Untitled Part 33

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Jiang Siyu didn't seem to expect Jiang Yi to explode. She looked at the word that appeared on the screen, was silent for a moment, and slowly sent a question mark over.


Jiang Yi didn't think it was appropriate. After all, after Jiang Siyu was twenty-four years old, anytime, anywhere, in every corner of the room, in every hidden place, such as bathroom, toilet, balcony, parking lot, movie theater And so on, you will hear this word.

But it cannot be now.

Jiang Yi treated it as if Jiang Siyu hadn't seen it, and withdrew the news.

Jiang Siyu was even more confused about her behavior. She tentatively poked Jiang Yi again: "Jiang Yi?"

Jiang Yi glanced, and felt that there was no important information, so she didn't plan to reply Jiang Siyu. It was not until the end of the party that Jiang Yi took out his mobile phone from his pocket when he followed Jiang Qionghua home.

Jiang Yi turned on the phone and found out that Jiang Siyu in WeChat gave her a long series of "take a shot." In addition to the shot, there were hundreds of messages, all of which were saying: "Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi shuddered unconsciously as he looked at this long list of messages. She felt that Jiang Siyu might be bored in the hospital, which is why she tossed like this. Jiang Yi endured and endured, and couldn't help but replied: "Why?"

Jiang Sixi answered almost in seconds: "Have you gone back after watching the party?"

Jiang Yi sat in the back seat, tapping his fingers: "Well, it's over. I'm going back."

Jiang Siyu replied obediently: "Okay, go to bed early after you get home, good night."

Jiang Yi replied slightly coldly: "You too, take care of your legs, don't stay in the hospital for too long, goodbye ."

After the sports festival, Jiang Xixi stayed in the hospital for a weekend before returning to school. The length of her hospitalization was a bit short, and before Jiang Yi could enjoy the joy of giving homework to the fracture patients, she was discharged. Regarding this, Jiang Yi is a bit pity.

When going to school on Monday, Jiang Yi was under the noses of the two parents and helped Jiang Xilai in the car to the school.

Just as Jiang Yi was busy pushing Jiang Sihao's wheelchair into the trunk, Ning Wenyin, who was guarding outside the car door, said distressedly: "Now it is inconvenient to go to school in a wheelchair. Hao, otherwise. You'd better take a one-month leave, wait at home and wait for the injury to heal, and then go to school."

Ning Wenyin thinks that this method is more feasible, and said to Jiang Silai: "If you are worried about studying, we can ask The tutor will give you a make-up lesson."

Jiang Yi on the side heard it, and he wanted to raise his hands and feet in agreement. Alas, if Jiang Sixi is at home to make up lessons, she doesn't have to escort Jiang Sixi to school, and she doesn't need to take care of her everywhere in the school.

In this way, they greatly reduce the time they spend alone, which is awesome!

Before Jiang Yi could say his opinion, Jiang Siyu, who was sitting in the car, smiled and said, "Mom, you are too worried. There is an elevator in the teaching building, so I can push the wheelchair by myself. I have to eat. You can ask our classmates for help, you don't have to worry about it."

Jiang Siji Ruoyou glanced at Jiang Yi, who was putting on the wheelchair with Zhengxiao Qin sister, and said softly: "What's more, it's just because of a torn ligament. If you don't let me go to school, then my wife will spoil me too."

Ning Wenyin sighed softly when she heard her say this. Standing next to Ning Wenyin, Jiang Qionghua smiled and put his hand on the other's shoulder and said softly, "Yes, Sister Wen Yin, you don't have to worry so much. Chai is a strong child, but he hurts his foot. It's almost done, don't be so nervous."

"What's more,

Xiaoyi is in the class next door to Hao , and will take care of her for you." Jiang Qionghua finished, looked at Jiang Yi and said, "You say yes. , Xiao Yi. "What

else can Jiang Yi say? Can she say that if she can, she doesn't want to have an intersection with Jiang Siyu at all?

But she cannibalize people, take short hands, and can't say anything. I had to squeeze a smile abruptly, and said contrivedly, "Yes, Aunt Ning, I will take good care of your daughter!"

Ning Wenyin pursed her lips and said to Jiang Yi very seriously: "Then please Xiaoyi It's done."

Jiang Yi, who was entrusted, nodded his head heavily, and responded with a good voice.

After comforting Ning Wenyin who was worried about her daughter, Jiang Yi and Jiang Siyu went to school together.

On the way, Jiang Siji leaned on the car window, looked at Jiang Yi sitting in the corner listening to a song with headphones, and tentatively called her: "Jiang Yi?"

Jiang Yi miraculously heard it this time, and she looked up. Looking at Jiang Siyu, she asked her what she was going to do with her eyes.

Jiang Siji pursed his lips and thought for a while and said, "Do you think it would be better for me to make up lessons at home?"

When it came to this, Jiang Yi became energetic. She took off the earphones, sat upright, looked at Jiang Siji seriously and said, "I think you are in your current situation, and it is indeed more suitable to make up lessons at home."

Sure enough, that's what Jiang Yi thought.

Jiang Siyu was a little unhappy, but she didn't show it on her face. She just looked at Jiang Yi very seriously and asked: "Why do you think that?"

Jiang Yi analyzed with her very seriously: "You hurt your foot, ligament. Tearing is a big deal. If you don't raise it well, you won't be able to do very vigorous leg exercises in the future. In addition, it's nice to have food and drink at home, and there will be no teacher supervising you. There is only one tutor, you love Do whatever you want? Isn't it better than school?"

Jiang Siji felt inexplicably that Jiang Yi had listed so many reasons, but in fact, it was just to entice himself to stay at home. She suddenly understood why Jiang Yi didn't have to stay in the hospital for so long before, but he still refused to go to school for so long.

Jiang Siji bit his lip and said softly: "In my opinion, the student years are very precious. I can stay at home for a long time, but the time spent with teachers and classmates decreases day by day. So compared to staying at home, I prefer to go to school during school time."

Jiang Yi shrugged: "Then you are really a good student who likes teachers and classmates. I am not the same. If you don't go to class to fish, your youth is incomplete if you take sick leave and not go to class."

Jiang Sirai did not speak any more. , I just thought silently in my heart that compared to this kind of busy rest hours, she prefers to stay with the right people at the right time. Because she knew that if she went to school with her injuries, Jiang Yi would definitely not ignore her because of her mother's face.

As soon as this thought arises in his heart, Jiang Siyu is both jealous and a little happy.

She didn't know what other people would think when faced with such a situation, but Jiang Siyu felt that there should be many as despicable as hers. So at this moment, she was despicable and very calm.

She is probably not the kind of good student Jiang Yi said. A good student is not like her. Knowing that I was disliked for doing too much, I still took the trouble to provoke each other. Even...there are more thoughts.

Sister Xiao Qin's car quickly drove to the school gate. Jiang Yi dragged Jiang Sirai's wheelchair from the trunk, half-wrapped Jiang Sirai from the car to the wheelchair, and pushed her into the school gate. .

Jiang Yi slung his backpack across the body, pushing Jiang Sihao, who was holding the schoolbag in his arms, and walked through the boulevard with a cold expression. Along the way, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Many people who knew Jiang Sidai greeted her with concern when they saw her sitting in a wheelchair. But when they saw Jiang Yi behind Jiang Sixi, they all began to communicate with their companions in a subtle way.

After all, on the day of the 1,500-meter race, Jiang Yi, who was in the first place, suddenly stopped, waiting for the sprained Jiang Siji to come over to her, and then the scene of helping her to the finish line was deeply remembered by many people.

Some unidentified students who eat melon, combined with the previous incidents of Jiang Yi in the school cafeteria, are trying to catch the wind, and firmly believe that Jiang Yi is Jiang Xixi's previous girlfriend in a foreign school.

Otherwise, why have so many people confessed to Jiang Siyu since they went to school, but they have lost one after another. In the end, only Jiang Yi, who has just transferred, won Jiang Siyu's favor?

As for the fact that Jiang Yi hasn't split up yet, and that they can't fall in love, it's all in an old antique tone.

What age is this, the feudal dynasty has long fallen. Regardless of her gender, as long as she falls in love, of course she can be together.

Therefore, under this kind of attention, Jiang Yi endured the uncomfortableness all over, and sent Jiang Siyu to the A classroom.

When Jiang Yi pushed Jiang Sihao to the door of Class A, he got the gaze of a group of Class A members headed by Tang Qing and Qin Miaomiao. Jiang Yi glanced at her class A member, stretched out his hand to push behind Jiang Sixi's wheelchair, and said stiffly: "You have arrived in the classroom, and I will come to pick you up for lunch at noon."

Jiang Xi Hao nodded and looked up at her: "Thank you, Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi waved to her, carrying his schoolbag, turned and walked into the classroom from the back door of Class B, pulled down the chair and sat down.

As a result, as soon as she sat down, she saw the small squad leader lying on the front table, leading a group of people such as Chen Wanzhou and Jin Duolai to look at her directly, with scrutiny in her eyes.

Jiang Yi was holding his schoolbag, looking at the group of people with green eyes, feeling a little frustrated, and asked indifferently, "What are you doing?" The

small squad leader didn't say much, and directly took out his mobile phone and slammed the screen in Jiang. On the face of Yi: "

Well, how do you explain this!" That posture is a good wife who is forcing her husband to cheat.

The small squad leader had a stern face and looked aggressive, but he had already begun to glow green. Jiang Yi saw that she was possessed by Jing Jing at a glance, rolled his eyes, and cast his gaze on the phone screen.

I saw a line of thick black fonts appearing on a pink screen: "Bad school bully X high-cold school flower, holding each other in a wheelchair at the school gate, is someone knocking that right?"

Jiang Yi glanced at the title and slid down the title. , Seeing the next few photos, I was stunned for an instant.

Because those few photos were all high-definition pictures of her in a wheelchair with Jiang Sihai half arm around.

Not only that, there are also many high-definition photos of her going to school with Jiang Sirai in the main building. Most of the time, they got out of Xiao Qin's car drill one after another, or they just got in.

There is also a commentary in the picture: "From the moment you beat someone up, you pay attention to Jiang 1. The eyebrows and eyes look fierce, but the facial features are combined, but they are very cold.

She is a very heroic girl. Alpha is ready." I have been observing each other and found that she and Jiang Sirai have a very close relationship, and they have been going to and from school after the transfer."

"Although I have inquired about being a family friend, I still can't help but guess that she might be dating Jiang Sirai. "

I heard that Jiang Siyu gave her water..." The

main building, Balabala, enumerated all the interactions between Jiang Yi and Jiang Siyu. Jiang Yi hurriedly finished reading, holding the phone and raising his head, he glared fiercely at the small squad leader: "You wrote it?" The

small squad leader was so fierce by her that he rolled his eyes fearlessly, and said to Jiang Yi: "You can't Do you have a little trust in our friendship? I gossip with you privately at most, looking for you to eat melons, how can I be so exciting, I can't wait for the world to know it."

Jiang Yi of course understands that it is not her, but just wants to defraud her. She snorted coldly and said, "I don't even dare to think of you. But do you know who wrote this? Writing this thing too affects my image. There are too many rumors and talk, not good." The

small squad leader hates iron and steel. "Affect your image? Do you know who you are rumoring with? That's Jiang Siyu! The flower of Gaoling River is Siyu!"

Jiang Yi rolled his eyes: "So what?" The

small class sighed, "So ah, You two go to school together every day. The relationship is so good. Is it really innocent? You know, as soon as this post came out, you and Jiang Sixi were tied together."

"Jiang Yi, if you don't want to be caught If people misunderstand, it's better to clarify this post by yourself. Otherwise, your relationship with Jiang Siyu is really not clear."

The small squad leader did have the mentality of eating melons at first, but they stayed with Jiang Yi every day, and of course they knew that Jiang Yi and Jiang Siyu were not in that kind of relationship. Sometimes, Jiang Yi still doesn't like other people linking her with Jiang Siyu.

Especially at the literary show that day, the small squad leader sat next to Jiang Yi and knew that Jiang Yi's mother was Jiang Qionghua, he realized the true relationship between Jiang Yi and Jiang Sixi.

The family relationship between the two of them is complicated, so when seeing this CP post, the small squad leader wanted to eat melons, but also hoped that Jiang Yi could clarify a little bit so as not to make the rumors too embarrassing.

Jiang Yi thought for a while, and felt that the thinking of the small squad leader was quite right. She thought about it carefully, and said to the small squad leader: "Okay, let me go up and clarify. By the way, lend me an account." The

small squad leader is very pleased: "That's right." Then, she greeted. Chen Wanzhou, let Jiang Yi log in to her account.

While Jiang Yi was landing, the small squad leader lay on the table, and asked without death, "So Jiang Yi, are you and Jiang Sixi living together?"

Jiang Yi glanced at it for three seconds. The squad leader, who was barely visible, asked coolly, "What do you think?" The

small squad leader didn't say anything, but Chen Wanzhou on the side pushed his glasses and said, "OK, we understand."

She finished. After that, the small squad leader led a group of people and nodded their heads.

Jiang Yi was speechless.

You understand, you understand a hammer!


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