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The two spent the first night Jiang Siyu arrived at Jiang's house in such a peaceful manner.

The next morning, Jiang Yi, who originally wanted to sleep late, was awakened by a rapid knock on the door in his sweet sleep.

The knock on the door rang loudly, and across a door, Jiang Qionghua's voice came in clearly from the outside: "Jiang Yi! Jiang Yi! Get up for dinner!"

"It's eight o'clock! Get up for dinner!"

"I will do it today. After breakfast, you come down to eat!"

Jiang Qionghua is like every worried parent. On weekends, he will never give children a chance to sleep in, so he will shout loudly.

Jiang Yi was so annoyed by her that she even began to miss those weekends when Jiang Qionghua had to work overtime. What's going on with this person, so that he can't let people live their lives?

Jiang Yi pulled up the quilt, covered his head, impatiently shouted out the door sleepily: "I won't eat!" Eat less and you won't starve to death, but less sleep would be a good thing. It will kill people!

The knocking outside the door paused, and then it became louder and louder: "How can you not eat! Get up! Go to bed after eating!"

"Jiang Yi, get me up quickly!"

Jiang Yi turned his head Buried deeper into the bed, she covered her ears, but still couldn't stop Jiang Qionghua's shout. Early in the morning, Jiang Yi felt as if ten thousand groundhogs were screaming in his ears!

what! Too annoying!

Listening to the tireless knock on the door outside, Jiang Yi was so angry that he opened the quilt, jumped off the bed barefoot, stomped to the door, opened the door of the room, and vented his head. Jiang Qionghua rushed to look outside the door, and said angrily: "You are so annoying! I said I won't eat anymore! Why are you knocking and knocking!"

Jiang Yi hadn't woken up yet, and even his hair was messy and drooping, but the eyes that stared at Jiang Qionghua were very energetic, just like a young rooster flying up and down.

Jiang Qionghua was yelled at by her, unconsciously weakened a bit. But thinking that Jiang Yi couldn't get up to eat the breakfast she had made so hard, she was a little bit frustrated.

Jiang Qionghua straightened his waist, coughed lightly, concealed his guilty conscience, and said softly: "I made breakfast. It was super rich. If you don't get up to eat, you won't have anything to eat~"

Jiang Yi held the door.

Her face was ugly: "Don't eat! Goodbye!" After she finished speaking, she pushed the door with one hand and closed the door with a bang!

"Hey..." Jiang Qionghua looked at the voice of Jiang Yi disappearing behind the door, and subconsciously stepped forward, only to touch her nose.

Seeing Jiang Yi closing the door and going back to sleep, Jiang Qionghua said very anxiously: "What is your attitude! How can you treat me like this when I call you up to eat!"

Jiang Yi in the room walked towards the bed without looking back. , When he threw himself on the bed, he shouted: "Don't eat! I have the freedom to sleep in!"

"You won't let me sleep! I'll run away!" I

used to live with my mother and have to be busy with the store. It doesn't matter if you wake up early to work with your mother, why come to Jiang Qionghua and be kept under control without the freedom to sleep in!

Not letting her sleep is like killing her! If so, she would rather not recognize this cheap mother!

When Jiang Qionghua heard these words, he was furious: "If you call you to get up and eat, you don't want to go, you are honest!" She was mumbling about Jiang Yi's incompetence, but she was afraid that Jiang Yi would really do this, but it was not. I dared to knock on the door again and had to leave angrily.

Jiang Qionghua went downstairs and looked at the hearty breakfast he had prepared. It was a little distressed: Jiang Yi, the dead child, really didn't understand her good intentions! You know, a good breakfast is the beginning of a happy day for the whole family!

At this time, Ning Wenyin in pajamas walked downstairs and saw Jiang Qionghua alone at the dining table. She couldn't help but ask: "

Where are the children?" Jiang Qionghua replied, "I got up early and went for a run, Jiang Yi..." Jiang Qionghua paused, and gritted his teeth and said: "That little bastard knows that she is

lying in bed, and telling her to wake up and telling her not to let her sleep, she will run away from home!" Jiang Qionghua complained: "Listen, is this fair? "

Ning Wenyin covered her lips and smiled, and she opened the chair of the dining table and sat down: "For the big weekend, you can let her sit for a while. When she used to live with her mother, she was greedy for getting up in the morning, and she was not lazy. "Time."

Ning Wenyin sighed: "Now... finally came to you, she didn't do anything on weekends, can't she just sleep late?"

Jiang Qionghua had also learned about Jiang Yi's growth trajectory before, and listened to Ning Wenyin. That said, my heart also felt pity. She sat next to Ning Wenyin, and muttered: "I didn't think that the family had breakfast for the first time. There can be no one absent. This is not satisfactory."

Ning Wenyin smiled: " If you really treat us as family, you should indulge

Xiaoyi to sleep more. It's a long time to come, and there will always be times when you get together." Jiang Qionghua has always listened to Ning Wenyin's words since childhood. It's a little relieved. He couldn't help but said happily: "Yes, it

will be long in Japan!" The two sat at the dining table and chatted for a while. Jiang Siyu, who changed his clothes after waking up in the morning, went downstairs refreshingly. She came to the dining table and sat down, subconsciously glanced at the position of Jiang Yi next to her, thoughtfully.

Jiang Qionghua noticed her gaze, and explained to her: "Xiao Yi is in bed, I don't plan to have breakfast anymore, let's eat it first."


Si Hao nodded and said: "Okay." The three began to eat, Jiang Qionghua Happy to give Ning Wen Yin food.

But Jiang Yi was born to be the same as Jiang Qionghua. When they started eating, she rubbed her face and walked to the restaurant with flying hair.

The three people at the dining table heard footsteps and all cast their eyes on Jiang Yi. Jiang Qionghua was a little surprised, and some surprises said: "You can't say you want to sleep in? Why are you up now?"

Jiang Yi glared at her: "Who makes you knock on the door like shouting soul, who can still sleep. "Jiang Yi finished her, turned his head and smiled at Ning Wenyin: "Good morning Aunt Ning." After

saying hello, Jiang Yi narrowed his smile, and greeted Jiang Xi Hao without a smile: "Morning." "

Jiang Siji nodded: "Morning. Come over for breakfast first." As she said, she reached out and opened the table next to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi watched her actions, her pupils locked instantly. Pull the stool? court? When she was talking nonsense yesterday? What does Jiang Siji mean?

It's over, it's not because of her!

Conjectures rolled through Jiang Yi's mind, and finally he pursed his lips and showed a dry smile: "Thank you."

She sat down beside Jiang Sixi , then silently moved the chair away from Jiang Sixi. Seeing her avoidance like a snake and scorpion, Jiang Siji frowned slightly, feeling a little puzzled: Is it the same as Jiang Yi said, she hates the smell of her body?

What kind of smell is it that makes her hate it so much?


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