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Jiang Yi never imagined how he would have so much life, and after crossing the street, he would die young! Is she destined to be someone who is not worthy of a long life?

Until the school bell rang, Jiang Yi was still puzzled.

On the way from the gymnasium to the teaching building, Jiang Yi felt that every step he took was heavier than the previous 16 years combined.

Anyone who learns that he will rush to the street in four and a half years is very sad-Jiang Yi at this time feels like a patient with terminal cancer.

This is really good luck.

This 18-forbidden novel mainly tells such a story-the famous omega rich lady Jiang Si Hao in Yuncheng met a stand-in who was very similar to Bai Yueguang at his twenty-fourth birthday party, Yin The accidental relationship with the other party eventually developed into a nurturing relationship.

This novel is completely a standard 18-forbidden novel—except for this and that, it is still this and that.

The two protagonists, with the issue of Bai Yueguang and the substitute, one will abuse the heart, the other will sprinkle sugar, and then this and that.

As Bai Yueguang, who died early but has a strong sense of existence, is such a character in this book-she is the illegitimate son of Jiang Xixi's new girlfriend, but unexpectedly is a very sunny person.

The book says: "Obviously he had an unfortunate childhood, unlike Jiang Siyu who used indifference to disguise himself and pretended to be a strong person, Jiang Yi is a truly strong person."

"She is like a bunch of warmth. The sunshine has guided Jiang Siyu to become a better person."

"Countless nights, Jiang Siyu will recall her hands extended towards her-warm and powerful, dragging her from the abyss of fear It's just because Jiang Yi makes her feel that becoming an omega is not such a bad thing."

Look at this description, look at this description! Isn't this just a matter of picking up Jiang Si Hao with a hand a few days before writing Jiang Yi?

And what I said before for omega in the toilet, maybe Jiang Si Hao has such a good impression!

This is a typical behavior of "saving the cat", which makes the public and the owner from another perspective have a good impression of the person who the character takes place!

According to the classic routine of romance novels, such a good impression is obviously the beginning of love!

But Jiang Siyu's love is Jiang Yi's life-threatening poison. To be fallen in love by her will undoubtedly die.

Is it too late to countercharge now?

It stands to reason that she is traversing, and she can be regarded as a small or small character, there is always a certain way to save herself!

Traversing characters from other people's homes, such as some vicious female partners, can get a beautiful life alone by avoiding contact with the protagonist. It doesn't make sense that she, who got the script, has to go to the doomed ending.

So according to the solutions of other people who travel through, will she avoid Jiang Siyu from now on, avoid all the choices that make Jiang Siyu have a good impression, and absolutely not fall in love with Jiang Siyu, can avoid the short-lived ending What?

She has lived in this world for almost sixteen years, with a brand-new life and a real life. She is not a crossing family who came to her suddenly. She doesn't want to die young!

Jiang Yi's head is in a mess, how he avoids the idea of ​​falling in love with Jiang Siyu and continuing to fate.

She walked all the way to the classroom in a daze, and dumbfoundedly pulled out her schoolbag from the drawer, and staggered to the back door.

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