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The two kissed downstairs in the classroom, attracting many people to stop and watch.

Jiang Yi's eyes were sharp, and from the corner of her eye she saw that someone had picked up a mobile phone to record a video. She reluctantly left from Jiang Siji's lips, put her down, and leaned forward to drop a kiss on her forehead.

Jiang Yi smiled and said: "Let's go first, come back to the hotel with me, I'm still pushing my luggage." Jiang Siji smiled in his

eyes, slung his schoolbag, nodded and said hello. Seeing that the things she was carrying were a little heavy, Jiang Yi reached out and put it on his suitcase, pushing the luggage with one hand, and holding Jiang Sihao with the other, and walked openly toward the school gate.

Jiang Sirai kept looking at her, and the smile on her face couldn't stop: "Why did you sneak over? You didn't tell me? The doctor said you can go out now, how are you doing?"

She has many questions to ask Jiang. Yi, like a little girl full of curiosity about her sweetheart, full of curiosity for knowledge.

Jiang Yi replied as he walked: "The doctor said that I was able to control myself completely during the examination yesterday, and confirmed that my coming out will not affect the public environment."

Jiang Yi turned his head and looked at Jiang Siyu with a smile: "How is it, I am amazing." Right. Can't you smell the pheromone on my body at all?"

Jiang Siji couldn't help but leaned forward and sniffed slightly beside her. Even if it was marked by Jiang Yi, she could not smell Jiang Yi's pheromone at this time.

Jiang Siji nodded and said happily, "Well, I can't smell it."

But she was still a little dissatisfied, and approached Jiang Yi and said, "But... if you can't smell it, some are not used to it. Jiang Yi, I like you. The smell."

"Just let me smell it, can it be done?"

Jiang Yi was a little embarrassed, she lowered her eyes and answered, quietly releasing her pheromone to her sweetheart. At that moment, Jiang Siji smelled the scent of cedar.

The pheromone taste that once made many Omegas forced into estrus, the pheromone taste that carries strong pressure and deterrence to conquer the desire, once again appeared in public.

Jiang Siyu, who was once full of jealousy, owns a pheromone exclusively. At this moment, Jiang Siji felt a kind of ecstatic peace of mind.

Jiang Yi... she belongs to her completely.

In the noisy crowd, in the noisy world, Jiang Yi is her alpha alone.

Jiang Siyu was happy. She raised her hand to hold Jiang Yi's arm and leaned on her shoulder and said, "Jiang Yi, you are really good!"

Jiang Yi was a little proud: "Of course."

She finished, and fell again. Looking at Jiang Sirai, he smiled: "Because I really want to see you, so I can't wait to come over."

Jiang Sirai was very happy, and leaned against her and said, "I'm fine. Missing you." The

two walked to the school gate side by side, arm in arm, attracting many eyes during the period. But they still showed their affection like no one else, and walked out sweetly.

After Jiang Yi knew that he could go out, he bought a plane ticket and flew over to find Jiang Siyu. The elders in the family would obviously know. Jiang Sidai was a little curious: "You just came here, didn't Aunt Qionghua talk about you? Could it be...you told her about us?"

Jiang Yi shook his head: "No, I told her that I had an appointment with Chen Wanzhou and The young squad leader played together, and took a look at the school by the way, so I came over."

Jiang Yi smiled and blinked at Jiang Si: "But Aunt Ning knows. My mother didn't let me come, Aunt Ning helped. After speaking, he let me go."

Jiang Si Hao laughed.

She asked Jiang Yi again if he had eaten, Jiang Yi shook his head and said no. Jiang Siyu said that after she put her things in the hotel, he would take her to eat the special dishes here.

The two talked and walked to Jiang Yiding's hotel.

The hotel is about two hundred meters away from the school, and the star rating is not bad. Out of the idea of ​​not being wronged by Jiang Xi Hao, Jiang Yi decided on the best room in this hotel.

When taking Jiang Siji to the front desk to open a room, Jiang Yi gave out his ID card. The waiter at the front desk looked up at them several times, then looked down at Jiang Yi's ID card, and said to himself: "

I am a minor..." Jiang Yi pursed his lips, and said embarrassedly: "I'm 18 years old. "That's it." The

waiter said, then asked Jiang Yi: "Are you freshman this year?"

Jiang Yin said.

"It's all from the capital?"

Jiang Yi nodded, "Yes."

After being gossiped, the waiter finally returned his ID to Jiang Yi. After getting the room card, Jiang Yi thanked him and took Jiang Sihao upstairs.

When leaving, the waiter did not forget to remind him: "You are young, pay attention to safety."

Jiang Yi fully agreed, and when she took Jiang Siji into the elevator, she reacted afterwards. She turned her head to look at Jiang Sirai, pointed in the direction where she had just arrived, and said, "The older sister just said to pay attention to safety. It is the safety of'don't kill people'?"

Jiang Sirai thought about it seriously, and said:" It should be."

Jiang Yi was a little embarrassed, and his face turned red and said, "What's this all about?"

Jiang Siyu stretched out his hand, held her hand, and leaned against her ear and whispered: "Actually ...You don't need to pay so much attention to safety. I don't mind this kind of thing. "

Don't mind what? Do you mind having a child together?

Jiang Yi, who has only been playing "Cengceng" so far, suddenly speeded up his heartbeat when he heard these words, and his face burst into red. She unconsciously squeezed Jiang Siyu's hand and dared not look at her. She only said with red ears, "

I'll talk about this kind of thing later." In the future, when she can really live through her twenty years of age. At that time, they will have their own children.

Maybe being shy is contagious, Jiang Si-ti followed Jiang Yi's eyes down together, and gave a humming softly while holding back the hot earlobe.

After getting out of the elevator, Jiang Yi carried his suitcase to find his room, swiped his card and walked in.

The two entered the room, Jiang Yi put down the suitcase, turned his head and glanced at Jiang Siji quietly.

With his eyes facing each other, Jiang Yi reached out and put his arms around Jiang Si Ha's waist and hugged her up. Jiang Siyu exclaimed for caution, and saw Jiang Yi looking up at her and saying, "Jiang Siyu, I miss you

so much ." She really missed Jiang Siyu.

As Jiang Sihai said before leaving, she missed each other all the time.

This time, the proud and awkward Jiang Yi accurately expressed his feelings in his own words.

Jiang Siji stroked Jiang Yi's face, so happy that he didn't know what to do. She nodded and replied: "Well, I am the same."

Jiang Yi smiled, raised his head and kissed her.

It was a very shallow kiss. Jiang Sicha was a little dissatisfied. She put Jiang Yi in her arms, bit her lip, and pulled it lightly. Jiang Yi got the signal, raised his head and kissed her deeper, as if he was about to swallow her into his abdomen.

Jiang Yi hugged Jiang Si Ha's legs, supported her and walked to the big bed in the middle. She put Jiang Sirai on the soft bed and kissed her deeply for a long time. Then she got up and smiled and asked her, "Is it going to eat now or do something else?"

Jiang Sirai raised his hand and stroked her. His face, lips squished, and his eyes filled with Qiu Bo: "Are you hungry? If you are not hungry, we will do something else?"

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "I'm not hungry...but, I don't want to do anything else."

With a hard hand, she lifted Jiang Siji from the bed, looked at her face to face and said, "Fly away. For a long time, I have eaten a lot of dust all the way, so I have to let me take a bath."

Jiang Yi paused, and continued to smile: "Also...Although this hotel has a good reputation, we must first do bad things. Check the environment."

Jiang Yi made a lot of sense. Jiang Siyu also felt that it was not good for him not to take a bath, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's take a bath first?"

"Yeah, I'll hold you over. "

Jiang Yi said, holding Jiang Siyu to the bathroom to release water.

After tossing for a while, after investigating all the hidden safety hazards, Jiang Yi came out of the bathroom in vain and rolled on the bed with Jiang Si Hao.

The winter in the capital is actually a bit cold. However, the hotel has floor heating, and both of them inevitably shed a thin layer of sweat in such a winter day.

When the feeling was extremely emotional, Jiang Siyu tried to cross the boundary. Even Jiang Yi couldn't control herself. He couldn't hold back his eager heart, and broke into the boundary a little bit.

In the immature reality, the improper opportunity to break into the restricted area, both of them will inevitably suffer a lot.

The children who wanted to enter the rose garden to steal the treasure were hurt by the guard's thorn bushes and shouted in pain.

Jiang Yi looked brave, but he was often timid at this time. She took Jiang Sirai's hand and bit her lips, her eyes were full of water, and she looked at each other imploringly, "Should you... Let's forget it this time?"

Even if Jiang Sirai wants to insist, but Jiang Yi Has retired. In the end, she nodded in agreement with the other party's actions, and gave up the idea of ​​obtaining the treasure.

This action caused both of them to lose money, especially Jiang Siyu, who could not bear the pain in the first place, and he almost cried out of discomfort.

Jiang Yi was so distressed that he hugged her and coaxed him for a while. After comforting

her, she said: "It's okay...Come slowly one time at a time, and you will always succeed." Jiang Siji nodded, she looked up at Jiang Yi, sniffed her nose a little embarrassedly, and leaned against her chest to ask. She: "Actually, you can make me estrus... so that I don't feel much pain. Why not? Jiang Yi."

Yes, after an alpha has marked his Omega, he can make the other person estrus.

Jiang Yi took her shoulders, looked down at her and said seriously: "But you will be uncomfortable in this way, won't you? It's uncomfortable during estrus, even if I comfort you, it will actually be very tormented."

And Jiang Siyu She was still so young, no matter what she did, no matter how strong Omega's body's resilience was, she felt that she was hurting her.

Jiang Yi paused, and continued: "I don't want to make you uncomfortable because of this kind of thing. Now I am happy enough, just this kind of communication, I am very satisfied..."

She said, rubbing Jiang as if Hao's hair comforted her and said: "So, don't think about these messy things."

"I mark you as the instinct of people like us. But this kind of instinct shouldn't be used to show off and suppress others. ...It should be restrained."

"Jiang Siyu, I am a person, not an animal in heat. So I don't need to do this for this kind of communication."

Just for the pleasure of the body, let Omega is in heat, that's too much.

Jiang Siji felt that if he were an alpha, he would definitely not be able to do so. Even if she loves Jiang Yi again, she still wants to seduce her and force her to be together, day and night.

It is precisely because she can't do it that she likes Jiang Yi so much. I like her restraint, her understanding, and her love.

Jiang Siyu couldn't help holding Jiang Yicong, rubbing Jiang Yi's shoulder, and said, "Jiang Yi, you are such a great person."

She actually wants to say that Jiang Yi is a great alpha, but Jiang Siji thinks that Jiang Yi might not like this kind of argument. Because, before dividing gender, Jiang Yi is an individual first.

A true person with compassion, sense of justice, and empathy ability.

Jiang Yi smiled, kissed Jiang Sihai's face and said, "Are you sending me a good person card?"

Jiang Siyu was puzzled: "What is a good person card?"

Jiang Yi smiled and said to her "It's just a very interesting story. When most people reject someone they don't like, they will euphemistically say that you are a good person, but we are not suitable."

Jiang Sisha smiled: "But if you are a good person, what? Would it be inappropriate?"

She raised her head and said to Jiang Yi: "My words are different. Jiang Yi is a good person, so in my whole life, I must hold her firmly and cherish her."

Jiang Yi praised her. One sentence: "This is a good enlightenment, and I think so too."

Seeing Jiang Sixi's recovery gradually, Jiang Yi asked her in a small voice, "Does it still hurt?"

Jiang Sixi frowned slightly, "There is still some...but... It will be all right in a while."

Jiang Yi continued to ask in a small voice: "Then...Would you like me to rub it?"

Jiang Si Hao paused, his face flushed, and nodded: "Yeah."

Jiang Yi hugged carefully. She gently healed her wounds. Jiang Siji leaned against her arms, feeling blushing inexplicably, and her body gradually getting hot.

After a while, Jiang Yi lay on Jiang Siyu's ear and whispered to her: "I'm hungry, let's order takeaway."

Jiang Siyu said yes and reached out to grab his mobile phone. While ordering takeout, Jiang Yi behind him got hotter and hotter.

Jiang Siyu was so hot that she couldn't even hold her mobile phone, and whispered to her: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi pretended to be okay and responded.

Jiang Siyu blushed and continued to say: "Don't be too much."

Jiang Yi blushed and replied: "Not too much."

Jiang Siji had no choice but to hurriedly ordered the food, put down the phone, and responded to Jiang Yi.

The two were wrapped in a quilt and communicated secretly. Just like a child peeking at a comic book in the bed when he was in school, he flashed a flashlight and was wrapped in a dreary narrow space until he was sweating.

Jiang Siji gradually couldn't hold it, and lay on Jiang Yi. She panted lightly, raised her hand to hammer Jiang Yi's shoulder, and whispered: "Why did you suddenly learn so many tricks..."

Jiang Yi put her arms around her waist and said triumphantly: "Huh, only Xu Zhou Don't the officials allow the people to light up the lights? Jiang Sirai, I'm a person who will study hard anyway. Wait, one day, I will be so powerful that you will be admired!"

Jiang Sirai looked at her with pride. It looks like a puppy with its tail up, and it feels so cute. She opened her mouth, bit on Jiang Yi's chin, whispered: "Then I am waiting for you, Jiang Yi..."

"It doesn't have to be one day, just today. Let me take a

look ." She wanted to see. See, how much change Jiang Yi, who is bullied by her to the point of crying, changes every time.

Jiang Siyu let go of Jiang Yi's chin, raised his hand and rubbed her lips with her index finger, and said with a smile: "Girlfriend, you better make me cry tonight. Otherwise, I will meet tonight. It made you cry." When

she said this, Jiang Yi thought of the scenes where he was crying at night.

Damn, Jiang Siyu is too arrogant!

Jiang Yi turned over and pressed her under him. The quilt was lifted, and there was a feeling of steaming steam on the wide bed. Jiang Yi stared at Jiang Sirai's face, pinched her chin, and said angrily: "Then compare, whoever has more tonight is a puppy!"

Jiang Sirai raised his hand and squeezed her. The face said, "No, I'm much more sensitive than you, and my physique is different, so I suffer a lot."

She didn't want to be a puppy, and she didn't want such a game.

Jiang Yi thinks about it too, this is unfair. She pressed Jiang Siyu and asked her: "Then how do you want to compare?"

Jiang Siyu got up, leaned on Jiang Yi's ear and said, "I think, try you elsewhere... If you can go twice, Even if I win, how about?"

Jiang Yi was shocked, looked at Jiang Sihao in surprise, and couldn't say it in shock.

Jiang Sisha blinked and asked innocently, "Why, can't it? You can mine, why can't you and me? Jiang Yi, isn't everyone the same?" It

seemed to be right.

Jiang Yi, who was inexplicably fooled, was pressed by Jiang Si Hao after dinner and gave a severe lesson.

When it was another time to cry and harp, Jiang Yi realized that if he didn't take advantage of alpha's inherent advantages, he might not be able to turn around in his life!

Damn, this woman Jiang Siyu is really too difficult to do!

The two tossed all night, and when they woke up the next day, Jiang Yi was still very uncomfortable. She was lying on the bed, looking at Jiang Siyu who was getting up and getting dressed to go to class, and said bitterly, "Jiang Siyu, do you know what you look like now?"

Jiang Siyu looked at her incomprehensibly: "Like what?"

Jiang Yi was angrily: "Like a ruthless scum girl."

Jiang Si Hao laughed out loud, she sat on the bed, stretched out her hand to pinch Jiang Yi's face, and asked her: "Can you bear me? Or else, I was upset in the morning class. How about sleeping with you here?"

Jiang Yi thought about it, a little unbearable: "Forget it, I'll get up."

She reached out and touched her clothes. , And Jiang Siyu said: "I'll accompany you to school. Come here, I will accompany you to learn last time."

Jiang Siyu stunned, then laughed, stroked Jiang Yi's cheek and said: "Okay, let's go together."


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