Untitled Part 37

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Ning Wenyin took Jiang Yi downstairs and sat down on the sofa on the large balcony on the second floor.

It's early winter, and the wind will keep blowing at night, and it sounds a little crippled. Through a floor-to-ceiling glass window, the room is very warm.

Jiang Yi wrapped a coat casually and sat on the sofa, looking at Ning Wenyin with some anxiety: "What does Aunt Ning want to say to me?"

Ning Wenyin was sitting in a silk nightdress and a knitted shawl. Opposite the sofa. In front of her, there was a tea set, and the water was boiling.

Ning Wenyin leaned over, reached out and took out about ten grams of scented tea with a small clip from the porcelain tea pot on the side, put it in an open glass bottle, waited for the water to boil, and then picked up the kettle and poured it in slowly In the

sound of pouring water, Ning Wenyin looked up at Jiang Yi and said slowly: "Don't worry, don't worry, let's have a cup of tea first."

Mingming Ning Wenyin said nothing, but Jiang Yi said. Inexplicably feel a little guilty and scared. She put her hands on her knees, and said with some trepidation: "Aunt Ning...just tell me what you want. You are like that, I'm a little scared..."

Ning Wenyin made a pot of scented tea and listened to her. Can't help but laugh out loudly. She smiled and looked at Jiang Yi and asked: "What are you afraid of? Have you done anything bad recently?"

In front of her beloved elders, Jiang Yi knows that there is a rule, that is, "be lenient in confession and strict in resistance." Jiang Yi felt that for the sake of her own safety, she decided to confess.

She looked at Ning Wenyin and said sincerely: "I didn't do anything bad, but it may have caused you a little trouble."

"I did the Jiang Duobao thing. I can't understand him. It's just that it is the way of the person to treat the person's body."

Ning Wenyin was not surprised to see Jiang Yi honestly confessing this incident. Ning Wenyin poured her a cup of tea, and said with a smile: "I know, thank Xiaoyi for your hard preparations, and vent your anger for Aunt Ning."

Jiang Yi heard her voice, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. She looked at Ning Wenyin, and said helplessly: "Sure enough... Aunt Ning, you still know."

Ning Wenyin nodded and said: "It's hard for Aunt Ning to not know about the hot search. Okay, Don't think about these things either. That kid is not cute, someone will teach him."

Jiang Yi looked a little nervous: "Then Aunt Ning...are you not angry?"

Ning Wenyin smiled: "There is nothing to be angry about. Yeah. Aunt Ning doesn't like to bully people and will not be bullied. But if others make me unhappy, I will make people unhappy. Xiaoyi, you also know how to make people unhappy. Is it uncomfortable?"

Ning Wenyin blinked at Jiang Yi, comforting her and said: "Well, Aunt Ning will find someone to come back for the loss of reputation." I am also idle, so let me grab Songshan. Jiang's project is ready. Otherwise, Jiang Liuyun's life is too comfortable, and he will forget to beat the person next to the pillow, and then some cat or dog will come to provoke her.

Jiang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's good if Aunt Ning is not angry. I am also worried that this person will make you feel bad! Then he will be even more sinister!"

Jiang Yi said righteously, Ning Wen Yin couldn't help but sneered, thinking she was really cute.

Ning Wenyin squinted and smiled: "I am a very open-minded person, and I won't be unhappy because of irrelevant things."

Ning Wenyin poured Jiang Yi a cup of scented tea and pushed it in front of her, holding it. The chin said very softly: "Do you think that I just came to you just because I want to teach you about this matter?"

Jiang Yi shook his head quickly: "No no, Aunt Ning is so gentle and so good, how could she train me? What?" She didn't think so, she just felt embarrassed to make things big!

Ning Wenyin knew clearly: "Oh...that's what I thought about it."

Jiang Yi hurriedly waved his hand and strongly denied: "No... I really didn't think so."

Ning Wenyin squinted and smiled: "Well, I said that you shouldn't be so nervous. Aunt Ning didn't mean to blame you. On the contrary, Aunt Ning I'm still very happy."

"Xiaoyi worked so hard and did so many things so seriously, it proves that you care about me and Hao. Aunt Ning is really happy, you can treat us as close people."

Jiang Yi She felt a little embarrassed when she said that. She raised her hand and scratched her face, and said with some embarrassment: "Because to me, Aunt Ning is like a family member, very special and very important." After

she finished speaking, she looked up at Ning Wenyin. At a glance, his eyes were very sincere.

Ning Wenyin looked at her eyes, her heart softened, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and rubbed Jiang Yi's head, and said with satisfaction: "Xiaoyi is really a good boy. Aunt Ning should love you more in the future."

Jiang Yi smiled shyly: "I'm fine now, Aunt Ning loves me very much now."

Ning Wenyin rubbed her head again, put her hands away, and looked at her with a light smile: " Okay, I'm going to talk to you today. It's not mainly because of this incident. I want to talk to you about other things."

Jiang Yi picked up the tea cup, put it on his lips and blew it slowly, and asked curiously, "What is that? "She didn't seem to have done anything other than this bad thing recently.

Ning Wenyin held his chin and looked at her softly: "Aren't you about to be sixteen years old. On Christmas Day, it's your birthday, right?"

"Your mother wants to hold a birthday party for you, mainly for you Introduce her to her friends, and some relatives in the family know."

"She didn't dare to ask you, so she begged me to check your tone first. Because it must be very lively, and there will be many people who don't know. She is afraid that you are not used to it, so she dare not make her own

decision this time." Of course, it was actually Jiang Qionghua's wishful thinking for a birthday party plan. Ning Wenyin was worried that Jiang Yi had other ideas, so she prevented the other party from speaking out. I plan to ask Jiang Yi first.

Jiang Yi was a little surprised. She looked at Ning Wenyin and said: "Aunt Ning came to ask me, my mother...it must have been planned early in the morning, everything has been arranged, just waiting for me to attend."

Ning Wenyin smiled when she heard this. How should I put it, Jiang Qionghua's tyrant's character, anyone who stayed with her for a while, knew of her stinking problem.

For so many years, only Ning Wenyin could stop this person.

Ning Wenyin did not answer this question directly, but just said: "What does Xiaoyi think? Is it possible or not? Or, I just hope that your mother and I will have a birthday for you at home?"

Jiang Yi hesitated and looked at Ning Wenyin and asked: "What does Aunt Ning think? I want to hear your opinion."

Ning Wenyin thought about it, and said to her: "I think... take Hao for example. At the time of the 100th day of the birth of Cha Cha, and when he was sixteen years old, I held a very big birthday party for her to celebrate her arrival."

"I think this is what your mother should do. If you Yes, I believe she can do a good job."

This kind of family-born child grows up with a golden key and is loved by thousands of pets. Even if Jiang Yi had a child out of wedlock, according to her situation, she really deserves a chance to appear on the stage.

Especially after Ning Wenyin had inadvertently had a baby because of her husband's betrayal, and it was difficult to conceive, Jiang Qionghua was actually no longer ready to have a child, and was bent on raising Jiang Sirai as her own daughter.

After Jiang Yi appeared, it took Jiang Qionghua several days to accept the truth.

Ning Wenyin understands Jiang Qionghua and knows that if nothing happens, Jiang Yi should be Jiang Qionghua's only child.

As the only heir to the richest man in Yuncheng, he should have a grand introduction when he was sixteen.

Jiang Yi thought for a while, and felt that he didn't seem to have to refuse this birthday party. Appearing in front of so many people further demonstrates the relationship with Jiang Siyu. Maybe their mothers, who are not married yet, can only be "sister relationship" in the eyes of others.

In this way, it is imperceptible. Jiang Siji might really treat her as a younger sister. After all, Jiang Siji is quite taking care of her, and it seems that there is no tendency for adolescent puppies to fall in love at the moment.

Jiang Yi's head flashed countless thoughts. She raised her head and looked at Ning Wenyin. She mustered up the courage to ask: "Then...for the birthday party, can I bring my friends to it?"

Ning Wenyin smiled. Get up: "Of course you can. Even if you bring the whole school's classmates, I think your mother will have a way to make you have fun."

Jiang Yi has come, so please accept it. Mostly on her birthday, she was dragged out by Jiang Qionghua for a walk, and she could play with her friends when she turned around.

In addition, she said before that she would invite the small monitors to have a big meal, so invite them to the birthday party as an offset meal!

Jiang Yi was happily in his heart, and chatted with Ning Wenyin a few more words, then turned on the stairs and walked towards his room.

As soon as she reached the top of the stairs on the third floor, the door of Jiang Sixi's room opened with a creak.

Jiang Yi turned his head subconsciously and looked in the direction of Jiang Siji's room.

Jiang Siji, who was sitting in a wheelchair, opened the door, looked up at her, hesitatingly shouted: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi was a little inexplicable, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Siji asked her. Beckoning, Jiang Yi came to her door in a mysterious manner, put one hand on her door, and looked at her condescendingly: "What?"

Jiang Siji looked up at her, pursed his lips and smiled: "Jiang Duobao that The thing is, did you do it right?"

Jiang Yi felt that their mother and daughter were really in good agreement. His mother had just come to the door, and now her daughter came to ask too.

Jiang Yi nodded and said: "Well, I did it." After finishing speaking, he added an explanation: "However, I am all for Aunt Ning. Jiang Siyu...Your mother is very kind to me."

" Say something. If you might get angry, I always think she is like my other mother, and I love her very much."

Jiang Siqi pursed his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. She seemed a little happy, but she didn't seem very happy.

She thought about it, and said to Jiang Yi: "Jiang Yi...I'm glad you value my mother so much. If it is you, I can accept...you can get the care and love of my mother."

Jiang Siyu raised his head and looked up. Very firm: "Let you be her other child."

Jiang Yi was stunned. She felt that Jiang Siyu's reaction was not quite right. What does it mean to be "mother's other child"? Does Jiang Siyu have the consciousness to become her sister?

Jiang Yi calmed down for a second, and looked at Jiang Siyu and said, "It would be best if you can do this. For Aunt Ning's sake, I will try my best to take care of you, ease my awkward emotions, and treat you as I am. The same as my sister."

Jiang Siji suddenly tightened her hand on the wheelchair, and repeated her words to herself: "Like a sister?"

Jiang Yi nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Siji thought for a while, Ruo Thoughtfully and said to Jiang Yi: "But... if you think of me as your sister, shouldn't you call me Sister Lai...because it sounds awkward, no sisters would call me like this? That's right."

Jiang Yi was stunned, feeling that Jiang Sixi had so many requests. She thought for a while, and asked, "What's wrong with Sister Hao? There are so many sisters in the family, aren't they all nicknames plus the word for sister?"

Jiang Siti said in a low voice, "But now, you don't have any other sisters, right? Can't you just call my sister?"

"Sister?" Jiang Yi frowned, getting goose bumps for some reason. She shook unconsciously, and shook her head: "Farewell, you are not much older than me, shouting like this...I feel so awkward!"

Jiang Si Hao stepped back and asked for the next best thing: "Well, if you don't want to, then forget it. But...Are we reconciled now? If so, can I call you Xiaoyi? Just like my mother calls you."

Jiang Yi ruthlessly rejected her: "No, I'm not used to it."

Okay. Jiang Siji bit her lip and looked at Jiang Yi with great regret. Jiang Yi had a guilty conscience, looked down at her and said, "I am used to hearing you call my name. I can't call it by another name."

Jiang Siyu was dumbfounded, thinking that this answer should be "I like you to call." "My name". She raised her lips and said yes.


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