Untitled Part 51

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Jiang Yi felt that being a human being can't plant a flag for herself, she should never say to her in front of Jiang Sixi that she can't be tough. As a result, after Jiang Siji left that night, Jiang Yi lay in the blanket and suffered all night.

The body heat couldn't be relieved, Jiang Yi dreamed repeatedly that night. In her dream, she once saw the plot in the original book. Every scene change is a change of plot.

Only this time, the protagonist was replaced by herself. In her dream, Jiang Siyu, who is more than six years older, has an unattainable coldness between her eyebrows and eyes, but once lying under her, the enchanting eyes can eat people's hearts and souls.

When emotional, Jiang Siji always bit her shoulder, crying like weeping: "Jiang Yi... Jiang Yi..."

Sometimes she begged her to be lighter, sometimes she raised her voice to be heavier... No matter what the request, in the end Jiang Si Hao always clamped her waist, held her shoulders and raised her white neck, letting out a long sigh like a fascinating fairy.

It may be that Mengli Jiang Xixi always called his name. When Jiang Yi stood up comfortably, he thought vaguely: "So in the original text, what is the name of Jiang Xixi's original partner?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi The unconscious head was like lightning, and a sentence passed: "She called'Jiang Yi', but she knew that was not calling her. She just called the same name and projected her feelings for the other party on her. . " "

she suddenly realized that he actually has in this world of jealousy. "

thought of this, Jiang Yi covered with a stiff, I woke up.

She panted and opened her eyes, mistily feeling the early spring sun coldly through the window. In the cold and secluded air, Jiang Yi smelled a strong cedar breath coming from under the bed.

Jiang Yi's hand was still resting on the hot, strange, ugly object between his legs. For some reason, her unconscious brain began to appear like a hail in the dream, and the things in her hands were burnt like steel.

In the bedroom, on the bed, on the balcony, on the sofa, in the bathroom, in the toilet, in front of the mirror of the dressing table...standing, lying on your stomach, lying down...with your legs open or open... innocent or lewd... All the expressions that have been experienced, all the imaginable places... are all Jiang Siyu.

For the first time since the split, Jiang Yi has tasted the ultimate enjoyment of the extra thing. It is the devil that tempts people to fall, it is the bane...the hand of the devil that slid towards her into the abyss of desire.

Jiang Yi tossed all morning and finally calmed his restlessness.

After waking up, she slumped under the blanket and smelled her own smell in the whole room.

Some things are like this. When you do it, you feel so refreshed that your mind loses your sense. It doesn't matter if you completely break the moral bottom line. But once I found my sanity, I realized that I was a creature named "human." A strong sense of morality and shame will take the opportunity to swarm up and envelop yourself, a person named "ordinary."

Jiang Yi thought of his actions this morning, the whole person was a little unwell. She calmed down a bit, jumped off the bed, and went straight to the bathroom.

This time, she looked down at the demon residing on her body, pointed at it and cursed: "Bah, you shameless!"

Nevertheless, when she closed her eyes in the bathroom and rejoiced, she recalled Meng Li Jiang Siji lying on the wall. , The shower water was flowing down from her white back, and once again stretched out her hand to her demon bane.

Jiang Yi soaked in the bathroom for a long time, until the smell all over his body disappeared, and then he came out of the bathroom.

After a morning of physical and mental baptism, Jiang Yi felt that he might be really dirty this time.

The excessive shock caused her to change all the bedding on the bed. After the room was cleaned again, Jiang Yi picked up the phone and started surfing the Internet, searching for symptoms similar to her own.

Under the question of "What should I do if I dream of X to my sister at home?" "How to solve Alpha Morning X?" Jiang Yi saw many similar answers.

"It doesn't matter, I still dreamed of my mother. Adolescence and adolescence, it's normal."

"Alpha is a creature that is a little addicted to meat X, yes, as long as you don't do that in reality. Besides, who can't Have a dream."

Jiang Yi brushed the information, and his heart gradually settled down. She thought, it was just a dream, who made her an Alpha just out of puberty?

You see, some omegas and betas also have this kind of dream. This is what every child will experience during adolescence. Normal... Normal... But the

more comforting himself this way, Jiang Yi felt that something was wrong.

Because since that day, the first thing she woke up with pain every morning was to miss Jiang Siyu.

Is she thinking of the same person over and over again just because of desire?

Jiang Yi felt that this time he might have to suffer. She even thought that Jiang Siyu would be able to smell her pheromone sooner or later as the day went on like this.

But Jiang Siyu didn't. In the next week's limited contact, even after Jiang Yi had vented in the morning, Jiang Siyu didn't have any special reactions when they were next to her.

Jiang Yi thought, she really couldn't smell her own pheromone. Maybe you will never smell it until you reach adulthood. It could also be a lifetime, Jiang Si Hao couldn't smell it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi was a little relieved, but a little melancholy.

She felt that if she could really become Jiang Siyu's white moonlight, it might be because Jiang Siyu liked her but never smelled her pheromone. Because I have not been able to get it, I never forget it.

Thinking like this makes me sad and angry.

It may be that there are too many restlessnesses in the morning, and there is no way to get real comfort, which makes Jiang Yi easy to get angry when he thinks of everything.

But fortunately, they still have heavy school work to hold down, Jiang Yi simply turned his grief and anger into strength, and devoted himself to busy review.

With the beginning of the second semester of the third year of high school, Songshan Jiang's family property seizure drama has officially started.

Because Ning Wenyin's divorce was early, Jiang Xixi did not grow up in Songshanjiang. At the time of the divorce, Ning Wenyin had already grabbed Jiang Xixi's shares that could shake the decision-making power of Songshan Jiang's family.

However, Ning Wenyin did not want to participate in the internal fighting of Songshan Jiang's family, so no matter what they did, Ning Wenyin would not make a statement.

Therefore, during this period of time, people from Songshanjiang's family frequently came to visit. Even for Ning Wenyin's shares, he even called his long-forgotten daughter Jiang Siyu for the first time, and began to ask for warmth.

Jiang Liuyun, as the only Alpha heir of the Jiang family, holds 20% of Jiangshi Foods Group's shares, but his sister, as an omega, also owns 10%, and also funded Mr. Qin's copying and editing in the stock market. Five percent of the shares.

The two parties held similar shares, and the brothers and sisters went to court for the company's inheritance rights.

But after such a disturbance, Jiangshi Foods' stock price plummeted. Jiang Liuyun and her sister were still a little sensible, and they started to stop at this point, and began to engage in various tricks in the company.

The two parties fought back and forth, and Jiang Liuyun's position was in jeopardy, even facing the point of being removed from the decision-making power.

Jiang Liuyun had no choice but to ask Ning Wenyin for help. Ning Wenyin, as the third largest shareholder holding 15% of Jiang's Food, is basically whoever she supports will be in the position.

But Jiang's trouble caused her to not want to hold any shares, but wanted to sell it early.

But Jiang Liuyun didn't think so. It's better to hold the equity in Ning Wenyin's hands than in the hands of others. So he begged in every possible way, and even said things like "The Jiang family will inherit from Hao, anyway, I don't have an Alpha child."

Ning Wenyin was a little angry when she heard this. Relying on her own property, she was also a stomped person in Yuncheng. It was really not uncommon for Jiang Liuyun's family business that was about to collapse.

Perhaps his ex-husband was too shameless, and Ning Wenyin's face was not very good when he saw his former sister-in-law brought her half-brother to visit.

But the former sister-in-law said something like this: "I am better than him, and I am better than him, but my father can't see me. Only my brother who can only eat, drink and play is in my eyes."

"So this time, I Want to win. Sister Wenyin, you know how difficult it is to do omega in a family like ours."

Only then did Ning Wenyin understand that in the beginning, her former sister- in-law was fighting through her half-parents. The idea of ​​the superior brother. Even the person who fought Jiang Qionghua before was her.

She came to cooperate and win-win, Ning Wenyin weighed the pros and cons, hesitated for a long time, did not make a decision.

As a result, my sister-in-law said, "I don't ask you to help me, as long as you don't help my brother."

Okay, Ning Wenyin originally planned to stay out of the matter. Hearing this, she didn't even bother about it.

Some clever old shareholders did not participate in the situation. Just like this, Jiang Liuyun was kicked out of the company in May.

But he still didn't give up. After being kicked out, he rushed around and was very active in attracting people. Ning Wenyin was his prime target, but after being repeatedly rejected, Jiang Liuyun looked for someone else.

I don't know what method Jiang Liuyun used. In June, Jiang's Food held the shareholders meeting again.

This time, Jiang Liuyun was coming so aggressively, it seemed that he would never give up without killing his sister. Even when the two of them have similar stock support, Jiang Liuyun is full of confidence this time.

Jiang's second shareholder meeting was held on the evening of the last day of the college entrance examination.

Because Jiang Qionghua went to an international conference and Ning Wenyin was going to the conference, only Sister Qin was the one who picked up the two children.

Because of Jiang Yi's special body, he took a special passage. Because Jiang Siji was not affected by her pheromone, Jiang Qiong made it possible for the two children to take care of each other, or let them share a car to pick up each other.

That evening, Jiang Yi once again completed the college entrance examination papers, happily jumping out of the special passage from the examination room. When he walked out alone, he saw Sister Qin's car at the entrance of the passage.

Unlike the previous two days, Sister Xiao Qin did not stand by the car waiting for her this time.

Jiang Yi didn't care about this, and happily jumped to the side of the car, and opened the door of the rear seat: "I have finished the test! Sister Qin, I am going to be released after full sentence!"

She just opened the door of the car. , A firm and powerful hand grabbed her collar, dragged her into the car, cut her hands backwards, and pressed her against the back seat of the car.

This happened so suddenly that Jiang Yi was injected with a special liquid in his neck before he even had time to react.

In an instant, the world was spinning, Jiang Yi's consciousness began to blur...

Dimly, Jiang Yi heard a low voice in his ear: "Boss, it doesn't seem to be her, this is an Alpha..."

"Hey, this Alpha The pheromone... is so strong..."

"Her taste is disgusting..."

A calm female voice came over: "Forbearance...Alpha is not mature yet, what are you afraid of."

Vaguely, Jiang Yi seemed to be I heard the woman say: "Quiet, that omega is here..."

"Be prepared..."

omega...omega...Jiang Siyu...

Jiang Yi's originally drowsy brain suddenly became sober, and he sensed something cold. When the metal clasped her wrist, Jiang Yi suddenly raised her head and slammed into the female Alpha beside her.

The car vibrated fiercely. Jiang Yi exhausted all his strength and called out loudly: "Jiang Si Hao!"



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