Untitled Part 74

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The squad leader and others told Jiang Yi about their current situation one by one. The five people gathered around baking and chatting, and what they said was similar to the information provided by Jiang Siyu.

After a few people finished talking about their current situation, they asked Jiang Yi: "What about you? What have you experienced since you disappeared?"

Jiang Yi talked about encountering a grandmother with an abnormal mental state after waking up, and then joined the army and discharged the army. Said the thing again.

The small squad leader sighed incomparably: "I thought you still wanted to apply for the police academy, but the college entrance examination results came out, and the admission notice arrived at the school, but you are no longer there."

Jiang Yi heard this and said, "I still thought back then. Have you ever applied to the police academy?" You know, before she was hit by a car for saving a child, she went to the police academy.

Wouldn't it happen that her wish was also the wish of "Jiang Yi"?

The small squad leader nodded: "Well, don't you even remember this?" At this point, everyone was a little sad.

Especially Jin Duolai, it is a pity for Jiang Yi: "If you hadn't had an accident, you might have appeared in front of us in a police uniform now. With such good grades and such a righteous person, you will definitely be a good policeman. "

It's not a pity that Jiang Yi, she smiled: "Some things are destined. I think it's good for me to be like this now."

Zhang Yanxi nodded in agreement, "Well, I think so too, you As long as you live happily, it's better than anything."

Chen Wanzhou also agreed with Zhang Yantian's opinion. She nodded thoughtfully, and asked Jiang Yi: "Right, I saw you following Hao the other day. By your side, what are you doing now? Be an assistant for her?"

Jiang Yi grilled a large lobster, looked at Chen Wanzhou and said, "No, how can I be an assistant for her. I signed a contract with her, and now give it to She acts as a personal bodyguard."

Chen Wanzhou was a little surprised when she heard this, she couldn't help but chuckles and laughed: "No, Jiang Yi, you can be her bodyguard, you guys are too good at playing!"

Jiang Yi rolled her eyes and felt Chen Wan Zhou must be thinking about fun play. To be honest, Jiang Siyu wanted to entrust her at the beginning, but Jiang Yi felt that instead of being a white face, it was better to rely on his own labor to eat.

Jiang Yi ignored the gossip eyes of other people, cut open the grilled lobster, sprinkled the sauce and explained his situation: "I have been in the army for four years, and I haven't studied further. I haven't figured out what to do now. , So let Jiang Siji be a bodyguard first."

"Why, I rely on my own skill to eat, do you have any opinions?"

Everyone shook their heads: "No opinion, no opinion."

Then, led by Lin Yinxi, he pestered Jiang. Yi said a lot about joining the army.

The alphas are more or less yearning for life in the army, and Jiang Yi also feels that she can relax with this group of people, so she picked up some interesting things and talked to them.

Everyone was very happy to hear it, and during the period they persuaded Jiang Yi to stay overnight and relive the past. But Jiang Yi was going to pick up Jiang Xi Hao, so he declined the matter, not drinking, and just chatting until the end of the party.

Seeing that it was almost half past four in the afternoon, after Jiang Yi re-added his friend, he said goodbye to his partner and drove to find Jiang Siji.

On the way to the location of Jiang Siji, Jiang Yi received a call from Lin Yinxi.

Maybe it's a melon party. Lin Yinxi has always been a very sensitive person. When she called, she directly asked Jiang Yi: "Jiang Yi, have you met with your mother over there? Did you not plan? Back to Jiang's house?"

Jiang Yi felt a little surprised when he heard this question, but not very surprised. Wearing a Bluetooth headset, she replied to Lin Yinxi as she drove: "Well, no plans, what's the matter?"

Lin Yinxi smiled and said, "It's nothing, I 'm just a little worried about you. There is something else I want to discuss with you. ."

Although he had only seen it once, Jiang Yi didn't feel unfamiliar. She asked, "What is it? You tell me."

Lin Yinxi smiled, and said to her: "I want to open a hot pot restaurant during this period. The capital is still a bit short. If you want to buy a share, let us be shareholders. Let's start a partnership."

Jiang Yi was startled at first when he heard these words, but he quickly realized that Lin Yinxi wanted to help her.

Jiang Yi knows his own situation. Although the mother and family of this body are very rich, Jiang Xixi who raises her now is also very rich, but that is not hers.

She is stubborn in a certain way and has her own dignity. She has always felt that relying on others is worse than relying on herself, so she knows that she can have initial capital by borrowing money, but Jiang Yi also doesn't want to do it.

She graduated from high school, joined the army, and had a long period of study blank. It hasn't been long since I retired from the army, the initial funds are insufficient, and I have nothing to do.

Lin Yinxi took Jiang Yi's situation into consideration, and Jiang Yi really had the money to co-operate to open a hot pot restaurant. After all, she can't always be Jiang Siyu's bodyguard, she also has to plan for her future.

Jiang Yi suddenly felt that this group of "Jiang Yi" friends that he had known in his youth were really good. There was a warm current in her heart, and some of her eyes were red for some reason.

She suppressed her trembling voice, smiled and said: "Okay, if you don't have enough money, just ask me, I happen to have a little here."

Lin Yinxi happily responded, and said to Jiang Yi: "Then turn around. I will send you the plan, and you can ask Jiang Silai to help you see it." After

Lin Yinxi said, taking into account that she was driving, he hurriedly said goodbye and agreed to meet again.

After a while, Zhang Yanxi also came to ask Jiang Yi if he wanted to go to their gym as a personal trainer. The job security of personal training is very high, the clients they contact are all high-end types, and the salary is also very high.

Zhang Huangyan also said: "If you feel pressured by the side of Hao, you can come. We are short of a very capable team leader."

Jiang Yi felt that she might be worried that she felt unhappy with soft rice, so she spoke with such enthusiasm. These are all favors. Jiang Yi doesn't want to owe him yet, so he just said yes.

Chen Wanzhou is a profiteer, saying that he wants to hire Jiang Yi to look at her security team. It lasts a month, but the pay is very good. In addition, there is another job, which is to guide her newly developed amusement park military entertainment project, the price is also very high.

Jiang Yi felt that she might be the same as Jiang Siyu, and both like to give money. But Jiang Yi declined the other party, saying only that he would help if needed. Training can collect money, and she can experience and give opinions on the amusement park project, and the salary is unnecessary.

Jindolai's questioning was more fatal. She asked Jiang Yi if she wanted to go to school for further studies. Jiang Yi didn't want to go to school at all! It's okay not to go to university, but she can continue to study by herself.

However, Jindolai's words reminded Jiang Yi that if she wanted to open a goose farm in the future, she would really have to look at the information. She thought for a while and replied to Jindolai, asking her to help her get some breeding materials and company management materials.

Jindolai couldn't figure out what she was going to do, but he readily agreed.

This group of people didn't discuss it well, but each called Jiang Yi, asked carefully, and took great care of Jiang Yi's emotions.

Jiang Yi couldn't help feeling a little bit, maybe she seems a little down and down in the eyes of others now, after all, she has fallen into a situation where she is nurtured by Jiang Siji.

But when she thought about it, she didn't seem to be wrong. After two years in the rain of bullets, Jiang Yi felt that a stable and comfortable life was the most suitable for her.

If one day she achieves financial freedom, she will definitely lie at home and play games every day, and she will not move, absolutely not.

After chatting with her friends all the way, Jiang Yi finally drove to the address Jiang Siyu sent her. After arriving, Jiang Yi discovered that it was a private hospital. Jiang Yi felt a little bit of a bad premonition in his heart.

She suddenly remembered that Jiang Sixi had said that she was taking some psychiatric drugs. Could it be that her old illness has relapsed?

The more Jiang Yi thought about it, the more anxious he became. He took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Siyu. After the call was made, Jiang Yi quickly said, "Where are you? Why haven't I seen you yet?"

Jiang Siyu's voice was brisk: " I'm out, you look in the rearview mirror."

Jiang Yi heard these words, put his head to the window, and looked behind him. Not far from the car, Jiang Siyu held the umbrella in one hand and waved at her with the mobile phone in the other, with a crooked smile.

Jiang Yi glanced, did not see the medicine or something in her hand, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Hurry up in the car, I'll wait for you, I'll hang up the phone first."

Jiang Yi finished. I hung up the phone, but still waited for Jiang Siji to come over.

Seeing her waiting, Jiang Siji speeded up immediately, came to the side of the car, opened the door, closed the umbrella, and bent over to sit in the passenger seat.

As soon as she came in, she smiled at Jiang Yi and said, "Why is it over so soon? I thought you would be playing until wee hours today." As

she said, Jiang Siyu leaned in front of her and sniffed, and frowned slightly. "Did you have a barbecue? You didn't drink a bar?"

Jiang Yi had already chewed two pieces of gum before he came. At this moment, watching her frown, she unconsciously sniffed the taste on her body, and asked, "Is it great?"

Jiang Si Hao shook his head: "No, I just don't think eating barbecue is good for your body."

Jiang Yi shrugged, "It's okay, but I didn't drink. You asked me to pick you up, I wouldn't dare to drink and drive."

Jiang Si Hao Hearing this, I was a little pleased, pursed his lips and smiled.

Jiang Yi was a little itchy when she saw her smile. She looked up, looked at the sign of the nearby private hospital, pointed and asked: "You said you saw a friend, why did you see the hospital here? Is your friend a doctor? Or are you feeling sick?"

She turned her head and looked at Jiang Si Hao, with a trace of worry hidden in his eyes.

Jiang Siji saw her concern and was very happy. A smile bloomed on her lips: "Jiang Yi, I'm here to see the doctor."

Jiang Yi didn't expect her to answer so readily, and the anxiety in her heart suddenly magnified. She immediately got up and held the steering wheel. She looked at Jiang Siji and asked, "Why do you see the doctor? What is your discomfort? Where is your body? Or is your old illness recurring? How is it going? Why didn't you tell me clearly when you went out? Why do you want to come by yourself?"

Jiang Yi had a lot of questions in her mind. At this time, the joy of meeting with friends was forgotten by her, leaving only endless panic and worry.

Even she herself couldn't realize how such a nervous posture had surgingly exposed her care.

Jiang Siji looked at her expression, and suddenly felt a bit sour for some reason. She felt that she really seemed to have Jiang Yi.

Jiang Siji stretched out his hand to caress her profile and smiled softly as she watched her: "Don't worry about it, I'm just here for a routine review. My illness is much better."

"Also, I Did a check."

Jiang Yi raised his hand, held her hand, and asked in a panic: "What check? Is it a good result?"

Jiang Siji pursed her lips, thinking about it to tease her: "Not a good result? "

Jiang Yi panicked for a moment. She grasped Jiang Si Ha's hand with both hands, a little anxious: "Not a good result? What is the result? Are you sick? Are you seriously ill? Is it serious?"

What's the matter? She finally fell in love with someone, is she still suffering from dog blood? Hasn't Jiang Siji been good all along? Why is the inspection suddenly not a good result?

Is Jiang Sicha terminally ill? What's all this?

Jiang Yi was terrified in his heart, his eyes fixed on Jiang Siyu, and he kept asking: "Is there any treatment? How long will it take? What should I do? What did the doctor say?"

Jiang Siyu saw her expression. Can't help but laugh.

Jiang Yi was stunned when she saw her smile, thinking that when it was all this time, you were still smiling.

Before she could speak, Jiang Sixi suddenly leaned forward, put his hands on her shoulders, and hugged her tightly.

The moment Jiang Siji hugged him over, Jiang Yi felt that his heart was about to be filled.

She hugged Jiang Siyu, patted the background, and asked her ear gently: "What is the bad result, can you tell me?"

Jiang Yi felt that her heart was in such tension. I was shocked to jump out of the atmosphere.

Jiang Siji leaned on her shoulder and nodded. She approached Jiang Yi's ear and held her lazily: "Jiang Yi..."

Jiang Yi held her nervously, and for a moment, she felt that the air around her would be forbidden.

Next, she heard Jiang Siji lie in her ear and said softly: "I...have been tested, and the result is a pity..."

"I'm not pregnant."

This voice seemed to be in Jiang Yi's ears. When the explosion sounded, she was completely confused.

It's not a disease, it's not a bad result, it's just that you are not pregnant. What is this?

Jiang Yi felt they were playing, the results of sleet and lying river like little whispered in her ear: "I have stabbed several bags, no ......"

? "Jiang Yi, you are not not ah"

a Over time, blood surged, Jiang Yi's entire face was red. She hugged Jiang Siyu and called her angrily: "Jiang Siyu!"

Jiang Siyu held her neck with both hands, and looked at her with his head tilted on her shoulders, and blinked: "Huh? What? Is it?"

Jiang Yi died of anger, gave her a hard arm: "Don't go too far!"

Wait for her, she will let Jiang Siyu know if she can do it one day!


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