Untitled Part 34

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After Jiang Yi used Chen Wanzhou's account to board the school forum, he simply replied a few words:

"I'm Jiang Yi, and Jiang Sixi and I are not dating. Our two parents know each other and live close to each other. She injured her leg. , For her mother's sake, I'm taking care of her. Please delete the posts as soon as possible when the main poster sees, and don't spread these false things. PS: Candid shooting is illegal, please don't follow my life.

Jiang Yi finished the last one After sending it out, he returned the phone to the small monitor. Jiang Yi looked coldly: "Thank you for your kindness, but you still don't want to show me these boring things in the future. The

small monitor nodded: "Isn't this for the sake of your reputation, I still have to show you some things." "

Several people chatted again, and soon the class bell rang, and they dispersed and returned to their seats.

After Jiang Yi issued the statement, the forum when the main leader came out was instantly boiled. Checked in and asked Jiang Yi How familiar with Jiang Siyu, and whether she likes Jiang Siyu, she built a few tall buildings. As the

post was posted, some discordant voices began to appear.

One of them was on the first floor. The content is like this: "Jiang Yi and Jiang Sixi are family friends? That's right. "It's

not so much living close, it's better to live together." After the divorce of Jiang Sirai's mother, Ms. Ning, she stayed with Yuncheng's richest man in medicine and has never been married..."

"This man is a very romantic alpha in the circle and has many lovers, so There is such an illegitimate son Jiang Yi. And Ms. Ning has been the only one who brought home the boss for so many years. "

This is something that Jiang Yi's mother hadn't done even if she had Jiang Yi for 16 years..."

When the second get out of class was over, the small class leader took the content of this building in front of Jiang Yi, and she felt baffled.

Jiang Yi was very angry: "There is such a mess of things, how dirty this person's thinking is to write such disgusting things."

She pulled down all the contents of this floor, and suddenly realized after reading it. The people on the first floor are sinister. She said that Jiang Qionghua was romantic and passionate and had many lovers, and Ning Wenyin was just one of her lovers. Ning Wenyin had a bad life after leaving her ex-husband, so she became Jiang Qionghua's mistress.

Later, she could not enter Jiang's house until Jiang Sihao split into Omega.

Both the inside and the outside mean that Jiang Siyu is likely to become a thin horse in Yangzhou.

Jiang Yi was trembling with anger, an angry blood came up, and while holding the cell phone of the small monitor in class, he slammed a wave of the smelly mouse hiding in the dark corner.

Jiang Yi's hand slapped non-stop: "I think you have been in a stinking ditch for a long time, and you haven't seen a normal world. Do you know what you are talking nonsense?

" Ms. Ning is the eldest lady of the Yuncheng Ning family. The property was cut during the divorce, and she took away the heavy shares of Jiang's real estate. She herself was not short of money." (Note: Some shares in the name of Ms. (And company structure)

"She has a dedicated manager to take care of her property. I have seen that manager many times. Ms. Ning is definitely one of the last people in Cloud City."

"As for the Ms. Jiang Qionghua you said is very romantic. As far as I know, apart from having a one-night relationship with my mother, she has no entanglements with other people."

Jiang Qionghua said this. Jiang Qionghua has been secretly in love with the family friend Ning Wenyin since he was twelve years old. Refused, watching her get married and have children, went down to the bar in grief and drank too much, and then fell asleep by Jiang Yi's mother who had a crush on her at the time. After Jiang Yi's mother slept, she ran away with the ball.

Of course, the latter half is what Jiang Yi's mother said.

Jiang Yi sneer, continue baits very swiftly typing:. "Ms. Miss Jiang Hu Ning is childhood, two long-time friend, if Ms. Ning no family marriage, maybe as early as two decades ago to get married."

"So you can Editor, then why don't you say that Jiang Siyu may be Ms. Jiang's biological daughter and my biological sister!"

Jiang Yi is really going crazy, and after a conversation, he said very seriously: "Even if it is an anonymous forum You have to speak responsibly, do you want a lawyer to come to your door?" After

typing these words, Jiang Yi returned the phone to the small monitor and said to her: "Is there a way to know who this person is?" Too cheap, Jiang Yi felt that the other party might lack a bit of social beating.

It is rare for the small squad leader to see Jiang Yi so angry, knowing that she was indeed disgusted this time. She thought for a while and said: "It should be possible to check the IP, but human flesh is illegal."

Jindolai next to him silently raised his hand: "I can try it, but I have to go home and touch the computer today."

Jiang Yi showed her one. Thankful smile. Chen Wanzhou glanced at Jiang Yi's reply and said: "Now the contact person deletes the first floor. This kind of remarks, I look very disgusting."

"Jiang Siyu was originally a man of the world." , If these things are placed in front of her, she

probably wo n't feel very well ." Jiang Yi's expression was very bad: "It's not just uncomfortable, it's just going to be disgusting." Jiang Siyu is just a ten-year-old. Why should a six-year-old girl be subject to such malicious speculation?

How dirty is the heart of a person who can say this kind of thing.

Of course, it is impossible for Jiang Yi to stab Jiang Qionghua or Ning Wenyin in front of these matters and let an adult resolve it. Because of the content inside, it makes people look embarrassed. Let them solve the matters of their school forum.

Jiang Yi clarified angrily, the small squad leader and Chen Wanzhou and others also went online, and they lined up with them, but they completely turned the broken-mouthed person into a villain and killed the rumors in the cradle.

After tossing this morning, all the onlookers basically knew the relationship between Jiang Yi and Jiang Sihao.

It's not a little girl who hid outside of school before, but a relationship that will become a step-sister. In this way, Jiang Xixi's suitors should change Jiang Yi's senses, and even showed a little sympathy. After all, Jiang Siyu will have an extra sister, maybe someone who can deal with each other well.

At the center of the vortex, Jiang Siji didn't know anything about it. Soon after the class bell rang, Jiang Yi came to the door of Class A, leaned on the door and knocked, and shouted inwardly: "Sister Ji Ji, I

'm going to eat." Jiang Si Ji who was clearing the table heard her voice and looked up. Looking at her, a little surprised. She never thought that Jiang Yi would call her that.

Jiang Sidai was a little happy, nodded: "Okay."

After she agreed, Jiang Yi walked into the Class A classroom, came behind Jiang Sidai, and pushed her out of the classroom.

Tang Qing, who originally wanted to take Jiang Siyu to dinner, saw this situation and couldn't help but shouted: "霰霰..."

Jiang Yi and Jiang Siyu who was sitting in a wheelchair turned their heads together and looked at Tang Qing. .

Tang Qing glanced at Jiang Yi, and said awkwardly to Jiang Sixi: "I can also take you to dinner."

Before Jiang Sixi had finished speaking, Jiang Yi said: "Next time, I I promised Sister Xi's mother, she hurt her leg, I have to take care of her."

Jiang Siyu was even more surprised. You must know that before Jiang Yi, he didn't want to get involved with her at all. Suddenly getting involved with his parents now, Jiang Siyu is hard not to be surprised.

But the things that surprised Jiang Siji are still to come.

Jiang Yi not only took her to lunch, but also took her to meet her friends in Class B.

When taking the elevator downstairs, Jiang Siyu realized that in addition to Jiang Yi, there were 4 Alphas from Class B who took her to dinner.

Jiang Siyu actually knew the four of them, but when they met, the enthusiastic little monitor said hello.

After introducing ourselves one by one, the small squad leader said: "We usually have dinner with Jiang Yi, and no one is uncomfortable without it. I hope you won't mind us coming over together."

Jiang Siyu sat down. In the wheelchair, he smiled and said: "No, I'm the one who troubled Jiang Yi." When the

small monitor heard this, he glanced at Jiang Yi, and his eyes were full of melons.

Chen Wanzhou on the side pushed his eyes and added: "It's not troublesome, Jiang Yi is idle, so he should be more helpful."

Seeing the elevator reach the first floor, Jiang Yi pushed Jiang when the elevator door opened. Xi Hao went out and said lazily: "Yeah, I just need to be willing to help others. Why are you Alpha

coming here? I don't know if there is a difference between AO?" Jiang Yi beat them clearly when they were in class this morning. After greeting, I didn't eat with them at noon, but they still followed.

Of course, Jiang Yi didn't really want to eat alone with Jiang Siyu, but she was actually not very happy when others were watching and eating melons. So at this time, her tone was not very good.

The small squad leader called haha: "We are not reluctant to bear you, and you still have to look at Jiang Siyu, we can serve you food."

Come on, tell them everything, Jiang Yi himself What can I say?

Jiang Yichao, the small squad leader, rolled his eyes and endured his irritation and said: "Okay, then I will trouble you."

At noon that day, the well-known 4A and 1 combination had an extra omega, and this omega was still the famous Gaolingzhi Huajiang is like a hail.

From the teaching building to the cafeteria, and even in the cafeteria during this period, many people heard Jiang Yi calling Jiang Siji "Sister Ji". This seems to prove from the side that Jiang Yi and Jiang Xixi are step sisters.

Jiang Siji ate this meal happily under the enthusiastic greetings of the small monitor and others.

She sat next to Jiang Yi and saw her eating and chatting with her friends. She only felt that she was very energetic. For no reason, Jiang Siji tilted her head and looked at her more.

A group of them from Class B are working as teachers in Tucao Ke, and sitting next to them is a completely unrelated Class A monitor, who looks a little out of place.

Jiang Yi was afraid that Jiang Xi Hao would be uncomfortable, and kept paying attention to Jiang Xi Hao's situation. Seeing her looking over, Jiang Yi followed her gaze and just saw the ribs he had picked up.

Jiang Yi looked at the ribs in silence for a while, then turned to look at Jiang Siyu: "Want to eat sweet and sour short ribs?"

She suddenly asked, and everyone else on the table looked over. Especially the small squad leader, also stabbed Chen Wanzhou next to him, with a gossip expression on his face.

Jiang Siji was taken aback and nodded: "Yeah."

Jiang Yi sent the small row to Jiang Siji's mouth, as if feeding Jin Duolai, and said naturally: "Ah..."

Jiang Xi Hao was really stunned this time. She thought for a while, lifted up the long hair scattered on the sideburns, lowered her head and bit the ribs that Jiang Yi handed over.

When he was bitten on the chopsticks, Jiang Yi also began to feel that something was wrong. After Jiang Siji bit the ribs, Jiang Yi quickly reacted, and quickly pulled the chopsticks back, and said in a concealed manner: "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm used to folder Duolai. Don't care too much, my saliva is not poisonous."

Jiang Siji bit the ribs, raised his eyes and looked at Jin Duolai, who was staring at them blankly, and said softly: "I don't mind."

She was good-looking, and she was cold and cold on weekdays. The appearance of the cold Gaolinghua, few people have seen her behave so well in private.

The small squad leader who watched the whole process took a breath and looked up at Chen Wanzhou beside him. The two looked at each other and connected to the brain waves.

Before they thought about it, Jiang Yi said that Jiang Sihao was very gentle.

Now it seems that it is more than gentle, it is obviously very soft.

Sweet and soft, is this Omega?

Before the two of them had finished communicating their brain waves, Zhang Yanxi, who was eating silently next to him, looked up and looked at Jiang Siyu and said very seriously: "Jiang Siyu, I used to think you were so cold. Now I think you are so cute."

Zhang Yanyi's words were astonishing, and everyone's eyes fell on her.

Jiang Yi looked at Zhang Yanmei and wondered if this alpha suddenly opened up and entered the puberty stage of adolescence? Jiang Sirai is indeed very cute, the same-sex Omega is so obsessed with her, let alone alpha.

Jiang Siji glanced at Jiang Yi subconsciously. Seeing her look thoughtful, he paused and looked at Zhang Yanyan and said, "Thank you, but why did you say that?"

Not only her, but everyone present. Want to know the answer.

Especially the small squad leader, with a fierce look on Zhang Yanwan, he almost put the big words "Are you trying to demolish my CP" on his forehead.

Zhang Yanyi was taken aback by everyone's sight. She thought for a while and replied Jiang Siyu: "Because just now, watching Jiang Yi feed you ribs, I always feel like you are a kitten."

"My grandma raised a cat, just like you. Very well-behaved and cute."

Very well-behaved and cute? It's quite appropriate.

Jiang Yi added a piece of spare ribs, put it in his mouth, and smiled: "I didn't expect you to have thick eyebrows and big eyes, and your mouth is quite sweet."

Huh? The small squad leader was shocked, thinking how she heard her words, how yin and yang were strange.

Oh, Jiang Yi won't be jealous anymore!


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