a while, finally nodded and said good.

When the two came to the gate on the first floor, Jiang Qionghua realized that the gate was locked. Fortunately, the door could be unlocked from the outside. After opening the door on the first floor, Jiang Qionghua pulled Ning Wenyin up to the second floor.

Ning Wenyin followed behind her, thinking that she would have to cover Jiang Qionghua's eyes and mouth for a while.

The two walked up step by step, and when they reached the second floor, Jiang Qionghua smelled a strong pheromone taste.

She turned her head and looked at Ning Wenyin, her eyes full of surprise: "This is..."

Ning Wenyin calmly said to her: "What is this, don't you know?"

But Jiang Qionghua still didn't give up, come. When he arrived at Jiang Yi's door, he took a deep breath, sniffed the unpleasantly rich pheromone, and put his hand on the doorknob.

But when she was about to unscrew it, she hesitated again. She turned her head and looked at Ning Wenyin, and said a little collapsed: "Sister Wenyin, you should help me open it."

Ning Wenyin smiled and stretched out her hand to pull her: "Forget it, go downstairs.

" Don't you have to see it with your own eyes before you are willing to believe that you know it?"

Jiang Qionghua could understand Ning Wenyin's overtones no matter how stupid he was. She stumbled down with Ning Wenyin, and said in shock: "Sister Wenyin, you know?"

Ning Wenyin hmmed, and explained to her: "I only found out today. I came here today...in the morning. It's time to come here..."

"I heard...they were

fooling around..." Jiang Qionghua was shocked. She followed Ning Wenyin and said angrily: "Why didn't I expect it! Why didn't I expect...how It would be like this... These two children... I..."

Da Rebellious?

It seems wrong.

Moral corruption?

It doesn't seem to work!

Jiang Qionghua died of depression, followed Ning Wenyin's voice behind him, gritted his teeth and said: "Sister Wenyin, why don't you stop it! Just let them...let them!"

Ah, Jiang Qionghua was going crazy.

Ning Wenyin dragged her out of the small villa, and said indifferently: "What's wrong? The children have graduated from high school and are also eighteen years old. Is it okay to find someone when they are in love?"

Jiang Qionghua thought fundamentally. It's not like that. After closing the door of the small villa, she followed Ning Wenyin and started cursing: "It's good to find someone! But the question is, how can the two of them? Ah, don't you think there is a problem? Is it?"

Ning Wenyin knew she would say that, and replied helplessly: "Why not? Jiang Qionghua, do you have any opinion on my daughter?"

She shook off Jiang Qionghua's hand and walked straight in: "It seems that you have a big opinion of my daughter. It is better for us not to talk about this issue now."

Jiang Qionghua quickly followed, took her hand, and hurriedly explained: "I'm not... I think Chai is very good... She is a good boy..."

Ning Wenyin was a little angry: "She is a good boy, isn't Xiao Yi anymore? Jiang Qionghua, you are too harsh on your daughter."

Jiang Qionghua knew that she was angry, so he calmed down and said, "I don't have it. Of course Xiaoyi is fine. I just think..."

Ning Wenyin turned to look at her and asked calmly: "Since they are all good children, why are they dating? No?"

"They didn't violate the morals or the law. Why do you have such a big opinion?"

Jiang Qionghua immediately persuaded him when asked by his lover. She hung his head, and some grumbled: "I just ...... I just think ......"

"Jiang Yi talk to her girlfriend, do not tell me!"

"She is good too, do not think that is the object sleet sleet, I would Are you

angry with her ?" Jiang Qionghua became more and more angry the more he thought about it: " At the expense of me playing games with her every day, she doesn't love me at all!"

Ning Wenyin chuckled, knowing that she was talking nonsense to cover her up. practical thinker. She sighed, reached out her hand to hug Jiang Qionghua, leaned on her shoulder and said: "Qionghua, listen..."

"I won't interfere with who Hao chooses, as long as she likes it."

She hugged her arms. Jiang Qionghua's waist said to her gently: "Similarly, whoever I choose will not be interfered by Ha Hao. No matter what the reason, since I have chosen you, I will not leave you."

"I won't... ...Giving up on you."

Jiang Qionghua breathed a sigh of relief. She hugged Ning Wenyin, leaned against her shoulder, and responded gently.

Ning Wenyin laughed, she let go of Jiang Qionghua, raised her hand and patted her face: "I'm all this age, and like a child like sweet

talk ." She sighed, looked at Jiang Qionghua and said softly: " I'm tired. Hold me back."

She has been tossing all the way just now, and her already weak mental state is even more unbearable at this moment. Her head was aching, and there was even a prelude to fainting.

Jiang Qionghua heard it and immediately hugged her upside down and hugged her upstairs: "My fault, Sister Wen Yin. You sleep well today, I'll take care of the next thing."

Ning Wenyin said. She raised her head, looked at Jiang Qionghua's face, and asked her with a smile: "Do you know what I like the most about you?"


Ning Wenyin blinked and smiled: "I like you...every time I said,'I'll take care of it.'"

"Very responsible, very secure..."

And every time, I did it.

Jiang Qionghua laughed at once, she hugged Ning Wenyin back to the room, and whispered: "Because Sister Wenyin is also such a person."

"Sister Wenyin, you are a good role model."

Ning Wenyin snorted lightly.

She said, "I will say good things." After she finished speaking, she leaned against Jiang Qionghua's chest, yawned lazily, and said to her: "Xiaoyi and Lai are dating, if they don't tell me, you Just don't know, so I don't want them to be

scared ." Jiang Qionghua was a little dissatisfied: "How can I be scared, I won't be like them... I..."

Ning Wenyin raised her eyes and glanced at her, Jiang Qionghua immediately changed her mouth: It's okay, it's just a puppies love. I don't know who they will like in the future. "

Little young man , puppies love is not a rare thing. The years are so long, it is always inevitable to experience a few lovers. People who love one person from beginning to end, and those who fall in love with the same person again and again, are actually a minority.

Jiang Qionghua thought it over, and it didn't matter if they didn't expose it, so they could break up after they were embarrassed.

Ning Wenyin had different opinions. She glanced at Jiang Qionghua and hummed and said, "That's not necessarily true. She is a very persistent person."

Jiang Qionghua thinks so, but she is also a little unwilling to show weakness: "Huh . , But it's not, and don't look at whose child Xiaoyi is."

Seeing her smug look, Ning Wenyin looked up at her and couldn't help but smile.

Jiang Qionghua lowered his head and looked at Ning Wenyin with a smile, and couldn't help but laugh.

While holding Ning Wenyin back to the room, she sighed with emotion: "I'm here, too, dare to compare the age with you."

Jiang Qionghua closed the door, while sighing: "Hey, time. Okay, sister Wen Yin, you go to bed first. I

'll talk about the future things later." When the two children really decide to spend their lives, they don't worry about these things again.

Ning Wenyin hooked her neck and fell on the bed together. When she closed her eyes, she said "Okay."

No one can tell the thing about life. In the moment, cherish everything in front of you, take a step and take it one step at a time. Naturally just fine.


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