Untitled Part 78

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It was autumn, and the morning weather was a bit cool. Jiang Yi put on a thin army green jacket outside and drove towards the cemetery in another district.

On the way to the cemetery, Jiang Yi drove past a flower shop, stopped the car, and ordered a bunch of perfume lilies.

She put the flower in the passenger seat and drove the car on the road to the suburban cemetery. The scenery outside the window continued to pass, and the sun came out through the dense clouds. Soon, the gloomy sky was replaced by the brilliant sunshine, and the autumn sky was refreshing.

Jiang Yi looked at the sky lit up outside the window, tilted his head and glanced at the bright perfume lily that opened to the sun. There was a picture in his mind:

It seemed that it was Mother's Day in a certain year, she was pulling on her mother's lap. Asked her: "What kind of flowers does my mother like?"

Mom didn't say a word, but just pressed her lips and watched her smile. Jiang Yi acted like a baby with her, shaking her legs softly and said: "Please

, just talk about it ." Mom stretched out her hand, rubbed her head and smiled, and said, "Let mom think about it, it should be Yes, perfume lilies."

That afternoon, Jiang Yi took out the money saved in the pencil case, secretly went to the flower shop, and bought a small bouquet of perfume lilies back.

Obviously, after many years, Jiang Yi still remembered the expression his mother had received the bouquet of lilies, some nostalgia and some melancholy.

Looking back now, Jiang Yi probably understood why his mother showed such an expression at that time.

Because Jiang Qionghua's pheromone taste is perfume lily. Her mother likes Jiang Qionghua.

During the period when his mother was in the hospital, Jiang Yi often went to the flower shop to ask for a perfume lily that was not so beautiful, and put it in the vase every day. At that time, she still couldn't smell Jiang Qionghua's pheromone taste. If she could smell it, she would probably hate Jiang Qionghua even more.

Her mother is so good, why Jiang Qionghua doesn't like it. Not only did she dislike it, she might also feel that she was a burden.

It seems that everyone is like this. As long as the person you care about is not treated well by others, you will be indignant and even hate the person who neglects the person you care about.

Jiang Yi is like this, so she hated Jiang Qionghua when she was a teenager, and she hated it so obviously.

Thinking about it now, maybe my mother doesn't want to do that. Even when she said the phrase "I won't let Xiaoyi have no mother", she had already planned to find Jiang Qionghua and put Jiang Yi in her hands.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi's vision gradually blurred, she raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and drove the car to the cemetery.

When the car stopped in the parking lot, Jiang Yi got out of the car. Holding a bunch of perfume lilies, she went to her mother's cemetery according to her memory.

She vaguely traversed one cemetery after another, and finally found the place where her mother was buried. When she stood in front of her mother's cemetery and saw the line of "Tomb of the Loving Mother Jiang Wenying", tears fell in her eyes.

At this moment, she vaguely remembered the scene when she was just born.

In the narrow corridor, someone dragged her out alone, as if dragging her broken body out of the wheel. It doesn't hurt, and there is even a feeling of relief.

In the dimness, she felt that someone was picking her up, and the words in her ears were not "Hurry up and give her CPR", "Call her, call for an ambulance..." "People, this child is about to die..."

It was not a flustered and noisy cry, but a very hearty laugh: "It's a girl

, she looks white, but she looks good!" "Look, is she particularly beautiful!"

The owner of this voice She was handed to a woman's hand, her eyes still couldn't see what a woman looked like, but she could feel the woman holding her in her arms, and there was a gentle and kind breath on her body.

The woman raised her hand, her fingertips quivered, stroking her cheek, and said weakly: "It's very white, just like that person..."

Someone asked her, "Did you think of a name for her?" The

woman nodded and said : "When you think about it, let's call Jiang Yi. Yi is that Che Shiyi." The

doctor nodded and said in admiration: "Yilun, Yicai, she must be a very good child in the future." The

woman stroked her face. , Chuckled: "She would be."

At that moment, Jiang Yi understood that she was dead at the age of eighteen, and she had a new life with the memory of her previous life.

She came alive again.

Realizing this, she couldn't hold back and cried loudly.

The cry was loud, and even the doctor was startled. The doctor hurriedly hugged her, put her in her arms, and coaxed, while coaxing, he said: "This child is really energetic. This is the child I have ever heard crying the most. Maybe it will be very lively in the future."

She listened. When my mother took the call, her voice was a little tired, but she was very happy: "Being a little bit more lively, children must be a little bit more lively."

Maybe she heard this, she has been very lively since she was a child, and she is happy to be a mother.

Because she knew that her parents in the previous life had missed it, and she couldn't miss it with her mother in this life.

Recalling this, Jiang Yi understood everything. The reason why she appeared in this world, why did she feel that Jiang was familiar at first glance, and why she felt that there was no feeling of another world in this world, and everything became clear.

She didn't walk through it when she was eighteen years old. She was Jiang Yi from the beginning.

She is Jiang Yi of mother and Jiang Yi of Jiang Wenying.

Jiang Yi softened and knelt on the ground holding the flower heavily. She looked at the photo on the tombstone, looked at the gentle smiling woman through the mist, tears streaming down her face.

She opened her mouth, tasted her tears, and said with a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, mother..."

"I forgot you."

Jiang Yi held the flower, knelt towards the tombstone, stretched out his hand to touch the picture of Jiang Wenying, and wailed. Crying.

She didn't know how long she had been crying before she slowly got up and placed the flower in her hand next to the tombstone.

When remembering the death of his mother, Jiang Yi felt very uncomfortable. She hugged her knees, sat in front of the tombstone, looked at the picture of her mother, and said to her in a low voice: "Sorry mother, I didn't deliberately forget you, and I didn't deliberately not come to see you..."

This is in this world , The only person she can rely on. Even if it was just facing her tombstone, Jiang Yi still had the feeling of going back to talking to his mother when he was a child, and couldn't help but say everything in his heart.

She sniffed and said to her mother: "When I finished the college entrance examination, something happened and lost my memory, so I forgot about my mother. I'm sorry..."

"Some time ago, I met someone I was familiar with and saw a picture of my mother. I just remembered a little bit...but I haven't remembered everything yet, but I remembered my mother..."

"Sorry mother, I haven't come to see you in six years. You must miss me very much, am I worried, right?"

she thought When my mother passed away, she let go of her hands, and tears fell again. Jiang Yi raised his hand, wiped his tears, and said in a dull voice: "Six years...I am almost twenty-four years old. I am already an adult...Mom, you don't have to worry about me being bullied, I am living now. Very good."

She calmed down a little bit, and started thinking to her mother: "But I didn't become a policeman. You said that being a policeman is very dangerous. Although I still want to take the exam when I graduate, I don't have a chance to go. Yang Cuo followed your heart."

"My amnesia was an accident, but I was lucky. Although I have no memory, I was adopted by a kind-hearted old woman..."

Jiang Yi felt that although her grandmother had imprisoned her for two years, But also sincerely kind to her. She can't hate a poor old man who is mentally ill.

Jiang Yi sniffed and continued: "When I was about nineteen years old, I joined the army..."

"I don't remember if I told you that I split into an Alpha. Although I feel uglier than before, But you don't have to worry that I will be bullied."

"When I was in the army, life was pretty good."

"The training intensity was average..." It was actually very hard.

"The food is very good..." Every day there was a lot of fish and meat.

"Every day I do is training, or I am busy with the surrounding infrastructure..." That was the first two years. In the second two years, she was selected to the special army because of her good physical fitness. The owl fights wit and courage. Live a life of survival in the wild.

"The teammates treated me very well, and another said that when I was discharged from the military, I would raise geese with me..." But she died, died in front of Jiang Yi, on the eve of her retirement.

"There is another one who got me a job after I was discharged from the army. Thanks to her, I can meet acquaintances and think of my mother..."

Jiang Yi said, wiping away tears, and said to her, "I'm an adult. I came out of Jiang's family. Mom, it's a pity that Jiang Qionghua and I don't have a mother-daughter relationship. I still prefer to be a mother's child."

"But don't worry, I'm fine now. I have a job that can make money. After saving some money, I will be able to buy a house and settle down after two years."

"Mom, I owe someone a favor. Now I need more money. Maybe I can't work too securely. But it will be fine in two years. Then I will be fine. I want to open a goose farm, and then a restaurant, just like you said. Do you think this is good?"

She babbled and talked about what she had experienced, what she was doing, and what she wanted to do. said.

From morning, talking to the afternoon, until twilight, she endured hunger and got up from the ground.

She leaned over, looked at the picture of her mother and smiled: "Mom, I miss you so much. But it's late today, I have to go back. Otherwise, someone will be worried."

"Next time, next time I will See you sooner, it won't be so long."

She bid farewell to her mother and drove out of the cemetery. On the way back, she felt melancholy while thinking of her mother who had died young, but at the same time she couldn't help being surprised to confirm her origin.

She is Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi from beginning to end. Jiang Siji doesn't like people who don't matter to her, but her.

Jiang Yi was happy and anxious, almost couldn't help running to meet Jiang Sihao.

But when she thought of the various things that had happened between her and Jiang Siyu since they met, her words and deeds, and the tears in Jiang Siyu's eyes that day, she was a little nervous.

She now tells Jiang Siyu that she is Jiang Yi, and Jiang Siyu will believe it, but can everyone be happy in this way?

Jiang Yi didn't know, even if she knew that the person Jiang Sirai loved was the young self, she couldn't guarantee that the current self would be liked by Jiang Sirai.

Does Jiang Siji love Phantom? Still fall in love with yourself again? Jiang Yi couldn't tell.

She calmed down again, and seriously confirmed her intentions. It couldn't be clearer, she liked Jiang Siyu and wanted to pursue her.

Given that she and Jiang Sirai are not a couple now, she should give Jiang Sirai a more solemn treatment.

Although she hasn't fully remembered the teenager's affairs, she doesn't understand why she avoided Jiang Siji, but now she still needs to be more sincere if she wants to be with Jiang Siji.

She should, give Jiang Sihao a solemn confession.

Also, she had to apologize to Jiang Sihao for what she did.

Jiang Yi was full of messy thoughts. When driving through the downtown area, he saw the claw machine on the first floor of the mall.

For some reason, Jiang Yi suddenly remembered the giant panda doll she saw when she returned to Jiang's house again. On the doll, there is the smell of Jiang Si Hao.

She vaguely felt that Jiang Sirai should like this kind of doll very much, so she often sleeps in her arms.

Jiang Yi thought for a while, parked the car, and entered the mall.

After ten o'clock in the evening, she returned home holding a big pink rabbit.

When opening the door, Jiang Siji happened to be at home. She was wearing a thin purple nightdress. She was sitting on the sofa and was having a conference call. Seeing Jiang Yi opening the door and coming in, she looked at the rabbit doll that Jiang Yi was holding in his hands with some surprise.

Jiang Siji's eyes lit up. She looked at the things in Jiang Yi's hand and asked her, "Why come back so late? Is your comrade-in-arms thing tricky?" Jiang Yi

closed the door and raised his hand and scratched. Face, holding the big pink rabbit, walked towards Jiang Siji, a little embarrassed, said: "It's okay, it's not too much trouble, just need to bring children." The

old monitor does have a daughter, who is only five or six years old. , It's pretty pretty. Jiang Yi casually used the old squad leader as a guise, and explained to Jiang Siyu: "Something happened to her mother at home, and no one took the child, so I took it."

"By the way, I took the child to the mall today to accompany him. She grabbed a claw machine and grabbed a lot. She later gave me one."

"I think this rabbit looks a lot like you, so I took it back."

Jiang Yi began to blush at the lie. She held her hot ears in one hand, and held the big rabbit in the other hand and handed it to Jiang Sirai: "Would you like to give it to you?"

Jiang Sirai looked at her with a heartbeat. She bit her lip and looked at the rabbit in Jiang Yi's hand without speaking.

She actually knew that Jiang Yi was not looking for a comrade-in-arms today. She went to the cemetery and stayed in the mall for two hours without eating.

Jiang Siji thought she was going to eat, but she didn't expect that she was going to catch the claw machine.

She remembered how much. Think of it all, or just a little bit?

Jiang Siji didn't know, she only knew that she couldn't help crying now.

Jiang Yi was very disturbed when she saw that she looked at herself with wet eyes and did not speak. She no longer looked like the yin and yang weirdness she used to, but looked at her nervously, the same as when she secretly carried the panda into Jiang Siji's room that year, very disturbed.

This anxiety made her voice start to tremble. Jiang Yi took the rabbit and said hesitantly: "Don't you like it? Then I..."

Jiang Siji quickly reached out and took the rabbit in her hand, and said hoarsely: "I want it."

She held the rabbit. , Looked up at Jiang Yi, his affectionate eyes were like a puddle of water that could drown Jiang Yi in it. She spoke with a hoarse voice: "Jiang Yi, can you hug me?"

Jiang Yi was a little embarrassed, walked into her, stretched out his hand across the rabbit, and awkwardly hugged her into his arms.

The two people hugged each other with the rabbit, which felt a little funny. Jiang Sixi seemed to feel Jiang Yi's complicated mood, and couldn't hold back a chuckle, hugging the rabbit and burying his face in it.

Hearing her smile, Jiang Yi asked in embarrassment: "What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Siji did not answer, buried her face in the rabbit, soaking her tears in the gift Jiang Yi used to apologize.


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