Untitled Part 65

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Jiang Yi was choked by these words.

To be honest, she did have this plan. She can comfort Jiang Qionghua as a fake "daughter", but she really can't replace the identity of "Jiang Yi".

In the past six years, she has had a new life and a new identity, there is really no need to fall into this body's original past.

Now that Jiang Qionghua has said so, Jiang Yi said: "I didn't mean that, but I do think that my life is very good now."

"I have lost my memory and can't remember anything, so I think it was from the past. Identity is not that important to me."

"Of course, after knowing that you are my mother, I am still a little happy. But I don't want to regain my previous identity, I think my life is also very good now.

" Regardless of whether there is a legal relationship between us, our blood relationship can never be changed. If you want to, I will visit you often."

Jiang Yi thought, this can be regarded as comforting a middle-aged mother who lost her son. Feeling painful.

Jiang Qionghua looked at Jiang Yi blankly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Jiang Yi thought for a while, and then said: "I hope you respect my decision."

Jiang Qionghua saw Jiang Yi like this. I don't know why she thought of Jiang Yi the year she first met Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi stood in front of the hospital bed and looked up. She said firmly with her gaze: "I can go home with you and give each other a chance to cultivate relationships. But if there is no fate between us, when we are twenty, I hope you will stop taking care of my life."

"I don't. Covet your property and ask nothing else. If you could provide me with a place to complete my studies, I would be very grateful."

In a flash, it was eight years. That Jiang Yi, who is not as tall as hers yet, sits taller and more handsome than her.

Whether it was eight years ago or eight years later, Jiang Yi had the same view of her, her wealth, and her background. She is not rare at all about this background, she doesn't covet Jiang Qionghua's money at all, she just wants her own freedom.

Jiang Qionghua felt that his thoughts were strangely the same as eight years ago, if only Jiang Yi was a greedy child.

It's just that she thought this way eight years ago because of guilt and remedy, and a hint of not daring to face this child.

Now she hopes to bring Jiang Yi home in this way.

Jiang Yi, she finally left the home as she thought she had when she was a teenager.

Jiang Qionghua was inexplicably melancholy. She put her hand on Jiang Yi's shoulder and patted gently: "You have grown up..." As the

child grows up, he has more thoughts and more things to consider. Jiang Qionghua suddenly realized the feeling that Er Da could not help her, and she wanted to cry bitterly.

She sighed and said, "Let's not talk about it. Today is your first day home. Talk about something happy. I'll talk about other things later."

Anyway, she and Jiang Siyu are only dating, and they don't necessarily have to get married. Can you go to the end? What if two people break up halfway?

Jiang Qionghua scratched his bald head, feeling a little unhappy along the way.

Knowing her entanglement, Ning Wenyin took the initiative to change the subject and asked about Jiang Yi's life.

For example, topics such as where to live and what are you doing now.

Jiang Yi didn't say that it was not easy to find a job if he didn't go to college, so he explained to her about his job: "The army is more suitable for special occupations. I was hired as a bodyguard before, and the pay was good. "

Jiang Qionghua raised the volume when he heard this: "Bodyguard?"

Jiang Yi turned her head, glanced at her shocked expression and was a little confused and said, "Do you have any opinion on this profession?"

She looked like "you" and looked respectful to the elders, but in fact she was too polite. Jiang Qionghua couldn't stand it a little, and even felt that Xiao Jiangyi, who had always been rebellious in her adolescence, might have a little bit more mother-daughter affection for her.

Jiang Qionghua said awkwardly: "I don't have any professional discrimination. I just don't think this job is very safe."

Jiang Yi was taken aback, and replied: "It's actually much safer to be a bodyguard than before." Mainly she did it. They are private bodyguards and are not responsible for the safety of some politicians and wealthy people. In fact, the risk is very low.

Jiang Qionghua was still a little awkward. She felt very heartbroken when she thought that Jiang Yi was originally to be a policeman, but now as a bodyguard.

Maybe this is good luck, she is a good daughter, even if she is a useless rich second-generation daughter, at least she has the chance to finish university. How can it be like now, need to live a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife.

Jiang Qionghua was a little sad, watching Jiang Yi say awkwardly: "But you can't always be a bodyguard, you always have to plan for yourself..."

"Jiang Yi, have you thought about what you

will do in the future ?" ? Jiang Yi really didn't think about it.

Before she died in the line of duty, Sister Xu had told Jiang Yi that her hometown was a good place to raise geese. After knowing that Jiang Yi was an orphan, she encouraged Jiang Yi to go back to her hometown to set up a goose farm and develop a farmhouse.

After Sister Xu died, Jiang Yi's idea of ​​wanting to do this became stronger. She paused and replied Jiang Qionghua: "Let's do a few years and save some money." "

She has no money now, and she is just talking about her ideas.

When Jiang Qionghua heard this, his expression became very excited: "I have money! Mom, I have money!"

"No matter what you want, I will support you!"

Jiang Yi looked at Jiang Qionghua with an expression of "Mom is rich, mom will support you, ask mom for money", choked, and couldn't help feeling that rich people are so nice.

But she knew that the money did not belong to her.

Jiang Yi smiled, and tactfully refused: "No, that's your money, I can't take it for nothing."

At this moment, Jiang Silai on the side spoke, looking at Jiang Yi and said: "I have it too. If you need it, you can find it. I borrowed it."

She smiled at Jiang Yi. For some reason, Jiang Yi's first reaction was: To borrow money from Jiang Siji, she definitely wants to pay for it.

When Jiang Qionghua heard this, he looked at Jiang Si Hao with some surprise.

Seeing that her daughter was going to have a conflict with her lover because of the snatching of Jiang Yi, Ning Wenyin made a round of battle and said with a smile to Jiang Yi: "Well, you two, if Xiao Yi needs it, come look for it. Aunt Ning borrows it. Aunt Ning is very rich and wants to invest in your business."

Jiang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Ning Wenyin.

Jiang Siji was a little unhappy when she heard this, she glanced at Jiang Yi, her eyes a little bit resentful.

Jiang Yi was guilty of being seen by her, and coughed lightly, turning his eyes away, pretending to be blind.

The car soon arrived at Jiang's house. When Jiang Yi got out of the car, he glanced at the big villa in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: the evil capitalist!

This villa is really familiar.

Jiang Yi followed Jiang Sixi and entered Jiang's house together. Ning Wenyin and Jiang Qionghua were a little tired from the boat and car all the way. In addition, they hadn't slept all night. At this moment, they felt more at ease after seeing Jiang Yi, so they went into the house and prepared to wash.

Jiang Siyu led Jiang Yi to walk slowly behind. When Jiang Siyu climbed the steps in front of the gate, he suddenly turned to look at Jiang Yi and called her: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi raised his head, somewhat puzzled. Looking at her: "Huh?"

Jiang Sisha smiled, his eyes soft: "Welcome home."

Jiang Yi was stunned, feeling that Jiang Sixi was probably shouting for the soul. She raised her head, looked at Jiang Siyu and said, "I will answer for your Jiang Yi..."

She tilted her head and thought about coaxing Jiang Siyu and said, "I'm back, Jiang Siyu?"

Jiang Siyu's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to fly down the steps, threw himself into Jiang Yi's arms, and hugged her well.

But she didn't. She just stood in place, waiting for Jiang Yi to walk towards her.

As he approached, Jiang Siji stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Yi. Without knowing what the reason was, Jiang Yi raised his eyes and glanced at her, did not refuse this intimate move, and went home with her.

After many years, Jiang Yi returned to Jiang's house again, waking up for a sumptuous dinner in a house that hadn't been lively for a long time.

At the dinner table, Jiang Qionghua and Ning Wenyin were very diligent in serving Jiang Yi. Jiang Qionghua was particularly embarrassed, saying that the army's food was not good, so Jiang Yi had to eat more and everyone was thinner.

In fact, the army's food is very good. Compared with the slender and thinner when he was a teenager, Jiang Yi is now stronger. It's just that she has a very good body, and she can't tell where she has meat without taking off her clothes.

Jiang Yi couldn't refuse, and almost had to support it. After dinner, Jiang Yi checked the time and felt that he would not be able to get a taxi without leaving, so he proposed to go home.

Jiang Qionghua was surprised: "You are all home! Why are you leaving? Can't you live?"

Jiang Yi looked at her, "You just don't want to recognize me as a mother", and a little speechless: "I still raise her at home. A dog companion, he has been kept at home for a day, I am afraid he is hungry, I have to go back and have a look."

Jiang Qionghua is even more shocked, what, is a dog more important than your mother and me?

She paused and didn't dare to say too much to Jiang Yi: "Let's live, you haven't been home for six years. I'll ask my assistant to feed you the partner in your house."

Jiang Yi still wanted to decline, but he couldn't hold back Jiang Qionghua's hard work. In the end, he handed over the keys to his house and stayed in Jiang's house.

After dinner, Jiang Qionghua and Jiang Yi talked about the conversation again, and they took Ning Wenyin back to rest because they couldn't hold it anymore.

Jiang Siyu got up and took Jiang Yi to the place to stay tonight.

She led Jiang Yi through the corridor and back garden to Jiang Yi's original panda house.

When Jiang Yi stepped into this place, an unusually familiar feeling suddenly arose.

Jiang Siji led her up to the second floor, came to the bedroom door, unscrewed the doorknob and gently pushed the door in.

With a click, the indoor lights turned on, Jiang Yi walked a few steps forward, and suddenly saw a human-shaped black and white panda lying on the big bed in the bedroom.

Jiang Yi was taken aback and took a step back. I wonder who is so boring and scary to put such a big doll on the bed.

Jiang Sirai watched her back, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yi patted his chest: "It's okay, it's just that there is a giant panda on the bed which is scary."

Jiang Sirai raised his eyes and looked quietly. He glanced at her and said nothing.

Jiang Yi turned his head and looked at Jiang Siji and asked, "Is there any pajamas to change? I'll take a bath first."

Jiang Siji pointed to the closet and said, "It's all there. You are now a little taller than before, but the clothes should be You can wear it."

Jiang Yi's eyes widened, his previous clothes? Hasn't it been washed?

Jiang Siji seemed to know her thoughts very well, and reluctantly said: "I will wash the clothes regularly and they are clean. Don't worry."

Jiang Yi said, she went straight to the closet and opened the door suddenly. I saw a photo in the middle of the clothes hanging on both sides.

It was a very warm photo. In the bright afternoon, young and immature Jiang Yi was sitting on the grass with a gentle smiling woman in his arms, showing a very sunny smile.

Jiang Yi could hardly control his hand, put his fingertips on the woman's face, and unconsciously shouted: "Mom..."

At that moment, tears slipped down the corner of her left eye. A memory that did not belong to her suddenly appeared in her mind, as clear as she had experienced: a

sickly woman sitting on the grass in the sunny afternoon, she was holding her arms in her arms with a smile, looking up and facing not far away Ning Wenyin, holding the camera, smiled and said, "Aunt Ning, help me and my mother take a picture." After

she finished speaking, she leaned over and kissed the woman, turned her face and said with a smile : "My mother is so beautiful. , I must take a lot of photos and stay..." At

this moment, Jiang Yi was a little confused, whether this was the memory of "Jiang Yi" or her own.

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