Untitled Part 41

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After dinner, Jiang Yi was suddenly stopped by Ning Wenyin. Jiang Yi was a little puzzled: "What's wrong with Aunt Ning?"

Ning Wenyin smiled without talking, and waved at her. Jiang Yi didn't know why, but he still followed her.

Ning Wenyin led her to the indoor basketball court at home. As she walked, she said, "Well, I want you to play with Aunt Ning on the weekend. Hao Hao's feet are not very convenient. Your mother is on a business trip again, Ning Auntie is so boring."

Jiang Yi is still very happy to play with the elders. She followed Ning Wenyin. Seeing her walking towards the basketball court, she asked in confusion, "Yes, but is Aunt Ning wanting me to play basketball with you?"

Don't think Ning Wenyin is an Omega, and its physical capabilities are very good. And like all kinds of sports. Like all kinds of ball games, horse riding, rock climbing, and surfing, in fact, Ning Wenyin played first, and then Jiang Qiong won her to learn.

Influenced by the two of them, Jiang Sirai also likes sports and is very good at fencing and track and field.

Jiang Yi usually spends his time at home, playing basketball, badminton, or tennis with Jiang Qionghua and Ning Wenyin.

Jiang Yi thought that Ning Wenyin was going to play basketball with her one-on-one. She glanced at the woman next to her who was still wearing a skirt, and curiously said, "Aunt Ning doesn't change clothes today? If she wears a skirt, playing basketball will be very good. It's inconvenient."

Ning Wenyin smiled at her: "I won't play basketball today."

Jiang Yi was puzzled: "Don't play basketball? What are we going to the court?" After

arriving at the basketball court, Jiang Yi quickly I knew what Ning Wenyin was going to do.

She watched Ning Wenyin tap on the indoor basketball music, played a waltz waltz, stood in front of her and beckoned to her: "Come here."

Jiang Yi was dumbfounded: "Aunt Ning wants to dance?"

Ning Wenyin nodded and said to her: "Yes, Aunt Ning wants to dance today. Why, isn't Xiao Yi willing?"

Jiang Yi hesitated: " It's not, but I don't know how to dance, I can dance very badly."

"Dancing, there are not so many rules. There is music, there is a venue, and I just want to dance." Ning Wenyin said, reaching out to Jiang. Yila came to her, hugged her waist and said, "Come on, Xiaoyi, you won't, I will teach you."

Jiang Yi couldn't refuse at all, she just seemed to be coaxing her mother, and said helplessly. "Okay, okay, since Aunt Ning wants to dance, then I will give up my life to accompany the gentleman."

She hugged Ning Wenyin's waist and danced lightly on female steps amidst the sound of waltz.

Ning Wenyin is really a teacher tens of thousands of times better than Chen Wanzhou. She made a mistake and didn't make fun of her. She would always just relax her body gently and tenderly.

Dancing is a happy thing. For most people, there is no need to be too skillful, as long as you are happy.

Jiang Yi soon found fun in such dancing and spent a very pleasant evening.

On the way back from the gym, Jiang Siyu heard the music of the indoor basketball court. Involuntarily walked in, stood at the door, and saw Jiang Yi who seemed very happy in Ning Wenyin's arms.

Jiang Siji looked at her smile, leaned on the door, and looked at her quietly. For no reason, she remembered that when she was a child, her mother took herself to dance in circles in the garden.

For a moment, Jiang Siyu even thought, if only she grew up with Jiang Yi.

Childhood sweethearts, two little no guesses, maybe... there will be a more exciting story between them.

Since Ning Wenyin took Jiang Yi to dance, Ning Wenyin would teach Jiang Yi to dance almost every night at home. Sometimes Ning Wenyin would say something like "If Xiaoyi dances well, many people will chase him" or "You can invite people you like to dance at the dance party".

Jiang Yi very silent: ". Where they come from so many dance ah"

Ning Yin Wen smiled and she said: "After college, there will be many similar social events to time, you know.."

Well Okay, Ning Wenyin said a lot, but he always persuaded Jiang Yi to learn to dance. With her teaching, how could Jiang Yi refuse.

After half a month, Jiang Yi became more and more proficient, sometimes messing around with the small squad leader and others, and could hang Chen Wanzhou's arms up and down at any time in the classroom.

She clicked her waist, and the whole Class B was cheered and applauded.

Hearing the lively applause from his class, Jiang Siji, from the class next door, often pressed her lips tightly, showing a rather unhappy expression.

Sometimes she would think, if Jiang Yi could not dance yet.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye it is Christmas Day, which is Jiang Yi's birthday.

That night, Jiang Qionghua held a grand birthday party for Jiang Yi at the largest hotel in Yuncheng. All the big names and surnames in Yuncheng brought their children to attend.

On his birthday, the small team leader came to the hotel in evening dresses and down jackets.

Jiang Yi wore an off-shoulder evening gown and stood at the entrance of the hotel to pick them up like a lady. When the five people met, Chen Wanzhou looked at Jiang Yi in such a lady's dress and couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Yi is also not very used to wearing dresses. She stood at the door, watching the teasing expressions of her friends, and said with some embarrassment: "Okay, don't laugh! You guys are dressed in this way today, what's so funny? Mine."

Chen Wanzhou shrugged: "I'm sorry, as a lady, I am used to this kind of occasion."

The squad leader wore a long green dress today and squinted at Jiang Yi: "Don't say, you look pretty like this today. If the girls in our school see you, the person who fell under your pomegranate skirt, Maybe there will be another batch."

Jiang Yi heard her say that, not knowing how she felt a bit of cold. She trembles, carrying her skirt and leading the little partner into it: "Don't say it, it makes people scared to think about it. Let's go, I will take you in and play."

Jiang Yi led a group of people into it. Jin Duolai, who was holding the gift box, handed over the gift in his hand: "By the way, Jiang Yi, happy birthday."

"Sixteenth birthday, I wish you a happy one, and you can differentiate into the gender you want."

Jiang Yi turned his head, looked at the gift in Jindolai's hand, pursed his lips and smiled: "Thank you."

She is usually joking and joking, and it is rare that when a lady is so serious, everyone looks at her. Laughing, all a little uncomfortable.

Especially the small squad leader said awkwardly: "It's okay... This was bought by the four of us with money. I originally wanted everyone to buy one, but I didn't think it was heavy enough. So we pooled the money and bought you one.

Great gift." They still attach great importance to the 16th birthday of a good friend. Although they are usually playing around, eating melons and watching dramas, they really like Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi held the gift a little curious: "It's so expensive, so what exactly is it?" The

small squad leader smiled and said mysteriously: "You will know when you go home and open it. Anyway, it must be a good thing."

She said yes. Good thing, Jiang Yi is somewhat skeptical: "Really? Then I will open it now." The

small squad leader immediately stopped her: "How can you open the gift to you in person! Hurry up and put it away! Go home! Demolition again."

Jiang Yi suffered such a strong resistance, but did not insist anymore, put down the things in his hand, and said good to the small squad leader.

She led the small squad leader and others to Jiang Qionghua and Ning Wenyin, and introduced themselves to them very seriously. Seeing the small squad leader and others greet Ning Wenyin enthusiastically, she realized later that this group of people also grew up with Jiang Sixi in a sense.

Seeing the small class leader blowing rainbow farts to Ning Wenyin, Jiang Yi couldn't help but dislike: "You don't usually know Jiang Siji very well. How come you are so active when you see her mother."

Chen Wanzhou on the side did it. Explain: "You don't know this. When I was young, we went to kindergarten. We all hope that Aunt Ning is our mother."

"She is really amazing. Every time she takes Jiang Siyu, she can get the first place in the parent-child project. One, can hold Jiang Sihao high." The

small monitor added: "She is good-looking, gentle and can't beat children. She is the goddess mother in our minds."

Jindolai smiled shyly. Laughing: "Well, and she is also very short-term. When Jiang Siyu was bullied when she was a child, she would always stand on Jiang Siyu's side."

Zhang Yanhu also nodded, "Yes, I really like Aunt Ning, and I want to marry someone like her. The same Omega." An Omega

like her? Is Jiang Siji?

Jiang Yi glared at her fiercely: "No!"

Zhang Yanxi looked innocent: "Why is it not good, can't I think about it? Aunt Ning is so good-looking... Isn't it normal to look forward to her."

Jiang Yi glared at her: "No, you can't think about it, and it's guilty to think! That's Jiang Sixi's mother, that's my aunt!"

Jiang Yi just finished saying these words angrily, Jiang Sixi in a tender white dress, like a fairy He walked towards her and called her softly: "Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi turned around and looked at Jiang Siji.

Jiang Siyu pulled up his hair today, embellished it with a particularly beautiful pink-white rose flower, with a light makeup, noble and elegant like a little princess.

Jiang Yi stood there, watching her walk, motionless.

Standing next to Jiang Yi, Chen Wanzhou stretched out his hand and stabbed her waist, and said in a low voice, "Jiang Siyu looks good today."

Compared to Chen Wanzhou's gossip, the small squad leader greeted her calmly: " Hao..."

Jiang Si Hao rolled his eyes and fixed his gaze on the small squad leader. The small squad leader smiled and bent his eyes at her: "You look so good today, the skirt suits you well, it's really hard for the fairy to go down here!"

Jiang Yi looked at the small squad leader calmly, thinking that the green dress she was wearing today looks very similar. It is a male peacock with an open screen.

Gee, it's a simple-minded alpha.

Jiang Siji nodded and thanked the small squad leader: "Thank you, your dress is also very beautiful today, and you are also very beautiful." After

she finished speaking, she turned her eyes on Jiang Yi and said with expectation: "Aunt Jiang To take you to meet some relatives and friends, she asked me to come and find you. Jiang Yi, let's go."

Jiang Yi said, "Then I will entertain other guests first. Let's play by yourself." The

small squad leader made an OK gesture, and said to Jiang Yi: "It's fun."

Jiang Yi turned his head and looked at her with a smile: "You too, eat more and watch more. A few glances. There are a lot of beautiful girls here today, so take the initiative and try to get out of the order as soon as possible! "

No, why did you talk about getting out of order?"

The young squad leader Zhang Er was confused, turned his head and glanced at Chen Wanzhou beside him: "Why do I feel that Jiang Yi was mad at me just now? Is it an illusion? I think she is mocking me."

Chen Wanzhou was affectionate. He squeezed the small squad leader's face and said with a smile: "My dear, you feel right, she is teasing you." The

small squad leader is puzzled: "Why? I didn't provoke her either." At this point, The small squad leader suddenly realized: "Gan, I know, because I praised Jiang Silai!"

Speaking of this, the small squad leader was amazed: "Hey, I can't think of Jiang Yi, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a free and easy person who doesn't care about anything. He is also a vinegar jar."

She just finished feeling emotional, and Jiang Yiren walking beside Jiang Siru I couldn't help sneezing.

"Ha Qiu..." Jiang Yi shuddered and sniffed uncomfortably.

Hearing her movement next to him, Jiang Siji turned his head and glanced at her: "What's wrong? Did you catch a cold? Do you feel cold?"

Jiang Yi shook his head and said nothing.

Jiang Sihao observed carefully, and said to her: "It's fine, if it's cold, I'll get you a shawl."

Jiang Yi lazily said, "No, the air conditioner is fully turned on and won't catch cold. . the "

river like sleet nodded:" That's good, "she said, very seriously Jiang Yi one:". but Jiang Yi ...... "

"? ah "

river like sleet paused and said very seriously "You wear this dress today. It looks very beautiful."

Jiang Yi was stiff, turned to look Jiang Xi Hao, and met her very serious look.

She was looked at so seriously, her ears were burning red uncontrollably, and the whole person was a little at a loss. Jiang Yi turned his eyes to cover up, raised his hand and squeezed his ears, and said awkwardly, "I thank you."

Jiang Sisha smiled: "You're welcome."

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