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Zhang Yanxi hit the point and wanted to ask for marriage, but he really had to have a ring.

With this beginning, everyone seemed to have a chatterbox and gave their own suggestions one after another.

"Yes, you must have a ring. You are proposing to Jiang Sixi, alas, you have to order a memorial ring

when you propose , please be more careful." "Speaking of which, when are you going to propose to Jiang Yi? Is it too late to order a ring?"

"It's not just an order to make a ring, but you have to choose a venue. You have to have flowers and arrange them romantically."

"Where are flowers in this season? Greenhouse flowers are very expensive. Should they be shipped by air?"

"It's not impossible, I can help."

The person who said to help was Chen Wanzhou. On the way back, the alphas were still chatting in the group.

Jiang Yi looked at the suggestions everyone gave, and a clearer idea gradually emerged in his mind.

First of all, she had to understand what size ring Jiang Siji's fingers fit.

After returning home that night, Jiang Yi was still chatting with her friends on her mobile phone after taking a shower.

Jiang Siyu came out of the bathroom and called her several times, but Jiang Yi didn't hear it. This kind of negligent attitude made Jiang Siji very tasteful.

After drying her hair, she climbed onto the bed, knelt down in front of Jiang Yi, raised her face and frowned and said, "Who are you chatting with, why don't you respond to me?"

Jiang Yi was afraid that she would see the chat log, and hurriedly Putting the phone under her body, she put her arm around her waist and responded with a smile: "Who else can you talk to, isn't it with the small squad leader."

She decided to divert Jiang Sirai's attention, put her arms around her waist and pressed her under her, looking at her condescendingly: "Speaking of which, at the dinner today, I learned something interesting."

Jiang Sirai He raised his head and looked at her straight, with clear eyes: "What is interesting, tell me?"

Jiang Yi stretched out his hand, rubbed her lips, and said with a slight smile: "They told me, Chen Wanzhou

I'm in love with the small monitor. I started talking when I was in college...So Jiang Sixi, what's the matter with his fiancee?" Jiang Sixi was a little embarrassed, she reached out and hooked Jiang Yi's neck, gently talking to her Said: "At that time... I just wanted to see how you reacted."

"Will you be jealous and remember the past."

Jiang Yi said clearly, "That's why the person you love , It really is the me before."

Jiang Siji knew that Jiang Yi was teasing her, but he was still a little nervous. She hugged Jiang Yi and explained to her: "No, no matter which you are, I like it very much."

Jiang Yi gave a light tusk, and suddenly thought of the lines written in the novel. With an idea, she pinched Jiang Sirai's waist, picked her up, and put her on her lap, and said to her: "Jiang Sirai, let's play a game."

Jiang Sirai was a little puzzled, tilting his head and said "What game?"

Jiang Yi leaned forward, lying in her ear and said softly: "Tonight, I will not be your Jiang Yi. You treat me as another person, I am the puppy you raised, you treat me How about acting as Jiang Yi's stand-in?"

Jiang Si Hao's waist was hot. She lowered her head and looked at Jiang Yi with a blushing face and said, "No...I..."

Jiang Yi entered the play very quickly, and she leaned back. He kissed Shang Jiang's lips, murmured: "Have Jiang Yi ever kissed you like this?"

"Have she touched you?"

"Hold you?"

"Do you remember her face?"

"Now, I am the one who entered you. Looking at me, what do you want?"

"Do you want me to be your Jiang Yi?"

Jiang Siji only felt that he had turned into a puddle of water, in Jiang Yi's In every move, overflowing.

She hugged Jiang Yi in a panic, crying with tears in her tears: "No...you will always...never be my Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi paused, she picked up the crying Jiang Siyu and kissed her. With the tears on her face, she said softly: "Yes, I will never be your eighteen-year-old Jiang Yi."

"The eighteen-year-old Jiang Yi would not treat you like this. She is weak and courageous. Young, although brave, but not mature enough."

"But twenty-four-year-old Jiang Yi is different. She is strong enough and a little more mature. Although a little immature, she knows how to love you."

Jiang Yi embraced She leaned against her ear and asked gently: "So Jiang Siyu, which Jiang Yi do you love?"

Jiang Siyu was so groggy by her body that she couldn't even speak clearly. . She responded in a dazed manner, and replied with tears: "I like them all..."

Jiang Yi was reluctant: "But what if you want to choose one? Choose the one you like best."

She asked, Jiang Si. Hao really felt that there were two Jiang Yi hugging her. One is Jiang Yi as a teenager, and the other is the young Jiang Yi who embraced her all the time.

Jiang Siyu's consciousness began to drift away. She clasped Jiang Yi's shoulders, bit her lip and cried and said, "I don't know..."

She didn't know which one was more important, because both were important. Neither her soul nor her body could get rid of Jiang Yi's spiritual brand.

Jiang Sidai was forced to cry by her at last, and put her arms around her and replied, "Which one...every one I like the most, I want it."

Jiang Yi licked his lips, leaned over and kissed her, and said with a sigh, "Jiang Si Hao, you are so greedy."

The consequence of being so greedy is that, outside of the estrus period, Jiang Siyu can't get out of bed for the first time.

Jiang Yi still had a class in the morning. When she went out, she used a rope to loop around Jiang Siji's hand, noted the size of her ring finger, and ran to the mall to look at the ring after the class.

It's almost mid-December, and it's too late to order a ring. Jiang Yi feels that whether it is bought or made to order, as long as it is the best and the most sincere.

Therefore, throughout mid-December, Jiang Yi ran around all major shopping malls in Yuncheng, choosing the right ring for Jiang Siyu.

The weather was getting colder and colder. In late December, Yuncheng was overcast with clouds every day, even with sleet.

On Christmas Day, it happened to be Jiang Yi's birthday. Jiang Qionghua and Ning Wenyin called Jiang Yi home and gave her a very warm birthday.

Because Jiang Yi said there was an appointment at night, the elders understood the rich life of the young and they did not force them to stay. When the children are older and have their own lives, it is time to let them leave the nest.

After coming out of Jiang's family, Jiang Yi took Jiang Siyu, the class monitor, and the others to a meal.

This is the first time that Jiang Siyu has met Jiang Yi's friends in the name of his girlfriend. After this meal, a group of Alphas seemed a little cautious.

But when the scene left, the small squad leader still couldn't hold back, took Jiang Yi's hand and looked at her tearfully for a long time before solemnly said: "You want to be happy!"

Everyone knows what she is doing. Jiang Yi sighed with emotion, and thought that the person she liked was Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi nodded heavily, and after sending them back, he drove Jiang Sihao to the house.

Jiang Yi couldn't help feeling a little nervous about what to do tonight.

On the way, she turned the steering wheel and said to Jiang Siyu: "It's still so early, or how about I take you for a drive?"

In fact, there are signs of snow tonight, which is not a good choice for a drive. Jiang Sihao thought for a while, and said to Jiang Yi: "The weather is so cold, the driving is not very good, and it is easy to catch a cold. But Jiang Yi, I have a place I want to visit with you. Can you take me there?"

Jiang Yi hesitated, but readily agreed to her. She nodded and said hello: "Where are you going, I'll drive over."

Jiang Siji reported an address, which happened to be the place where Jiang Yi's birthday party was held when he was sixteen. Jiang Yi shook his heart, thinking it wouldn't be so coincidental. Did Jiang Sixi know that she asked for marriage?

Calm down, calm down Jiang Yi, think about whether this is possible.

Jiang Sihai paid attention to her so much. Maybe he knew that she had been to major shopping malls recently, and knew that she had gone to the mall, maybe he knew that she was buying a ring. Knowing that she is buying a ring, is it not easy to know that she is going to propose?

Jiang Yi was full of wild thoughts, and with a sense of anxiety, he drove Jiang Sihao to this hotel.

After the two went into the elevator holding hands, Jiang Yi asked a little nervously: "Why do you want to come here suddenly? Do you want to see the stars?"

As far as Jiang Yi knows, there are indeed many couples in this place who come back to see the stars. Maybe she was too nervous, that's why she couldn't notice Jiang Sihao's equally nervous expression.

Jiang Siji shook his head and said to her: "No, I don't know why, it's been a long time since I celebrated your birthday, so I want to take you over to see it."

Jiang Yi's heart stabilized a little, and she gave a sigh of relief. Jiang Siyu's hand came to the top.

It may be too late, there is no one on the way, even the hall doors on the top floor are closed tightly. Jiang Siji asked the waiter to open the door for them. After the door opened, Jiang Yi smelled a strong fragrance of flowers on his nose.

There are lilies, roses, roses, etc...

Before Jiang Yi's nose could tell the fragrance of these flowers, he was pulled in by Jiang Si Hao.

The hall didn't turn on the lights, so Jiang Yi had to look at the inside of the hall with the lights coming through from the outside. Inside, there is a shadowy shadow, and it seems that there are countless flowers blooming.

Jiang Yi had a vague thought in his heart, and felt joy inexplicably.

She followed Jiang Sixi, holding her hand tightly, and asked in a panic: "Oh, Jiang Sixi, why don't you turn on the lights?"

Jiang Sixi dragged her to the center of the hall while feeling the darkness. After standing firmly, he turned to look at her and said, "Because there is something to show you."

As Jiang Sixi's voice fell, a bunch of lights fell on both of them, illuminating the surrounding things.

Jiang Sihao raised his hand and placed it on her shoulder. With the sound of breathing, the vague and blurred lights turned on on the ceiling above them, dimly illuminating the entire hall.

Under the blurred light, countless flowers bloomed and spread into a sea of ​​flowers. Jiang Yi was in the center of the ocean of flowers. He took a breath while looking at the sea of ​​flowers.

Jiang Siji looked at her frightened, somewhat happy, and asked her with a smile: "Do you like it?"

Jiang Yi certainly likes it. She nodded and asked: "This is a birthday gift. How much did it cost?"

Jiang Si Sha smiled and would treat her: "It can't be regarded as a birthday gift, and it didn't cost much. But, as long as you like it." At

this point, Jiang Si Ha raised his hand, hooked Jiang Yi's neck, and looked up. She took a deep breath: "Jiang Yi...I..."

"My illness will be healed soon. But I can't wait any longer, so..."


"You are willing to..."

Jiang When Yi heard these words, he felt a kind of enlightenment in his heart. She thought to herself, as expected, Jiang Si Hao thought the same as her.

She raised her hand, pressed her index finger to Jiang Sixi's lips, and sighed lightly: "Don't tell me, I know what you want to say, you come with me first, and I have something to show you."

Jiang Yi said, pulling the unknown Jiang Siyu towards the window. Jiang Siji had a vague expectation in his heart. When he came to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Jiang Yi pressed the switch in his pocket.

In just a short moment, countless fireworks exploded outside the window, as gorgeous as the grand sea of ​​flowers inside the house.

Jiang Siji raised his head and looked at the fireworks flying outside the window. For some reason, he thought of Jiang Yi when he was sixteen.

Jiang Yi took her hand, turned to look at her, and said seriously: "Do you still remember my sixteenth birthday, you told me a birthday wish."

Jiang Si Hao nodded: " I remember."

Jiang Yi smiled and said to her: "I asked you to wish me a long life. Do you know what I think?"

Jiang Siji tilted his head to look at her: "What do you think? "

Jiang Yi put his hand in his left pocket, smiled and said to her: "I'm thinking, if I can live to twenty, I will definitely chase you."

"Then I will grow old with you."

Jiang Yi said this, took out the ring box in his pocket, knelt down on one knee, and opened the ring box towards Jiang Sihao.

At this time, the fireworks outside the house bloomed, sprinkling brilliant light on Jiang Yi's face. At that moment, sixteen-year-old Jiang Yi and twenty-four-year-old overlapped, Jiang Siji raised his hand to cover his mouth and took a step back, tears falling.

Jiang Yi looked up at her, quietly holding the ring that was also shining with light, with light in his eyes: "Jiang Sirai, marry me."

Jiang Sirai covered his mouth and nodded constantly. She staggered a few steps, took out a ring box from her pocket, opened it in front of Jiang Yi, and smiled with tears: "I too... I actually prepared..."

"I was originally, I was originally Today is..."

Jiang Yi smiled and bends his eyes, the corners of his eyes are full of shreds of light. She smiled, took Jiang Sirai's hand, took off the ring in the box, and pushed the ring from the tip of her finger to the base of Jiang Sirai's ring finger.

After putting on the ring, Jiang Yi got up, held Jiang Siyu's face, lowered his head to lick her tears, and said softly: "Jiang Siyu, you see, we still have a tacit understanding."

Jiang Siyu nodded tearfully. , Threw into her arms. Jiang Yi stretched out his hand, wrapped her waist, pressed it against her ear and said to her: "Jiang Siyu, I love you."

Even though her life is as short as fireworks, it cannot stop her from loving Jiang Siyu. As early as six years ago, Jiang Yi understood that if it was for Jiang Siyu, she would be willing to burn her life like fireworks.

Fortunately, God still cares for her. In the end, she still had a happy ending.

At this time, the fireworks outside the house bloomed, and the flowers inside the house were all over the floor. Everything was very beautiful, as if her life had come to spring.


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